antifeminism armageddon disgusting women evil women grandiosity irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW paradox misogyny oppressed men oppressed white men racism reactionary bullshit the c-word thug-lovers trogdor005

Trogdor Goes to the Store [TW: Misogyny, Ageism, Racism, Chicken Taquito Rolls, End of Civilization.]

A drugstore, as yet untainted by whores.

It’s been a long time since we’ve checked in with Trogdoor005, a young Man Going His Own Way with a vivid imagination, a love of bold text, and a deep hatred of all things female. In a recent post on, the Trogger reports on a visit to a local drugstore, where he witnessed a loud argument between two women cunts. The argument is actually the least interesting part of his story; it’s what happens afterwards that really got my attention, suggesting that Trog spends most of his days in a constant state of boiling rage not only towards women but towards pretty much anyone and everyone who crosses his path.

In search of the chips aisle, Trog ended up over by the pharmacy.

As I pass by the pharmacy, I notice that most of the people standing/sitting there are older people … what looks like a handful of 60-75 year olds, baby-boomers getting their last few drop$ of blood drained by big-pharma before they croak. Perhaps a comeuppance of sorts, these are, afterall … the SAME people who embraced and got behind liberalism/feminism back in the day … effectively laying the “foundation” for the Matriarchy that we currently live under, among OTHER things … .

Damn those old people and their MATRIARCHY. Trogdor continues his wandering, and we discover that he hates young girls as well:

As I continued to make my way thru the store, I was particularly disturbed by a lot of the younger girls and their dress/ demeanor. Some of these girls didn’t look a day over 13 and here they were, already wearing those short-shorts that go all the way up to the ass, kind of like the ones described here. They of course, had their little “smartphones” in one hand whilst txting away feverishly … and some of their faces were already showing signs of a developing “thousand cock stare”, which should come as no surprise considering the rotten feminized culture they were raised in, having absorbed countless hours of Jersey shore and MTV poison.

What the fuck is a “thousand cock stare?”

I overheard a couple of brief comments as I walked by some of them, totally superficial bullshit … you can tell right away these girls are (unfortunately) gonna grow up to be more of the same generic, hypergamous, narcissistic American sluts that we are all-too-familiar with, TOTALLY worthless women just like their mothers in all like-li-hood were as well. You can tell just from the tone of their voices and their snobby remarks that these girls have no substance, no redeemable qualities … they emphasize and accentuate their “curves” because … that’s all they are! That’s all they have to “offer” … sex … their slimy hole. The future does not bode well for America with such a bad crop of “native” women having >51% of the vote and being “in charge” of reproduction …

Dude, if all you want is a slimy hole, buy a fucking fleshlight – there’s no shame in it — and shut the fuck up about actual women and girls.

Eventually, after witnessing another skirmish in what has become an ongoing battle between the two women cunts he overheard earlier, Troggy leaves the store. While he’s walking through the parking lot, a car drives by:

[A] busted-up piece of shit full of “gangsta” dressed caucasian younggins passes a couple of feet in front of me. The windows are open and it absolutely REEKS of weed … no doubt another batch of young men raised by single moms who, lacking the stabilizing influence of a father, turn to such things as a way to cope with their lack of direction in life.

I like how quickly he moves past hating on these guys to hate on their hypothetical single mothers.

Of course I also see a few single moms, thug-lets in tow, making their way to the store as I walk back to my car.

Evidently Trogdor has quite a developed single-mom-dar; I myself am unable to tell if a woman with kids is single or married or even the mother of the children in question. I’m also unable to tell by looking at young children whether or not they will end up as “thugs.”

On a last-minute urge, I decided to head over to the nearby 7-Eleven to get some of those chicken taquito rolls. On my way there, I pass a high-school baseball field, which was in the middle of a game. Something that stood out to me was the high percentage of Hispanic youth at this baseball game, virtually all the players on both teams as well as the parents present were Hispanic … a sign of the times and changing demographics.

Dude, I hate to break it to you, but these “changing demographics” are also responsible for the ready availability of chicken taquito rolls  at your local convenience store.

Trogdor ends with some broader reflections on the end of civilization as we (or at least he) knows it:

Gents, when I step back and look at the “society” that we live in, I can’t help but think … “what a fucking mess” … and I’m sure I’m not alone. Anyone else feel the same way?

The whole thing is so warped, so backwards, so corrupted …

It seems that one of the key differences between a declining society such as ours and lesser “advanced”, but longer-lasting civilizations which have actually stood the test of time is that places like China, the Middle East, and India never gave power to/listened to idiots, hence their longevity and stability relative to a place like the United States … which is starting to come un-hinged/fall apart after only a measly 50 years (LOL!1!) of feminist assault.

Dude, the only thing unhinged here is you.

What must it be like to live inside the brain of an MGTOWer like Trogdoor, where everything from old people waiting for their prescriptions to women walking through parking lots with their kids somehow becomes evidence that civilization is in its final days?


