So the New Statesman — a rough UK equivalent of The Nation here in the US — has published an awesomely snarky yet utterly accurate piece on the Men’s Rights movement, such as it is, including references to Man Boobz favorites Tom Martin and A Voice for Men. Read it! Some excerpts:
Like your arse, men’s rights are massive right now. Of course, this has been “a thing” since the Fathers4Justice superheroes first scaled a public building, reiterating in one fell swoop that irresponsible, life-endangering behaviour and silly costumes are not only newspaper-friendly, but are also not qualities many women look for in a potential birthing partner. Then we had Tom Martin suing the London School of Economics’ gender studies programme for sexism, one of his complaints being that the chairs they sat on were too hard and not suitable for the comfortable positioning of his goolies. Poor Tom.
A Voice for Men is essentially the EDL [that is, the Islamophobic English Defence League –DF] of the mens’ rights movement, positing as it does such statements as “a single mother is a woman who in most cases chose to have, or to raise a child without a father. This demonstrates terrible, selfish values”, and “fake boobs are a sexual advertisement. If your wife or GF wants them that means she’s seeking to attract heightened male attention.” It’s extremist, bitter, and encourages men to “not get fucked” by taping every conversation that they have with a woman, like a troop of paranoid angry, ninja spies.
Naturally, MRAs are up in arms about this horribly unfair completely accurate (and if anything rather understated) description of their “movement.” I added some thoughts of my own to the discussion on Reddit here. Here’s one of the responses:
Keep digging that hole!
EDITED TO ADD: The New Statesmen is going to have a whole week of stuff on Men’s issues. So stay tuned!
EDITED TO ADD AGAIN: On the Men’s Rights subreddit, the battle rages on, but alas I can contribute no more, having just been banned from there, apparently for mentioning The Spearhead too many times, or something. Separate post on that in a second. But in the meantime, here’s my favorite comment from the whole thread, from someone who apparently didn’t enjoy the New Statesman piece as much as I did:
If anyone knows of any sorority newsletter that reads like that New Statesman piece, please let me know, as I would like to subscribe to that newsletter and/or join that sorority, if my status as a mangina qualifies me for membership.
In the meantime, I have added The Vagenda, the online home of Rhiannon and Holly, the authors of the NS piece, to the “Antidotes to Boobery” sidebar.
Quackers: <3 That's awesome for you! I know you've had some problems with the MRM triggering you, so I think it's really awesome that you've figured out a way to remind yourself of how insignificant they really are.
help guys, i just learned that an ex client of mine (who was recently rehoused and seemed to be getting her life back on track) died in a house fire after being beaten. it’s all over the local news. she had a violent ex who drifted in and out of her life. shit. she had fucking scoliosis and struggled to walk even with her cane. i just don’t where to go in my head right now.
OMG, final word on the video. Saying it was s deliberate derail demonstrates paranoia the MRM would find extreme. IMHO Cloudia shouldn’t have posted it, David should’ve deleted it, Hellkell should address hir sadcase bitterness towards me and everyone should drop it, move on and get onto the New statesman to challenge the MRM stalwarts trolling the comments!!!
That’s awful, I’m so sorry 🙁
I’m sorry, BigMomma.
That is terrible. I’m sorry.
The video was discomfiting, but I’m more offended by being made the equivalent of a chicken.
BigMomma, I am so sorry about your client. I am also sorry that I put that other comment before this one, but I had scrolled down to respond and didn’t read the bottom.
bigmomma: All the hugs in the world.
sorry for the rage-dump. i had just heard that it was a suspicious death confirmed on the news. i have now stroked my cat, drunk some hot chocolate and eaten a toasted crumpet. my head is still buzzing but i’m calmer. Just thinking about it in context of MRA willful manipulation of DV statistics, along with having worked for years with so many vulnerable people..i just…well…
thanks guys. i should more coherent in the morning (on Australia time).
and p.s. i think all abuse is wrong OK? And i actively work to prevent and educate about these issues in the community. for any lurking trolls.
Robin Gibb from The BeeGees died from liver cancer a couple of days ago and it was all over UK news.
Whether or not The BeeGees are counted among “manginas” by that lot (probably), they were at least current in their put downs.
And again, thanks for running this place.
These guys are like Global Warming deniers or people that think Erik Von Daniken had a point…
Their deluded take on how the world works simply doesn’t deserve equivalency in any real discussion on civil rights and equality.
Mockery- Yes. Equivalency – No.
So thanks again chaps, good work.
Seconding. And if it ain’t enough, I can hunt some more out of the rest of the galaxy. After all, we hunted the mammoth, what’s a few hugs compared to that?
@BigMomma: HUGS!
Sorry to hear that, BigMomma. More hugs here!
Internet hugs, BigMomma. That is just terrible.
I’m sorry big mama. Thats really horrible. I mean its upsetting when you just hear it on the news but if you actually know them it hurts so much more. *hugs*
Hugs for BigMomma!
That’s so terrible.
What a problematic comparison, the EDL is a perfect example that you can be horrible, stupid and bigoted and still be against something that’s equally horrible, like the nasty parts of political Islam.
And Vindicare both misses, and illustrates, the point.
Oh, BigMomma, how awful! Good thoughts heading out to you and her family.
@ David and Ozy
Thank you! 🙂
That’s horrible BigMomma 🙁 *hugs*
Who knew that being a feminist was carcinogenic? And to your liver, no less! Another MRA idiot for the “completely missing the point” files!
If thoughts were bullets, there would be no assholes left.
once again thanks guys. i’ve been in touch with the police, not that i can really add anything. but anyways, onwards and upwards right?
BigMomma, so sorry.
I’m so sorry, BigMomma.