$MONEY$ antifeminism antifeminst women dozens of upvotes evil women FemRAs hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men reactionary bullshit the spearhead threats your time will come

Scented Candles Oppress Men: The Spearhead at its self-proclaimed best.

Woman oppressing men and destroying civilization with a SCENTED MOTHERFUCKING CANDLE!!

Men’s Rights Activists and manosphere misogynists love to complain that I “cherry pick” quotes in an attempt to make them look bad. Which makes it especially ironic that all too often when I call them out on some particular bit of bullshit, they more or less double down on that bullshit, reiterating and in many cases amplifying the terrible things they originally said.

Several days ago, I wrote about a Spearhead post from W.F. Price with the priceless title “After 25, Women Are Just Wasting Time.” It was appalling even by Spearhead standards. Price used the untimely death of a talented young writer named Marina Keegan as an opportunity to rehash the belief, widely held in the manosphere, that women over the age of 25 who haven’t managed to snag themselves a “good husband” are “just wasting time,” growing older and uglier and less appealing to men. (Evidently, women’s appeal to men is the only thing that really matters about them.)

Price’s article inspired numerous comments from Spearheaders that were even more grotesquely misogynistic and cruel than his own post; Price at least pretended to care about the dead girl, even though his post was a crass and opportunistic insult to her memory.

And it inspired one regular Man Boobz commenter, a 26-year-old woman, to wade into the muck that is the Spearhead’s comments section to point out that Price’s grand narrative of female decline after age 25 has no relation whatsoever to her own life story:

I’m 26 years old. 27 terrifyingly soon. I am nothing like the person I was when I graduated college.

After originally getting a film degree, I’ve just started nursing school.
I’m living on the other side of the country and loving the different culture here.
I’m dating a wonderful guy who mysteriously didn’t dump me on my 25th birthday.
I’m doing difficult, not always fun, but ultimately socially useful work, work I couldn’t imagine myself doing when I graduated college.

Since I graduated college, I’ve read more books, worked on more movies, learned more skills, lifted more weight, traveled more places, marched in more protests, gotten published more times, saved more lives than I thought I ever would.

And I’m still only 26.

You think I’m going to stop protesting and writing and working the wild Saturday midnight shift in the ER before I’m 30? Before I’m 60?

Or do you think it doesn’t matter because I might not be as fuckable then?

Well then fuck you. I’m 26 and I got miles to go.

(Oh, and I’m way better at sex now. Guys who thought I hit my “expiration date” just around the time I was first learning what a Kegel was, you are missing out.)

The Spearheaders responded, predictably enough, with downvotes and insults and a lot of mainsplainy comments suggesting that she’s regret it forever if she doesn’t get married ASAP and start popping out children.

The strangest comment of the bunch came from a Spearhead “Shieldmaiden” (that’s what they call female commenters on The Spearhead, for reals) by the name of Andie, who launched into a barely coherent tirade that somehow revolved around, er, SCENTED CANDLES!

Price, after seeing Andie’s rant mocked by the commenters here, decided to feature it today as the Spearhead “Comment of the Week.” So without further ado, here is what Price considers to be the Spearhead community at its best:

@26 year old woman

Let’s see how you feel when you’re 29 and the end of everything possible is right at your doorstep. Hell, lots of women are infertile at 26. Done. You won’t do everything. You won’t be a mother.

And if that doesn’t bother you, darlin’, you ain’t a woman.

And if your plans are to actually BE a mother (as in do the damn work), you are already in very deep water.

Your resume will never put his chubby little arms around you and tell you he loves you, like a child will. Your resume will never give you grandchildren, like your children might. Your resume will never share in all your joys, all your sorrows, all your triumphs, all your tragedies, like your husband will.

But you WILL be able to rape that resume of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS over your lifetime. Yay!

The fastest growing consumer product category: scented candles. SCENTED FUCKING CANDLES.

Yes, 26 year old woman, all your education and opportunity and rights have resulted in millions of children raised without fathers, the total destruction of the family, the rise of GIANT ASS government to give all those wymyns a place to work (doing utterly useless shit) and what was it for? What did we gain?


Nicely done, ladies. Really good job.

Fuck you, bitch. My daughters are coming for you. And millions of daughters just like mine. We see you, you superficial piece of trash. You have cost us our lives. For patchouli candles.

You will pay.

Go back and read @26 year old woman’s comment, then read Andie’s again. Quite a contrast, wouldn’t you say?

