drama misogyny MRA reddit

Banned in the MRA!

Well, I have been banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit, evidently for mentioning The Spearhead too often. And also, apparently, because of Lorena Bobbit? Honesty, I’m not sure I fully understand why I’m banned; I am pretty sure I haven’t breached any of the tenets of Reddiquette in any of my comments in r/mr. See if you can figure it out:

I’m also banned from A Voice for Men. And Toysoldier. Not sure about The Spearhead. I don’t think so, but there’s not really much point posting somewhere where all dissenting commenters (and most women) are downvoted so thoroughly that you have to click a special link to even see them. I might or might not be able to comment on other MRA blogs, I don’t know.

But honestly, the only Men’s Rights forum I really have (or had) any reason or desire to comment in is the Men’s Rights subreddit, because for all of its faults it’s really the only MRA forum of any size that’s not completely overrun with misogynists and fanatics. The only one where there is even a chance of holding any kind of substantive discussions with MRAs online. And Ig has shut that door, at least for me.

(There are of course many other places to discuss things with MRAs online, like, you know, here, and NSWATM, and so on, but these places aren’t run by MRAs.)

I asked Ig if he would also ban the guy who wished me liver cancer earlier today. I have not heard back from him yet.

EDITED TO ADD: Ig has gotten back to me. He recommends that I “go to hell.” Meanwhile, the liver-cancer wisher has reaffirmed his desire that I “catch” cancer.

Elsewhere in r/mr, another fellow describes me as “an accumulation of grunge far worse than any of the quotes you mine.” Which doesn’t make a lot of sense, but at least has a spark of originality to it.

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12 years ago

I suspect that you were banned because of suspicion that you were involved in this:

antz, did you miss the part where even r/mensrights thought paul-e’s little theory was totally fucking stupid

12 years ago

Like you, I have noticed that reddit/r/mensrights continues to move strongly into reconcilliation and centrist territory.

Because it means that something might get done and will take more effort then whining on the interwebz.

This trend is troubling to me.

Of course it is, not only does it mean having to do more *gasp in horror* work, it also means that something will get done that does not involve hating women. It would be something that helps men! The HORROR.

Power does not work this way.

Actually…yes it does, if you want it to last longer than one Generalissimo Supreme President Father of Country’s lifetime anyway. Compromising some with each group with in a society means that most groups get something they need and something they want.

For men to have a meaningful voice in our own futures, we have drag the enemy (you) kicking and screaming to the negotiation table — and we have to be seen to do this.

In other words-until you can force, with maximum levels of pain and suffering, anyone who does not believe men are superior to their knees in supplication to your insane demands in front of the entire world, it does not count.

So when activists work out a way for men to have a shelter to be at to escape abusive relationships-that is a failure. But when MRA shut down a women’s shelter and force the women to have to stay with their abusers-that is a success.

When a program is designed and implemented at a college that helps men understand that they can admit their feelings when it comes to being overwhelmed and seek help so they do not kill themselves. That is a failure.

When feminists are forced to retreat on the issue of birth control so women once again start dying in massive numbers from botched abortions-that is a success.

When women are stripped of all rights, chances at self determination and anything that does not make them completely dependent on the goodwill of men (which will be withheld to the greatest extent possible), only then will you be willing to sit down and discuss the terms of our enslavement.

Until I see the whites of the feminist eyes, it is too soon for talking.

Fuck off Antz, you are nothing more than a wannabe terrorist who lacks the nerve to even admit that you want all women dead.

12 years ago

equal access to healthcare for men

You already have it. If anything is unequal, it’s the opposite of what you think because if something is growing inside of you and endangering your health (possibly even your life) and needs to be removed, you won’t be turned away from 1 in 6 hospitals (statistically speaking) on the grounds of “religious freedom”.

You probably won’t have to travel out of state to get it removed either.

And you probably won’t have to wait 24 or 48 hours to think about what a horrible human being you are, just for wanting a legal medical procedure.

Pharmacists aren’t legally allowed to refuse to fill your prescriptions because of “religious freedom”.

Doctors aren’t legally allowed to lie to you about a condition you might have because of “religious freedom”.

The likelihood that extremist groups will set up faux clinics to try to keep you from having certain medical procedures and access to medications is rather low.

It is unlikely you will have to pass a crowd of angry extremists who call you horrible names in order to get certain types of care.

