$MONEY$ a voice for men antifeminism artistry disgusting women evil women homophobia hypocrisy lying liars manginas marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam the poster revolution has begun

“Artisty Against Misandry” fights bigotry by declaring women to be “tapeworm parasites.”

Many of those in the manosphere wear their misogyny like a badge of honor. Others like to present themselves as fierce opponents of bigotry, and angrily deny the charges of misogyny thrown their way. When the Southern Poverty Law Center ran an article noting the misogyny often found on A Voice for Men, for example, site founder Paul Elam responded with great indignation in an open letter to the group:

Yesterday I received the unfortunate news that your organization … listed my website,, among others, as misogynistic, or “woman-hating. … Contrary to what readers of your site may be led to believe, the goals of SPLC and AVfM are quite similar: We both work to identify groups who seek to oppress others, and inform the public of the inequities they would perpetuate.

This seems a strange argument for the man whose handle on YouTube is “The Happy Misogynist,” and who regularly writes posts filled with hair-curling hatred of women. It seems even stranger when you consider AVFM’s support of a site that frankly peddles hate – against women, “manginas,” gay men, lesbian, and trans folk.

I’m talking about the misleadingly named Artistry Against Misandry site. AAM and AVFM seem almost joined at the hip. AAM’s founder, musician Jade Michael, wrote and performed the theme song currently used on AVFM’s internet “radio show.” AVFM has returned the favor, promoting the site and helping raise money for it. Indeed, several days ago Elam himself proudly announced that he’d sent along $100 of his own money to help Michael fund an upcoming event.

The site describes itself as follows:

Welcome to the first pro-male artist activist network.  Within these pages you will find music, poetry, prose, graphics, cartoons and additional links, all of which are here to bring attention to and counter misandry in Western society.

In practice, this means saying the worst shit about women you can possibly imagine. Oh, the “artists” also say terrible things about men who don’t hate women with fervor — you may recall the ridiculous caricature of me as a self-flagellating, woman-worshipping “mangina” at the end of this post from a couple of days ago.

But the “artists” whose work is featured on the site focus most of their venom on women. Let’s take a look at several graphics from Reality, one of the site’s most prolific contributors.

Yep, that’s right: “western women” are “the new tapeworm parasites.” Here are a couple more.

There are (literally) forty more where those came from, and they’re pretty much all as nasty and hateful as the ones I’ve featured here. I suggest you visit AAM’s graphic art page and scroll through the rest of Reality’s wares.

If you don’t have the patience for that, and since the app they use on AAM to display Reality’s artwork is a piece of crap, I’m just going to highlight some more of his clever anti-misandry slogans here in text form:

Women actually expect you to act like a traditional male. While they live like psychotic  whores. Keep dreaming, bitch!

Guys, do you really want to know what she’s thinking? 100% pure shit.

[Picture of women pointing at the camera.] We get everything and do nothing for it. Now get back to work slave.. we can put you in jail or bankrupt you with just a pointed finger.

Remember, when a woman tells you she’s tired it’s the only time she’s actually telling you the truth because…being a raging petty psychotic bitch…while being virtually retarded…while having endless banal thoughts she considers “genius…” while making insane and constant ultimatums…IS absolutely EXHAUSTING!!

Meanwhile, an artist calling himself “Andy Man” declares in a graphic of his own:

This is the sort of “artistry” that A Voice for Men is actively supporting.

And they wonder why some might consider them part of a hate movement?

Artistry Against Misandry also features music, videos, and even poetry, all of it awful, in every sense of the word. I will take a look at some of this in future posts.

EDIT: I added one more Reality graphic and a bunch of his slogans in text form.

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12 years ago

NWO, you’re never going to get pregnant, why do you care about abortion? Your attitude is fantastic birth control anyway.

Some aborted fetuses might have turned out to be women, so I’d figure he’d be all for it.

12 years ago

Ah, but some of them might have turned out to be pathetic sacks of misogynistic hatred.

12 years ago

If I had never existed, I would never have existed! How terrifying! XD

This is like saying that I should be horrified whenever naval parties are broken up because that’s how my parents met and I wouldn’t have existed if that party had been broken up!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Cliff — “Oh yeah, domestic abuse is all about women daring men to hit them.
…Well, I suppose it is, from the abuser’s point of view.”

