a voice for men antifeminism artistry evil fat fatties funny manginas misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men paul elam pics radfems oh my reddit shaming tactics ShitRedditSays

Sh*tRedditSays has an Art Attack

Oh, ShitRedditSays! Not only are SRSers  fighting the good fight against bigotry and assyness and general shitlordery on Reddit, but they also manage to come up with some of the best and most hilarious faux-propaganda graphics you’re likely to run across online, many of which are gathered together on the SRS FArtistry tumblr blog.

SRS being a bit of a circlejerk, the graphics are mainly designed to amuse other SRSers, and are full of in-jokes and references to the ridiculous reputation SRS has amongst Redditors at large as being the home to humorless man-hating Dworkinite feminazis eager to oppress helpless Straight White Males. By pelting them with dildoes.

Here, for example, is a lovely drawing illustrating how many Redditors actually see the unending battle between SRS (represented here by surly angels armed with purple dildoes) and the upstanding free-speech defenders of Reddit.

Other SRS graphics play on old propaganda tropes:

Still others are just excuses to make in-jokes. (For some reason, SRSers like to refer to dogs as “dags.”)

It’s interesting to see the contrast between SRS FArt and the, er, art generated by MRAs online. Here, for example, is a graphic taken from the Artistry Against Misandry site, a collection of “art” and “music” and even “poetry” from angry, art-, music- and poetry-challenged MRAs. AAM is heavily promoted on A Voice for Men; heck, Paul Elam recently sent them $100 of his own (supporters’) money to fight the (allegedly) good fight.

This hilarious piece of WTFery, if you haven’t figured it out already, is evidently supposed to be a picture of me. Or possibly Michael Moore. Whoever it’s supposed to be, I cackled with glee when I first saw it yesterday. (For future reference, I don’t own either a baseball cap or that particular kind of flogger.)

I will be exploring the vast artistic richness (sarcasm) of Artistry Against Misandry in several upcoming posts.

And after that I will highlight some of the magnificent art (not sarcasm) produced by some of Man Boobz’ own.

In the meantime, enjoy this one last bit of SRS FArtistry, which might be suitable for desktop wallpaper:

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12 years ago

… Why dildoes, though?

12 years ago

Tell me, NWO, if a woman doesn’t enjoy receiving oral sex but her man loves to perform it and it makes him aroused, then what?

In case NWO doesn’t believe this happens, it does. I don’t particularly care for receiving oral sex, it doesn’t do anything for me, but my boyfriend love to do it so sometimes I agree to it (just like sometimes he agrees to stuff I like that doesn’t turn him on). I’m really looking forward to his answer on this.

12 years ago

@Falconer: just off the top of my head–evil feminists replace men with dildos (purple is well known to be an evil feminist butch lesbian queer color), so the feminists are ‘killing’ the men with the replacement dildos….so, um using the PHALLUS (symbol) to kill the men (w/penises)?

Personally, I’m wondering what the blue dolphin represents?

12 years ago

In case NWO doesn’t believe this happens, it does. I don’t particularly care for receiving oral sex, it doesn’t do anything for me, but my boyfriend love to do it so sometimes I agree to it (just like sometimes he agrees to stuff I like that doesn’t turn him on). I’m really looking forward to his answer on this.

Probable NWO answers:

1. Of course you don’t enjoy oral sex, you’re probably not even wearing clothes at the time, and as we all know, a woman’s sexuality is wearing clothes at men.

2. You have probably just forced your boyfriend to pretend he likes it as part of some convoluted, sinister feminist plot to…um…I dunno, but it’s totally evil. This is all funded by the CIA. Also the Soviet Union. And the Jews.


12 years ago

So NWOslave says:

Why pretty much the very next article was about oral sex and how you, as well as the majority of women don’t get off on recieving oral sex.

. . .


Um, NWOslave, that wasn’t what that article was about at all. Ozy’s article was criticizing something published in Esquire which claimed that fellatio was dying out. The author of the Esquire piece tried to back up this claim with the following piece of evidence: he asked ten of his male friends whether they preferred receiving fellatio or giving cunnilingus and eight of them preferred giving cunnilingus.

Ozy’s article was pointing out how silly the Esquire article was by showing that a similar sampling of her female-bodied friends could lead to the opposite conclusion. Because, you know, asking a few of your friends about their sexual preferences isn’t exactly a scientific study or an accurate sampling of society at large.

I’m not sure how NWOslave read what Ozy wrote as somehow saying that the majority of women don’t get off on receiving oral sex.

Of course, if NWOslave managed to misconstrue what Ozy wrote on NSWATM so badly, despite the clarity of Ozy’s writing, then he probably won’t understand my attempt to summarize it either.

Actually, I have trouble believing that NWOslave actually read what Ozy wrote. I can’t help but think that he skimmed a few sentences in the article and maybe took a quick glance at the comments section. At most. Because I have trouble believing that any human being could actually fail at reading for comprehension this badly.

12 years ago


“This is off topic, but who the hell cares, it’s a hate site.”

