a voice for men antifeminism artistry homophobia hypocrisy johntheother MGTOW misandry misogyny MRA paul elam that's not funny! transphobia vaginas

A Voice for Men: Say no to homophobia! And then watch this hilarious video bashing lesbians!

Well, this is … interesting. So JohnTheOther has plopped out another rambling diatribe about evil feminists. This time he accuses them not only of “attacking male sexuality” but also (if I’m reading him correctly) of being a bunch of evil homophobes jealous that some men don’t want to have sex with women. You read this and tell me what you think he’s implying here:

Male sexuality is of course both demonized and treated as a form of predation, but also strictly limited to a narrow set of acceptable expressions. Outside of sexual identities which place men in positions to benefit women as sexual gate-keepers, masculine sexuality is generally condemned.

JTO would love to compare these alleged gay-man-hating feminists to the proudly gay-male-affirming Men’s Rights Movement. There’s just one problem: As even JTO has to force himself to admit, there are more than a few homophobic dudes lurking around in the Men’s Rights movement. As JTO acknowledges:

[T]here is a thread of opinion with a growing currency among some MRAs which rejects the legitimacy of men whose self identity and sexuality is gay or bisexual, or I suppose, transsexual.

JTO doesn’t like this, and says so:

[There]  are men (and women) whose sexuality, either chosen or not, doesn’t conform to an acceptable standard – and some within the MRM would demonize them. Gentlemen and ladies – this is nothing short of stupid.

At what point does who an individual finds sexually attractive diminish their value as a human? How is it that a man whose preference doesn’t include vagina becomes less of a man? Conversely, are we going to pretend the sexual preferences of our female colleagues matter in the context of partnership in the fight for the human rights of men and boys?

So: JohnTheOther has explicitly decided to speak up in favor of “the gay agenda.” (Yes, that’s the phrase he used.) And he’s even included lesbians in the deal – something allegedly pro-gay MRAs often have trouble doing – even though he sort of suggests at the end that he’s only willing to accept lesbians who are also MRAs.

But, hey, baby steps, right?

Well, John, if you really want to toss the homophobes out of the Men’s Rights movement, you’re going to have to start with A Voice for Men itself.

If you go to read JTO’s whole post over on AVFM, you’ll see a couple of “featured videos” in the sidebar from longtime AVFM friend and contributor Bernard Chapin. One of them bears the intriguing title “Feminist Professor Gloats Over Lesbian Chic.” The description, presumably written by AVFM head honcho Paul Elam, reads:

Bernard’s on a roll here with this one. And you will be rolling to [sic] as he delivers another thorough fisking, Inferno style.

Watch the video, here or there, or as much of it as you can stand. As you’ll see, it’s basically eight minutes of gratingly “humorous” lesbian bashing from good old Bern – whose preferred term for “lesbian,” incidentally, is “lesbobo.” (Evidently adding an extra “bo” to the old slur “lesbo” is hilarious.)

Chapin has produced more than 1200 videos; this is one of the two that AVFM has chosen to feature.

You want to stand up to homophobia, John? Take down that video. Apologize for hosting it. Apologize for featuring it. Demand that Chapin apologize for it — or kick him to the curb.

Meanwhile, AVFM is helping the guy behind the website Artistry Against Misandry publicize and raise money for an upcoming event; Elam himself says he’s already sent along a hundred dollars. Here are some examples of the sort of “artistry” that’s featured on the site:

This second graphic is not only homophobic but confused: Chaz Bono is  a trans man, not a lesbian.

Speaking of transphobia, AAM also hosts several videos by “Creativebrother,” one of which is this not-hot transphobic mess:

John, I suggest you ask your boss at AVFM to get his money back from Artistry Against Misandry. Because, here’s the thing: if you actively support hate like this, people might just get the impression you’re a hate site.

EDITED TO ADD: In the comments, Elam proudly announces his own support of the “gay agenda” as well. Well, with 0.1% of it.

I don’t like most gay activists very much, and I oppose 99.9% of what passes as gay activism, but I don’t think it is very smart to forget that part of the reason they were led astray is because most “normal” men never gave them the dignity of being regarded as a man.

Forget gay marriage, forget bullying, forget AIDS: apparently the only real issue for gay men is evil feminist ladies calling them “fags” for not wanting to have sex with them.

