antifeminism armageddon disgusting women evil women grandiosity irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW paradox misogyny oppressed men oppressed white men racism reactionary bullshit the c-word thug-lovers trogdor005

Trogdor Goes to the Store [TW: Misogyny, Ageism, Racism, Chicken Taquito Rolls, End of Civilization.]

A drugstore, as yet untainted by whores.

It’s been a long time since we’ve checked in with Trogdoor005, a young Man Going His Own Way with a vivid imagination, a love of bold text, and a deep hatred of all things female. In a recent post on, the Trogger reports on a visit to a local drugstore, where he witnessed a loud argument between two women cunts. The argument is actually the least interesting part of his story; it’s what happens afterwards that really got my attention, suggesting that Trog spends most of his days in a constant state of boiling rage not only towards women but towards pretty much anyone and everyone who crosses his path.

In search of the chips aisle, Trog ended up over by the pharmacy.

As I pass by the pharmacy, I notice that most of the people standing/sitting there are older people … what looks like a handful of 60-75 year olds, baby-boomers getting their last few drop$ of blood drained by big-pharma before they croak. Perhaps a comeuppance of sorts, these are, afterall … the SAME people who embraced and got behind liberalism/feminism back in the day … effectively laying the “foundation” for the Matriarchy that we currently live under, among OTHER things … .

Damn those old people and their MATRIARCHY. Trogdor continues his wandering, and we discover that he hates young girls as well:

As I continued to make my way thru the store, I was particularly disturbed by a lot of the younger girls and their dress/ demeanor. Some of these girls didn’t look a day over 13 and here they were, already wearing those short-shorts that go all the way up to the ass, kind of like the ones described here. They of course, had their little “smartphones” in one hand whilst txting away feverishly … and some of their faces were already showing signs of a developing “thousand cock stare”, which should come as no surprise considering the rotten feminized culture they were raised in, having absorbed countless hours of Jersey shore and MTV poison.

What the fuck is a “thousand cock stare?”

I overheard a couple of brief comments as I walked by some of them, totally superficial bullshit … you can tell right away these girls are (unfortunately) gonna grow up to be more of the same generic, hypergamous, narcissistic American sluts that we are all-too-familiar with, TOTALLY worthless women just like their mothers in all like-li-hood were as well. You can tell just from the tone of their voices and their snobby remarks that these girls have no substance, no redeemable qualities … they emphasize and accentuate their “curves” because … that’s all they are! That’s all they have to “offer” … sex … their slimy hole. The future does not bode well for America with such a bad crop of “native” women having >51% of the vote and being “in charge” of reproduction …

Dude, if all you want is a slimy hole, buy a fucking fleshlight – there’s no shame in it — and shut the fuck up about actual women and girls.

Eventually, after witnessing another skirmish in what has become an ongoing battle between the two women cunts he overheard earlier, Troggy leaves the store. While he’s walking through the parking lot, a car drives by:

[A] busted-up piece of shit full of “gangsta” dressed caucasian younggins passes a couple of feet in front of me. The windows are open and it absolutely REEKS of weed … no doubt another batch of young men raised by single moms who, lacking the stabilizing influence of a father, turn to such things as a way to cope with their lack of direction in life.

I like how quickly he moves past hating on these guys to hate on their hypothetical single mothers.

Of course I also see a few single moms, thug-lets in tow, making their way to the store as I walk back to my car.

Evidently Trogdor has quite a developed single-mom-dar; I myself am unable to tell if a woman with kids is single or married or even the mother of the children in question. I’m also unable to tell by looking at young children whether or not they will end up as “thugs.”

On a last-minute urge, I decided to head over to the nearby 7-Eleven to get some of those chicken taquito rolls. On my way there, I pass a high-school baseball field, which was in the middle of a game. Something that stood out to me was the high percentage of Hispanic youth at this baseball game, virtually all the players on both teams as well as the parents present were Hispanic … a sign of the times and changing demographics.

Dude, I hate to break it to you, but these “changing demographics” are also responsible for the ready availability of chicken taquito rolls  at your local convenience store.

