antifeminism crackpottery evil women internal debate irony alert masculinity MRA victimhood

Male-strom in a Teacup

No, not THAT kind of “male study.”

“Men’s Studies” has existed as an academic discipline for several decades now. Not surprisingly, most of those involved in it identify themselves as feminists – as people interested in studying gender tend to do. But not all of them: A couple of years back, a group of mostly anti-feminist academics and popular writers with an interest in gender decided to try to do a sort of end run around the discipline of “Men’s Studies” by conjuring up a whole new, altogether un-feminist discipline called “Male Studies.”

Recently, The University of South Australia announced that it would start offering postgraduate courses in Male Studies sometime in 2014; our old friend Eoghan/Sigil1 brought this earthshattering news to the Men’s Rights subreddit the other day, where it was greeted with … suspicion and hostility.

GotMyFrogHatOn wrote:

Great, now men have the same opportunity as women to waste their time and money on a worthless degree!

Liverotto was even blunter:

YES, because the cure to bullshit is… MORE BULLSHIT! /s

That’s right: Men’s Rights Redditors hate Women’s Studies, and Gender Studies, and apparently every academic discipline with the word “Studies” in it so much that they’ve transferred this hatred to a new academic discipline that could well have been (and sort of was) designed just for them.

But don’t worry, they still hate Women’s Studies the most:

What was I saying the other day about projection?

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12 years ago

it wasn’t clear to me from the patrice stanton pics whether she was actually on board with this or just a willing dupe, so i looked around and holy shit she is a piece of work:

Maybe movies full of Talking-Females don’t get made simply because 1) movies ARE (supposed to be) about “escape”, and 2) men are tired of listening to us Females talk ALL the time about way too much stuff they could give a flying ‘care less’ about.

12 years ago


yeah, i mean, considering how tasteful they are in general the font thing really is a head-scratcher

12 years ago

True, I missed that one. Also:
-make people who try to use your site listen to god-awful music.

You’d think by the law of averages, there would be some MRAs who can express themselves in a coherent fashion.

12 years ago

Coherency is misandry!

12 years ago

NWO, got a youtube link for this commercial that I haven’t (and I doubt you as well) seen? My TV is too cluttered with old rich white conservative male Texans having a dick measuring contest at the moment.

The Jade Micael site won’t even load porperly for me in Firefox.

Can we please give Ruby the shunning she so needs right about now?

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Don’t forget

–complain about those women are always nagging, amirite fellas?

12 years ago

That’s not poetry. The scansion is wretched, the flow is nonexistent and the metaphors have no continuity (even when the manage to make something approaching sense).

It’s not free verse, it’s not a prose poem, it’s; at best, stream of consciousness ranting. Even that is generous beyond it’s merits, because it seems to be crafted.

It’s pretentious crap.

12 years ago


If you want a fun follow up, the same artist seems to have put up another video with the delightful never-will-this-ever-get-grating-ever refrain “Don’t want a man, but your woman is a man!”

It’s all about how crazy those lesbians are who say they aren’t attracted to men, yet their partners have all these masculine traits! How crazy, right? If you are attracted to people who wear pants and have short hair, why not just be attracted to dudes? Cause we’re in preschool and only men wear pants and only women wear dresses…

*hair-pulling frustration*

12 years ago


I wanna see this commercial too, especially since the audio to it seems to be in the background of one of the videos at the artistryagainstmisandry website thing.

12 years ago

Confused by his underpants guy is confused because he’s built like a T.rex. His arms are too short to masturbate with.

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Artistry Against Misandry: Forgetting All Three Since 1996

12 years ago

Antimanboobz has also been busy creating more rationalization hamster memes:

12 years ago

Oh man, have you seen Dr. F’s section? Just scads of the most absurd cartoons I’ve ever seen. They make the rest of the art on the site look like masterpieces. And they’re all in that inconvenient scrolling format too, it’s glorious.

12 years ago

Misogynists love to misgender me and then throw sexist insults at me. I must be a woman, so then they can call me “hysterical” and not address my arguments. Also, lol at him admitting my point that mainstream academia centers men and men’s viewpoints, even if he did try to play the misogynist “we don’t talk about women cause women are dumb and don’t contribute to society nonsense” as his excuse.

12 years ago

Am I the only one who draws the line at watching MRA videos? I refuse to entertain them in any medium I can’t skim.

12 years ago


I kinda loled at his “only men are talked about because only men contributed to the sciences, as everyone knows.” That’s… the point. Right there. That thing that you missed.

12 years ago

You’re not the only one. Every time I’ve tried watching an MRA video, it’s always just so bad I’ve given up on viewing them.

12 years ago

I’m starting to be offended that Anti-Manboobz hasn’t profiled me yet.

I guess the other way to think of it is that making a blog that mocks Anti-Manboobz is a great way to avoid getting harangued by Anti-Manboobz, if such a thing concerns you.

12 years ago

That “Girls Who Look Like Guys Who Look Like Girls.” guy is running at least 15 years late, and not nearly as much fun as the original.

12 years ago

Moar Fun Links!
Note: “This is not a gender studies conference. It is not a men’s studies conference in the generally accepted sense.”

12 years ago

I like how he’s completely given up trying to hide his hate-crush on Rutee. And it only took 5 posts.

To be fair, Ruby’s latest faux pas seems to just be a joke that was wheezing by the time it left her brain and just outright died when she hit post. And, even though intent ain’t magic, i don’t think she actually believes that, unlike the other bullshit that she’s said (*ahem* Middle East *ahem* socialized medicine will just lead to the poor making poor health choices *ahem*)

12 years ago

OTOH, I’m sure all teh dudes will be happy to support a journal on Black Male Studies!

12 years ago

OT but came out of Google search and does a good job of showing how men and women with similar degrees are paid differently (guess who is likely to earn more over his lifetime).

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