“funny” story — I have a (male) friend who gave something akin to the line in that “art” to his emotionally abusive mother — he still sort of wishes she’d actually have hit him so he’d have had proof. Just thought I’d blow the MRM’s mind some more with reversing the genders (and yes MRAs, this is actually a true story, and believe it or not, feminists sometimes hate women too, I really fucking hate that woman)

Cassandra — “they honestly do see anything a female partner says that isn’t “whatever you say, honey” as her trying to goad them into violence” — yeah I dated that guy, he’s a rapist, run. I realize you’re talking about a hypothetical asshole, not your partner, just needed to note that if you aren’t goading them into violence, the thinking you are will make them violent, so run.

Linds — “Whoa. Not even turning off the page style made that site readable. That, my friends, is talent.” — it’s the javascript, not the css, turn off JS and try again?

Fembot — “And that slideshow is a massive piece of shit that doesn’t even work. A woman must have made it (sniff).” — I am truly impressed by how broken that site is, that slider section is jQuery, and it’s a prepackaged script that they managed to break. I have literally never seen webdesign this bad, the 90s flaming divider lines were bad taste, not bad code, this is fundamentally broken. Running it through FF web developer tools gets me more warnings than I can count, and the tool has errors too, no, these are actual honest warnings. (It looks to just be shitty code, not exploits, but wariness is in order)

And now for NWO —
“How about a 1 in 4 men will be falsely accused propaganda piece to match the bullshit 1 in 4 rape propaganda peice.”

Did I not explain that yesterday? maybe the day before, but fairly recently. Studies, reliable ones with solid methodology, show that 1 in 4 women will be raped at some point while at college, not 1 in 4 will be raped in every year of college, but in their entire time at college. Which is different than 1 in 5 for the population in general because apparently college is a risk factor making rape more likely (not surprising considering the available for alcohol and attitudes regarding drinking).

Studies on false accusations, real ones with solid methodology, put the rate between 5% and 10%. And that’s not 1 in 10 men will be falsely accused, that’s 1 in 10 reports are false reports — something like 80% of false reports don’t name anyone, so of all rape reports, approximately 1% (using 5% false reporting rate) to 2% (using 10% false reporting rate) are false and name anyone. I think we can agree that a false report with no one named doesn’t ruin anyone’s life right?

Maybe address the reasons for false reporting? Like, idk, that some places have different laws regarding abortion if the pregnancy is the result of rape? And that a police report is, afaik, always the standard for proving the pregnancy was the result of rape?

No, instead you complain that women are killing babies. Which nicely brings us to —

“What’s the difference between a child murdered in the womb and a child murdered outside the womb? They’re both just as dead.”

One is capable of surviving without the use of another person’s organs. If your child will die without a bone marrow transplant, and you’re the only match, no one can force you to donate, and you won’t be charged with murder if you don’t.

“What’s the difference between the state barring a man from his children and extorting funds, or an individual person kidnapping and extorting? What? One is legal and the other is illegal? The result is the same, a man has his child kidnapped and is being extorted. ”

Pretty sure another thread already explained to you that the only times the state bars a man from his children is if the state has solid evidence of child abuse. Not a report, but solid evidence, eg ER visits and medical reports. Abusing your children sure as shit doesn’t get you out of paying for their basic needs, and that’s what child support is financial support for the child(ren)

Oh and some men readily pay it btw, that cousin mentioned in the other thread has no issue with the idea that his ex has primary custody, gets the kids to school, helps with homework, and thus should receive some money to help with school (and other) costs. Then again, his mother (my aunt) was actually a second wave feminist, so he must be a mangina right? He’s a military man, I’m sure he’s been called worse. (I might have to call him a mangina the next time I see him, that’ll amuse him.)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“not surprising considering the available for of* alcohol and attitudes regarding drinking”

I really may call that cousin a mangina though, that’ll amuse the shit out of him.

12 years ago

Yup. If a woman gets pregnant and has an abortion, she is a baby-murdering slut. If she gets pregnant, has the child, and expects the father to help, she is a man-leeching whore. Win for losing, women cannot.

