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Male-strom in a Teacup

No, not THAT kind of “male study.”

“Men’s Studies” has existed as an academic discipline for several decades now. Not surprisingly, most of those involved in it identify themselves as feminists – as people interested in studying gender tend to do. But not all of them: A couple of years back, a group of mostly anti-feminist academics and popular writers with an interest in gender decided to try to do a sort of end run around the discipline of “Men’s Studies” by conjuring up a whole new, altogether un-feminist discipline called “Male Studies.”

Recently, The University of South Australia announced that it would start offering postgraduate courses in Male Studies sometime in 2014; our old friend Eoghan/Sigil1 brought this earthshattering news to the Men’s Rights subreddit the other day, where it was greeted with … suspicion and hostility.

GotMyFrogHatOn wrote:

Great, now men have the same opportunity as women to waste their time and money on a worthless degree!

Liverotto was even blunter:

YES, because the cure to bullshit is… MORE BULLSHIT! /s

That’s right: Men’s Rights Redditors hate Women’s Studies, and Gender Studies, and apparently every academic discipline with the word “Studies” in it so much that they’ve transferred this hatred to a new academic discipline that could well have been (and sort of was) designed just for them.

But don’t worry, they still hate Women’s Studies the most:

What was I saying the other day about projection?

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Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago

All of academia is men’s studies, basically

What about biologists who study, I dunno, e.g., microbes that reproduce asexually?

12 years ago


Jade Michael has been named TN Regional Coordinator for International Men’s Day 2012. Artistry Against Misandry will be hosting an IMD event on Saturday, November 17, 2012 from 6:00pm – 10:00pm at The Listening Room in downtown Nashville, TN. The event will be open to the general public of all ages and feature special guest speaker, John the Other, from A Voice for Men. It will also feature live music by regional bands. Information on the Men’s Rights Movement will be provided and raffle prizes will be up for grabs.

Brought to you by AVfM and the poorly designed website with terrible artistry, Artistry Against Misandry. (There’s some great new artistry up there. By “great” I mean really, really terrible.)

Is anyone going to be in Nashville in November? Up for some terrible music and women-bashing speechifying?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

“Bulldozing the Barrens of Ballbusting Banality”

Well, it looks like they’ve mastered alliteration.

Not to mention New Age elevator music.

12 years ago

Oh sure, let’s go out with these guys, maybe even for drinks. That will end well. If “Brigadon” and his rage issues come within 50 metres of a woman, she should run screaming. In his case, we don’t need to open the black box to find out whether or not he’s a rapist.

Maybe I shouldn’t read the comments on the Spearhead.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Oh good lord. They have poetry.

I’m really offended by this butchery of my favorite art, so I’mma go OT on this poem’s ass. I apologize in advance, but I won’t not do it.

Instead of wrapping your brain around your vivid oppression /
You could feel the sledgehammer of reality /
A reality that is forever branded on the life-giving tool of half the population

There are sledgehammers of reality branded on all our penises now? Is this a reference to circumcision, or where is my sledgehammer brand? This barely makes sense as a metaphor. Good phallic imagery, I guess, though over-wordy as fuck.

You’ve taken the life boat without blood, sweat and tears /
And we’ve never asked for anything more than your devotion

BTW the poem is entitled “Lifeless Boat.” I wonder If that could be some subtle reference. According to lines 4-5, we’ve also asked for women to feel our penis brands, clearly that’s not all we’ve asked. The “all men want is your devotion” reminds me of Kate’s “submission speech” from the end of The Taming of the Shrew. If I thought this author was capable of subtlety, I might think it ironic; but alas, it seems to come from the same sexist place as the 1590s. Good repetition of the very first line, though!

And hear the voices of a different narrative /
A solemn and lonely narrative

Well, the rhyme works. I guess if I like Kid Cudi I can’t complain about rhyming words with the same words. But why not “story”?