Trogdor ends with some broader reflections on the end of civilization as we (or at least he) knows it:

Gents, when I step back and look at the “society” that we live in, I can’t help but think … “what a fucking mess” … and I’m sure I’m not alone. Anyone else feel the same way?

The whole thing is so warped, so backwards, so corrupted …

It seems that one of the key differences between a declining society such as ours and lesser “advanced”, but longer-lasting civilizations which have actually stood the test of time is that places like China, the Middle East, and India never gave power to/listened to idiots, hence their longevity and stability relative to a place like the United States … which is starting to come un-hinged/fall apart after only a measly 50 years (LOL!1!) of feminist assault.

Dude, the only thing unhinged here is you.

What must it be like to live inside the brain of an MGTOWer like Trogdoor, where everything from old people waiting for their prescriptions to women walking through parking lots with their kids somehow becomes evidence that civilization is in its final days?


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12 years ago

“The hate for single moms comes from two old stand-bys of MRA thought: 1) that feminism is to blame for an increase in divorce, and thus the decline of the family and of course 2) that the woman was the one granted custody by default because of the evil man-hating court system”

I agree with this, but I would add a third point: 3) It is the woman’s fault for having children with an asshole instead of with a nice guy

12 years ago

I pity the poor therapist who would have to put up with NWO.

12 years ago

I like how NWO doesn’t mention the race of the young man falsely convicted of rape.
Yeah honey this didn’t happen because he was a man, this happened because he was a big black teenager and the courts system is racist as heck.

I’m sick of the mrm appropriating racist shit and calling it misandry, especially because the mrm is an especially white movement and happens to harbor a lot of racism.
Almost all of the grievances they have that are in any small way legitimate almost exclusively affect black men / men of color.
Again, not because of misandry, which is a nonsense word, but because of racism, which is pervasive and institutional.
(You know, how some people are actually oppressed and not made up pretty girls are meanies to me ‘oppressed’)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“You know, how some people are actually oppressed and not made up pretty girls are meanies to me ‘oppressed’” — if that’s directed at NWO, no, he doesn’t know (he’s either intentionally obtuse, or fairly thick)

But agreed that that case was systemic racism, “he was a big black teenager” was wtf his lawyer said FFS.

12 years ago

We have to keep in mind that the switchover to handing custody to women rather than men started somewhere before the time when the Tarzan-novel were all the rage. So we’ve been living in a single-mom-culture pretty much ever since the 1910s.

12 years ago

Today I learned that if you embrace feminism, you will age.

12 years ago

For someone to say, “over 70% of divorces are initiated by women” is an utterly meaningless statement without knowing the circumstances behind it. In my state, a woman whose husband has moved out has to file either divorce or separation proceedings in order to get a temporary support order for the children if he didn’t take them along. If she doesn’t, and the children suffer, social services will blame her. Long term alimony is almost never awarded, and short term alimony is not enforced. If there is a house, his lawyer can prevent her from getting it and force a sale.

Some child support awards may seem high, but just as many seem very low. It depends on the financial condition of the non-custodial parent at the time of the decree. If it is hard to get a high award lowered (say, for job loss) it’s even harder to get a low award raised (because the target can afford a lawyer). So, if the non-custodial parent is down and out at the time of the decree, but lifts him or herself up later, it will be difficult for the custodial parent to do anything about the change in circumstances.

All couples in my state start out with joint custody and extremely liberal visitation. Someone who wants sole custody has an uphill battle to change that, unless the other side makes terrible mistakes. But even child abuse during the divorce will not likely change anything unless it is severe enough for pictures, because the custodial parent will be suspected of making it up or coaching the children, even if he or she wasn’t the one who reported it.

In fact, if there is a situation that affects the children, and the mother does NOT file whatever she is legally entitled to file, social services will regard HER as the perpetrator of child neglect and she can lose her children to her husband if he has found a new partner with a pretty house and a job. Social services in my state looks down on traditional “housewife” moms, doubly so if they are members of a conservative religion that encourages traditional marriage.

