$MONEY$ dozens of upvotes evil women I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA oppressed men pussy pass reddit

Redditor: Do Your Bit for Gender Equality by Telling Women They’re Terrible

Hey fellas, do you ever find yourself wondering: why are women so terrible? Well, over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a fella named osaap has a partial answer: because dudes don’t criticize them enough!

So, fellas, the next time you see a woman, tell her she’s a mean, thoughtless, selfish, lazy little bitch, and that you won’t be giving her a “pussy pass” any longer. You’ll be doing your part for real gender equality. Pay it forward, by putting her down.

Judging from the dozens of upvotes osaap’s post got, and the almost-100% positive response it received from commenters there, it sounds like a lot of Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers are on board with this ingenious new form of activism.

This post is mostly

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12 years ago

The notion behind this post sounds eerily like Southern paternalism that slave owners used to adopt.
Not really surprised by this, though. Just eerie.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Wait, so now men are the sexual gatekeepers?

And the standards of horny dudes are the only ones that matter—women don’t have families and friends, now?

I’m so confused.

12 years ago

well, this is certainly an ingenious way of avoiding the ‘you guys arent activists, you just hate women’ issue

12 years ago

In MRAspeak, this only applies to hot young women. Those of us who’ve aged out of or don’t meet their beauty standards are exempt, I assume.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

How do these guys think women pay rent?
How do they think we make friends?
How do they think we raise children?

I’m sure they have answers to all that, all of which are completely frothing and convoluted and delve deeper and deeper into conspiracy theories the more you question it. But it’s weird and creepy that they can’t accept that women face basic human challenges like money and relationships.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

All I can really say is it’s refreshing to finally find a group that thinks men taking charge of women is good for society.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Not just conspiracy theories, by the way. Entirely vagina-centric conspiracy theories. See, we pay rent by fucking guys or by extorting guys we previously fucked, that’s also how we pay for our children (and children require no resources besides money, don’t be silly), and we make friends with either men who want to fuck us or women we’ll form fucking-men teams with.

Sometimes I feel just like a hovering reproductive system, typing on this keyboard with my ovaries.

(That’s a joke, of course. Really, I’m sex-bribing a man into typing this for me.)

12 years ago

My theory is these guys watcfh WAAAAAAAAYYYYY to many movies/read books and don’t really interact with real world women. That just has to be it….all the women I know have jobs, have friends and family and are living just as humanly as possible as much as men are…

Now are there women that use therre looks to try to get out of things and get their way? Sure! Hoever there are also men that do the same thing…..its not like men are perfect little princes like the MRAS seem to think

12 years ago

I’m actually a bit acquainted to a woman who’s conventionally attractive, and has talked about how easy it is to dupe other people into paying for you in various situations, and how easy it is to take advantage of people… and she eventually married some rich guy who supports her.
The thing is, she’s diagnosed with “anti-social personality disorder and psychopathic tendencies”. It’s like these MRA people believe all women actually have a personality disorder.

12 years ago

And y’all have the audacity to think that MRAs hate women. Pshaw!

12 years ago

They know that they don’t have to be anything but good looking.

It is perpetually astounding to me that misogynists can take a factual statement like “in our society, women are often judged solely on their appearance, rather than being seen as whole people” and turn it into “women get to be judged solely on their appearance, THIS IS SO UNFAIR TO MEN.”

12 years ago

Well yes, as we all know, human beings reach the full potential for humanity by constantly being put down and told they’re worthless.

Yes there are a lot of men who only value women for their looks. It always amazes me though, that when MRAs actually see the real problem or issue they immediately veer off into exactly the wrong solution to the problem. It seems to be a very consistant trait amongst them.

The correct answer (at least partial) is that perhaps if men like you appreciated more about a woman than her looks, you’d start noticing women who have more to offer and are more likely to appreciate more about you than your bank account.

I know misandry. Time to go light another FUCKING SCENTED CANDLE!

12 years ago

pangea: They don’t hate women… they want women to be able to achieve their full potential.

I don’t know quite what it is, the MRM manual on women seems a bit contradictory… have kids, be young and “hot”, like to fuck anytime the right man wants to fuck (this seems to be the one making whatever “argument” is being floated at the moment, but there may be some objective standard based on publicly declared relationship), never have sex with anyone but, “The Right Man”, don’t tease men by being hot in public, take care of the kids, the house, the shopping, be self-supporting, be able to maintain a decent conversation, eschew education, never divorce, never complain, never get old.