I should note that when Price first posted the quote, he evidently left out the last few paragraphs; perhaps even he realized they were a tad over the line as a response to a woman whose only real “crime” was telling the Spearheaders that her life was interesting and fulfilling to her, and that she wasn’t planning on having any babies in the foreseeable future. (And if they didn’t approve of her life, too fucking bad for them.)

In the comments to Price’s “Comment of the Week” post, HL offers this thought:

Every time something like this comes up, it becomes ever more apparent that the ignorance, hate mongering, bigotry and fallacies rests so much more heavily on the side of the feminists.

To paraphrase Rick James, lack of self-awareness is a hell of a drug.

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12 years ago

So many capital letters!

12 years ago

yes peter-andrew: nolan(c), how is your plot to poison school-age girls going?

12 years ago


12 years ago

So many capital letters!

Well, duh, it’s a binding contract.

12 years ago

david, quick put the fringed flag back up. if he posts again afterwards you can cast a binding spell on him and steal all his troy gold

12 years ago


If I understand correctly, now I have a binding contract with him. I must rush down to the county recorder’s office to file this legally effective document of LAW.

12 years ago

For some reason, this is my favorite part (p. 6):

Given this book is written in English the audience is limited to the English speaking world. Some of my German friends have been concerned at my comments which they take to include Germany. This book does not include Germany or none English speaking lands. I do
not speak your language so I have no comment on you land and people. So if you happen to be German and reading this? This book is not intended to include Germany. Most Germans are very shocked to hear what is happening in the English speaking world. They assume if it
was that bad it would have been in the news here.


Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

The ebook’s (*snort*) links to the crimesagainstfathers forum don’t seem to go to specific pages (I only tried one), but it sure is quite the cesspit of totally not hatred of women. Here’s one thread in which a woman who says wife abusers should go to jail is accused of misandry:

It’s nice to know what passes for a man-hating screed these days.

12 years ago

I must rush down to the county recorder’s office to file this legally effective document of LAW.

yeah, no the county record’s office is an artifact of the illegal corporate government and has no effect on a sovereign citizen like p-a: n(c). you need convene a common law court to consider the validity of the contract.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I wish every book started out by pointing out what language it’s in and why there are books, and what advantages books have over video.

It’s important not to assume any premise at all. What if someone got something wrong? Like, what if a mangina read my book and then was like “right on!” but then I pointed out “no, this book is not for manginas, manginas are attacked within its pages, I find manginas disgusting as I pointed out on pages 1-85 and 97, please see the index for more”?

It would just be a waste of my time!

Which is why we have writing like P___don(c)’s.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Oops, I started reading the free e-book but soon found this:

Just in case any women are reading this, and you should not be as it is not for you, should you write more slander about me you will be going into the man-hating womens forum for your country.

I had to stop reading because I don’t have 1000 troy ounces of gold to pay the legal fees that I might incur from reading while being a woman.

12 years ago

Q03. How do you exercise your rights?
A03. You just go about your business and when you do things that invoke your rights you are exercising them.
For example freedom of speech. Go out and talk to people and you are exercising your freedom of speech. When
someone tries to tell you that you can not speak in some way or say some thing tell them you claim the right to
freedom of speech and they have no right to violate your right. Simple.


12 years ago

in appendix 7 he claims this cost him 300,000 euro to make

12 years ago

It cost him that much to make? Even though its free I wouldn’t read it.

Too bad its not considered a public service to pour that much dribble over the internet eh?

12 years ago

I need to see the “man-hating womens forum” for Canada. I would love to make some new friends.

12 years ago

He recommends young men talk to their fathers and get them to send their money to p-a:n(c), p. 27.

Dad, Peter-Andrew: Nolan© has spent more than 3,500 hours of his own personal time over four years at a personal cost of more than $A500,000….including having his HOUSE stolen!!!… work to secure MY RIGHTS. Please correct me if I am wrong but isn’t it YOUR JOB to make sure MY RIGHTS ARE SECURED? Or did you, at some point, decide that it should be the criminals in the guvment that secured MY RIGHTS?
I am YOUR SON. YOU ARE OBLIGED TO SECURE MY RIGHTS just as I would be obliged to secure the rights of my son should I one day be so blessed. If it can be shown that the people you have delegated the protection of the law to are CRIMINALS it is YOUR JOB to protect ME. It is YOUR JOB to take back the DELEGATED responsibility of Due Process of Law and secure MY RIGHTS and the rights of other men just like you and me.
That is why Peter has done this. He knows it was an OBLIGATION as a man and a father to secure the rights of ALL people in Australia. Millions of men died in WW II securing our rights. Peter called for other fathers to join him and very few did so HE has had to shoulder a LARGER part of the load because men just like you REFUSED TO DO YOUR JOB. Peter-Andrew: Nolan© spent EVERY CENT HE HAD as well as a vast amount of time DOING
So I have a question. How much are you going to PAY HIM for ALREADY doing YOUR JOB? How much is MY FREEDOM and securing MY RIGHTS worth to you? His paypal is [email protected] Let me know how much you PAY HIM for ALREADY doing YOUR JOB. I would be interested to know what price you put on MY FREEDOM and securing MY RIGHTS. If you pay him nothing? So be it.