I’m pretty sure you don’t want the same kind of “access” to healthcare that women have.

12 years ago

I suspect that you were banned because of suspicion that you were involved in this:

Did you miss the part that David has no reason to have made that subreddit. In fact one of the fucking moderators on the men’s right reddit actually is part of /beating woman (AnnArchist). Is he a feminist conspiracy too? I mean do you realize how far you are scapegoating here right? Besides that, the reason why he was banned was in this article. Something about posting lies constantly about how spearhead is part of the mrm (when apparently its not). I mean its a crap reason but he wasn’t banned under suspicion of starting /beatingwomen because thats such a laughable conspiracy theory.

12 years ago

I suspect that you were banned because of suspicion that you were involved in this:

Did you miss the part that David has no reason to have made that subreddit. In fact one of the fucking moderators on the men’s right reddit actually is part of /beatingwoman (AnnArchist). Is he a feminist conspiracy too? I mean do you realize how far you are scapegoating here right? Besides that, the reason why he was banned was in this article. Something about posting lies constantly about how spearhead is part of the mrm (when apparently its not). I mean its a crap reason but he wasn’t banned under suspicion of starting /beatingwomen because thats such a laughable conspiracy theory.

12 years ago

@Naira: some kind of cross between a rape fetish and a degree in political science.

Falls over laughing!

Hands you internet!

Bows low before you in respect.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Lorena bobbit? I know she’s a scare word to misogynists, but she was sick. You’re kind of an asshole if you think she ‘hates men’ because she was sick in the past, but is better now.

12 years ago

@ Ithiliana:

Shakes hand.

Thank you! I think it is one of my superpowers to imagine odd porn. AZ’s idea of negotiation made me think of the UN chambers outfitted by Dungeons ‘R Us.

I do wish I could use this power for good…instead of just mentally forking myself every now and then.

12 years ago

@Rutee Katreya

It’s MRA logic, one woman did a terrible thing to one man, therefore she hates all men. She hates all men and is therefore a feminist. She is a feminist and therefor all feminists want to cut all men’s penises off. QED.

12 years ago

Purple pill bastions? Are we back to colour coding again?
Next we’ll be writing our names above our cubbies.

12 years ago

I guess red/blue equals purple MATRIX stuff–so centrist is purple?

my favorite color!

long time lurker
long time lurker
12 years ago

I propose a new entry in your glossary

misrepresenting = quoting directly

12 years ago

I think the purple pill is a reference to suicide or heartburn or rap music.
One of those.

12 years ago

Anyone who stands for equal rights is a Feminist and a MRA.


Saying “The Spearhead” is a MRA site is like saying “RadFemHub” is a legitimate feminist website.

Ander’s Breivik’s Manifesto should be taken as satire, like Valerie Solanas and the SCUM Manifesto, or Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal.

Isn’t it fun when gender warriors play games?

Can you guess what game is being played?

If you can’t see how both sides are doing the same thing, chances are you’re a partisan way too entrenched in gender war.

12 years ago

Wait wait wait. Okay, in the past, many people have written culturally awful things and then gone back and tried to quell backlash by insisting it was intended as satire.

But now we’re doing it for a guy who killed a bunch of people but wrote about it before he killed them?

The difference between RadFemHub and Spearhead is that you can count the number of feminist sites that echo its sentiments on a single hand probably, whereas Spearhead’s sentiments can pretty much be found throughout the “manosphere”, as this blog’s rather extensive log shows.

12 years ago

Power does not work this way. For men to have a meaningful voice in our own futures, we have drag the enemy (you) kicking and screaming to the negotiation table — and we have to be seen to do this.

So it’s not about equality or fair treatment? It’s about power?

I can’t think of any civil rights movement of the last century that succeeded by crushing its enemies, seeing them driven before it, and hearing the lamentations of their women. But you think this happens all the time?

Feminists will be begging for the federal government to fund male studies departments, for DV shelters to admit men, for family courts to treat fathers like human beings, and for equal access to healthcare for men.

Feminists support most of those things. Personally, I’d rather have separate men’s DV services rather than letting men into women’s shelters, which can be dangerous to women whose abusive partners are trying to track them down. And I don’t think specific federal earmarks for gender studies is a good use of taxpayer dollars, but I’m perfectly fine with colleges and universities setting up men’s studies (or women’s studies) departments if they want to. But yes, courts should totally treat fathers like human beings, and men and women should have equal access to health care.

