a voice for men antifeminism artistry evil fat fatties funny manginas misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men paul elam pics radfems oh my reddit shaming tactics ShitRedditSays

Sh*tRedditSays has an Art Attack

Oh, ShitRedditSays! Not only are SRSers  fighting the good fight against bigotry and assyness and general shitlordery on Reddit, but they also manage to come up with some of the best and most hilarious faux-propaganda graphics you’re likely to run across online, many of which are gathered together on the SRS FArtistry tumblr blog.

SRS being a bit of a circlejerk, the graphics are mainly designed to amuse other SRSers, and are full of in-jokes and references to the ridiculous reputation SRS has amongst Redditors at large as being the home to humorless man-hating Dworkinite feminazis eager to oppress helpless Straight White Males. By pelting them with dildoes.

Here, for example, is a lovely drawing illustrating how many Redditors actually see the unending battle between SRS (represented here by surly angels armed with purple dildoes) and the upstanding free-speech defenders of Reddit.

Other SRS graphics play on old propaganda tropes:

Still others are just excuses to make in-jokes. (For some reason, SRSers like to refer to dogs as “dags.”)

It’s interesting to see the contrast between SRS FArt and the, er, art generated by MRAs online. Here, for example, is a graphic taken from the Artistry Against Misandry site, a collection of “art” and “music” and even “poetry” from angry, art-, music- and poetry-challenged MRAs. AAM is heavily promoted on A Voice for Men; heck, Paul Elam recently sent them $100 of his own (supporters’) money to fight the (allegedly) good fight.

This hilarious piece of WTFery, if you haven’t figured it out already, is evidently supposed to be a picture of me. Or possibly Michael Moore. Whoever it’s supposed to be, I cackled with glee when I first saw it yesterday. (For future reference, I don’t own either a baseball cap or that particular kind of flogger.)

I will be exploring the vast artistic richness (sarcasm) of Artistry Against Misandry in several upcoming posts.

And after that I will highlight some of the magnificent art (not sarcasm) produced by some of Man Boobz’ own.

In the meantime, enjoy this one last bit of SRS FArtistry, which might be suitable for desktop wallpaper:

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12 years ago

Maybe all NWO needs is a hug.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I’ve been called every name in the book on this thread alone” — you might not want to challenge us to come up with new ones then? You’ve been called an asshole, and various other things that aren’t any worse…that’s your definition of a serious insult? (and your grammar isn’t why I called you an asshole btw, you just happen to be an asshole with annoying bad grammar)

“She has no idea of the difference even between a normally opened or closed switch, or what it means.” — that’s…hilarious…how old are you NWO? (no I don’t expect an answer) — mid-20s here to report that we had to take shop AND home ec, meaning the girls all learned that too…also, it’s called middle management for a reason, they manage people, not the machines (this is also why the foreman may actually be less qualified, he’s reached the top of his career ladder)

“I find the actions of gays repulsive. My opinion is shamed.” — WRONG! sharing that opinion in general company is shunned because it’s an asshole opinion

“Example; If I say to always believe a man that the sex was consensual if she says rape, I’m a misogynist. If you say to always believe the woman who says rape while the man says it was consensual, you’re not a misandrist. Slavering beast theory.” — wrong again! feminists think we should always believe victims — seeing as how you already shunned male rape victims once today, I’m not surprised you didn’t realize we’d also believe them. We believe AntZ story even, and I’m pretty sure he’s hated about as much as you are.

“More is spent, and there are more organisations protecting your precious heritage than there are for the entire population of the rest of the world. Talk about hubris and arrogance!” — says a white American man sitting on fucking stolen land…argh, I need to make that make sense to NWO. You remember that whole Columbus discovered America thing? There were people here already and the BIA does not have anything like a posh budget, and no one else if protecting Native American heritage, so you seriously have a “pot, meet kettle” problem here.

“It’s kinda feels like everyone who looks at you knows. It truely does sucketh.” — see, now is where you might’ve garnered some sympathy if you weren’t usually such an ass

Pecunium — *claps* — that’s for your NWO reply, because that’s so much better than this rant, but I’m apparently feeling ranty this evening. (I am kind of curious your thoughts on the NWO quote directly above though)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

NWO, I kinda can’t believe I’m saying this, but that last comment was excessively snarky, and for that I apologize — take that comment as me being in a shitty mood, it really has very little to do with what you said.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Now see if you can follow this, Seimens wants to sell push button controls to big daddy, just billions of em at $25.00 a pop. Big daddy says you must employ X number of women in middle management positions.

It’s fascinating that you know about the existence of these agreements, which are never publicized anywhere and would be explicitly illegal. You must have some inside connections. Tell me about them!

Mangina = One who adheres to slavering beast theory, (always believe a womans word is gospel).

Dude, that’s not what “Slavering Beast Theory” even means. Slavering Beast Theory is the idea (which I was mocking) that bad people are always easy to spot, because they’ll all obviously look and act like horrible slavering beasts. My post was saying this is untrue, and bad people can look and act like anyone.