Don’t forget that if a woman wants affordable birth control so as to prevent ever getting pregnant in the first place, she’s a terrible, greedy slut. And if she doesn’t have sex with absolutely any man who ever hits on her, she’s an shallow, hypergamous bitch. Oh, and if she doesn’t get hit on by anyone, she’s being unattractive on purpose as an attack on male sexuality.

MRAs do a pretty good job of covering all their bases when it comes to finding a reason to hate absolutely every woman who has ever lived. They don’t do so well at, you know, common sense or having a shred of logical consistency, but they are masters of crazed, frothing hate.

12 years ago

@ Polliwog

But if she DOES have sex with men who hit on her she’s a whore.

You can’t reason with these people. But they love to tell us how illogical we are all the time.

12 years ago

MRAs seem to think that merely telling your opponent they’re illogical is an actual logical response.

And just saying the magical words NAWALT and SHAMING LANGUAGE makes your opponent disappear!

12 years ago

Yup. If a woman gets pregnant and has an abortion, she is a baby-murdering slut. If she gets pregnant, has the child, and expects the father to help, she is a man-leeching whore.

As a scholar of NWO, I will do my best to explain how he would like women to behave in this delicate situation, since asking him directly just gets you a lot of yelling.

First, you should get married before you get all old and corrupted by feminism, which happens by age 19. It’s extremely important not to touch a man before that, because having more than one romantic relationship in her life renders a woman incapable of loyalty. (It’s okay for a man to have multiple relationships, because shut up.) However, it’s cruel to ever turn a man down, or even walk past a man without offering him sex in case he’d like some. Marriage the minute you hit puberty, then hiding yourself from all other men, is the only acceptable option I can figure out.

If we you pregnant, you have to bear the child. The father can help raise the child if he wants, but it should be totally optional and should never inconvenience him. You can’t accept any government support, either. If the kid came out of your vagina, it’s 100% your responsibility, and you’d better be ready to provide full solo support.

Fortunately, raising kids is both cheap and easy! Children cost no money and produce no extra work around the house; it takes exactly as long to cook, clean and do the laundry for a family as it takes for a single man living out of a suitcase. What’s more, children only require care from roughly 7:00 to 8:00 AM. As a new mom, you can throw the kid out of the house in the morning and have the rest of the day free to work at a job that will allow you to support said baby without bothering a man.

But don’t work at a traditionally male job, because you’d just be taking it away from a more deserving man. Or a traditionally female job, like schoolteacher or secretary, because those jobs are stupid and worthless. (It’s well known that secretaries and HR staff do nothing but model fancy silk clothes, while schoolteachers mostly parade around classrooms in their underwear.) Or any job at a company that produces goods of any kind, because hiring women doubles the cost of those goods. Good lord, woman, isn’t the economy bad enough? And no working in the presence of men, who might get painful boners from you. Try to find a job that doesn’t fit any of those categories. And for God’s sake, wear a floor-length prairie dress while doing it!

After that, I guess you just wait until your 19th birthday, then remove yourself from society so no one has to look at your feminism-infected crone face. Don’t worry, the kids can take care of themselves, even though they’ll still be in diapers until sometime past age five.

NWO, is this correct? If I got anything wrong, please explain how you’d like women to deal with pregnancy, because this is the best I’ve been able to piece together.

12 years ago

Shaenon, I think you’ve got it.

The horrible thing is that although I’m sure NWO will protest that you misrepresented him, he really does seem to believe all that crap.

12 years ago

nwoslave gives us his best thoughts: “I mean for real equality, shouldn’t there be equal propaganda going both ways? Maybe a little erection monologues?”

That would unironically be pretty cool, it could even have some edgy, weird, creepy characters in it like you describe if you want. Writing and producing a show is really hard work though, so you’d better get to it.

I always shake my head when someone says “what if I made some CONSERVATIVE art, huh?” I mean, go ahead, what’s stopping you? Get to it. Entertainment is one of the most truly free markets remaining and it is getting free-er every day as technology advances.

If your play is good, compelling, well-produced, well-acted, and so on, it will find an audience. It’s really hard work – writing it, getting an editor to work with you on it, editing it, finding an experienced director or learning how to direct it, getting the money together, finding good actors, working hard with them to make their performance worthwhile, locating a physical space for the play, working on how to get the word out to people who might want to see it….it’s challenging! So nwoslave will never do it – working hard to achieve his goals in the real world is anathema to him and he has never overcome any challenges, ever.

