$MONEY$ a voice for men antifeminism artistry disgusting women evil women homophobia hypocrisy lying liars manginas marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam the poster revolution has begun

“Artisty Against Misandry” fights bigotry by declaring women to be “tapeworm parasites.”

Many of those in the manosphere wear their misogyny like a badge of honor. Others like to present themselves as fierce opponents of bigotry, and angrily deny the charges of misogyny thrown their way. When the Southern Poverty Law Center ran an article noting the misogyny often found on A Voice for Men, for example, site founder Paul Elam responded with great indignation in an open letter to the group:

Yesterday I received the unfortunate news that your organization … listed my website,, among others, as misogynistic, or “woman-hating. … Contrary to what readers of your site may be led to believe, the goals of SPLC and AVfM are quite similar: We both work to identify groups who seek to oppress others, and inform the public of the inequities they would perpetuate.

This seems a strange argument for the man whose handle on YouTube is “The Happy Misogynist,” and who regularly writes posts filled with hair-curling hatred of women. It seems even stranger when you consider AVFM’s support of a site that frankly peddles hate – against women, “manginas,” gay men, lesbian, and trans folk.

I’m talking about the misleadingly named Artistry Against Misandry site. AAM and AVFM seem almost joined at the hip. AAM’s founder, musician Jade Michael, wrote and performed the theme song currently used on AVFM’s internet “radio show.” AVFM has returned the favor, promoting the site and helping raise money for it. Indeed, several days ago Elam himself proudly announced that he’d sent along $100 of his own money to help Michael fund an upcoming event.

The site describes itself as follows:

Welcome to the first pro-male artist activist network.  Within these pages you will find music, poetry, prose, graphics, cartoons and additional links, all of which are here to bring attention to and counter misandry in Western society.

In practice, this means saying the worst shit about women you can possibly imagine. Oh, the “artists” also say terrible things about men who don’t hate women with fervor — you may recall the ridiculous caricature of me as a self-flagellating, woman-worshipping “mangina” at the end of this post from a couple of days ago.

But the “artists” whose work is featured on the site focus most of their venom on women. Let’s take a look at several graphics from Reality, one of the site’s most prolific contributors.

Yep, that’s right: “western women” are “the new tapeworm parasites.” Here are a couple more.

There are (literally) forty more where those came from, and they’re pretty much all as nasty and hateful as the ones I’ve featured here. I suggest you visit AAM’s graphic art page and scroll through the rest of Reality’s wares.

If you don’t have the patience for that, and since the app they use on AAM to display Reality’s artwork is a piece of crap, I’m just going to highlight some more of his clever anti-misandry slogans here in text form:

Women actually expect you to act like a traditional male. While they live like psychotic  whores. Keep dreaming, bitch!

Guys, do you really want to know what she’s thinking? 100% pure shit.

[Picture of women pointing at the camera.] We get everything and do nothing for it. Now get back to work slave.. we can put you in jail or bankrupt you with just a pointed finger.

Remember, when a woman tells you she’s tired it’s the only time she’s actually telling you the truth because…being a raging petty psychotic bitch…while being virtually retarded…while having endless banal thoughts she considers “genius…” while making insane and constant ultimatums…IS absolutely EXHAUSTING!!

Meanwhile, an artist calling himself “Andy Man” declares in a graphic of his own:

This is the sort of “artistry” that A Voice for Men is actively supporting.

And they wonder why some might consider them part of a hate movement?

Artistry Against Misandry also features music, videos, and even poetry, all of it awful, in every sense of the word. I will take a look at some of this in future posts.

EDIT: I added one more Reality graphic and a bunch of his slogans in text form.

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12 years ago

clip are is misandry

12 years ago


12 years ago

“How dare you suggest I’m a misogynist!

Have you seen my latest piece, by the way? I call it Women are Literally Demons.”

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Indeed, several days ago Elam himself proudly announced that he’d sent along $100 of his own money to help Michael fund an upcoming event.

Well, not his own money, not if those “donation drives” pay off the way he claims.

If that man has so much “self respect,” why is he so jealous of special privileges and unaccountability? Shouldn’t he just bask in the satisfaction of his honest, unprivileged, accountable life?

Oh yeah, domestic abuse is all about women daring men to hit them.
…Well, I suppose it is, from the abuser’s point of view.

They really need to get their “women are evil because abortions” separate from their “women are evil because child support.”

“Hey women, men don’t want you” would really break my heart if I didn’t live in the real goddamn world with male friends and relatives and coworkers and partners.

I look like NWO when I break my posts up like this, don’t I. 🙁

12 years ago

I could not for the life of me get the slideshow thing to work right. Not sure if it was partly my connection or not but they scrolled pretty much at random, either too fast or way too slow and the arrows did nothing. I am not broken up about it though, because by god those are some hideous graphics. I am not even offended I am just laughing hysterically. I can’t even begin to go look at the “music” or “poetry”. I have to sleep sometime after all.

12 years ago

Wonder what sucker, I mean donator Elam fleeced to give AAM that hundred. You’d think a baller like him could give more, wouldn’t you? Yeah, like Paul would ever give up his own to pay Peter.

