A talented journalist, playwright and activist died last weekend in a car crash shortly after graduating from Yale. Marina Keegan was 22. Before she died, she wrote an essay for the Yale Daily News urging her classmates to keep alive the sense of possibility they brought with them when they first arrived at college:
We’re so young. We’re so young. We’re twenty-two years old. We have so much time. There’s this sentiment I sometimes sense, creeping in our collective conscious as we lay alone after a party, or pack up our books when we give in and go out – that it is somehow too late. That others are somehow ahead. More accomplished, more specialized. More on the path to somehow saving the world, somehow creating or inventing or improving. …
What we have to remember is that we can still do anything. We can change our minds. We can start over. Get a post-bac or try writing for the first time. … We’re so young. We can’t, we MUST not lose this sense of possibility because in the end, it’s all we have.
Over on the Spearhead, W.F. Price notes her death, and quotes these words, and more, from her essay. His point? That she was wrong.
By the time you hit 25 or so – just three years out of college – your life is pretty much set, he argues, and “your future can be fairly well predicted by your life at that point.” And this apparently goes double for women. Price titles his post: “After 25, Women Are Just Wasting Time.”
And why is that? Because if they’re not married to a good earner by then, or at least with the guy they plan to settle down with, they’re fucked. While an “average girl,” as Price puts it, should have snagged her future husband by age 21, non-average college girls buy themselves only a few more years.
As Price explains it:
Four years of college buys women precious little time in the mating market. … I’d guess … about exactly as much time as it takes for them to complete it, because their pool of future mates tends to go through the same process … That’s to say that she has her best shot to land a good match up to perhaps 25.
There are a few, well, let’s just call them plot holes in Price’s story here, but let’s hear him out:
The problem with young women today is that they internalize this “anything is possible” attitude and don’t lose it until it really is too late for many of them. They think they can do better at 30 than at 22, which, in most cases, is simply wrong. Some might say that family and men are not a priority for these girls, but women for whom this is really true throughout life are an insignificant minority. In fact, most women are holding out precisely because they think they can get a better man later, perhaps when they have a better job and work with more powerful men.
But these girls are not going to change fundamentally, and in their early 20s are at the peak of their beauty while still retaining an innocent charm. Nothing about their looks or personality is going to make them more appealing at 30 than at 22, and the men available to them are not going to get any better, either….
The point is that neither men nor women change fundamentally past a certain point, and the same guys young women have available in their early 20s are generally the same guys that will be available at 30, only they will be older and, due to marriage, there will be far fewer of them.
Yep, we’re back to the hoary old story of the bad boy cock carousel once again. Better grab hold of a good hearted beta while the getting is good, ladies – because by the time you finish off your slutty dalliances with the bad boy alphas your looks will be gone and no man (alpha or beta) will want to have anything to do with you.
Price continues, cranking the melodrama up to eleven:
Time tends to accelerate past a certain age, and the 25-year old woman soon finds herself 30, and then 35, and at that point she’s got precious little of it left. Perhaps at 22 she was laughing about the “comical” notion that it could ever be too late, but after a certain point it is no longer comedy, but tragedy, and her laughter turns to tears.
Now, none of this is original, and none of it is true. What’s interesting is just how badly misogynistic manospherians want it to be true. They must, because they tell this same story to themselves over and over and over, like small children requesting their parents to read their favorite bedtime story “again!” They (the misogynists, not the children) love the idea that the women who turned them down – or who, at the very least, rejected their brand of patronizing patriarchy – will get their comeuppance in the end, the more humiliating, the better.
Price at least pretends to care about the women he’s trying to scare straight (into marriage). But some of the commenters on his site can’t be bothered to contain their glee at the notion of spurned thirtysomething women collapsing into tears.
The Contrarian Expatriate turns on the sarcasm:
But why shouldn’t women feel this way? Women “can have it all.” They are “fabulous.” Women rule. Women first. Women are 20 when they’re 30, and 30 when their 40. Women, women, women.
