anti-Semitism antifeminism douchebaggery grandiosity hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA threats

Ferdinand Bardamu Caught Monologuing Again

“You don’t know the power of the dark side!”

Is there something about being an MRA that makes you want to monologue like a cartoon supervillain?

Over on In Mala Fide, our dear friend Ferdinand Bardamu has responded in an amusingly monologuey manner to Arthur Goldwag’s followup to his earlier article for the Southern Poverty Law Center on the Men’s Rights movement. Bardamu whips himself into a bit of a lather, describing “Snerdling and his compadres” – for some reason he’s decided to call Goldwag “Snerdling” – as the

vanguards of a dying institution, desperately jamming their thumbs in the dike to keep the truth from drowning them. They’re on the losing side of history. Their shrieks are the shrieks of the dying and damned.

Their shrieks?

Oh, but there’s more. This earlier comment in Bardamu’s post is sort of a classic in the “implied threat” genre so beloved by MRAs like Paul Elam and his gang:

You’ve bitten off far more than you can chew here. You’ve antagonized the fastest-growing and most relevant movement/entity in America and the Western world. With every sling and arrow, the manosphere swells in size, a voice for the most powerful and deadliest force on Earth — the disenfranchised young man.

Emphasis mine.

Amazingly, in the very next paragraph, Bardamu waxes indignant that Goldwag had the gall to refer to “threat[s], overt or implicit, of violence” from MRAs. Bardamu responds with a big, insincere “who, me?”

I’ve made threats of violence? Leftists always pull this game — they never give specific examples … .

You want a specific example? LOOK AT WHAT YOU JUST WROTE IN YOUR LAST FUCKING PARAGRAPH. That bit about Goldwag allegedly antagonizing “the most powerful and deadliest force on Earth — the disenfranchised young man?” That is an implicit threat of violence. It’s kind of hard to miss.

You want to see more specific examples of threats from MRAs? I’ve got post after post full of them.

Heck, he doesn’t even need to look at Man Boobz. All he needs to do is to look at the comments on his own post, starting with the very first one:

SPLC: Thanks for kicking the sleeping dog,that dog needed to learn to bite rather than sleep.

Then he can scroll down the page for this more explicit threat from Brigadon:

I prefer practicing real, unmistakable violence.

Further down the page, in response to a feminist who has stopped by to call the IMF regulars on some of their bullshit, Brigadon elaborates further:

I have called it a ‘war’ before, and I will again. It is not a cold war, it is a hot war, with constant and socially-approved violence against men. The only way to fight a hot war is with violence. …

So, maybe it sounds like a call for violence, but at this point any woman that calls herself a ‘feminist’, regardless of their protests that they are ‘not like those other ones’ Is a criminal, a traitor to their species, their culture, their honor, their family, their nation, their gender, and their world. There is only one punishment that fits a traitor.

How dare Goldwag suggest that MRAs ever threaten violence!

Apollo, meanwhile, somehow manages to overlook the threatening language in Bardamu’s post and suggests that the real threatmongers are … you and me:

[T]he Internet is full of people making violent threats. … Yet in the Manosphere, where I think real injustices are being brought to light, and people surely have a right to anger, you will NOT see the threats of violence that are so very common in so many other places of the Internet. When such a violent comment does pop up in the Manosphere, it is usually very quickly squashed by mods. And any such comments stand out simply because of how rare they are.

Yet one visit to Manboob, or any other Feminist site, and you will be able to quickly be able to find threats of violence. The blatant hypocrisy here is just sickening

[Citation Needed]

Also, though this is a whole other kettle of beans, the fact that Goldwag is Jewish seems to have inspired a number of the anti-Semites in the In Mala Fide crowd to crawl out from under their rocks – one of them being our old pal JeremiahMRA, who weighs in with a comment calling Goldwag a “creepy Jew,” in two words combining anti-Semitism with “creep shaming,” which in the weird world of the manosphere is the most hateful kind of hate ever perpetrated upon any mortal soul. (Goldwag offers a brief but pointed response to Bardamu’s post, and to the anti-Semitism, on his own blog.)

