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The cold hard truth about loose vaginas

Over on Reddit, an MRA named AryoBarzan sets the feminist slut ladies straight on the BIOTRUTH about their ever-growing and FAR less pleasurable vaginas. (Ignore the rude person replying to his message; clearly Aryo is the real penis and vagina expert here.)



Wait, you say to yourself, how is it that this bold truth-teller is being downvoted, on Reddit? He posted in the antimensrights subreddit, that’s why. In the Men’s Rights subreddit he normally gets the upvotes he so richly deserves.

Note: Post contains, like, a lot of

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Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Bet you anything he thinks that the number of partners is what really does it, too. If you have sex with one guy a hundred times, no problem! Sex with a hundred guys–vagina ruined for life.

(Give birth–vagina permanently the size of a baby’s head??? Eeek.)

I’m not sure what BayBeauty is saying, though, honestly. In my extensive experience with old man penis, as long as they have good hygiene it’s about the same as any other kind of penis.

12 years ago

These dudes.
I don’t think they really understand what vaginas are.
(Pro-tip: they are not lifeless penis-holding tubes.)

12 years ago

Ooh also, true story, I have been eating solid foods since the toddler years. All those years of sending food down my esophagus have loosened it to the point where I can now swallow whole chickens! SCIENCE.

12 years ago

I wonder if this dude has realized that some people push entire babies out of their vaginas, and then have some more sex, and then push more entire babies out of their vaginas later. Vaginas are very elastic.

12 years ago

@Cliff Pervocracy: I have a friend who has trotted out this same vag-size notion before (complete with ‘tight like prom night’ references) and whom I shot down very similarly to your comment. He got very angry. Eventually he moved on to ‘Well, men don’t marry whores’ and seemed to consider the matter concluded. There’s a lot of people out there who are actually ANGRY that women could have sex and have fun doing it without getting punished for it, aren’t there?

12 years ago

My own observations seem to suggest that there’s some tendency for women to develop stronger muscles down there when they get more exercise. Of course, my sample size is limited and perhaps biased. I suppose it’s always possible that AryoBarzan has a larger data set; I don’t know how slutty he is.

12 years ago

I guess a vagina would have a ‘maximum elasticity’. On the other hand, I know what can go in and out of vaginas – so unless a woman sleeps around with the Cerne Abbas Giant and his mates, I doubt that it would become any more or less stretchy.

12 years ago

Laci Green deconstructs this myth with actual biology.

I wonder if this dude actually knows anything about female genetalia. Like, if he was shown a diagram, could he point out the labia/clitoris/vagina/etc? I’m guessing not…

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

The discipline of MRA biology: I know you feminists hate biology, but according to my sophisticated, double blind, large scale study of putting my penis in a few people, I know you are totally wrong and evil.

12 years ago

Surely it’s more of a warm, firm truth?

12 years ago

I went to find a good medical article that referred to recovering vaginal tightness after insult (it stated that most women recover pleasurable tightness after childbirth, which… good god, you’d hope so wouldn’t you) but then I started reading about freemartinism and next thing you know I was looking at zorses. So. It’s out there. And so are freemartins, which is nicely life-affirming.

12 years ago

Ugh, yeah…I read this yesterday and shook my head. My favorite part is when he says that he`s being being subjected to “mad shaming” by the feminists, haha. He also refers to feminists as “cunts” because of course he does.

12 years ago

And I find it positively adorable how MRAs point to their numbers on Reddit as a sign of their success. Because clearly Reddit is a bastion of rational discourse and gender equality

12 years ago

So, if this was true, given that many women have multiple kids and that babies are bigger than cocks…how is 2nd or 3rd babby formed?

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

This might be TMI (eh, so’s the whole thread), but I feel like the experience of putting a finger in a vagina just instantly disproves all this.

Because you can feel the muscles in there and they’re not subtle. They’re solid. And they very obviously move and dynamically loosen or tighten.

And based on observations from 5 or 6 vaginas in my day, they vary a bit in tightness but I’ve never encountered one that just, like, hung there. It doesn’t work like that.

I know we’re not sposta virgin-shame, but if this guy’s had PIV sex, it wasn’t very observant PIV sex. Either that or he thought “I guess this girl isn’t a slut,” but assumed the dreaded loose vaginas were out there?

12 years ago

the dreaded loose vaginas were out there

Wait, they're on the loose?!??!!!!? [cloudiah closes office door and hides under desk]

12 years ago

Trust me, that would have been really funny if I hadn’t screwed up the blockquotes. Srsly.

12 years ago

With my experience and Laci Green’s confirmation, as well as Tulgey’s no doubt extensively documented and thorough study, I think the facts can be considered settled. So the question becomes, how has AryoBarzan been misled? Two possibilities suggest themselves to me. First, of course, it’s possible that he’s a virgin and has no knowledge of the subject. A second alternative is perhaps somewhat impolite to propose, but we are in search of scientific truth here, and must not be deterred by manners. Thus, I must raise another, slightly more convoluted, possibility: that he’s got a tiny penis, so every vagina he’s encountered has seemed loose to him, and he’s mistakenly concluded that all the women he’s had sex with must have been promiscuous.

12 years ago

I had an ex with some interesting theories on the topic. He said loose vaginas were the result of women sleeping with older men, because apparently old guys have “fat dicks.” So you fellas don’t get off Scott free! Our vaginas may get loose, but your penises will become obese as you age. : D

12 years ago

Thanks! I was looking for one, straightforward example of an MRA accusing women / feminists of hating men while simultaneously spewing the vilest shit ever about half the human race. Not just for laughs, but as a nice compact example of what we’re dealing with here, when I introduce people to this delightful movement. This should do.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

So what’s AryoBarzan’s take on phallic-ly shaped sex toys? Do they ruin vaginas as well? Or is the idea of ladies enjoying themselves without an actual penis involved inherently misandric?

12 years ago

The third possibility is that he`s a pathetic woman-hater who will discount any evidence of how wrong he is, like most MRAs.

I think we can easily dismiss his idiocy without resorting to tiny dick jokes.

12 years ago


You shouldn`t have to look too hard.

12 years ago
Reply to  Crumbelievable

But it was a very tiny dick joke! But I suppose you’re right, Crum.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Dani Alexis – I wonder if he knows fisting is a thing.

(And if he realizes that no, it does not leave you permanently the size of a fist. Cripes.)

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