Often by the time a divorce has been filed, the marriage has been abandoned by a departing spouse. Then, on paper, it LOOKS like the one who was left behind started all the trouble if he or she is the one who filed.In a no-fault state. It’s not possible to know what led to the filing just from seeing who is the Petitioner. It doesn’t even matter who files. The rules for property, etc. are the same. But no one can know what really happened from a distance. Only the deluded or the ideologues “know” that the women simply filed for divorce so that she can “play” while he “pays.”

Family laws are different from state to state, so mileage may vary here. But my state is somewhat typical of those who have modernized their divorce laws in the late 20th century. Instead of a system that takes male breadwinners to the cleaners, we have a system that takes both parties to the cleaners. It automatically involves large numbers of highly-paid professionals (custody evaluators, guardians ad litem, etc.) who may see the family only once or twice pendente lite. By eliminating the “fault” from the divorce proceedings, hostilities have merely shifted over to the custody phase.

In summary, the description of women and divorce that is constantly repeated by MRAs bears little resemblance to how the law actually works in my state, and probably many other states as well. Men do not always get a raw deal, and women do not always end up on easy street. A more likely outcome is that both parties are left poorer and feeling trampled by the process. Divorce flings are not taken lightly by either party in my state if there are children and/or property. It is not possible to know the circumstances behind any given divorce without knowing the parties well, and there may be disagreement even then.

12 years ago

For someone to say, “over 70% of divorces are initiated by women” is an utterly meaningless statement without knowing the circumstances behind it.

Indeed. For various reasons, the person officially recorded has having “initiated” the divorce may not be the person whose idea it was in the first place – it might simply have been more convenient to register it that way. Similarly, the co-respondent might not actually exist, especially if he/she is unnamed in the divorce petition – for instance, when she got divorced from her first husband, my wife invented a conveniently anonymous lover after being advised that an admission of adultery would speed things up.

So it’s very very dangerous to rely on official statistics if you’re after an accurate picture.

12 years ago

Exactly, and in my state (with no-fault divorce) there isn’t even any co-respondent. If there’s an outside relationship, the court doesn’t even want to hear about it. The court won’t sit still and listen to any sorts of complaints about why the relationship failed. The court just wants to know, ‘Is it over?” It could be anything. What makes it hard is, when one person’s behavior really was ghastly – it’s not admissible or relevant in a no-fault proceeding. Because it’s inadmissible, it won’t be in the court record. All you will see is, “Comes now the petitioner…”

In no-fault divorce, in theory, they divvy up the property, ajudicate where any kids will live, issue any support orders, and it’s supposed to be done. But for some couples, at least one of them wants to fight about something, so here they sling it out in the custody phase. There is the only place our courts let anyone talk smack about the other (and listen to them). But if there’s no disagreement, things can go smooth and fast.

Christine Noble
12 years ago

Honestly, could it be anymore obvious that Trogdor is just another sad “I’m not getting any because women are sluts” moron?

12 years ago

And another chapter of the MRA divorce mythology bothers me: I’ve seen a portrait painted of a man who sends in his child support but the heartless woman cashes the checks, spends them on herself, and tells the kids he’s refusing to pay. That there are drawers full of cards and letters he sent that she just hides from the kids. In my state, people make court-ordered payments through a central state registry which eliminates any “he-said-she-said” where support payments are concerned. Violations of visitation rights are severely frowned upon here, and are grounds for revisiting a custody order. And, there are ways to prove that a card or letter got to the place it was supposed to go ( So, yes, there are evil vicious mothers out there, but it is by no means universal or even easy to get away with for long, at least in my state.

12 years ago

A difficult thing that I’ve noticed with MRAs and divorce is the idea that “the women always get the children and that’s REALLY BAD AND UNFAIR!” Yes, it’s true that the patriarchy supports the myth that women are more nurturing/better parents than men, and that’s damaging for everybody… but children really ought to stay with the primary caregiver, unless xe is unfit for the role (ex-partner calling hir a bitch during divorce proceedings does not unfit hir for the role of child caregiver.) Statistically, men are not performing the roles of primary caregivers, so I would be interested in learning why precisely it is so unfair.