Always be cheerful, while declaring that any man, any where, any time was always better than the most accomplished woman who ever lived, and is certainly smarter, more clever and more worthy than you are.

And smile when you say it.

12 years ago

Btw I realized that the idea that MRA:s would believe that all women have anti-social personality disorder doesn’t make sense either, because part of what that means is that you just DON’T CARE if people tell you that you’re a bad person, hurt others etc. The person David is quoting above apparently believe that as evil as women are, they WOULD care if people started to tell them that they were constantly behaving badly.

12 years ago

You know something? People should be kind and thoughtful and generous and giving and self-sacrificing (within reason) and compassionate. No one should be able to skate by on looks alone while being a complete asshole. That goes for both men and women…and even children, to the extent they are able.

But does anyone think for one second that these guys would give the time of day to a kind, thoughtful, generous, giving, self-sacrificing, compassionate woman who wasn’t also centerfold material? Because I highly doubt it.

12 years ago

Oh I don’t know..I don’t have anti social tendancies, but if I had to deal with MRA bullshit 24/7, I don’t think I’d give a shit for very long. I mean, where’s the incentive here? To live another day listening to their bullshit while feeding their egos? Been there, done it and kicked his ass to the curb.

12 years ago

“Let’s not be driven only by our sexuality. Let’s use our brains more.”

Yes, please do.

12 years ago

I would genuinely like to know if these guys believe they are kind, thoughtful, generous, giving, etc. You’d think probably not. But then MRAs are not known for their self awareness. (Well, actually, I suppose in a way they are.)

i’m sure that the ways in which women in their lives are kind to them are completely invisible to these guys because they’re expected. Listing a few here (and assuming that most MRAs are godawful crashing bores IRL, which seems likely): they likely have women laughing at their bad jokes, listening to their boring stories and pretending to be interested in their dumbass opinions, smiling and going along with it when they say something shitty and obnoxious, allowing them to mansplain stuff the woman knows more about, refraining from criticising them or finding the most tactful possible way to express criticism when there isn’t an alternative, and expressing concern if they’re upset. If they’re in a relationship then they likely have a woman doing the majority of the housework, taking care of them if they’re sick, reminding them to make doctor’s appointments, buying their clothes, remembering their family’s birthdays– to list a very few of the ways of being kind to people that are disproportionately expected of women.

But I wonder if these guys ever do anything like that for anyone else. I really suspect they don’t. I think they’re so oblivious that they don’t even know that these are things people actually make an effort to do for other people sometimes, and the only time they notice it is when women don’t do it for them. Because women who don’t do those things are evil and selfish.

Oh wait… some of them are probably Nice Guys who do things like this for women, but think it means they’re owed sex.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

So osaap (the Order of St. Augustine in Asia and the Pacific?) thinks that men should “hold women to a higher standard” of kindness, thoughtfulness, generousness, giving-ness, willingness to sacrifice, and compassion.

But when a woman says “hey dudes, I don’t give a shit about meeting your impossible sexual/beauty standards because I’m busy trying to be more kind, thoughtful, generous, giving, self-sacrificing, and compassionate,” that’s not good enough.

Clearly our adherence to the sexual preferences of random dudes on the Internet is still a necessary component, even if it’s not a sufficient one. LOLno.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

…And now, having typed that list of adjectives twice, I see they can all be translated as “being more providing of the sex on demand.” Got it.

12 years ago

MRA dudes, I know you don’t want to accept this, but you didn’t invent being an asshole. We’ve all encountered assholes before, and we are bored.

12 years ago

“kind, thoughtful, generous, giving, self-sacrificing and compassionate,”

These are things women are already expected to do far more. Sexists only think women aren’t doing it enough because they have different standards. Any woman who has any self care or care for other women, rather than dedicating every second to catering to men, isn’t being kind, thoughtful, generous, giving, self-sacrificing, and compassionate in their eyes.

12 years ago

@ Dani- Remember, the sex on demand must only be to a card carrying good guy/Beta male. If you are having sex on demand with a man later determined to be an alpha then you are a slut and become worthless. Also, if you have sex on demand with too many good guys you also are a slut and worthless.

So, get married at 18 to the first guy you have sex with and have sex whenever he wants it forever. You can never get divorced though, because then you’d be raping him for spousal and child support. But if you wait until you can provide for yourself so that you don’t need his paycheck… well then you are too old.

12 years ago

Yes, there certainly aren’t enough people criticizing women on the Internet, especially on Reddit. Thank god MRAs are here to solve that problem.

12 years ago

The only solution is to communize the cunt. It shall save mankind!

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