We’ve been wasted beyond repair and forgotten amidst our despair /
This is a ravenous hunger that’s rearing it’s ugly head with fists and guns ablaze

Sweet internal rhyme on that first line, bro. I’m a bit puzzled, though, as to how a ravenous hunger can rear its cliché with its cliché blazing—sorry, I mean, rear its ugly head with fists and guns ablaze. How are fists ablaze, again? Try “fists waving, guns blazing” at least.

We scream at the top of our lungs in desperation /
But the sound is drowned out by the silent tears of the fairer sex

Aaaaaaaaand the MRM has officially wrung every last drop out of “women and children first” that it possibly can.

12 years ago


12 years ago

omigod europa phoenix is amazing

it’s like nobody told him about the ‘graphic’ part of graphic art

12 years ago

Man, I could shit better poetry than that, and I’m a rank amateur.

12 years ago

@Sharculese I couldn’t figure out how to directly link to one of Europa’s Phoenix drawings — the one that must be trying to depict David flagellating himself.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

That poor albino! The “Mangina” graphic is truly amazing, though.

The very best is the stuff submitted by “Reality,” however. The only attempt to hide its bald misogyny is to put it all in a shitty format that makes it look like an ad for which a company somewhere in 1995 is still making payments.

12 years ago

All of academia is men’s studies, basically

What about biologists who study, I dunno, e.g., microbes that reproduce asexually?

They’ll be taught the work of male scientists, whose participation will not be erased or unrewarded, or claimed as the sole work of their female partners. They do not face the risk of experience the same erasures when it comes to their own work (for being male). They will be treated with more respect in their classes, by their peers, by publishers, by administration, and by future employers (over comparably placed women). They can rest assured that the models they are taught regarding core concepts (like common models of evolution and reproduction) are centered around their gender and cultural notions of their gender’s supremacy. They can rest assured that their bio 101 classes will not contain material that suggests they are inferior, or projects gender roles onto animals that suggest that “female” animals are inferior or fit into narrow cultural models that deem “female” animals to be only existing to fulfill inferior roles. It will be seen to make the the field and academia in general more respectable for having men in it, rather than women (or rather than “too many” women), better funding and status within the universities will likely follow. They will be more likely to be treated as authorities when they speak to those outside of their field, as well as within it.

They aren’t even going to be able to get to the point of that labwork without encountering massive patriarchial machines reinforcing their place and dominance.

12 years ago

Aw, shit, Sharculese ninja’d me with the Geocities crack. Seriously, the mid ’90s called, they want their web design back.

I love his request for pictures, as long as it’s relevant to the MRM and things men like. Because no woman ever liked vintage cars or guitars in the history of ever.

12 years ago

There are sledgehammers of reality branded on all our penises now?

“And these are not the hammer….. The hammer is my penis.”

12 years ago

David, you like Michael Moore in that “art.”

12 years ago

But the sound is drowned out by the silent tears of the fairer sex

Uh, how would this work, exactly? Unless the tears are literally drowning them–even then who cares if they’re silent or not.

12 years ago

How do you get to see those pics full-size? When I click on them and/or “view image” I get the tiny versions up on that page.

some of them embiggen on click, but for the rest i’m copying the image location and the address in a new window

12 years ago

*pasting the address in a new window

12 years ago
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago

They aren’t even going to be able to get to the point of that labwork without encountering massive patriarchial machines reinforcing their place and dominance.

Sure, … but I thought “male studies” meant studies of men, not studies by men? Lots of sexism in the hard sciences, long way to go on that, but biology is definitely better than, say, physics or computer science. My example is pretty contrived, I wasn’t trying to be pedantic but just meant that a field like “men’s studies” is a humanities field, and academia also has non-humanities fields.

12 years ago


i think it’s supposed to be a c for chicago because… i don’t fucking know

also, now i’m just looking at google image results for david futrelle

12 years ago

That’s not the only thing an MRA is puzzled by.

There’s so much wrong with that poster. No one is criminilazing male sexuality, unless by “sexuality,” they mean “rape at will.” Then it’s a problem. That poster make a weak nod to consent as if it was some pesky little detail.