Elam also has a most interesting explanation of homophobia, at least against gay men:

Gay men are bashed, when all is said and done, because they are not of utilitarian value to women, and because they are perceived as not having enough strength to be of utilitarian value to the elites.

Yeah, that’s probably it.

What about homophobia against lesbians? That’s easy: “lesbobos” are just naturally ugly and hilarious.

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Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

ABNOY — the last 2+ pages are mostly on how bad Twilight is and way, and most of them have nothing to do with feminist ideas. Wtf does the romance bit of Twilight have to do with breaking all standard vampire conventions for example?

12 years ago

ZOMG, Twilight bash! YES! I love to hate this shit; I watched the Rifftraxx for the movie for my bachelor party. It was awesome. Best wedding present ever. Seriously, that book series is a giant clusterfuck of WTF, racism, and general doucheyness.

But you know what might actually almost beat it? FIFTY SHADES OF GREY! It started as Twilight “BDSM” fanfiction (quotes because it has about as much resemblance to actual BDSM as girl-on-girl porn has to actual lesbians). I’m MSTing it for posterity. IT HURTS SO GOOOOOOD.

RE: Dvarghundspossen, superstrong vs. squishy peeps.

Phil Foglio also tackled it in XXXenophile, with one of his characters afflicted with a curse of strength. They solved it with bondage.

RE: Argenti

Hey, Silver Kiss! Reread that for a Youth Lit class a couple years ago; still creepy, but it at least OWNED its creepiness, for what I recall. Also, the vampire is really obviously not meant to be that human in behavior. He pisses on the girl’s porch to mark his territory, for Chrissakes.

RE: Manjaw

Your comments delight me. I hope you stick around.

12 years ago

Obviously the Twilight series must be doing something right, otherwise it wouldn’t have been popular enough to be a publishing phenomenon in it’s own right. I mean, the fact that just as many people who supposedly hate it, as those who actually love it, are actually bothering to spend hours upon hours of their limited time alive on this Earth to just to discuss it, should tell you something. Hundreds of years from now, people will STILL be reading and watching and talking about it, mark my words.

* And something that has made Hideo Kojima a “huge fan” (according to Pixiv) definitely has something going for it…

12 years ago

I don’t really know what goes on in NWO’s head, my posts were of the mocking/joking variety. Perhaps I should have posted a lol thing after them.

BUT… he’s read them and not responded, either he’s realized that saying he can love his brothers and dad but not be sexually attracted to them doesn’t make a lot of sense when you can love your mom or sisters and be a heterosexual man while not being sexually attracted to them. Or… ick.

12 years ago

Dude, just give it up kavette and quit digging your hole deeper.

12 years ago

my posts were of the mocking/joking variety

Obviously you were serious, why else would you debate it serious when I called you out on it? Only know after you realize people were okay with it do you pretend it was “just a joke”. Thats about as believable as Tommy Wiseau claiming The Room was intended as a dark comedy.

12 years ago

Obviously the Twilight series must be doing something right, otherwise it wouldn’t have been popular enough to be a publishing phenomenon in it’s own right. I mean, the fact that just as many people who supposedly hate it, as those who actually love it, are actually bothering to spend hours upon hours of their limited time alive on this Earth to just to discuss it, should tell you something. Hundreds of years from now, people will STILL be reading and watching and talking about it, mark my words.

* And something that has made Hideo Kojima a “huge fan” (according to Pixiv) definitely has something going for it…

Yes, that something right being riding the fantasy genre boom and targeting immature teenagers (and some immature adults too). People who hate it talk about it because of how amazingly bad it is, in just about every way. It’s sexist, it’s boring, it’s poorly written and the characters are unlikeable and poorly developed. It takes a particular kind of genius to be able to fail so miserably.

12 years ago

Kavette, NWO hardly responds to anyone’s posts directly.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

LBT — that’s about what I remember of it too. It was creepy, and dark, and tragic, and everything a proper vampire story should be, while being far more readable than Dracula or Nosferatu. And thanks for answering whether 50 Shades of Grey is worth the time — “quotes because it has about as much resemblance to actual BDSM as girl-on-girl porn has to actual lesbians” — apparently it isn’t.

12 years ago

And thanks for answering whether 50 Shades of Grey is worth the time

Second this; I’d been wondering about it too.