Is any of this really surprising on a blog whose name means “In Bad Faith?”

Someone posted this in the comments a while ago, and I couldn’t help but think of it as I wrote this post:

Yes, MRAs, you ARE the baddies.

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12 years ago

One of the most telling things that I have seen about the movement to trash Ms Kellett has been the utter lack of links to anything. Not even the report that says “Ms Kellett violated X”. One would think it would be all over the place but nope.

12 years ago

weird my comments keep disappearing…this is a test

Judges and prosecutors need to be over zealous sometimes….Abusers WILL do ANYTHING to slander their victim…and will dismiss evidence by saying that the lying bitch is fabricating emails or voicemails…there was a tragedy in Victorville, CA where an abusive man got custody of his infant son because the judge beleived him when he said that the abusive emails and voicemails he was sending were lies. The “father” ended p murdering the baby and himself all because a stupid misogynistic judge decided that women are lying whores….So yeah I will speak out when I hear about these men who lie about false accusations

12 years ago

Wow, so I’m a criminal and a traitor for being a Feminist? This kind of talk sounds like something out of a backward Middle Eastern country.

Um, no, racist imperialism=not okay.

I must say I’m always a bit disturbed by [un]necessary capitalization: Feminism, Science, etc. It feels like atheist code for “I lost my religion so I try to replace it by something else”.

Um, what? “atheist code”? O_O

@blackbloc, yeah, I understand a sympathy for people whose arguments have been taken out of context. It’s a claim of substance though, not a get out of jail free card. Either they have been removed from context that considerably alters the meaning or they haven’t…

12 years ago

re: Mary Kellett & Vladek Filler, the Bangor Daily News has covered this fairly extensively, including the involvement of men’s rights groups. (The names of many of the commenters may be familiar to some of you.)

12 years ago

Cloudiah, at least they’re consistent–they’re still raging assholes when they take their show on the road outside the manosphere.

12 years ago

Agreed and they couldn’t give a flying fuck about men who are actually abused and hurting…what they are about are abusers, they want to make sure men are allowed to abuse their wives with impunity. They hate prosecutors and judges like Kellet because they are harsh and don’t kiss their asses.

If it was a legeitame reason to get her disbarred there would be MORE then the MRM trying to get this guy off…In the tragedy that happened in victorvile there was a HUGE protest that happened all around California to get this judge disbarred….the mother f the baby that was murdered was even on DR phil….I tried to post a link earlier but the link wouldn”t go through for some reason….but anyway the judge actually did something wrong it wasn’t just hearsay of this person is trying to get a good guy in jail…disbar her!

12 years ago

“You’ve bitten off far more than you can chew here. You’ve antagonized the fastest-growing and most relevant movement/entity in America and the Western world. With every sling and arrow, the manosphere swells in size, a voice for the most powerful and deadliest force on Earth — the disenfranchised young man.”


“the most powerful and deadliest force on Earth”

Now if I said that, I’d get in trouble.

Hey you’re talking about Filler?
I read an article on that, and I could not see how not having enough evidence on that guy proves him innocent. He was convicted of battery, just not the rape, and GOT HIS KIDS THROUGH THE WHOLE ORDEAL.

I fail to see how that guy suffered in any way. I only read one or two articles (only one having decent informtation) So I don’t get the whole “Filler” outragemobile.

Do these guys just look for people accused of rape that could not be convicted and build a case around them? The guy is a convicted batterer. What’s so heartbreaking about him FACING CHARGES. Nothing even happened to him. grrr.

This post made me laugh, now I’m agitated from the Filler topic. lol.

12 years ago

Even if there were photographic proof of Filler hitting his wife, I`m sure MRAs would defend his actions by saying, “What he did was wrong BUT she had it coming”. I mean, Thomas Ball admitted to smacking his daughter in the motuh and MRAs still rallied around him.

12 years ago

There was photographic proof, that’s why he was convicted on those counts.
And yes, Thomas Ball only drew a little bit of blood from her mouth. grrrr.