Screech, crash, halt! (Then comes reality when the cuteness wears off and the pounds set in….).
Eximio shares a “shit that never happened” story of a high school reunion he went to:
[M]en do age better than women. I looked around at the women and they all just looked old to me. I could not imagine myself with any of them. They had lost whatever charm they had and I found attractive the last time I had seen them. Almost all of the men that were there with their spouses were with younger women. …
As for the women specifically, while they all seemed old, I noted that the happiest of the lot talked about their family. Some of them were married, some of them divorced, but in both cases they talked about their kids. They were clearly the most fulfilled. Many of the other women than I knew had pursued consuming careers were not at the reunion. Those that were, and who did not have children, had a whiff of pain on their faces. They seemed to be looking around and suddenly forced to face the consequences of their choices.
Or maybe they noticed that a patronizing douche was giving them the once-over, and shot him a dirty look.
Ode apparently finds it all so hilarious he is unable to maintain his balance:
The problem with college today is that it teaches a woman that she has an IQ of 115 so naturally she spends her time chasing after men who she perceives to be her “equal”, the top 15% of the men within society. Or to put it another way, a college educated woman thinks she’s better than 85% of everybody else.
Sorry honey the only thing your degree in liberal arts or communications tells me is that you have IQ above 100. Which means you’re better than the bottom 50% of society. No other conclusions can be made. Of course most women will never understand this. They will spend the rest of their bitter lives believing the reason why they couldn’t get Mr. Right is because men are afraid of a strong and smart women.
Falls over laughing!
Rmaxd offers a somewhat different explanation for Marina Keegan’s optimism; I’m not quite sure I even understand it.
What Mira [sic] is expressing, her not needing a man, that precisely because she doesnt need a man she can get everything she wants, well into her 50′s …
She’s accepted her feminist brainwashed idiocy & tried to turn it into a social norm
Her fantasy entails her getting an education, & competing in cut-throat environments designed for men … which require a male intolerance for anything not rational or logic
All the while her fantasy involves a child as an accessory & strong alpha thug, who’ll rescue her instead of pumping & dumping her to kingdom come …
Her vagina also gives her magical powers to screw over sex hungry beta’s without game, as a backup plan, if the jamaican thugs from her sex tourism never get round to playing captain save-a hoe, when she hits 30 …
Beta’s, a deranged feminists insurance policy, for when her vagina no longer cashes cheques she cant write …
Our old pal JeremiahMRA (a.k.a. Things Are Bad) suggests, in a series of comments, that we should push the whole timetable up a few years, forcing girls to get married to whomever their fathers say shortly after puberty. No, really, that’s his actual argument:
Honestly women shouldn’t be going to college at all. It’s a complete waste and takes away from people who can actually get something from education: men. The only reason they do it is to inflate their egos….
[I]t’s more accurate that after puberty, women are just wasting time. Wasting time slutting around, going to school, working, when they should be getting married to whomever their fathers say and having children, which is really all women are good at.
Today women choose mates based solely on lust and greed. Women don’t love, the only thing they love is getting fucked hard and being provided for by a man or the government. This is why in any sane (patriarchal) society a girl’s father decides who she is to marry.
Most of these comments got dozens of upvotes, with only a handful of downvotes. Jeremiah’s comments, a bit reactionary even for The Spearhead, got more than a few downvotes, but still only a fraction as many as the upvotes they got. Only Rmaxd got more downvotes than up, perhaps because his comments made no fucking sense.
So nice that The Spearheaders have taken the time from their day to honor the memory of a promising writer whose life was cut short.
This post contains some:
Oh let me guess. This guy is well past college age, and stuck in a shitty dead-end job with no hope of anything better, and it bothers him that there are women who have great, fullfilling jobs. Must suck to be him living in a society saturated with intelligent career women. He probably feels quite small.