Same with the shit on this AAM site. If it was any good whatsoever, it could have a big impact. But it’s not, it’s talentless garbage made in thirty minutes by someone who doesn’t work hard on their creations, doesn’t know their craft, hasn’t considered how to improve, and it won’t find an audience outside of those morons that already agree with it. They’re just terrible.

Take that “Women – Men Don’t Want You” poster. Could the creator of that poster draw that soldier the way the original artist could? Here’s a link:

Unquestionably the answer is no. They have no talent and no interest in developing it. But whatever, let’s say they’re going to copy an iconic image.

What’s the context of the original image? The original poster was beautiful and effective because of the talent of the artist and the clear simple message, the text was artfully chosen and arranged. There are four words: “Your country needs” on one line and “YOU” on the line underneath. In other versions of the poster, red letters are at the top saying “BRITONS” (not white letters in a red background). In every version, “YOU” is capitalized in a uniform font and fills the foreground, it’s almost 3/4 of the width of the poster, Kitchener appears to be pointing over the top of the Y, which adds even more depth to that great finger-point and those stern eyes.

In the AAM version it’s in a crappy pixellized free font, shoved to one side, it’s less than 1/4 the width of the paper, and as if that wouldn’t reduce its impact enough, there are literally 38 other words getting progressively smaller and more sniveling as the eye is drawn down off the page and away. I don’t even care what they say. Nobody ever could, looking at this.

Original poster: bold artistry, well-made, clear simple text integrated well into the picture.
AAM poster: Everything good is copied and swamped in shit that ruins it.

It’s not that they want to make art that’s so hilarious. Good for them! nwoslave should put on the Erection Monologues, AAM should make posters, and so on. But they are either just fantasizing about it, bad at it or don’t want to do the work of getting good at it. They’re basically lazy and pathetic.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“If your play is good, compelling, well-produced, well-acted, and so on, it will find an audience. It’s really hard work – writing it, getting an editor to work with you on it, editing it, finding an experienced director or learning how to direct it, getting the money together, finding good actors, working hard with them to make their performance worthwhile, locating a physical space for the play, working on how to get the word out to people who might want to see it….it’s challenging! So nwoslave will never do it – working hard to achieve his goals in the real world is anathema to him and he has never overcome any challenges, ever.”

Hey now, no forgetting the techies, lighting, sound, costuming, etc. As my old theatre crew put it — without us you’d be naked on a bare unlit stage and no one would hear you anyways.

In other words, it’s hard work, and requires a lot of people, and in my experience, a higher than average percent are some form of not-straight — that would require NWO to work with TEH GAY! and if he’s really doing an inverse of the Vagina Monogues, trans* people too.

(TEH GAY! is meant as a mockery of people who act like same sex attraction is contagious; always “teh” never “the”, “the” sounds serious after all)

12 years ago

All the “art” here is terrible, but I keep going back to the Save the Children one. Not only am I confused what’s going on there thematically speaking (so she’s a demon AND a vampire? I don’t remember any vampires in The Exorcist), the teeth! My 3 year old niece could slap better vampire teeth on a picture than that using her teeny little uncoordinated toddler hands and MS Paint.

12 years ago

I always shake my head when someone says “what if I made some CONSERVATIVE art, huh?” I mean, go ahead, what’s stopping you?

Conservatism is absolutely antithetical to art. That`s not to say liberalism always produces good films–good god, was Crash terrible–but there`s plenty of good stuff to go around. The pinnacle of conservative art is Atlas Shrugged.

12 years ago

Is Atlas Shrugged the one where the dude monologue goes on for about 20 pages, or is that The Fountainhead?

Ayn Rand is a great sleep aid.

12 years ago

The fact that the “Women, Men Don’t Want You” guy looks a bit like Freddie Mercury doesn’t make it less confusing, esp. as he was bi…

12 years ago

Conservatism is absolutely antithetical to art.

I think that’s far too sweeping. I doubt anyone would deny the artistic merit of A Clockwork Orange – book or film – and yet that seems to me to have a profoundly conservative message on a great many levels. And Philip Larkin was decidedly and outspokenly right-wing, but this has hardly hampered his reputation as one of the great post-war poets.

There are, of course, countless other examples.