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12 years ago


They sorta did develope Fascism during the Bronze Age and… were stuck with it! Forever!

That’s the extend of China’s so-called “stability”.

12 years ago

What’s with all the quotation marks. I mean “smartphones”? “curves”? “offer”???

12 years ago

They had Florence Crittenden homes back then for a reason.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I feel like fisking. Apologies for long.

… what looks like a handful of 60-75 year olds, baby-boomers getting their last few drop$ of blood drained by big-pharma before they croak. Perhaps a comeuppance of sorts, these are, afterall … the SAME people who embraced and got behind liberalism/feminism back in the day

Gosh, dude, you don’t know them! They could be conservative misogynists! Those get old too, y’know.

This is sort of off topic, but I bet they were actually 70-85 year olds. Young shitheads tend to have a bad sense of how old is old, and think people all turn crotchety and wizened at about 50. They’d be goddamn shocked to learn how many 60-year-olds actually look more like this:×510/meryl-streep-17-01-09-10-2876.jpg

Some of these girls didn’t look a day over 13 and here they were, already wearing those short-shorts that go all the way up to the ass, kind of like the ones described here.

I don’t know what it’s like where you are, Trogdor, but it’s 90 degrees here. I’m not wearing shorts for the sex appeal.

(Also: If someone’s 13, their legs are probably growing pretty fast, and they may not have gone shopping for clothes yet this summer. I know that’s like the least sexy explanation ever, but seriously. That’s how I ended up with too-small shorts when I was a teenager.)

They of course, had their little “smartphones” in one hand whilst txting away feverishly … and some of their faces were already showing signs of a developing “thousand cock stare”, which should come as no surprise considering the rotten feminized culture they were raised in, having absorbed countless hours of Jersey shore and MTV poison.

I didn’t know that Jersey Shore showed cocks on basic cable! Or that viewing cocks ruins a woman. I knew that actually touching cocks would, of course, but this is a new wrinkle.

You can tell just from the tone of their voices and their snobby remarks that these girls have no substance, no redeemable qualities


they emphasize and accentuate their “curves” because … that’s all they are! That’s all they have to “offer” … sex … their slimy hole.

I just got back from a shift in the ER. It was tense; we had a grievously injured person we had to drop everything to stabilize and get into surgery immediately. Of course I can’t say I “saved” them–no one person can–but I helped arrange the blood transfusion and call in the surgical team and rapidly coordinate all the tests they needed. I feel like I contributed.

Twist ending: I’m a woman.

Something that stood out to me was the high percentage of Hispanic youth at this baseball game, virtually all the players on both teams as well as the parents present were Hispanic … a sign of the times and changing demographics.

It’s weird to see this kind of racism going hand-in-hand with “white women are terrible, foreign women know their place.” If you think Hispanic women are more likely to know their place, wouldn’t you welcome this?

I guess he wants a Foreign Bride, but wants to live in a white neighborhood with her.

12 years ago

As a foreigner living in America I’d like to point out that to whatever extent American society might be considered “a fucking mess”, it’s because there are people like Trogdor living here. Also, I know a few people who survived China’s Cultural Revolution who might want to have a word with him about his theory about China never putting idiots in charge.

PS – I’ve lived in a Middle Eastern country (Saudi Arabia), and old people there do in fact generally get health care. In fact, they have socialized healthcare! It is also very common to see mothers walking around with their children (though neither mom nor kids will be in short-shorts), as it also is in Libya (which is not actually in the Middle East, but I’m guessing that distinction would be a bit too subtle for our angry troglodyte friend). In both countries the idea that society should abandon its obligation to care for the elderly would be regarded as appalling, and modern medicine is seen as a very good thing indeed. Short version – people there would not like him any more than his fellow Americans do.

Has he explained what exactly a “thousand cock stare” is?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Of course I also see a few single moms, thug-lets in tow, making their way to the store as I walk back to my car.”
Evidently Trogdor has quite a developed single-mom-dar; I myself am unable to tell if a woman with kids is single or married or even the mother of the children in question. I’m also unable to tell by looking at young children whether or not they will end up as “thugs.”

On my errand run earlier, I got delayed by an epic line (I was in no rush, so whatever) — in front of me was a woman in her mid-20s with a ~4 year old in tow, I spent a while half watching the kid play, as he was being adorable in that way 4 year olds are, and trying to figure out if she was mom or babysitter because it’s fucking 85-90 here and she was in long sleeves (a sweater even it looked like!) and long pants. And then he started on the “mommy, mommy, mommy!” while clearly asking for candy.

Apparently she’s a whore of a single mother and he’ll be a thug in a decade…funny, I figured based on how stylish her over-dressed self was that the kid was probably pretty loaded. I wasn’t really paying enough attention to notice if she had a wedding ring or not.

Wonder what Trogdor would say about the woman in the next line over who forgot her shoes. (I overheard her say as much, I’m not judging someone simply can’t afford shoes)

This is how my trip to the drug store went btw — random people being random, and a cute kid being cute.

