$MONEY$ a voice for men antifeminism artistry disgusting women evil women homophobia hypocrisy lying liars manginas marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam the poster revolution has begun

“Artisty Against Misandry” fights bigotry by declaring women to be “tapeworm parasites.”

Many of those in the manosphere wear their misogyny like a badge of honor. Others like to present themselves as fierce opponents of bigotry, and angrily deny the charges of misogyny thrown their way. When the Southern Poverty Law Center ran an article noting the misogyny often found on A Voice for Men, for example, site founder Paul Elam responded with great indignation in an open letter to the group:

Yesterday I received the unfortunate news that your organization … listed my website,, among others, as misogynistic, or “woman-hating. … Contrary to what readers of your site may be led to believe, the goals of SPLC and AVfM are quite similar: We both work to identify groups who seek to oppress others, and inform the public of the inequities they would perpetuate.

This seems a strange argument for the man whose handle on YouTube is “The Happy Misogynist,” and who regularly writes posts filled with hair-curling hatred of women. It seems even stranger when you consider AVFM’s support of a site that frankly peddles hate – against women, “manginas,” gay men, lesbian, and trans folk.

I’m talking about the misleadingly named Artistry Against Misandry site. AAM and AVFM seem almost joined at the hip. AAM’s founder, musician Jade Michael, wrote and performed the theme song currently used on AVFM’s internet “radio show.” AVFM has returned the favor, promoting the site and helping raise money for it. Indeed, several days ago Elam himself proudly announced that he’d sent along $100 of his own money to help Michael fund an upcoming event.

The site describes itself as follows:

Welcome to the first pro-male artist activist network.  Within these pages you will find music, poetry, prose, graphics, cartoons and additional links, all of which are here to bring attention to and counter misandry in Western society.

In practice, this means saying the worst shit about women you can possibly imagine. Oh, the “artists” also say terrible things about men who don’t hate women with fervor — you may recall the ridiculous caricature of me as a self-flagellating, woman-worshipping “mangina” at the end of this post from a couple of days ago.

But the “artists” whose work is featured on the site focus most of their venom on women. Let’s take a look at several graphics from Reality, one of the site’s most prolific contributors.

Yep, that’s right: “western women” are “the new tapeworm parasites.” Here are a couple more.

There are (literally) forty more where those came from, and they’re pretty much all as nasty and hateful as the ones I’ve featured here. I suggest you visit AAM’s graphic art page and scroll through the rest of Reality’s wares.

If you don’t have the patience for that, and since the app they use on AAM to display Reality’s artwork is a piece of crap, I’m just going to highlight some more of his clever anti-misandry slogans here in text form:

Women actually expect you to act like a traditional male. While they live like psychotic  whores. Keep dreaming, bitch!

Guys, do you really want to know what she’s thinking? 100% pure shit.

[Picture of women pointing at the camera.] We get everything and do nothing for it. Now get back to work slave.. we can put you in jail or bankrupt you with just a pointed finger.

Remember, when a woman tells you she’s tired it’s the only time she’s actually telling you the truth because…being a raging petty psychotic bitch…while being virtually retarded…while having endless banal thoughts she considers “genius…” while making insane and constant ultimatums…IS absolutely EXHAUSTING!!

Meanwhile, an artist calling himself “Andy Man” declares in a graphic of his own:

This is the sort of “artistry” that A Voice for Men is actively supporting.

And they wonder why some might consider them part of a hate movement?

Artistry Against Misandry also features music, videos, and even poetry, all of it awful, in every sense of the word. I will take a look at some of this in future posts.

EDIT: I added one more Reality graphic and a bunch of his slogans in text form.

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12 years ago

@Argenti: well, I’d have to read THE ASYLUM to really say anything about it, but it sounds as if it’s a hybrid text, drawing on multiple genres (i.e. autobiography, plus historical novel).

The idea that a text has to conform to a single genre or set of conventions (“unities” as Aristotle (I think he is the right dead Greek guy) is only one aesthetic!

The novel by definition (well, by Bakhtin’s definition!) can include any other genre!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“But NWO is lying when he says he holds life sacred. He holds the life of people who agree with him as being valuable. Everyone else is as nothing to him, and women, in particular are to be, “escalated” against. If they assert themselves one needs to be more assertive than they are.”

So I’m going to have to grovel to make him drop this typo drawn out bullshit? He’s going to be holding his breath waiting for quite awhile.

“Feminists disagree with 1: the draft (in toto) and limiting combat roles to men only.” — ahh ok, that makes sense, I missed the antecedent to “it” and you lost me, blame how long I’ve been awake?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ithiliana — “…but it sounds as if it’s a hybrid text, drawing on multiple genres (i.e. autobiography, plus historical novel).” — more or less, yes; though to the likes of the MRM it would likely just be taken as the rantings of a crazy girl (not that she doesn’t address exactly that, that crazy girls are taken extra not-seriously)

12 years ago

Hey! I wanna submit some art work- how can I do that?

12 years ago

@Argenti: We’re all ranting crazy girls (even the men! here) to the MRAs!

May have to check this book out. . . . as soon as I get some spare time.

12 years ago

I ought to clarify: Feminists oppose a male only draft. Some are in favor of a universal draft. I was typing too quickly.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“We’re all ranting crazy girls (even the men! here) to the MRAs!” — ah right, how’d I forget? (maybe because I’m extra nuts and insomnia is really not good for the brain?)