That art is so bad that calling it art insults freshman art students everywhere.

12 years ago

AAM won’t load properly for me. I am glad.

12 years ago

Mashing clipart and text together is now art. Who knew?

12 years ago

Oh my god I am reading one of the short stories O.O

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Make it
Classy Cliff
Divide it up with
Roamin’ numerals

So authoritative
When it has sections like an article.
Owly’s manifesto,
So well organized.

This poem is better
Than anything on AAM;
It’s like Wallace Stevens
But about comments.

Misandry—not present

The only accuracy’s in

12 years ago

Sweet, now all we have to do is get these propaganda pieces on billboards and in our schools.
Ya know like the one with little boy’s wearing hoodies and the words, “awaiting instructions,” emblazoned on them.
How about a 1 in 4 men will be falsely accused propaganda piece to match the bullshit 1 in 4 rape propaganda peice.
Maybe a he fears you seiminar before you can attend college.
How about a women commit the vast majority of child abuse piece.
Posters all over the schools.
Maybe a take back the day campaign for men.
Or a wlak a mile in his shoes where ya slap on a pair of icky, dirty work boots and slog thru the mud in sweltering heat.

I mean for real equality, shouldn’t there be equal propaganda going both ways? Maybe a little erection monologues? Men will yak about sexing up little boy’s and it’ll be called a good rape, just like the vagina monologues. It’ll be satire and get rave reviews. Actually since that’d be gay it probably would get rave reviews. Satire and gay promotion, ya can’t beat that.

12 years ago

Cliff: Women are always at fault. As soon as you realise that you will be happy. Well, you will be happy if you can find a man to keep you on the strait and narrow.

Read the words of Meller and be enlightened.

Ok, that’s as much as I can manage. The simple truth is they do think men can’t really do wrong, when it comes to women. It’s chock full of logical inconsistencies when one looks at the details, but if one accepts the premise that women are at fault, and stupid, and childish, then it all has some sort of coherence.

It’s not actually supportable as a whole, but each thing is to be taken by itself. Interelational aspects are foolish, because that would imply women aren’t at fault.

Abortion is bad because the women aren’t consulting the men. Keeping the child is bad; if the woman doesn’t consult the man. If a woman’s decision is contrary to the man’s, then she is failing to “consult” him. It’s actually quite coherent.

Women are the property of men.

People like us are evil because we don’t think this is true.

12 years ago

They really need to get their “women are evil because abortions” separate from their “women are evil because child support.”

I think they except us, as a group, to chose between the two.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Kyrie – Really, I think what they expect is that a woman should raise a man’s children for him if she gets pregnant, being willing to surrender them to him at any time, but asking nothing from him before that.

She should just be like “Yeah, you’ve got some kids here if you ever want to claim them. I’ll keep raising them for you in the meantime. No big deal.”

12 years ago

Oh yeah, domestic abuse is all about women daring men to hit them.
…Well, I suppose it is, from the abuser’s point of view.

I guess if you don’t see women as human then suddenly it makes hitting them a lot less horrible.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

The comic makes it pretty clear that the real crime is calling 911.

12 years ago

@Cliff Pervocracy
“They really need to get their “women are evil because abortions” separate from their “women are evil because child support.”

Not really, Holly. Don’t kill a pretty simple concept. Were you alive as a fetus? I’ll hazard a wild guess and say you were, I’m usually wrong so feel free to correct me. Don’t kidnap is another simple concept. If a man says, “I want equal custody.” That should be the end of the story.

What’s the difference between a child murdered in the womb and a child murdered outside the womb? They’re both just as dead.

What’s the difference between the state barring a man from his children and extorting funds, or an individual person kidnapping and extorting? What? One is legal and the other is illegal? The result is the same, a man has his child kidnapped and is being extorted.

You support both, that makes you evil.

12 years ago

This is all fine by more. The more they post this crap the less likely they are to ever be taken seriously. As Dave said, “keep digging that hole.”

12 years ago

This is all fine by me. The more they post this crap the less likely they are to ever be taken seriously. As Dave said, “keep digging that hole.”

12 years ago

Jade Michael’s bio says he is married! WTF!?! WHO is married to these psychos?

12 years ago

Sorry, I posted twice. I’ll just blame my puny female brain.

12 years ago

Maybe it’s just a New York thing, but usually when there’s a guy in a sailor hat and handlebar mustache saying men don’t want women, he’s just from out of town and looking for directions to the West Side Highway is all.

12 years ago

Dept. of Redundancy Dept.: There are parasites which are not tapeworms, but I think all tapeworms are parasites. So WHY “tapeworm parasites”? Why not just tapeworms?

Don’t they realize this kind of over statement is likely to result in an unintentionally comic tone many times?

Or should I say many many many many many many a lot often many many times?

12 years ago

jennydevildoll: and there’s nothing wrong with that.

12 years ago

Every time I think these guys just can’t get more cartoonish…

It’d be hilarious if it weren’t so frightening and depressing.

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