12 years ago

Oh so MRAs are defending a CERTIFIED wife-beater. Of course they are. Ugh.

12 years ago

Well, of COURSE you can find threats of violence here on Manboobz. Too bad for Ferdy it’s all quoted from MRAs.

On another note, for a minute I thought that was a Dark Helmet costume in the pic. “So Lone Starr, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb!”

12 years ago

Meanwhile over at AVfM Paul E. manages to work his hate crush of David into a post on violence against women. Don’t worry, he admits that a tiny minority of women are “true victims” of violence, but only if it happens at the hands of a complete stranger while they are working at soup kitchens. Or some shit like that. I really can’t read any more of that overwrought prose.

12 years ago

Is it possible that MRAs don’t know they are the baddies? It isn’t as though it hasn’t been pointed out more than once.

12 years ago

oh sure he just admitted to hitting his ex and thinks DV is just peachy and “women should be terrorized by their men”……but…but…Zombie Solanas and Zombie Dworkin!!!!!1

Hey MRAs? see that link up there? that is the reason feminism still exists and will not disappear until sick beliefs like that do. That is the SPLC is fucking watching you.

12 years ago

Domestic abuse advocate right out in the open. Not even subtext, it is written right there in the open.

12 years ago


Elam has yet another post up about white knights and how terribl inferior they are to real men like Paul,because clearly we needed to hear him rant about that topic again. What a miserable hack he is.

12 years ago

The Thinking Housewife’s commenters have been talking to NWO, it seems:

“Immodest dress is analogous to male violence”

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

David — you’ve really got to read it for the full horror show, he manages everything from how a woman abused him once, to how his girlfriend was (verbally) abusing him…so he hit her, to hitting children being like hitting women — it’s a royal train-wreck in other words.

It’s a tacit acknowledgment that she’s weaker than you, beneath you, and if she crosses you again, you’ll put her in the hospital. You treat her like she’s a child throwing a temper tantrum, not an equal.

But they aren’t violent? (Also, you put children throwing temper tantrums in the hospital?!)

And an appearances by “but Chris Brown and Rihanna are back together!” and “gina tingles” to close out his disaster of a post.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Oh goodness, how’d I miss this — “This post is the equivalent of a Bond villain’s expository monologue.” — very meta of him.

12 years ago

This is for NWO, and the rest of the people who say that being alone with a woman is a quick trip to being falsely accused of rape:

Woman found guilty of culpable homicide

Eliska Novotna admitted repeatedly stabbing Arunas Ramanauskas at the Old Farmhouse at Easter Happrew Farm, near Peebles, last October.

But she denied murdering him – claiming she had acted in self defence because Mr Ramanauskas had tried to sexually assault her.

How could this happen? She said he sexually assaulted her. That’s all she needs to get away with murder, right?

12 years ago


the commenters are revealing themselves as abusers too. And they wonder why we call them violent. Which MRAs will renounce them I wonder?

wizard March 21, 2012 at 1:37 am

indeed. this post only writes the truth as it is observed in real life. I myself have hit my girl several times. buit I never appologized afterwards. whenever she confronts me about it I always put the blame on her,and in some fights it is like her body is just looking for it and the fight wont stop until she gets hurt. yes she cries afterwards and claim that she will leave me but I shove it off, and we are still together long after that, for six long years while a very honorable, wealthy, honest, stable, and perfect friend I know who almost worships his girl just leaves him like that, worse she fucks another guy while she is still with my friend and much worse, he still tries to please her after learning that, and cries in front of her like any “honorable” man will. I dont know what you will get out of this comment but hey, just sayin

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Those comments are really disgusting, serious trigger warnings if you decide to wade through that shit. Excellent examples of “not violent?!?” though. (urgh they’re repulsive)

12 years ago

I did not read the comments on Mala Fide, the post was toxic enough. I am not surprised to hear of other abuse cheerleaders.
No MRAs will ever renounce abusers. They are the abuser’s lobby and they wear that badge with pride.