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The cold hard truth about loose vaginas

Over on Reddit, an MRA named AryoBarzan sets the feminist slut ladies straight on the BIOTRUTH about their ever-growing and FAR less pleasurable vaginas. (Ignore the rude person replying to his message; clearly Aryo is the real penis and vagina expert here.)



Wait, you say to yourself, how is it that this bold truth-teller is being downvoted, on Reddit? He posted in the antimensrights subreddit, that’s why. In the Men’s Rights subreddit he normally gets the upvotes he so richly deserves.

Note: Post contains, like, a lot of

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12 years ago

GWW is a total hypocrite, condeming the very same social forces that have given her the freedom to be a single mother with a nontraditional appearance. She reaps the rewards of feminism while badmouthing the movement without even a hint of self-awareness.

I`m kind of amazed that a victim of sexual assault can have such disgusting victim-blaming attitudes as she does.

12 years ago

I guess a certain proportion of 20-year-old women should be saving themselves for ten years just so 30-year-old men have a zero-baggage dating pool? Will we have to assign which 20-year-olds do that by lottery or something?

If you’re a woman over 30, you hurt men just by existing.

I tried to read the rest of that screed, but damn, is it long and dull. I did chuckle at the end when she described Katie Roiphe as a feminist. The Katie Roiphe who built her career in the ’90s by claiming that college girls who say they’ve been raped are lying? The Katie Roiphe who just wrote an op-ed for Newsweek about how Fifty Shades of Grey is proof that women secretly hate having careers? I’d have thought MRAs would be fans.

12 years ago

At the risk of TMI: He’s full of shit. I’ve had lovers who have had lots of sex; some with lots of men. Some who’ve had kids.

They were no more, “loose” than any of the lovers who had very few partners. I’ve had lovers who worked on doing kegels, and could keep a penis out, if they were of a mind to (or at least sprain the penis of anyone who tried to force into them).

That’s without discussing the variations in male engorgement, and how that affects female response, etc.

I suspect a relatively small sample size, combined with a healthy dollop of misogyny. Everyone’s favorite recipe for stupid.

12 years ago

Roiphe`s views on the Cain sexual harassment scandal sounded eerily like NWO`s.

12 years ago

My wife performs several transvaginal ultrasound scans a day, and she’s had that job for almost a decade. So I strongly suspect that her sample size is, quite literally, several orders of magnitude bigger than AryoBarzan’s, and I also suspect the age range is considerably wider than anything he’d ever contemplate (we’re talking teenagers to nonagenarians and everyone in between).

So I showed her his post, and when she’d finished laughing (which took some time) she asked “who is this idiot and why are you reading his drivel?”

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

I am trying to read various links from here regrading gww and it’s just painful to watch her try so desperately to not make people take responsibility for themselves and their actions, but to make women take the responsibility for EVERYTHING. And you can see it in how she treated her divorce and how she talks about her own problems. Why the hell should she have had to finance her children entirely? How was that fair at all? Why does she need to take partial responsibility in her rape?

And all of her ranting about why men don’t want to get married, she doesn’t touch upon men who are unwilling to compromise being at least part of the problem, but only talks about the selfish women. Why do none of these people get that a successful relationship means give and take, lots of compromise, and, you know, actually caring about the person you’re with? If you see your wife as a soul-sucking leech, why are you married to her? If you are a selfish jerk you really should GYOW for the sake of not tormenting someone who cares about you. Of course you’re gonna have to give up a little freedom and make some sacrifices in a relationship, but so will your partner. It just reeks of people who have zero empathy and are completely narcissistic. They can’t see past their tunnel vision of how things affect them.

12 years ago


yes, I saw that mention and I want MOAR.
Glad people are critiquing her a bit here. The problem I have with talking about her is that I observe she is so screwed up that I want to jump to diagnosis commentary and attempts to answer the mystery of what gets someone to that point etc. Parsing her insanity short circuits my nervous system.

12 years ago

@Jessay – That’s way to logical and contains way too much common sense for them. Meanwhile, another gem from Price:

12 years ago

@Tulgey I was reading that same transcript, and there were two other things that really stuck out to me:

First, the phrasing of “feminists and traditionalists,” over and over. It’s such a nice, concise example of how impossible it is to win with MRA types. If you believe in traditional gender roles, you hate men. If you don’t, you also hate men. You only don’t hate men if you believe in all the parts of traditional gender roles that benefit men, but none of the parts that hurt them, or even slightly inconvenience them.