In 2009 the US Census Bureau reported 5.1 million stay-at-home mothers and 158,000 stay-at-home fathers. In households where both parents were present and working outside the home, 70% of females reported that their primary caregiver duties affected their job performance (leaving work to care for sick children, requesting flexible/reduced hours, using vacation time to cover childcare) while less than 30% of men reported compromising their out-of-home work with the duties of a primary caregiver.

In order to really address the “MRA divorce mythology”, we need the statistics that state
1. Of the 158,000 stay-at-home fathers, how many are divorced?
2. of divorced stay-at-home fathers, how many retain primary custody of the children?
3. of divorced stay-at-home fathers who retained primary custody of the children, how much alimony and child support do they receive?

Then we need statistics that state:
1. Of working fathers, how many are divorced?
2. Of those, how many report compromising their work to perform the roles of a primary caregiver?
3. Of those, how many fathers placed child care more highly on their priority list than the working mother?
4. Of divorced working fathers who regularly placed child welfare above work performance, and did so more frequently than the divorced working mother, how many divorced working fathers retained custody of their children?

And hopefully:
4. In divorced non-heterosexual/non-gender-binary partnerships, does the stay-at-home parent retain custody preferentially to the working parent?

12 years ago

Agreed, some actual data would be helpful here. I seem to recall a study, from the 80s I think, where it showed that men overwhelmingly don’t receive sole custody – unless they ask for it. That when they do ask for sole custody, their success rate is very high. And the type of moms most likely to lose custody were the the traditional housewife-mothers. I’ll have to try and find that.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Another big hole in the MRA divorce mythology is the idea that parents in a divorce are always divided into “full custody” and “restraining order.” In reality, lots of fathers don’t get primary custody, but do get partial custody and frequent visitation. You have to have some really nasty problems (or, more often, skip town and make no effort to see the kids) to not get even supervised visitation.

When MRAs ignore this, when they act like divorce always means one parent “gets the kids” and the other never sees them again, it gives away how little they really know about an issue that’s supposedly a big deal for them. And it makes it look (sometimes intentionally, sometimes not) like they’re most concerned with restoring parental rights to abusive and neglectful fathers.

12 years ago

I have identified the problem and the solution. The problem is that Trogdoor should not have gone out in public. The solution is the Trogdoor should stop going out in public.

12 years ago

However, I, too, miss the old days, when 13-year old girls were generally serious thinkers trading philosophy down at the local soda fountain. It’s a shame that children have somehow become interested in “superficial” topics. They act as if they lack the experience and responsibility that adults have. What gives?

12 years ago

I mean jeez, what would teenaged girls talk about in Trogdor’s ideal world? Chaucer? Astrophysics? What is a suitably “deep” topic in MGTOW-land?

They should be talking about rolling back the matriarchy, and also chastity and submissiveness and the blankets they are weaving for their hope chests. Or, silly me, they shouldn’t be talking at all until they are spoken to. (I kid.)

12 years ago

Hey, after NWO won Troll of the Year, didn’t he say he was going to go through the Big Book of Larnin’ point by point and explain why he was right? What happened to that? I still want to hear about the super-dogs.

12 years ago


In reality, lots of fathers don’t get primary custody, but do get partial custody and frequent visitation. You have to have some really nasty problems (or, more often, skip town and make no effort to see the kids) to not get even supervised visitation.

Yeah. I saw more of my dad post-divorce, despite my mom having physical custody, because when he had us he couldn’t foist child care duties over to his wife while he did other things (he did tend to foist child care duties onto the TV, but he had to at least be in an adjoining room and cook meals, if nothing else.) And of course, as was the norm 15 years ago in my province and remains the norm today, they had joint legal custody, which allowed my dad to see us pretty much whenever he could fit it in around business travel.

Blah blah misandry etc.

She Wolf of the Midwest
She Wolf of the Midwest
12 years ago

Cliff Pervocracy, NWOSlave:

“I’d like to see one news article that’s written that way. I’ve seen news articles saying “90 killed; 2 were children,” but never one that parted it out by gender.”