“What the fuck is a ‘thousand cock stare?'” — an absolutely terrible pun of the thousand yard stare. Considering that the term was coined regarding shell shocked soldiers before we called it PTSD, and the rates of PTSD among child abuse and rape survivors, it’s truly an atrocious pun.

12 years ago

Never ever google “thousand cock stare,” and if you do REALLY never click on MarkyMark’s blog in the results, or you’ll find out that phrase is something that actually exists in the manosphere:

When a woman finally does marry (after tens if not hundreds of sexual partners), she cannot bond or become one with her husband. She cannot give herself to him, because she’s given herself to every other Tom, Dick, and Harry.
That’s why modern women are such damaged goods. You can see it in their faces and especially their eyes. One guy on Mancoat used a crude, yet accurate expression to describe this: the thousand cock stare. It used to be that only career prostitutes had this look; now, it seems as if the vast majority of women do, and they sport it at ever younger ages!

[cloudiah goes off to find the brain bleach…]

The _Yazata
The _Yazata
12 years ago

‘She cannot give herself to him, because she’s given herself to every other Tom, Dick, and Harry.
That’s why modern women are such damaged goods.’

What I’m getting out of this is that MRAs are implying women are ruined by being around men. Do they realize this is what they are implying? It seems awfully misandrist of them to suggest such a thing.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

cloudiah — I read that as fundamentally saying that girls are being traumatized younger than ever and that’s their own damned faults — please tell me context helps? *brain bleach* because fuck, I know full well the context won’t help.

12 years ago

So is there a Thousand Cunt Stare? These women aren’t fucking themselves, you know.

Damn these guys hate themselves.

12 years ago

I would like to see photographic evidence of this “thousand cock stare”. Is it like the Care Bear Stare?

12 years ago

I want to make a joke about the Cockatrice, but dammit, nothing’s cooking.

12 years ago

Am I only one who imagined “Thousand Cock Stare” as something an anime character screams before doing an overly long special attack?

…yes, the actual context is awful, but damn it, I tried.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I may have actually seen a thousand cocks. I’ve been working in healthcare for about six years now, and, well, I see a few penises every day, and they add up. So I guess I actually have a “thousand-cock stare?”

I’ll go look in the mirror and… MY GOD.


12 years ago

hellkell, only women can become damaged goods, obviously. 🙁 The grand theory also has something to do with oxytocin, but damn I am not going back there. I’m still shuddering.

12 years ago

Cloudia, they clearly know nothing about oxytocin, because men produce that too.

12 years ago

Women’s oxytocin goes bad, or gets diluted, or something, if they see too many cocks. Sorry Cliff– it’s science.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Breastfeeding and childbirth cause a massive release of oxytocin, too. They don’t interfere with straight women’s abilities to bond with male partners, so why should orgasms?

12 years ago

What the fuck is a “thousand cock stare?”

That’s what I was going to ask, in those exact words, no less.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I think the EvoScience BioTruth here is that women release oxytocin at orgasm, and oxytocin causes you to bond permanently to your partner, so if you have sex with too many people your bonding will be stretched too thin. Or something.

According to this Science, I can never truly love anyone except the pillow I had in seventh grade.

12 years ago

I just got back from a shift in the ER. It was tense; we had a grievously injured person we had to drop everything to stabilize and get into surgery immediately. Of course I can’t say I “saved” them–no one person can–but I helped arrange the blood transfusion and call in the surgical team and rapidly coordinate all the tests they needed. I feel like I contributed.

Sorry if I’m doubling up someone else’s comment as I skimmed through the thread: but you rock, Cliff! The fisking was total win but I wanted to cheer when I read this bit. o/

12 years ago

More Trogdor:

“On the subway today, a man came up to me to start a conversation. He made small talk, a lonely man talking about the weather and other things. I tried to be pleasant and accommodating, but my head hurt from his banality. I almost didn’t notice it had happened, but I suddenly threw up all over him. He was not pleased, and I couldn’t stop laughing. ”

Oh no wait sorry, that’s John Doe in Se7en.

12 years ago

What the fuck is a “thousand cock stare?”

It’s when your thoughts are a thousand cocks away. So maybe het women in a long distance relationship (or their partner’s two blocks over)? Or maybe “cock” is Trogdor’s preferred unit of measurement.

12 years ago

My guess is that this idiot believes we should be living like it’s 1950. No thankyou.

ruby, that’s basically what you want, too.

12 years ago

I overheard a couple of brief comments as I walked by some of them, totally superficial bullshit … You can tell just from the tone of their voices and their snobby remarks that these girls have no substance, no redeemable qualities…

Thirteen year olds, in my experience, don’t say smart things. At all. Period. Because they’re thirteen. What do you want? Do you really want to walk up to a thirteen year old and expect them to know jack shit about astrophysics or something? Seriously???

Also, try walking into a random store and engaging a complete fucking stranger in an intellectual discussion. Location fucking means something.