12 years ago

I disagree. The pinnacle of conservative art is An American Carol. So abysmal that it was outperformed in its opening weekend by Beverly Hills Chihuahua.

12 years ago

Does anyone aside from the MRA circle actually pay attention to this so-called art? I’d be surprised if even feminists were interested in examining these catastrophes of creativity, let alone mainstream society.

extraterrestrial biological entity princess

About abortion.
1. About half of all fertilized eggs are lost before the woman knows she’s pregnant. Others miscarry in the first trimester. Others die later in the pregnancy or are stillborn. Clearly, it is not evolution’s strategy, God’s will, what have you, that every fertilized egg become a live infant.
2. The point made about a fetus being unable to survive without the mothers body, which is different than an infant who can, is exactly right. So is the bone marrow donor analogy. Pregnancy does mean a woman’s body is being used as a life support system, and even with modern medicine there are risks. Same as organ donation, she must be able to say no. There are also cases where there’s psychological trauma.
3. Obviously, every religion has a different teaching on this, but my own beliefs about the soul, death and the afterlife, include that souls are created separately from bodies and reincarnation. Abortion or miscarriage does not mean that a soul has lost its only chance at a life on this Earth. It only means that one possible body to incarnate in won’t happen, and the soul will choose another body to incarnate in and live out a life. I know pro-lifers have called such thinking “using reincarnation as an excuse to kill innocent babies”. Sorry, if you don’t like that you’ll have to discuss it with The Buddha the Hindu Gods. I’m just telling you what they say. (That last was meant as snark about people who say “I’m not responsible for myself because I’m doing what The Bible says”).
4. If men want control over pregnancy and birth, they need to find a way for men to carry a fetus themselves, so they’re the ones who are doing the work and can make the decisions. Surely no man would object to taking responsibility for something so important to them, amirite? (Wink)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I found one that might pass artistic muster (sort of) but my French is horrible — am I right that that says “We died for the fathers”? Or is la patrie the patriarchy? Or wtf? Move the “Men’s Privileges” label to the top or bottom (or the title) and it does work as art though.

Of course, if the point is that we need to seriously fix how veterans are treated and lower the rate of homelessness among veterans….fuck yeah we do. No argument here.

Also passes muster, for a lapel pin or something anyways, but again, ok “equal choices for men” sounds good in the vague sense, do they mean male birth control? In which case I agree. Or that men can force women they’ve impregnated to abort? Not remotely fine by me. (Use a fucking condom guys)

Any of the rest that pass artistic muster are too infuriatingly wrong to help their cause any, and part of being a decent artist is knowing when your idea is going to make people see red instead of your point. (See that horrible FGM cake disaster? The message may’ve been decent, but any message got lost in that horribly cake)

I really have no idea how you fuck up web design that badly, I might have to poke their code just to appease my curiosity.

extraterrestrial biological entity princess — you don’t mind if I borrow the logic behind #3 do you? Arguing religion with religion might work on a few people I know, namely an ex-fundie friend who’s still sorting wtf he actually believes, and tends to go with “I don’t have a uterus, so this really isn’t my problem”…but still calls himself pro-life…the idea that he can believe in souls and abortion and that not be a contradiction will probably be considered good news by him.

And regarding point 4 — they could also make external wombs, that’d solve a lot of these questions (including the pro-choice side continuing to draw lines in the sand as to how late is too late — not a problem, just move the nearly developed fetus to an external uterus!) — yeah that still sounds like sci-fi, nevermind I guess.

12 years ago

It means “homeland”, apparently.

12 years ago

Which homeland? If they’re in front of a tomb for soldiers who died for France, why is their sign in English? If they’re meant to be American, then references to WW1 need to go, since the American homeland was in no danger whatsoever during that war.

(Or in WW2 either, really, but I’ve long since accepted that some Americans are incapable of being rational about that and remain convinced that the Pearl Harbor bombing was the same thing as an actual invasion.)

Also that dog looks like it was cut out and pasted onto the picture like a collage, which is visually odd, as is the fact that the time of day is unclear.

12 years ago

Maybe Canada?

12 years ago

Canada would work for the tomb + sign, but wouldn’t explain why WW1 is being referenced.

But yeah, as a piece of art it’s certainly better than the lady with the crappy MS Paint fangs.