I hope someone videotaped those conversations.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I love how he uses his copyright acronym, TBT, in sentences. Also:

I was the subject of an attack by 6 wild dogs in Bucharest. They have quite a problem with wild dogs and they regularly attack people and sometimes even kill them. There was not even a stone or a stick at hand. So I made the dogs understand that if they attacked me then one or two of them would die. The dogs barked and circled me for longer than a minute before they made the decision between themselves to leave me alone. None of them even tried to get closer than a few feet as they realised that I was well able to kill one or two of them.

Are we sure P___don(c) isn’t Dwight Schrute?

12 years ago

It is YOUR JOB to take back the DELEGATED responsibility of Due Process of Law and secure MY RIGHTS and the rights of other men just like you and me.

i love how he talks about legalese but then he pulls this shit where he just throws a bunch of legal terms together in a sentence as if it means something

12 years ago

Oh the wild dogs thing has come up before, but I can’t remember the thread. He also gave a speech once when he was a child, that was so eloquent that they created a holiday in his honor or something.

I’m listening to one of his videos, and here are more TRUE FACTS from p-a:n(c):
“When you’re born a berth certificate is created, that’s b-e-r-t-h because they treat you like a ship, a vessel.”

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

He’s quite the etymologist.

LAWyers “practice” law, and Family LAW is actually Family Legislation!

This guy’s a troy ounce of gold a minute, I tell ya.

12 years ago

Peter-Andrew Nolan (copyrighted fool).

How about you debate the FACTS presented in The Truth Be Told openly in public. Or are you too gutless to do that?

Ooh…the dreaded “double-dog dare”. If he doesn’t pipe to your tune, and immediately jump to do your bidding he’s a gutless coward.

Let me guess, there haven’t been too many downloads of the free book (must suck to discover you can’t even give it away), and you want to drum up business.

Good luck with that.

12 years ago

So much legally binding truth-knowledge being dropped on us!!!


12 years ago

@Sharculese – I’m not sure I understand why you think the man’s post is “hilarious”. It sounds like someone caught in a legal system he doesn’t understand, and that isn’t designed for him to understand.

The MRA has a really good point to make when critiquing family law. Too often, in a divorce, children are alienated from their fathers. Dads are important, and most kids love their fathers. It’s hard for kids to only see Daddy on the weekends and for alternate holidays. Very heartbreaking for every one involved.

I would guess that Peter went through something similar. He is probably in a lot of pain if he is being denied daily access to his children.

Isn’t it a kind of reverse sexism to think that men should just be able to deal with separation from their children? Why can’t we conceive of men as creatures who are every bit as invested in their children as women are? Whose hearts break when they look into the bedroom and see an empty bed, the Snoopy jammies neatly folded waiting for the weekend?

I have to say, I have enormous sympathy for men who are separated from their children through divorce. I think of my husband and his love for our children and I can literally NOT imagine what he would have to do before I would take our children from him. He loves them more than his life. Thank god I adore my husband and this is not an issue I anticipate facing.

Seriously, though. I know this website loves to mock the things men say in anger, but sometimes that anger comes from a place of deep and abiding despair. There is nothing worse than losing your children.

It’s not different for men. They love the same.

12 years ago

See you only guess that he has been through that you don’t actually know.

12 years ago

“Seriously, though. I know this website loves to mock the things men say in anger, but sometimes that anger comes from a place of deep and abiding despair. There is nothing worse than losing your children.”

I refuse to entertain that lie. MRAs are not put upon innocents. They are abusers who lost complete control of some of their victims. Fathers who are not abusers get shared and joint custody most of the time. Even abusers frequently get shared and joint custody too frequently, because the courts are happy to demonize women at all times. To lose access to your kids invariably means that the man in question did something horrible. The men on MRA forums confess to abuse of women and children all the time.

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