The thing about believing victims (regardless of gender) was separate.

At least label your illiterate delusions-of-what-I-wrote properly, for Chrissakes.

Oh, and I’m called Cliff now.

12 years ago

I think that women really do habitually respond to NWO with fear and disgust, and that he’s interpreted this to mean that that’s how women respond to men in general. I don’t think he’s capable of understanding that women respond to him that way because he, specifically, is terrifying. It’s not that women have been taught that all men are bad, it’s that the stuff that de Becker talks about in The Gift of Fear is true – humans tend to instinctively be able to sense when someone is dangerous, and respond with discomfort and avoidance.

Women aren’t shrinking away from him on the bus because he’s sweaty, they’re shrinking away from him because they can sense that he’s the kind of person who fantasizes about women being beaten in the streets.

12 years ago

I’ve never called Dave a mangina.

I can verify that this is true, I have never seen him call any man a mangina. At least he isn’t hypocritical in that sense unlike some mras. XD

12 years ago

Anathema: I don’t mind female-bodied or AFAB (or any of its variants), but I’m not a woman. But it’s cool. 🙂 Everyone fucks up genders on the Internet sometimes. I spent like a month thinking Snowy was a girl. (Sorry Snowy.)

NWO, darling, honey, love, sweetheart, I was WRONG. I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong, I WAS WRONG. Scream it from the rooftops! Graffiti it on the walls! Hire a chorus line to dance in the streets while singing it! I have been wrong before and I will be wrong again, about things of far more import than a line in a comment. You know why that’s awesome? Because I’m learning. I am actively working on becoming a less stupid person, and that means that sometimes you have to be wrong about things.

Also if you note in the comment I didn’t say a SINGLE THING about whether I enjoyed oral sex, or indeed about my personal sex life at all. For all you know when I wrote that comment I’d never had oral sex.

The transition goes well, thank you for asking. I love the look of my breasts when bound. It makes me so happy. 😀

12 years ago

Cliff: I do think he’s dishonest. I think he also believes a lot of stupid shit, but the pattern of what he says, how he says it and the way he changes what was said… I don’t believe he’s actually that obtuse.

When something touches him directly (such as my last comment to him) he is perfectly clear in his response.

There is a level to his arglebargle which he seems to choose.

I am sure he missed meals, even for days. I am sure he didn’t get jobs. I am also pretty sure he puts it the way he does to convince people the world works the ways he needs it to work to make it all the fault of feminism, and women. He’s not stupid enough for me to believe he isn’t being intentional.

12 years ago

NWO: Well than mock yourself dishonest one, you know quite well I said 300 days total, not 300 in a row. Why do you repeat this lie over and over? You talk all high and righteous, as if you have this impeccable honor and integrity. You ridicule a starving man who had been reduced to theft and repeat the same lies over and over. Honor? Integrity? Righteousness? You have none of those qualities.

I remember what you said. I remember too, how you said it. You said it without qualification. It was only after people challenged you on it that you amended the statement.

That’s what you said. To repeat that you said it is no lie. Are you starving now? No. So I am not mocking someone who needs to steal to eat.

I am mocking a man who is pretending that ever having been hungry means he can claim to be starving now, and forever.

Honor, integrity, righteousness… doesn’t matter how well I embody them. That’s not what angers you. What angers you is that the people who read what I say, and what you say think that you have none.

It angers you more that they think I have some.

As you sow, so shall you reap.

You have sown the wind, you shall reap the whirlwind.

12 years ago

Just got back from the wedding of two friends. It was exactly like this:

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Honor? Integrity? Righteousness? You have none of those qualities.” — did he just…isn’t it memorial day weekend? idk about righteousness, but I thought honor and integrity were sort of required traits… >.<

I think that might be a new low even for NWO, but then again, I'm half asleep. He is an MRA who makes a talking point out of how women don't have to register for the draft right?

(blarg, am I even making sense? the antihistamine as anti-anxiety/sleeping pill/joke of a pill is failing to knock me out but seems to be making me make less sense than usual….argh…)

12 years ago

Argenti: I have all three, to some degree. is I lacked the first two it wouldn’t be so bad. to not have “honor” is variably bad. To be dishonest is variably bad, but one can be lacking in either (or both) and still be a decent human being.

To be falsely righteous is bad. To be so is to make the lives of others less pleasant; and to be smug about it.

NWO… he is falsely righteous. He proclaims his Christianity, while hating people. He lacks charity. He is full of anger for his fellows and offers no forgiveness. It’s not that he fails the test of “seventy times seven,” it’s that so much as once is beyond him.

He is a hypocrite, who rails at the rest of the world for being so; as he does with Ozy in this thread.

He wants to believe the rest of us are like him, so that he can claim he is no worse; and try to imagine he’s better.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Pecunium — I don’t think NWO meant honor as in the opposite of dishonor but rather as some (capital H) Honor — the same word he’d use for chaste women probably. Either way, I wasn’t trying to question yours, more like question NWO’s. Agreed on the rest though.

