anti-Semitism antifeminism douchebaggery grandiosity hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA threats

Ferdinand Bardamu Caught Monologuing Again

“You don’t know the power of the dark side!”

Is there something about being an MRA that makes you want to monologue like a cartoon supervillain?

Over on In Mala Fide, our dear friend Ferdinand Bardamu has responded in an amusingly monologuey manner to Arthur Goldwag’s followup to his earlier article for the Southern Poverty Law Center on the Men’s Rights movement. Bardamu whips himself into a bit of a lather, describing “Snerdling and his compadres” – for some reason he’s decided to call Goldwag “Snerdling” – as the

vanguards of a dying institution, desperately jamming their thumbs in the dike to keep the truth from drowning them. They’re on the losing side of history. Their shrieks are the shrieks of the dying and damned.

Their shrieks?

Oh, but there’s more. This earlier comment in Bardamu’s post is sort of a classic in the “implied threat” genre so beloved by MRAs like Paul Elam and his gang:

You’ve bitten off far more than you can chew here. You’ve antagonized the fastest-growing and most relevant movement/entity in America and the Western world. With every sling and arrow, the manosphere swells in size, a voice for the most powerful and deadliest force on Earth — the disenfranchised young man.

Emphasis mine.

Amazingly, in the very next paragraph, Bardamu waxes indignant that Goldwag had the gall to refer to “threat[s], overt or implicit, of violence” from MRAs. Bardamu responds with a big, insincere “who, me?”

I’ve made threats of violence? Leftists always pull this game — they never give specific examples … .

You want a specific example? LOOK AT WHAT YOU JUST WROTE IN YOUR LAST FUCKING PARAGRAPH. That bit about Goldwag allegedly antagonizing “the most powerful and deadliest force on Earth — the disenfranchised young man?” That is an implicit threat of violence. It’s kind of hard to miss.

You want to see more specific examples of threats from MRAs? I’ve got post after post full of them.

Heck, he doesn’t even need to look at Man Boobz. All he needs to do is to look at the comments on his own post, starting with the very first one:

SPLC: Thanks for kicking the sleeping dog,that dog needed to learn to bite rather than sleep.

Then he can scroll down the page for this more explicit threat from Brigadon:

I prefer practicing real, unmistakable violence.

Further down the page, in response to a feminist who has stopped by to call the IMF regulars on some of their bullshit, Brigadon elaborates further:

I have called it a ‘war’ before, and I will again. It is not a cold war, it is a hot war, with constant and socially-approved violence against men. The only way to fight a hot war is with violence. …

So, maybe it sounds like a call for violence, but at this point any woman that calls herself a ‘feminist’, regardless of their protests that they are ‘not like those other ones’ Is a criminal, a traitor to their species, their culture, their honor, their family, their nation, their gender, and their world. There is only one punishment that fits a traitor.

How dare Goldwag suggest that MRAs ever threaten violence!

Apollo, meanwhile, somehow manages to overlook the threatening language in Bardamu’s post and suggests that the real threatmongers are … you and me:

[T]he Internet is full of people making violent threats. … Yet in the Manosphere, where I think real injustices are being brought to light, and people surely have a right to anger, you will NOT see the threats of violence that are so very common in so many other places of the Internet. When such a violent comment does pop up in the Manosphere, it is usually very quickly squashed by mods. And any such comments stand out simply because of how rare they are.

Yet one visit to Manboob, or any other Feminist site, and you will be able to quickly be able to find threats of violence. The blatant hypocrisy here is just sickening

[Citation Needed]

Also, though this is a whole other kettle of beans, the fact that Goldwag is Jewish seems to have inspired a number of the anti-Semites in the In Mala Fide crowd to crawl out from under their rocks – one of them being our old pal JeremiahMRA, who weighs in with a comment calling Goldwag a “creepy Jew,” in two words combining anti-Semitism with “creep shaming,” which in the weird world of the manosphere is the most hateful kind of hate ever perpetrated upon any mortal soul. (Goldwag offers a brief but pointed response to Bardamu’s post, and to the anti-Semitism, on his own blog.)

Is any of this really surprising on a blog whose name means “In Bad Faith?”

Someone posted this in the comments a while ago, and I couldn’t help but think of it as I wrote this post:

Yes, MRAs, you ARE the baddies.

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12 years ago

First… stop all the hate people.

12 years ago

the most powerful and deadliest force on Earth — the disenfranchised young man.

Aren’t disenfranchised people, by definition, less powerful?

12 years ago

Nope, no violence or racism there at all. Move along.

12 years ago

Stop using logic! You know the MRAs don’t like that.

12 years ago

disenfranchised? ive heard a lot of gloom and doom rhetoric from mras, but i think thats a new one

12 years ago

and if celine were still alive he would kick bardamu’s teeth in for associating his work with writing this terrible

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Well, Apollo DID say “Manboob” so maybe he meant somewhere else?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

and if celine were still alive he would kick bardamu’s teeth in for associating his work with writing this terrible

Implicit threat of zombie violence.

I see what you’re up to, Manboob/z!

12 years ago

in the comments of goldwag’s rebuttal brigadon is like, ‘of course in mala fide is full of anti-semites, what did you expect’ and then he starts ranting about the real threat to civilization- college disciplinary hearings.

12 years ago

“Who are you going to believe, me or your lyin’ eyes?”

