a voice for men antifeminism artistry evil fat fatties funny manginas misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men paul elam pics radfems oh my reddit shaming tactics ShitRedditSays

Sh*tRedditSays has an Art Attack

Oh, ShitRedditSays! Not only are SRSers  fighting the good fight against bigotry and assyness and general shitlordery on Reddit, but they also manage to come up with some of the best and most hilarious faux-propaganda graphics you’re likely to run across online, many of which are gathered together on the SRS FArtistry tumblr blog.

SRS being a bit of a circlejerk, the graphics are mainly designed to amuse other SRSers, and are full of in-jokes and references to the ridiculous reputation SRS has amongst Redditors at large as being the home to humorless man-hating Dworkinite feminazis eager to oppress helpless Straight White Males. By pelting them with dildoes.

Here, for example, is a lovely drawing illustrating how many Redditors actually see the unending battle between SRS (represented here by surly angels armed with purple dildoes) and the upstanding free-speech defenders of Reddit.

Other SRS graphics play on old propaganda tropes:

Still others are just excuses to make in-jokes. (For some reason, SRSers like to refer to dogs as “dags.”)

It’s interesting to see the contrast between SRS FArt and the, er, art generated by MRAs online. Here, for example, is a graphic taken from the Artistry Against Misandry site, a collection of “art” and “music” and even “poetry” from angry, art-, music- and poetry-challenged MRAs. AAM is heavily promoted on A Voice for Men; heck, Paul Elam recently sent them $100 of his own (supporters’) money to fight the (allegedly) good fight.

This hilarious piece of WTFery, if you haven’t figured it out already, is evidently supposed to be a picture of me. Or possibly Michael Moore. Whoever it’s supposed to be, I cackled with glee when I first saw it yesterday. (For future reference, I don’t own either a baseball cap or that particular kind of flogger.)

I will be exploring the vast artistic richness (sarcasm) of Artistry Against Misandry in several upcoming posts.

And after that I will highlight some of the magnificent art (not sarcasm) produced by some of Man Boobz’ own.

In the meantime, enjoy this one last bit of SRS FArtistry, which might be suitable for desktop wallpaper:

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12 years ago

@Cliff Pervocracy
“The point of that article was “bad people aren’t slavering beasts.” It was not “men are all slavering beasts.”

At the end of your slavering beast article you wrote something along the lines of every woman who makes an accusation against a man should be believed and supported. If I were to regender your article by stating that even though the girl next door doesn’t look like a slavering beast, she could very well be. All men should be believed and supported 100% of the time.

I would be considered a vile and hateful person had I wrote such an article, regendered, and rightfully so. Since that’s the case, you are a vile and hateful person.
“…I’m not sure NWO knows what the word “quota” means.”

Quota in the case of employment would be a woman/women obtaining positions of employment to meet a certain percentage. Any quota is simply hatred of the group that doesn’t enjoy the status of the preferred group. Blacks need not apply, men need not apply. One is called discrimination, the other is endorsed as law. Yet both are equally hateful.

Yes, Shaenon, we know. You’re clever, pure and all thing’s good and angelic, and I’m a demon. It’s in all the papers every damn day. Man = bad, woman = good.

Here, a woman in power prattling on about how bad men are and how good women are.

“Victimization of women is as American as apple pie. I think people accept it and men’s right [of] passage, men’s rights as boyfriends and husbands,” Moore said.”

The whole gaggle of geese are there to lend a sympathetic ear and validate her words. If any man whose a politician dares to disagree his career will be over. It’ll be the war on women part II.

Stop pretending it’s just me, you ridicule and revile any man who doesn’t show deference and abject worship to all women. You’ve neatly manipulated and misrepresented everything I’ve ever said to make yourself into an angel and me into the devil. Bravo.
Again, I apologize for the slow responses but since I refuse to genuflect at the altar of women I am moderated. I’ve already explained my knees are shot from a lifetime of manual labor.

12 years ago

Slavey seems very upset about the fact that Ozy has changed zir mind about something. Is changing your mind against his religion? Also, wow, he really hates vaginas, and putting his face anywhere near them, which is particularly odd for a man so obsessed with sex in general.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

“Is changing your mind against his religion?”

Changing your mind is a sign of weakness, since it implies you didn’t already know something and that someone else could therefore be right while you were wrong.

See also:


Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Oh my, I apparently pissed off NWO.