12 years ago

Stephanie Meyer became so rich that she doesn’t have to work ever again in her life, and arguably neither do generations of her descendants. Hell, I wish I was that “miserable” a “failure”. What’s your definition of success, becoming a literal Goddess-Queen of the Milky Way?

12 years ago

What’s your definition of success, becoming a literal Goddess-Queen of the Milky Way?

How about “writing something vaguely good”?

Stephanie Meyer unquestionably made vast sums of money, but it’s perfectly legitimate to think that success should involve doing something worth more than just money, especially when you’re measuring success in a creative pursuit. I’m pretty cool with saying that people who’ve won the Nobel Prize for literature are more successful writers than Stephanie Meyer in some very important ways.

Similarly, I think Vincent Van Gogh was a more successful artist than Thomas Kinkade, even though the former died poor and the latter made a good deal of money, because the former actually made art that doesn’t suck. Kinkade was a more successful maker-of-money, which is one way to measure success, but it’s definitely not the only way.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Similarly, I think Vincent Van Gogh was a more successful artist than Thomas Kinkade, even though the former died poor and the latter made a good deal of money, because the former actually made art that doesn’t suck. Kinkade was a more successful maker-of-money, which is one way to measure success, but it’s definitely not the only way.”

THIS! van Gogh will be the creator of expressionism long after Kinkade ceases to be “the painter of light” *cough* yellow *cough* — likewise Dracula’s been an academic staple for a century, Twilight will probably never become one. And Beiber vs Beatle mania? (Though we might be stuck with Beiber, I heard N’Sync or such in the gas station yesterday >.< )

12 years ago

Hey, Thomas Kincade is ok, I actually had (still do) works of his in my bedroom in my family home growing up. What’s so sucky about his pretty special effects? Are you that photosensitive or something?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

ABNOY — >.<

"What’s so sucky about his pretty special effects?" — yellow, his special effect, singular, is yellow paint

“Are you that photosensitive or something?” — that does not mean what you think it means; photosensitive adj.
1. Sensitive or responsive to light or other radiant energy.
2. Medicine Abnormally sensitive or reactive to light.

It’s not that they are utterly terrible, it’s that they’re something most first year students could do, thus making first year students, and anyone who ever was one, pissed that he’s rich while starving artist remains the standard. He’s lucky, not good.

12 years ago

His stuff is trite. His use of, “light” is something I’ve been seeing airbrush artists do for years. He’s adequate, not special. He was lucky enough to hit a niche of American kitsch at just the right time.

He’s no Turner.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

* And something that has made Hideo Kojima a “huge fan” (according to Pixiv) definitely has something going for it…

Hideo Kojima is a professional troll, so…

12 years ago

What’s the matter, can’t accept that your Western RadFem notions of Love/Sex/Romance/Eroticism/etc isn’t Universal Standard for Homo Sapiens?

this is the rich from the dude who simpers passive aggressively at anyone who doesn’t share his view of the world

12 years ago

thomas kincade knew exactly why people bought his painting and he was a master at cynically manipulating theyre ressentiment, so it really isnt surprising that abnoy eats that shit up

12 years ago

who is hideo kojima and why am i supposed to care about his opinions on literature?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

I couldn’t tell you why you should care, but he’s the dude who headed up the Metal Gear series of games. Except he didn’t want to make anymore after the third one and he didn’t want to make a subpar game, so he’s put his energies into trolling his fanbase until they let him make the games he wants to make. His last major game had a character included for the express purpose of making nerds feel bad for being nerds… XD

12 years ago

Carp… I borked the HTML:

Cloudiah: Yes, that turner.

Vesuvius has the intense white because he scraped away the paint to reveal the bleached canvas.

Even when he was being sentimental as in The Fighting Tremeraire being towed to her last berth to be broken up there is more actual emotion, and connection between the subject and the viewer than in anything Kinkade has ever done.

This is a collection of paintings Some great stuff. I really like The Grand Canal, and esp. (in this context, because it compares to Kincade) The Chichester Canal even though I think Crowes, Isle of Wight, or Flint Castle are more to my taste.

12 years ago


thanks. i was totally willing to believe that ‘random dude abnoy likes’ had some reason to be taken as an authority on the subject, but now… the first metal gear solid was decent but then i turned the second one off because it would not stop being a bunch of boring people talking about Fucking Nothing at All