12 years ago

Incidentally, this summer I will finally start getting equal access to healthcare!

As a freelancer at my company, I have to pay for my own health insurance. Thanks to Obamacare, in July insurance companies have to stop charging women extra for lady health. My monthly insurance premium will drop from $500 a month to $180. It is sweet as hell.

Of course, as a left-wing pinko I’d rather have across-the-board socialized health care than the piecemeal system Obama has been able to pass, but this is still a huge weight off my shoulders.

12 years ago

Anyone who stands for equal rights is a Feminist and a MRA.

As how the men’s rights groups stands as it is today, its more of a hate group than anything else so no I would not count them as a group aiming for equal rights.

Ander’s Breivik’s Manifesto should be taken as satire,

Except he really meant it, so much so that he fucking killed people over it. That was no satire.

If you can’t see how both sides are doing the same thing, chances are you’re a partisan way too entrenched in gender war.

I don’t see feminists saying its logical to take men’s voting away, or that foreign men are better because they are more passive, or that women should be literal sex slaves, or that little girl’s voice boxes should be removed, and all the other disgusting crap mras spew is no was comparable to the worst of radfems.

Also cut the “gender war crap” there is no gender war, both men and women are trying to keep the status quo of women being lesser and both men and women are trying to end it. There is no war split between men and women, only a unfortunate past that needs to be put behind us.

12 years ago

“But now we’re doing it for a guy who killed a bunch of people but wrote about it before he killed them?”

But now we’re doing it for a girl who attempted to kill a person but wrote about it before she attempted kill them?

“The difference between RadFemHub and Spearhead is that you can count the number of feminist sites that echo its sentiments on a single hand probably, whereas Spearhead’s sentiments can pretty much be found throughout the “manosphere”, as this blog’s rather extensive log shows.”

I wonder…

Are you that blind that you can’t see the same argument being made by the other side?

Check your partisan privilege.

You have no higher ground to stand on.

You are in the same fetid pit as your enemy throwing shit at each other, whilst both sides consume their own excrement.

It plagues me to no end how easily the masses are moved to insanity to protect themselves from the imminent “danger” of their “enemies”.

12 years ago
12 years ago

“As a freelancer at my company, I have to pay for my own health insurance. Thanks to Obamacare, in July insurance companies have to stop charging women extra for lady health. My monthly insurance premium will drop from $500 a month to $180. It is sweet as hell.”

Awesome! Could you tell him to work on equality for men in insurance next? MEN pay tens of thousands more in auto insurance. Women’s choices cost health insurance companies more but MEN have to pick up the tab for that.

“Of course, as a left-wing pinko I’d rather have across-the-board socialized health care than the piecemeal system Obama has been able to pass, but this is still a huge weight off my shoulders.”

It would certainly beat subsidizing health care for first world countries. Canadiens and other 1st world citizens enjoy lower prices while Americans innovate and supply the world with new medications. The Israeli socialized health care is completely funded by Americans. I could start an Ameriboobz website.

12 years ago

“In other words-until you can force, with maximum levels of pain and suffering, anyone who does not believe men are superior to their knees in supplication to your insane demands in front of the entire world, it does not count.

So when activists work out a way for men to have a shelter to be at to escape abusive relationships-that is a failure. But when MRA shut down a women’s shelter and force the women to have to stay with their abusers-that is a success.”

This neatly summarises the problem with the MRA movement as it stands – it’s fundamentally destructive, not constructive. Look at Antz’s latest babble – he doesn’t care whether or not anything gets fixed, he just wants to make feminists suffer, and to savor the sweet feeling of having power over them. If the government handed him the solution to a lot of things that MRAs have been asking for tomorrow (concrete things, like promises that men retain custody in a divorce, or more DV shelters for men) he’d slap them in the face with his glove and walk away unless it was accompanied with a promise that he could “punish” feminists too.

12 years ago

Ander’s Breivik’s Manifesto should be taken as satire, like Valerie Solanas and the SCUM Manifesto, or Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal.

Isn’t it fun when gender warriors play games?

Can you guess what game is being played?

If you can’t see how both sides are doing the same thing, chances are you’re a partisan way too entrenched in gender war.

anders breivik opened fire on a summer camp, dude. did you miss that part?

12 years ago

fuck block quotes

*anders breivik opened fire on a summer camp, dude. did you miss that part?*