“Survivors, survivors, survivors. Why is that word tossed about so recklessly? I’d thought a survivor would be someone who manages to escape a life threatening situation?…”

Dude, please buy a dictionary:

sur·vive v. sur·vived, sur·viv·ing, sur·vives
1. To remain alive or in existence.
2. To carry on despite hardships or trauma; persevere: families that were surviving in tents after the flood.
3. To remain functional or usable: I dropped the radio, but it survived.
1. To live longer than; outlive: She survived her husband by five years.
2. To live, persist, or remain usable through: plants that can survive frosts; a clock that survived a fall.
3. To cope with (a trauma or setback); persevere after: survived child abuse.

Same usage as 3

“Would that 18.3% include the 25%, 1 in 4 college rape statistic? You ladies should learn to avoid well lit classrooms surrounded by people sitting at desks. It appears to be a real hotspot for rape culture to flourish.”

*sigh* I did offer statistics explanations didn’t I? >.< Let's see if I can make statistics make sense to a man who thinks they're just made up numbers (heaven help me)
1) they're different sources
2) it's not the classrooms, it's the frat parties, all the drinking, the college cultures saying that binge drinking is normal and fun, etc
2b) and that student-on-student rape is rarely actually punished but rather considered an internal matter for the disciplinary board
3) whee for NWO failing to understand math!! This is important — 18.3% is the CDC data, and includes all women (actually, all people, but men aren’t this paragraph but the next one, we’ll get to men) — only a subset of women go to college, so it’s entirely possible that 25% of female college students will be raped, while only 18.3% of women in general will be raped
3b) yeah, college is definitely more dangerous than not-college

“Rape by envelopement? Ahhh, the mantra of we’re all the same. No doubt a huge problem, and one taken very seriously by the state….”

Wait, wasn’t one of the MRMs points that men get raped too? I include that specifically in the rape statistics, and you get pissy? Does Not Compute. You might want to review where I did math for Arks.

“Why you’ve all alerted us to the problem of how men are at fault for everything. Women are blameless.”

I say women can, and do, rape men, you claim I said women are blameless…wtf logic does your brain work on?

“85 degrees you say? My goodness, what a nightmare! The next time you’re on a bus and you see some dirty, sweatstained morlock stagger aboard maybe you should offer him your seat. He’s proabably just spent the last 10 hours working in a physically/mentally demanding job where the temperature is about 125 degrees.”

Dude, I live in a coal city, and the only “dirty, sweatstained morlock stagger(s)” I ever see are homeless, and I not only give my seat but whatever spare change I’ve got (it’s not like I’m exactly above the poverty line myself) — I did work one job that broke the thermometer, which topped out at 120…that was in a kitchen in 90 degree weather, so maybe you can see why standing in front of an open flame while it’s hot and humid is actually a really shitty task (definitely sucks more the longer you have to do it, no argument there, but that some people cook for a living doesn’t mean I have to enjoy cooking for a meal)

“Maybe you should petitiion big daddy to place the morlocks on seperate buses? That way the eloi wouldn’t get their fine clothing all soiled by having to sit where those dirty, sweaty men have sat.”

You make no fucking sense sometimes, wtf makes you think I wear “fine clothing” anyways? See above about my being a broke-ass (starving artist here NWO, I wear wtf I own until it’s fallen apart twice, those sewing skills my grandparents insisted I learn are actually useful)

“Perfect grammar always translates into high intelligence and being correct. I shall tuck tail and cower before your obvious superior intellect.”

I’d really settle for you writing a sentence that doesn’t require me to read it three times.

“My previous comment, had I not been moderated for being a man who has the audacity to merely disagree with a woman….”

Your in perma-mod, for being a general asshole iirc.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

At the end of your slavering beast article you wrote something along the lines of every woman who makes an accusation against a man should be believed and supported. If I were to regender your article by stating that even though the girl next door doesn’t look like a slavering beast, she could very well be. All men should be believed and supported 100% of the time.

All people who state they were victims of trauma should be supported and believed by their friends and families. This is not mutually exclusive with due process for people who are accused of assault.

If your friend tells you he was mugged, do you scream “YOU’RE TRYING TO BIAS ME AGAINST THE ALLEGED MUGGER,” or do you say “oh my God, that’s terrible, are you okay?”

…Well, let’s not talk about what you’d do.