My mom is 44 and she, since turning 40, has gotten a degree, a 6 figure income level job promotion (not even related to her degree), 2 grandkids (mine), remarried and is super happy, and bought a house. I had kids young like my mom and it gives me enormous hope to see her still growing and changing and making her life better and better. I know my life is going to change drastically in the next 5 years to 30. I don’t even have a plan for those years yet, but I am certainly not going back to the only job I’ve had (grocery store deli clerk) or staying a full time housewife which I am now.
I am seriously a horrible housewife for one thing.
This is arguably true. I’m sure my wife did completely rethink her life in her late 20s, which included a complete career change, to inflate her ego. But from what I hear from her relatives and long-term friends, this ego-inflation did her nothing but good, transforming her from a shy, awkward twentysomething into the clever, witty, endlessly opinionated and generally remarkable woman that I met at 35.
Naturally, I disagree with all of this, even the bit about “slutting around”. In my experience, there’s a very very strong correlation between someone’s level of sexual confidence and the amount of “slutting around” they did when they were single and had the best opportunities.
Fuck me, that’s a bleak and despairing worldview – just how messed up must your life be to think like that? My wife and I provide for each other and share the chores as equally as possible – I paid for her master’s degree, which a few years later increased her earnings to the point where she could subsidize the roughly 50% pay cut that I took in order to pursue my dream as a freelance writer. No lust or greed, plenty of love – and the idea that my father-in-law would pick a husband for her (or want to) is just hilarious.
Way to completely misunderstand what Price meant. He was talking to men and women, about the cost of postponing the moment when they define their identity. This post is an enormous lie.
My vagina gave me magical powers to turn this guy into a bitter prattling toad. (As opposed to cute amphibious toads that actually provide some value to the ecosystem they’re in.)
But I have to say, my husband provided the “magic wand”. He’s a mean ol’ bad boy jerk alpha male white knighter that conspires with evil feminists to ruin EVERYTHING for these poor little betas.
>:( These men are assholes pure and simple…I had never heard of this woman before but I can tell from her writing that she was a wonderful person who had a bright future ahead of her..instead of giving this woman a proper RIP or saying nothing at all..they pick her apart and act like she was worthless.
I am 30 and am thankfully very very different then when I was 20. People never stop growing and learning!
My daughters get comments constantly from people of a certain age when they hear about school, asking if they are dating/looking for a husband/what they plan to do when they start having babies, etc, even knowing the oldest is barely legally an adult.
It’s mind boggling how frequent and from unexpected sources, like it’s inconceivable that the first priority isn’t to marry and have babies immediately. I know I’m in a ultra-traditional nexus where I live, but STILL, 2012, guys. Seriously.
Thank you, everyone, btw, for being such great resources. It has been such a relief to read comments and think, “Hey! That’s how I feel! It’s not just me!” You all have given clarity to so much I’ve felt/fought for(against)/protested and taught me better ways to communicate it. Thank you, thank you.
P.S. Ronalon, your mom sounds so cool. I am working to be that cool when I get to be her age.
When I was in college, I thought I was going to spend my life in academia or maybe as an archivist with a history degree. I certainly didn’t think I would start my own business and make a living off making sculpted sea creatures. I didn’t think I would meet a guy online and end up living with him two years later. I honestly thought I would never be in a serious, long term relationship because I don’t do the couple thing well, I still don’t but we’re making it work (I’m right on the fuzzy line for aspergers, so it can cause some issues). I’ll be 30 in just over a week and I barely recognize the person I was when I was 22.
I went back to college and changed careers twice since I graduated the first time. I have managed to double my income from what I was making teaching in just four years with my new career. I just got married for the first time at 37 to the man of my dreams because I refused to settle. Tell me how my life is worse now than it was when I was 22, dating a righteous asshole, and barely making ends meet.
Condolences to the family and friends of this young woman. May they never read the hateful filth posted on The Spearhead, by men who cannot fathom of women and girls doing anything for any reason other than to sexually please those men.