“He proclaims his Christianity, while hating people. He lacks charity. He is full of anger for his fellows and offers no forgiveness.” — welcome to modern Christianity? That’s not just NWO, that’s why I gave up on my parents religion (just one more thing I’ll never hear the end of) — he takes bad faith arguments to a new level, but…”love the sinner hate the sin”…they fail in general >.<

The seventy times seven reference is actually not ringing bells, it has to be a biblical reference given the context, but I can't place it. Context based guess — some verse about forgiving people seventy times seven times? (lol, I hope so, then I have ammo for why hating my father isn't some massive sin because he simply refuses to change)

“He wants to believe the rest of us are like him, so that he can claim he is no worse; and try to imagine he’s better.” — yeah, that entire comment of his about my typo sounded like my little brother back when he was still little (dude’s twice my size now) — but a school yard taunt more than having a point, because my fixing his grammar must’ve meant I thought I was better? Here I thought I was just annoyed…

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Just want to comment that oral sex is only good if the other person either already knows what they’re doing or is good at taking direction. Of course it’s gonna suck if the person is completely out of tune with the woman they’re giving it to, or is half-assing it.

And I don’t think everyone should give it or accept it if they don’t want to. It’s a personal preference. What I do think though is that if you expect it from your partner, you should be willing to give it in return. Neither type of body part is any more pleasant than the other.

12 years ago

I think nwoslave really believes that Ozy is/was lying. I think he doesn’t believe that people can change, therefore if people claim to have changed their minds they haven’t really and are lying. It’s like the old saying “old dogs can’t learn new tricks”, only in nwoslave’s case it’s more like “dogs can’t learn tricks”.

12 years ago

Argenti: welcome to modern Christianity?

No. It’s a strain of vocal christianity, but it’s not the summa of modern christianity.

“love the sinner hate the sin”…they fail in general”

Most people do. It’s why that’s bad theology.

He fixes your typoes because he pretends his typing is one of the reasons we hate men. Because lots of us make typing mistakes, and he’s been singled out for having atrocious grammar which makes his points unintelligible. This is, of course, a case of, “woman good, men bad”, according to him,

12 years ago

Maybe it’s because I just reread Carrie, but when I try to imagine NWO’s version of Christianity all I can picture is Margaret White. She also hated women and their bodies and well, everything really.

And now the mental image of NWO shouting “THEY’RE ALL GONNA LAUGH AT YOU” at some eight year olds on their way to the beach will not leave my mind.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Pecunium — “It’s a strain of vocal christianity, but it’s not the summa of modern christianity.” — fair enough, it’s the strain I was raised in and ran from, so I’m admittedly very biased here. Regarding the typos/grammar, I’ll not repeat what I said and just link. “he’s been singled out for having atrocious grammar which makes his points unintelligible” basically sums it up.

Opinion on typoes versus typos? My brain says typoes, my spell check says typos >.<

lauralot89 — it's not just you, but I read Carrie at like 13 and that's a bit young for that book. (My mother was sick of me begging for access to her Stephen King collection.)

Myoo — "It’s like the old saying “old dogs can’t learn new tricks”, only in nwoslave’s case it’s more like “dogs can’t learn tricks”." …but…but…old dogs can learn new tricks, I’ve taught ones! Granted the old dog was an easy going shepard with younger dogs to watch, but it worked!

12 years ago

Teaching hate is the rule, not the exception, when it comes to Christianity. There are individual exceptions (and to some small scale, other exceptions).

12 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri

Myoo — “It’s like the old saying “old dogs can’t learn new tricks”, only in nwoslave’s case it’s more like “dogs can’t learn tricks”.” …but…but…old dogs can learn new tricks, I’ve taught ones! Granted the old dog was an easy going shepard with younger dogs to watch, but it worked!

Oh, I know old dogs can learn tricks, it’s just a saying, and only a partially correct one at best. While people (and dogs, I guess) might have some difficulty changing the habits they’ve been taught growing up, it’s quite possible to do so. I just thought it applied to nwoslave’s view of the world particularly well.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Myoo — I gathered as much, I was further mocking NWO. I probably should’ve mentioned I realize it’s just a saying, but I’d just woken up and my brain was still scrambled. And since most sane people don’t get wtf I mean with that, pretend it’s the same as “need coffee…now…”

12 years ago

Yeah, I figured you were only joking, but I suffer from a terrible case of did-I-express-myself-correctly-itis, and I find it preferable to clarify what I mean in case of doubt. I wasn’t offended or anything.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I suffer from a terrible case of did-I-express-myself-correctly-itis” — so do I apparently!

12 years ago

Well for a feminist you match your own deffinition of an MRA, a fat ugly loser living with his mother

12 years ago

Orly? And where has anyone ever defined an MRA like that here?