Quota in the case of employment would be a woman/women obtaining positions of employment to meet a certain percentage. Any quota is simply hatred of the group that doesn’t enjoy the status of the preferred group. Blacks need not apply, men need not apply. One is called discrimination, the other is endorsed as law. Yet both are equally hateful.

Have you actually seen “men need not apply” anywhere ever? I’d love to see the link or picture, or a citation for which actual law is the Quota Law.

Also ha ha you’re really bad at describing math, or, on a more conceptual level, even knowing what math is.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Argh — *You’re in perma-mod

The internet will not kill my grammar….

12 years ago

Again, I apologize for the slow responses but since I refuse to genuflect at the altar of women I am moderated. I’ve already explained my knees are shot from a lifetime of manual labor.

I didn’t know bad knees from hard labor made it hard to type responses fast. XD

12 years ago

Surprisingly, nwoslave is not entirely wrong now. David did do a post based on a comment by Ozy here, over a year ago:

And there is a part there that is problematic, namely this sentence:

Suck it up about the taste and learn to love eating pussy.

BUT, Ozy has, from what I understand from my semi-regular read of NSWATM, since changed zir opinion *gasp*.

I guess that means that we must all shun Ozy forever, or something.

12 years ago

NWO, get off the cross. Martydom is not a good look on you, and even someone as knowledge repellent as yourself should know by now why you’re moderated.

12 years ago

“Dracula: He’s also stupid.

DEEPLY stupid.”

Since a woman said it, ya know it’s true.

Nah, we know it’s true because we can read the stupid fucking things you write, milkslave.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ehh, even a stopped clock is right twice a day?

12 years ago

I know, weird, right?

12 years ago

Pretty sure this is NWO’s version of a quota:
NWO applies for a job and doesn’t get it. Later, NWO finds out that a woman got the job he’d applied for. Ergo, quotas! How else could a woman get a job?

3003 comments! When did NWO first show up? Can we see his very first comment? 🙂

12 years ago

For a man who hates feminists so much, he sure spends a hell of a lot of his free time typing out rants directed at us. Dude, go read a Star Wars novel or something. Get a hobby.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Survivors, survivors, survivors. Why is that word tossed about so recklessly? I’d thought a survivor would be someone who manages to escape a life threatening situation? I guess considering people die in their sleep and I woke this morning I must be a sleep survivor. Something like a thousand people a year die from walking on flat level ground, so we’re all walking survivors.

NWO, your definition describes one type of survivor, but not all. Argenti Aertheri already showed how the word survive can mean to cope with a trauma or setback. Using your definition of survivor, I could not call myself a tornado survivor either, because I did not escape anything. However, it was a life threatening event, and I didn’t die, so I am a survivor.

Rape by envelopement? Ahhh, the mantra of we’re all the same. No doubt a huge problem, and one taken very seriously by the state. And of course since it isn’t taken seriously by the state, with good reason, we have the patriarchy to blame.

Rape by envelopment is a very real, very serious problem. My only concern with the term envelopment is that it only describes men being raped by vaginas, and doesn’t describe men raped by mouths or anuses. The phrase “forced to penetrate” is a term that is more inclusive of all of the body parts that men could be raped by, in addition to the male victims that are penetrated by other men or women.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Damn blockquotes. The first and third statements are from NWO, and the second and fourth are from me.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“My only concern with the term envelopment is that it only describes men being raped by vaginas, and doesn’t describe men raped by mouths or anuses.”

Arg, I debated that one, but I was afraid if I didn’t explicitly call it rape, I’d be accused of saying men can’t be raped, instead I made it clear I meant rape, and NWO did that. Mea culpa, I should’ve used “forced to penetrate”, particularly since it’s what the statistics used.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

I knew what you meant, Argenti, no worries. I’ve seen lots of MRA’s demanding forced to penetrate be changed to envelopment, and I don’t understand why, unless they only consider being forced to penetrate rape only if the victim is forced to penetrate a vagina? It looks like NWO doesn’t even believe in that, though.

Also, my blockquotes are corrected. Thank you, David! That makes me a very happy lickspittle toadie.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“unless they only consider being forced to penetrate rape only if the victim is forced to penetrate a vagina?”

Considering they don’t seem to think one could be forced to give oral sex and that’d be rape, idfk. Definitions from the data — TW graphic definitions of rape ahead

Rape of a woman “includes vaginal, oral, or anal penetration by a male using his penis. It also includes vaginal or anal penetration by a male or female using their fingers or an object. Among men, rape includes oral or anal penetration by a male using his penis. It also includes anal penetration by a male or female using their fingers or an object.”