I’ll be 33 next month (I know, I know, I am a wizened hag), and I’m not just different from how I was in my late teens and early 20s, I am so much better. My older friends all told me that your 30s are better than your 20s, and that certainly seems to be the case thus far. My even-older friends have told me that 40s are better than 30s… and my mother says that 50s are better than 40s, and 60s are better than 50s (my mother who went to grad school in her 40s, started a very rewarding career, and is going to get married next month, right after she turns 67). So I have a lot to look forward to. And the people I’m dating? Light-years better than the ones I dated in college.
I think Canaduck hit the nail on the head. These guys believe that no one changes or grows because they have failed to change or grow. I feel bad for them. But not as bad as I feel for the people who have to interact with them, and certainly not as bad as I feel for Marina Keegan’s loved ones. She had so much more to offer than any of these bitter turds ever will.
Marina’s words inspire hope in me, at a time when my plans for the future have become all turned about and jumbled and what seemed simple and certain when I began my degree is all questions and doubt now. It breaks my heart that she couldn’t live to see the truth of her own moving essay.
So Zarat, the known and admitted liar comes to the defense of WF Price, known and proud misogynist? I am not surprised.
Also, as a parent of two daughters, I extend my complete contempt to anyone who calls their lives wasted time.
AntZ: “the cost of postponing the moment when they define their identity”.
You ridiculous little man, you think your identity at some moment in time is fixed in stone, that you can say “here, NOW I am me”? You fucking idiot.
The only moment your identity is fixed forevermore is the moment they put you in the ground.
(And apologies if choosing that turn of phrase in the context of a young woman losing her life, but seriously, *life* is about constant change. Identity is fluid, not fixed.)
So Zarat, that men are really only mentioned tangentially, in a post entitled “After 25, women are just wasting time” (emphasis added) means nothing to you? Is there any misogyny you won’t rationalize?
This is especially absurd coming from someone who can’t settle on a single persona to bullshit us with.
Just when you think MRAs can’t get any creepier, they do. If I were a better person, I guess I’d pity them. But I’m not and they just disgust me.
Zarat is proud to be a misogynist and to openly fantasize about the coming apocalypse that will mysteriously only effect women and not men, so no, there really isn’t any misogyny he will not rationalize.
AntZ, why would you choose this thread, of all threads, to spew your lies and your bile over? Why not go be an asshole in the thread about loose vaginas. There is grieving going on here, there is no room for you.
They really are incapable of seeing anything without looking through the lens of “women only exist to be fucked and to have babies”, aren’t they? Which is bad enough if they were to realize that they’re talking about their own feelings, desires, life goals, etc, but they don’t. They honestly believe that women want for ourselves what they want from us. It’s creepy as hell – no wonder women in their meatspace lives want nothing to do with them.
Sure he was. And look who’s talking about misunderstanding. Price and the rest of his cronies took her beautiful words and pissed on them just so they could take a crack at feminists and women in general. She was talking to all of her classmates, and to an extent, probably her generation, about how limiting it is to think you can’t do anything after a certain age.
What a sad view of the world you have, Antz. Thinking you can’t change who you are once you decide what your identity is? That’s really really depressing, and demonstrably untrue. If that were true, I’d still be an angsty teen holing up in my room, painting my eyelids black and listening to Metallica. I am not that person anymore. Call me an optimist, but I think even you, Antz, can one day see how absolutely ridiculous the MRM is and change your ways. I’m not holding my breath for you, mind, but people can change if they’re open to it. That’s one of the best things about life and growing older.
He was talking to men and women, about the cost of postponing the moment when they define their identity.
What cost is that?
Fuck these guys and their co-opting of this woman’s life. Obviously Price and his buttmuppets haven’t evolved past 25, and it shows.
AntZ, fuck you too, just on principle.
The defining moment when I decide to have a baby I don’t want, putting myself at greater risk for depression and ruining my plans to rebuild my savings? I’ll remain undefined, thank you!