Do they think people can’t see what they’ve been posting and commenting? I wonder about people like this. Are they stupid and don’t realize that most people are smarter than they are and see through them? Or are they so blinded by their hatred they really can’t see what they’re doing?

12 years ago

I think what it comes down to is that a lot of MRA’s are posting pablum compared to what they really think and want to say. So, no, they really don’t see the problem with what they are posting.

Tabby Lavalamp
12 years ago

“Aren’t disenfranchised people, by definition, less powerful?”

Damn it! Beat me to it. Is pointing out oxymorons a form of misandry?

12 years ago

Goldwag’s response to a comment from Matt Parrott is pretty great:

I don’t need you to agree that you’re a big hater, Matt, though I must admit you seem like a perfectly nice guy in person–and I do appreciate the restraint and courtesy with which you refer to me, for all my Cosmopolitan Jewishness and all. You’ve owned up to it yourself, in your review of Greg Johnson’s CONFESSIONS OF A RELUCTANT HATER in the Occidental Review, among other places: “While few of us lack the clarity and sincerity necessary to admit we’re a band of disgruntled haters, Dr. Johnson steps up and confesses it. CONFESSIONS OF A RELUCTANT HATER is an excellent and necessary read for pro-White intellectuals, but it leaves us with more difficult questions than we started with.”

That’s just an excerpt, but the whole thing is worth a read.

12 years ago

“You sly dog, you got me monologuing!”

12 years ago

Hey, we got a new bee! And a French one! Soon, our swarm of misandrist* bees will destroy the MRAs legions, and get rid for us of our zombies feminist! (Come on people, we can’t keep them forever: they’re frigging zombies, not pets!)

*though I suppose all bees are misandrist. And sluts. Have you seen the way they mate? And queen bees are so fat, so entitled, just eating all day, sitting on their asses making baby bees they won’t even raise themselves! And their basically commies, cherry on the cake**.

**Now I want cake.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Wow, so I’m a criminal and a traitor for being a Feminist? This kind of talk sounds like something out of a backward Middle Eastern country.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

Would y’all stop the zombie hate? 😉

I just love how the keep saying they’re not violent.

One day they’ll pay!

This is war!

a voice for the most powerful and deadliest force on Earth — the disenfranchised young man.

Nope. Peaceful as Jainists those guys.

12 years ago

Disenfranchised women = no big deal, stop your bitching, suffrage wasn’t important, make me a sandwich. Disenfranchised men = OMFG the worst thing in the whole world!!


12 years ago

Can you imagine him saying this stuff out in the real world, in mixed company, in any legitimate forum? Now, what if it was televised? Oh shit, the aftermath. His boss would be pressured to fire him from his job. Family members would deny knowing him. Someone would fire rubber bullets at him. Police would put him on a WATCH list. Or — he’d just be laughed at.
Can they hear how they actually sound? Now, I don’t know how these grudges start. Maybe it’s because they can’t get a woman? Women don’t respond to them the way they think they should? Well gosh, maybe it’s because you’re a creeper. You go out of your way to sound like a moustache stroking, tie a chick down to the trail tracks villain. You sound like some loser who fantasizes about living in a hollowed out volcano while your minions round up a female harem for you to abuse. You feel disenfranchised? Why? Because people in the really real world aren’t sock-poppets in your weirdo fantasy land?
Oh and hey, guy who makes threats and then claims not to make threats, the deadliest and most powerful force on the earth isn’t the manosphere like you claimed *snicker* ……it’s The Avengers. Everyone knows that. *snicker-snort* The latest screenplay about their lives was overseen by Joss Whedon, an open feminist.

12 years ago

You know, I’m very sympathetic to people’s claims that their words are taken out of context to assert they are supporting violence. For instance, I have been defending the major student organization responsible for the Quebec strikes against tuition hikes, the (CL)ASSE, from people who deform their charter by claiming that them identifying as being for “combat syndicalism” is a call to violence, when in fact “combat syndicalism” in French is a term that is used to refer to a conception of syndicalism in which the union’s purpose is to defend the interests of one class against another’s irreconciliable interests, as opposed to usual trade unionism in which the union is seen as a mediator between workers and bosses (or students and the government, here). The purpose of the union here is to be representative of the students, and mediation is supposed to be done by a third party, it is not the job of the union to compromise their position. It’s a different philosophical purpose, but it doesn’t (necessarily) mean violence.

OTOH, the MRAs are quite transparently calling for violence and not even being coy about it. They just say it with just a hint of plausible deniability.

12 years ago

Oh… sorry Ladie Zombie. But I don’t know what to do, Zombie Dworkin and Zombie Solanas keep on trying to bit people, it can’t stay like that!
I do ♥ Zombie Marie-Curie, though, and you’re a Manboobzer. Ahh, I’m conflicted. Am I bigoted?

12 years ago

As a feminist, I don’t think MRAs should die. I think they should realize how silly they’re being and feel properly ashamed of what they’ve done.

Kyrie: Die vitalist scum. 😛

12 years ago

I must say I’m always a bit disturbed by necessary capitalization: Feminism, Science, etc. It feels like atheist code for “I lost my religion so I try to replace it by something else”. I could be wrong, though, after all my own language is much less capitalized, so it could very well come from here.

12 years ago

Ozy: I propose “Die, vile vitalist”. Or “Die, vitalist viper”. You can’t loose the alliteration! But you should understand, aren’t you a vegetarian? Have you tried to put a zombie on a vegetarian diet?

12 years ago

* unnecessary capitalization.

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