This isn’t a hate site. Although I am– after reading the endless bullshit you espouse as facts–beginning to hate your guts.

12 years ago

And for the record I am so sick of the word MANGINA. It is a shaming word and every MRA who uses it is a hypocritical piece of shit. I’m so sick if these assholes thinking they don’t need to follow their own rules.

12 years ago

Yay Nobinayamu is back!

The purple dildos are pretty weird though

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Because I have trouble believing that any human being could actually fail at reading for comprehension this badly.

Trust me, this is the usual procedure for NWOslave whenever he encounters something in print.

12 years ago

Is there any problem in life, real or imagined, to which NWO doesn’t think beating women in the street is the solution?

12 years ago

I’m still trying to find the post where Ozy says the Violence Against Women Act is a hate law.

…Oh, wait, I think he’s referring to a link to a post on the Good Men Project in which Noah Band asks whether VAWA is sexist. Brand’s conclusion: no.

Of course you don’t enjoy oral sex, you’re probably not even wearing clothes at the time, and as we all know, a woman’s sexuality is wearing clothes at men.

I think you’re on to something! Women can’t possibly enjoy sex because we have to take off our clothes to do it!

12 years ago

Is there any problem in life, real or imagined, to which NWO doesn’t think beating women in the street is the solution?

Of course. There are also problems that can be solved by women randomly punching each other in the face.

12 years ago

We already knew [NWO] has his “rage” and “sexual arousal” wires 100% crossed.

I wonder if NWO has read The Screwfly Solution? It’s possible his violent misogyny is the result of alien brainwashing to rapidly reduce the earth’s population.

12 years ago

I mean, it fits in perfectly with the rest of his wacky worldview.

12 years ago


I think you’re on to something! Women can’t possibly enjoy sex because we have to take off our clothes to do it!

Not… all of your clothes. 😉

There’s still the possibility of shirts and dresses to get infinite orgasms from male gazes as you tantalize men but refuse sex while.. having.. sex…

wait wait wait.

Why pretty much the very next article was about oral sex and how you, as well as the majority of women don’t get off on recieving oral sex.

There is literally nowhere in Ozy’s post that states that “the majority of women don’t get off on recieving oral sex.” In fact, zie specifically says that that isn’t the case:

Does this mean that all people with vaginas hate cunnilingus and can’t orgasm from it (and that a quarter of American vagina-owners are virgins)? Nope. [emphasis mine]

Please tell me, NWO. How in the world did you get that sentence out of there? Because if you can pull that out that interesting piece of bull from Ozy’s china shop (just run with me on this one, it’s late), what other fun falsehoods are contained within your paranoid screeds?

12 years ago

… Oh man. Shit Reddit Says.

I want NWO.

To be.

On Shit Reddit Says.


Can you imagine the epic? Because I’m imagining the epic, and it is epic. Picture the incredible hulk crossed with kratos crossed with douchebag racist misogynist standing on a mountaintop being pelted by an army of purple-dildo-weilding angels of snark.

OuO *choir*

12 years ago
12 years ago

The link posted: YAY a Parks and Rec one with Leslie Knope! And one with that dude she ran against. I just got done watching that series last night.

A lot of those were definitely inside jokes by clever people. So I didn’t get some of them.
Have people really suggested that Dworkin would advocate interacting with a male, let alone doing so to spermjack? I kid, I know she was married. (right? I’m the one awhile back that didn’t even realize she was dead oops.)

extraterrestrial biological entity princess

LBT, we wouldn’t run you out. Feminazi misandrist cannibal Sith Ladies accept all God’s children. Good to have you aboard.

Zardoz, “The Screwfly Solution” is a good story and The Masters of Horror tv version is OK. Alice Sheldon Aka James Tiptree was a great writer and wrote some interesting stories about gender, and about aliens. One of my favorites is “Houston,Houston,Do You Read?”

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Kirbywarp – Eh, he’d just get “BENNED” so fast. This is a guy who’s been banned from most of the MRA sites.

Anathema – Ozy’s pronoun is “ze.” I didn’t bother correcting NWO because there’s no way he’d respond with anything but uncomprehending hatred, but yeah.

And shame on me for trying to defend zir based on what NWO said, instead of checking to make sure he wasn’t lying when he accused zir of lying. I shoulda known better.