I have never seen one that specified ‘____ were women’ as NWO states he’s seen , but I have seen articles where ‘mother of ___ children ‘ women were listed separately from other victims, including other women. I don’t recall ever seeing articles where ‘father of ____ children’ were mentioned as a separate group from other victims, but that doesn’t mean the articles don’t exist.

Maybe NWOSlave has seen the articles where “mothers” were listed as a separate group, and he’s conflated “mothers” with “women”?

(I have also seen a lot of articles where children victims are mentioned separately.)

12 years ago

Though I would certainly hesitate to diagnose Slavey over the internet, his tendency to accuse everyone else of hatred is such a classic example of projection that it should be included in introductory Psych textbooks everywhere.

12 years ago

“I like how NWO doesn’t mention the race of the young man falsely convicted of rape.
Yeah honey this didn’t happen because he was a man, this happened because he was a big black teenager and the courts system is racist as heck.”

I didn’t realize you were such a hardcore racist with an insane hatred of white men. Does your hatred for whites include white women, or only white men? The fact is, he’s a man, if he wasn’t a man, reguardless of race, he wouldn’t have been falsely accused.

Would you like a link to a white man being falsely accused? There’s loads of them. Is it less of an injustice if he’s white? Is it more of an injustice if he’s black? Does justice have a race or gender?
I’m going to rerace and regender your statement.

“I like how wigginbug doesn’t mention the race of the young woman falsely accusing of rape.
Yeah honey this didn’t happen because she was a woman, this happened because she was a big black woman and the courts system is sexist as heck.”

Had I wrote the above I’m pretty sure I’d get permabanned, and rightfully so. Everyone of you here casually display pride in racism/sexism against white men. It’s almost as if you can’t help yourselves.

You’ve simply tried to manipulate the situation into a, “white men are to blame,” scenario. Why would you do that unless you enjoy your racism/sexism. A woman falsely accused a man. He was humiliated and spent time in prison. She sued the school for lack of a safe womans space when it was the man in peril who actually needed the safe space. She profitted by bearing false witness and she’ll recieve no punishment. End of story.

Every single one of you has used the term white man in a negative way. Every feminist and feminist organisation has as well. Your religion is based on hatred. Everyone of you has spit out the term, “white man,” as if it’s a hunk of phlegm caught in the back of your throat’s, and none of you have ever said one damn word against this vile racism/sexism.
How about you, Dave? Nothing to say about her putrid racism? If you regendered and reraced everything ever said on this site about white men into black women would every commentor here be banned?

You’re the curator of this house, Dave. You enable and promote this racism. The swine that reside here revel in their racism as they call me a racist. They scream about tolerance while choking out the curse, “white man.”

I think I’ll just regender and rerace all the comments here so all of you can see what vile swine reside here.

12 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri
“Shouldn’t that have been, “in a strawberry ice bar,” instead of, “is a strawberry ice bar?”” — you are correct on that though, I was typing one handed while eating my fruit bar goodness. You can do better than just playing spot-the-typo though!”

When you corrected my grammar it was to prove your superiority and my stupidity.
When I corrected your’s, you had a legitimate excuse.
Why would you do that?

When you played spot-the-typo, it was clever and intelligent.
When I played spot-the-typo, it was juvenile and childish.
Why would you do that?

It’s a fair question, don’t you think? I answer many questions so answer mine. Why would you do that?

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

I don’t recall ever seeing articles where ‘father of ____ children’ were mentioned as a separate group from other victims, but that doesn’t mean the articles don’t exist.

They do exist. (Trigger warning because the link is to a very tragic story.)

Most disaster headlines I’ve read just say something like “Death toll rises to ___, expected to climb”. I have no reason to believe there is a misandric bias in news headlines. NWO claimed there is, so the burden of proof is on him to prove it.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I’ve seen news stories that said “X were killed; Y were children,” and news stories that said “X men and Y women were killed,” but I’ve yet to see one that says “X were killed; Y were women.”

And I’d feel sort of weirdly condescended to if I did. It would seem like too close a counterpart to “Y were children.”

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