The second is that I finally figured out (one of) the reason(s) evo-psych crap sounds so ridiculous; the evo part is almost always Lamarckian. It’s always “people a hundred thousand years ago were doing this learned behavior, so it must be hard-wired into us by now.” There’s not even the thought of arguing why such behavior is genetic and not learned, or even how individuals who display that behavior would be more likely to survive. It’s especially ridiculous in the argument she’s making in that transcript, which was basically “Women cooperate, men compete. Biology!” Because of course, men in hunter-gatherer society never cooperated. That shit’ll get you killed!

12 years ago

OOps, I meant to type “way too logical”

12 years ago

Lol. Who knows more about lady parts than a man with no medical experience?

12 years ago

Who knows more about lady parts than a man with no medical experience?

Well, my wife knows an encyclopedic amount about lady parts and has extensive professional medical experience to match – but she’s both a woman and a feminist, and therefore a “delusional dribbling tampon” engaging in “crybaby shame tactics”.

Not forgetting the clincher “OF COURSE, the feminists are going to (defensively) say ‘no’ more often than non-feminist women. It’s certainly not proof of anything.”

So that’s told her.

12 years ago


I wonder how many guys out there, soaked in the same porn culture as the rest of us, just think that some variation of “Oh, baby, you’re so tight, you feel so good” is just a standard compliment you should pay to a female partner (flip side of the coin of “too much sex = dirty = loose”, I suppose).

This is actually an interesting idea, I’ll bet there’s some real truth to it. Of course, my bad news ex brought this up when we weren’t even having sex XD and he was an all-around poopyface, so porn or not, no soup for him!

The other attitude he held that was likely influenced by porn is that sex = PIV and PIV = sex, do if you’re girlfriend tells you she’s not up for PIV today because of pain issues but she’d love to try some (insert another sexytimes activity here) she’s being a real frigid bitch who won’t put out and you should just take your balls and go home. Metaphorically.

/Stops whining about her ex.

12 years ago

I’m beginning to think MRAs hold some beliefs that they haven’t completely thought through. Shocking, I know.

12 years ago

The second is that I finally figured out (one of) the reason(s) evo-psych crap sounds so ridiculous; the evo part is almost always Lamarckian. It’s always “people a hundred thousand years ago were doing this learned behavior, so it must be hard-wired into us by now.”

You have to follow up with some grand statement you pulled from your ass about how cavemen definitely possibly maybe might have relied on this behavior to mate, but yeah, that’s pretty much evo-psych to a tee.

12 years ago

I have nothing against slutty women but normally they have more STD ‘s. Cause and effect? LOL come on get a clue.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Another problem (of many) with evo-psych: it assumes that mating choices were the only selection pressures on early humans. Like there were tons of early humans who lived long and healthy lives except they were too ugly or unpopular for anyone to have sex with, and that was the main way genes got eliminated from the population.

It’s kind of sadly hilarious in terms of humans’ no-medical-care-no-sanitation life expectancies. Plus it conjures up the image of a bunch of sad Cro-Magnons sitting at the lunch table right next to the principal’s office, moping about how they didn’t kill any mammoths this season and now none of the pretty girls will talk to them.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Yes, DYOR, STDs spontaneously generate in a woman as a result of sluttiness.

It was mentioned earlier in the thread: people who have more sex are more likely to use condoms consistently. And that’s better protection than having sex with only a few people but not using condoms.

12 years ago

Did some kind of troll alarm clock just go off? First Emma the Emo pops up on a moribund thread, and now DYOR feels the need to contribute nothing to the discussion here…

Manjaw the Mighty
Manjaw the Mighty
12 years ago

Maybe they’re the same person.

12 years ago

The lower STD rate in more promiscuous people isn’t just a theory; the spread of STDs is something that has been extensively studied, and at least in the developed world (different countries do have different patterns in this area) the inverse correlation between promiscuity and STD rate has shown up consistently in all the studies. But of course people are very resistant to facts that clash with their obvious intuitions.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

But Protagoras, then how will we punish the sluts for…

Um, for making a lot of men happy and giving them pleasure? Wait, hangon. I know there’s something evil and mean and requiring punishment about this.

12 years ago

cliff, you forget we’re not punishing them for the men they gave pleasure to, were punishing them for all the men they didnt give pleasure to.

12 years ago

if the dudes at artistry against misandry weren’t completely worthless we would have some fake wwii posters that say ‘loose lips sink tips’ but they suck, so we dont

12 years ago

I assume it’s not a direct negative correlation, because people who have 0 sex getting all STDs from it would be really weird.