A link for The Asylum as I highly doubt you’ll find a copy anywhere else. Potentially on ebay, but probably not, all the previous printings sold out in no time flat, so those of us with a copy aren’t exactly inclined to part with it. “It is a reality-bending thriller as well as a profoundly empowering tale of suffering, sisterhood, and revenge that culminates in what is perhaps one of the most suspenseful cliff-hangers of all time.” — I can’t argue with that. (I’m not even sure how many times I’ve read it because I’ve finished it and just flipped back to the beginning at least once)

Lol, can you tell I really love that book by how much I’m babbling about it? ^.^

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Pecunium — I understood what you meant once “it” = “the draft” was clarified. Then again, since I didn’t explicitly clarify either, better to do so for everyone else?

12 years ago

Argenti: But I, through haste, made a factual error. I initially said all feminists were against the draft, full-stop. That was wrong.

I like to fix it, when I’m wrong. I certainly don’t like to leave something wrong up, when I know it’s wrong, lest someone decide to use it to prove that I am stupid, or lying.

12 years ago

Hey! I wanna submit some manboobs fanart! How can I do that?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Pecunium — you’re assuming MRAs know what in toto means, but point noted all the same.

rjjspesh — TinyPic is good if you just want free image hosting, if you mean the sort of “fan art” in the post, you’ll need to stumble through this mess.

12 years ago

I never really got the need for MRA’s to make these “posters”. So they don’t like the behaviors of “western women”? Fine…then don’t date them, spend time with them or give them any form of attention if you so choose. What is the point of making posters that are basically trying to say “You Suck…now change into something I want!” Seems kinda pointless to me.

Wouldn’t the better solution be 1) write down the qualities you find attractive in a woman…and 2) pay attention, date or befriend only the women that hold those qualities?

Seems a lot more proactive than making stupid images on the internet.

12 years ago

I would classify Dostoyevsky as highly conservative in his writing. Straying from virtue is horrendously punished in his novels – modest Christians vie with self-destructive nihilists and self-centered intellectuals for most of the conflicts.

There’s plenty of good, enjoyable, and/or effective art out there with conservative themes or based on the experiences of men. nwoslave could add to this, if he had talent and the willingness to work hard (and the talent is probably optional), but he doesn’t, so whatever, we’ll never see “The Erection Monologues.”

12 years ago

Besides, don’t be all ‘boo-hoo, the vagina monologues oppress me’. MAKE the erection monologues then, geez, and quit complainin’.

I was kinda hoping there would be an easier way to submit manboobz fan art. Doesn’t Futrelle just have a contact or somethin?. Actually, I guess he wouldn’t. What with all the haters and all…

12 years ago

There’s an email link in the sidebar.

12 years ago

Thanks! How did I not think to click on the face…

12 years ago

Wouldn’t the better solution be 1) write down the qualities you find attractive in a woman…and 2) pay attention, date or befriend only the women that hold those qualities?

Their ideal woman is a robot that cooks, cleans, and has a functioning pussy.

12 years ago

Wouldn’t the better solution be 1) write down the qualities you find attractive in a woman…and 2) pay attention, date or befriend only the women that hold those qualities?

But…. that would require men do something That’s misandry.

12 years ago

Might the whole “Conservative Arts” thing as demonstrated by this humorous video (Mr. Show).

I would not be surprised if conservatives honestly believe that providing funding for anything is tantamount to having their dicks ripped right the fuck off.

12 years ago

RE: The draft- if enough people in a country don’t believe a cause is worth fighting for, then the government should get the fuck out of the conflict. The American citizen should not be forced to be an unwilling bit of cannon fodder for resource wars that only benefit the richest people and companies. If there is any HOPE of a draft, it should be directly voted on by the CITIZENS and should affect ALL citizens, not just the poorest ones (as it seems to often be).

So as far as I’m concerned, this should be a non-issue.

And on Memorial Day, I think that this point is particularly poignant seeing as our country loves dead soldiers but hates the ones that come back damaged and refuse to pay for their health needs or properly reintegrate them into society.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

My nearly asleep self finds milking machine references mocking NWO, even tangentially, to be extra hilarious.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Nanasha — I’m not awake to coherently say more than that I agree completely.

And now I really am going to bed, goodnight all!

12 years ago

[veteran’s hat]

Memorial Day bothers me. Not because I think it’s a bad thing, but it’s not about me. I’m not dead. Veteran’s Day (which I have different problems with, but that a subject for another day).

Memorial Day is about the dead, and more specifically about those who died in service/as a result of service.


/veteran’s hat.

12 years ago

@Pecunium- I am not saying Memorial Day is a bad thing, nor do I disrespect the sacrifice of the dead (or the living).

However, I do think it is problematic that many of the people who have died “for our country” were not there for any other reason other than because some politician or company who was paying some politician (or party or multiple politicians enough to get Things Decided Upon) in order to send poor scared kids over to another part of the world to kill and die.

In a country in which we purport to be “free”- the choice to serve, the choice to do as we wish is one that most of us hold sacred. And as far as I’m concerned, if enough of a population thinks that a war is a bad idea, then there shouldn’t be troops being sent there at the whim of a president or a senate. Any and all decisions on the draft should be directly in control of those who would be fighting the war- the individual tax payer. Hence, it should be put to a democratic vote, NOT a one-person decision or a representative (none of whom will be sent to fight in the war they’re voting on) decision.

And don’t get me started on all the creative ways that all the rich white males can get out of serving in times of draft, while all the poor, non-whites get sent over in spades.

I guess I think that a large number of the dead (especially those from conflict SNAFUs like Vietnam) should not be dead in the first place, as they should not have been forced to go serve overseas in a pointless war about nothing.

12 years ago

nanasha: I’m not going into the mores of soldiers; they (we) have a different understanding of some of this, and a very similar one on other parts of it.

My comment was about the focus of Memorial Day. Nothing more, nothing less.