“Being made to penetrate someone else includes … women … being made to orally penetrate another female’s vagina or anus. Among men … being made to vaginally penetrate a female using one’s own penis; orally penetrating a female’s vagina or anus; anally penetrating a male or female; or being made to receive oral sex from a male or female. It also includes female perpetrators attempting to force male victims to penetrate them, though it did not happen.”

The parts I cut were parts I think we’ll all understand as assumed, eg attempts are included in both definitions. Idfk wtf the MRA issue here is, unless it is a grand overarching theory that only PiV sex can be rape, oral sex never can be (maybe it’s the teeth? they figure biting would prevent oral rape? that makes too much sense for the MRM though)

12 years ago


You would have a point if I were calling out every man on this site as a misogynist. The fact is, in the real world, most men AREN’T misogynists. There are millions, if not billions, of men on this planet happily going about their lives with a much loved woman by their side. It must chap your ass knowing you’re not one of them. And in addition, the manosphere is in no way representative of the real world– a fact you can’t seem to wrap your head around.

Do you actually have the nerve to deny that you are a misogynist? That would be something. The difference between your use and my supposed use of shaming words is that in YOUR individual case they are true. But you calling David Futrelle a MANGINA is about as accurate as you calling yourself a ladies man.

12 years ago

“Suck it up about the taste and learn to love eating pussy.”
“BUT, Ozy has, from what I understand from my semi-regular read of NSWATM, since changed zir opinion *gasp*.”

Ahhh, so I was right. Funny how no one said she was a swine back then. Certainly I’dve been called a swine had I said, “Suck it up about the taste and learn to love hogging out on cock.”

Oh hell, you’ve people have called me far worse for daring to disagree with any of you, or even a grammar mistake. Since it’s clear that anything a woman says must be truthful and good, we can conclude that a woman’s truth is what she feels at any particular moment in time.

Ozy was good and truthful for what she said back then, all agreed and all stuck up for her. Ozy is good and truthful for what she say’s now, once again all agree with her and all stood up for her.
@David Futrelle
So I have 3003 comments, aye, Dave? I’ve posted here since the beginning. How many does everyone else have? And let’s cut the crap, Dave, I’ve been called every name in the book on this thread alone. You’re gonna have to come up with a better excuse than that. On this thread I’ve called Ozy a liar, which is well proven. Take a look at the insults I’ve endured.
@Cliff Pervocracy
“Have you actually seen “men need not apply” anywhere ever? I’d love to see the link or picture, or a citation for which actual law is the Quota Law.”

Surely you can’t be intentionally stupid, even I don’t think you’re stupid, so why pretend you can’t understand. Our government, your father, husband and lover, the patriarchy women have so carefully crafted, will not buy from any company that doesn’t meet it’s requirements. Seimens, for instance, the electronics giant couldn’t sell to the US guv, or most western Guvs unless it meets the quota demands. This is how and why all small businesses are squashed and you now have only giant corporations. Good job on that one ladies.

Now see if you can follow this, Seimens wants to sell push button controls to big daddy, just billions of em at $25.00 a pop. Big daddy says you must employ X number of women in middle management positions. Seimens board of directors can either thumb their collective noses at big daddy, or say to themselves, I don’t care if we have to make up jobs in human resources, we want that contract. Waddaya think their gonna do?

So say there’s a position opening up at Seimens distribution center. Now there’s a guy whose worked the docks, he’s packed boxes, moved up to foremen in charge of shipping and recieving, he knows his shit inside and out. He hears about the job opening and he wants it and deserves it. But the contract with big daddy is hanging in the balance. Some little girl fresh out of college also applies for the job. She has no idea of the difference even between a normally opened or closed switch, or what it means. Guess who gets the job?

There is no difference between a quota and a sign reading men need not apply if a man can’t get the job for being a man. Stop denying it.

12 years ago

Homophobe = one who hates gays/lesbians
Mysogynist = one who hates women
Racist = one who hates other races
Mangina = one who hates MRAs, misogyny, and actually sees women as people.

Which of these is not like the others? Which is an actual shaming word, and nor a simple statement of a person’s prejudice? If I call someone who has robbed a bank a criminal, is that just another shaming tactic too?

What you view as “supplicating worship of the feminine” is nothing more than the simple lack of hate.