12 years ago

For the record, Owlyslave:
1) I didn’t write that article about VAWA. Noah did. Noah is, in fact, increasingly irritated that despite being involved in two of the manosphere’s most hated websites NO ONE seems to remember that he exists. I realize it’s hard to hate on a straight, white, cis, abled, middle-class, tall, sexually successful man. I mean, there goes ALL your ways of hating people! But I’m sure you can find a way.
2) My position on VAWA is that there are problematic elements (and, gah, the NAME), but that yelling about how it is a hate law is not helpful, because instead of working to get rid of the problematic elements we have to spend all kinds of time explaining that most of VAWA, in fact, is nondiscriminatory and benefits male survivors. Similarly, anti-porn feminists are not helping, because instead of discussing the problematic elements of porn we’re busy defending the right of porn to exist.
3) Of COURSE there are women who get off on oral sex. I never denied it.
4) I was making a point about small, biased samples. For instance, if you decided to generalize about the sex lives of US/Canadians based on the five people on my GChat right now, you would conclude 20% of America is virginal, 40% are survivors of rape, 40% are queer, and 60% like kinky sex (and they’re ALL switches, but two-thirds lean dom and a third lean sub). Is this true? Of course not!
5) How do you hold your nose while eating a pussy anyway?
6) I don’t currently think people should give oral sex if they don’t want to, but they should try to sexually satisfy their partners, and if they can’t they should break up.
7) Yes, I changed my mind because of new evidence. You should really try that sometime.
8) I personally don’t like oral sex that much, except in limited circumstances. I used to think I did! It was a process of learning about myself! Because as it happens occasionally people discover new truths about their sexualities. You should really try this whole “process of self-discovery” thing sometime, too.
9) “Zen of zir” is fucking awesome. I’m going to make everyone call me that now.
10) You made my night, dude, keep it up.

12 years ago

In before NWO says that I think 40% of people are rape survivors.

12 years ago

For the record Ozy dearest

Point #1. You commented on VAWA. And we’re talking about your lies which has nothing to do with what Noah has or hasn’t done.

Point #2. VAWA is a hate law. If women are protected equally under law without VAWA, which they are, the law privileges women above men. Part of the slush fund which the serfs are billed at interest for goes to training men like dogs to defer to women. The part that is supposed funding for men is for men who’ve been beaten by women to attend anger management classes. Hate piled upon hate is what men pay for. Men are always to blame.

Point #3. The point is you wrote an article on this site practically declaring your screams of extacy could be heard round the world from recieving oral sex and now your sayinng nadda.

Point #4. You weren’t making a point about a small sample, you were stating something as a fact.

Point #5. You’re the one who in the article you wrote on this hate site that a man must get down in there reguardless of how he feels about the smell and do his duty to please a woman. Perhaps Dave can pull up the post so we can reread it to refresh your memory.

Point #6. You said men should reguardless of if they want to or not. Well which is it?

Point #7. What new evidence? Did you actually read some of it this time? The fucking thing has been in the books since before you were born.

Point #8. But you said recieving oral sex was the be all end all of your existance. Now you flat out don’t like it that much?

Point’s #9 & 10 are irrelevant oh zen of zir. By the way, how goes your transition? Kinda gives morning wood a whole new meaning, your’s could actually be made of wood. Perhaps your little bouts of depression stem from trying to keep the multitude of lies and hatred sorted out in your coddled, privileged little life.

Strange how all the ladies here rushed to defend your lies and hatred. They’ve been taught from birth to always defend a woman no matter what. Patriarchy, privileging and pandering to women for millenia. Yes, let’s smash the patriarchy so women will never again in any realm of society be placed above men.

12 years ago

“But someone whose sexuality is primarily expressed by spewing bile all over the internet, combined with jacking off into motel towels while watching the Disney Channel?”

And here I thought jacking off was good and shouldn’t be shamed and you would never do that? Oh, that’s right, when women do it angels sing, when men do it satan smiles. It appears you’re a liar.
“And for the record I am so sick of the word MANGINA. It is a shaming word and every MRA who uses it is a hypocritical piece of shit. I’m so sick if these assholes thinking they don’t need to follow their own rules.”

So is rape apologist, homophobe, misogynist, ect, ect, ect. Women like yourself are grandmasters of shaming language. It’s a, “war on women,” out there. Does that make you a hypocritical piece of shit as well?
“Because, you know, asking a few of your friends about their sexual preferences isn’t exactly a scientific study or an accurate sampling of society at large.”

Yet everyone of you has cited opinion based “studies” as fact. If it glorifies women, or demonizes men any study becomes a fact in manboobz world.
@Cliff Pervocracy
“Things that are lies:
-Changing your mind about a law after you learn more about it”

She, as well as yourself stated as a fact VAWA didn’t privilege women above men. So all of you are either talking out you ass, or lying.
“-Personally liking something but acknowledging many people don’t”

The point is that Ozy blatantly lied, you defend that lie because she is a woman.
“Things that are not lies:
-Making up imaginary laws”

VAWA, Title IX, quota’s, are lies? That’s good to know.
“-Sometimes my friends come over and laugh at Manboobz with me”

You state as a fact this isn’t true, if I was a woman it’d be gospel. A woman’s word always is. Reference slavering beast article as proof.
“-I would’ve been hired by Pepsi except they hated me for being a white man”

I wasn’t hired because I didn’t meet the quota of being a woman. The hatred of such a policy is obvious.
“-I once went 300 days without eating”

I’ve went a total of 300 days not eating, a most unpleasant situation you choose to ridicule.

Holly, why must you lie and manipulate every situation? Is it inherent or learned?

12 years ago

Speaking of in-jokes and circle jerks… (in re the original post, that is) I realized that about 90% of our hamster memes would make sense ONLY to manboobzers or antimanboobz.
P.S. Autocorrect wanted to change manboobzers to manboobz ears.