drama misogyny MRA reddit

Banned in the MRA!

Well, I have been banned from the Men’s Rights subreddit, evidently for mentioning The Spearhead too often. And also, apparently, because of Lorena Bobbit? Honesty, I’m not sure I fully understand why I’m banned; I am pretty sure I haven’t breached any of the tenets of Reddiquette in any of my comments in r/mr. See if you can figure it out:

I’m also banned from A Voice for Men. And Toysoldier. Not sure about The Spearhead. I don’t think so, but there’s not really much point posting somewhere where all dissenting commenters (and most women) are downvoted so thoroughly that you have to click a special link to even see them. I might or might not be able to comment on other MRA blogs, I don’t know.

But honestly, the only Men’s Rights forum I really have (or had) any reason or desire to comment in is the Men’s Rights subreddit, because for all of its faults it’s really the only MRA forum of any size that’s not completely overrun with misogynists and fanatics. The only one where there is even a chance of holding any kind of substantive discussions with MRAs online. And Ig has shut that door, at least for me.

(There are of course many other places to discuss things with MRAs online, like, you know, here, and NSWATM, and so on, but these places aren’t run by MRAs.)

I asked Ig if he would also ban the guy who wished me liver cancer earlier today. I have not heard back from him yet.

EDITED TO ADD: Ig has gotten back to me. He recommends that I “go to hell.” Meanwhile, the liver-cancer wisher has reaffirmed his desire that I “catch” cancer.

Elsewhere in r/mr, another fellow describes me as “an accumulation of grunge far worse than any of the quotes you mine.” Which doesn’t make a lot of sense, but at least has a spark of originality to it.

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Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I’d be more willing to accept the “no true MRA hates women” argument if someone could show me one site, anywhere, that identifies itself as MRAs and doesn’t make “evil feminists and evil women” stories its bread and butter.

There’s some distinction between the ones that really hate all women, and the ones that allow a good woman could exist between certain very narrow parameters. I guess you just haven’t been giving Group 2 their due.

12 years ago

So spearhead is not part of the mra now?

12 years ago

They really hate being quoted their own words, apparently.

12 years ago

fukkin lol

12 years ago

I am rolling my eyes at the “civil” discussion of why women’s right to vote should be taken way. something about because men have to sign up to the draft and women don’t take responsibility they shouldn’t vote? Its frustrating people in this day and age still think that.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

My one adventure in r/mr land convinced me that there was no value in participating there. I wouldn’t be surprised if r/mr’s misogynistic output could fuel a whole anti-misogyny blog all on its own.

12 years ago

Sounds like you really hit a nerve. XD

12 years ago

And by “used to be linked here” he means “As recently this month”

12 years ago

as this month*

12 years ago

Did you or anyone ever call them out for letting AnnaChrist be moderator? It would be kind of hard to say that someone who serves the fuckin` MODERATOR of your massive forum is an outlier in the MRM. Although I`m sure they`d find a way…

12 years ago

Is this whole Spearhead is not a True Scotsman thing their attempt to counteract the SPLC article?

12 years ago

If there really are all these moderate, non-misogynistic MRAs out there, they might wanna think about speaking the fuck up already.

Because the only reasonable people I hear talk about men’s issues would be ashamed to be associated with the MRM.

12 years ago

All men are individuals and all feminists are the Borg.

12 years ago

So spearhead is not part of the mra now?

Their “About” section talks about being part a movement concerned with men`s issues
And the words MRM and MRA come up frequently in both the comments and articles
And The Spearhead often collaborates with prominent MRAs like Paul Elam and Pierce Harlan
And every article shares the same bullshit talking points as every other MRA website
And the comment section is frequented by MRAs who can be found posting on a variety of MRA sites

So clearly, this site has nothing to do with the MRM.

12 years ago


I asked Ig if he would also ban the guy who wished me liver cancer earlier today. I have not heard back from him yet.

I’m sure you know this already, but I strongly suggest not holding your breath on that one.

12 years ago

If there really are all these moderate, non-misogynistic MRAs out there, they might wanna think about speaking the fuck up already.

Because the only reasonable people I hear talk about men’s issues would be ashamed to be associated with the MRM.

Apparently there`s an “r/masculinism” subreddit where the level of discourse is decent? I`ve never seen it (I try to avoid browsing Reddit for the sake of my blood pressure) but MRAs on one Reddit thread were basically saying “If you find the misogyny in this forum bothersome, go to the Masculinism forum”

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

I am rolling my eyes at the “civil” discussion of why women’s right to vote should be taken way.

Hahah seriously. “I’m totally civilly telling you that I think you deserve less basic human rights than me just for being a woman. NO OFFENSE!”


I’m trying to remember to not feed the trolls. I’m really trying. But I’ve been engaged in debate on imdb for the past day or so off and on and it’s just such a waste of time. When I tell said man that I am not going to waste my time on the novel he just wrote about his fantasy world, I’m insulted. He also told me that feminists are never willing to debate with him. Maybe it’s because it’s obvious that it’s a complete waste of everyone’s time!

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

If there really are all these moderate, non-misogynistic MRAs out there, they might wanna think about speaking the fuck up already.

Because the only reasonable people I hear talk about men’s issues would be ashamed to be associated with the MRM.

AMEN! I look around and I see “feminists are evil and do this” freaking everywhere, but all the feminist sites I read involve mostly intelligent, thoughtful people. But I can’t find a single MRM site or blog that isn’t laced with blatant misogyny.

I don’t get how they stand behind this type of content. If I was an MRA, I’d be all over those blogs being like, “Don’t you get that you’re making us look bad and giving our cause a horrible name?”

12 years ago

They really hate being quoted their own words, apparently.

12 years ago

Speaking of internet bullies like the MRAs, have you met George Tierney Jr of Greenville South Carolina? 🙂

12 years ago

I know the dude that runs r/masculism, he’s not a bad guy. Guest-blogged for NSWATM once. I don’t know how good the reddit is though.

12 years ago

I think the article on the Southern Poverty Center website linked to a fairly moderate blog too… this one here;

12 years ago

I couldn’t get past the “that tends to happen when people are fighting for basic human rights.”

Do they even understand what that means?

12 years ago

Well, to paraphrase a great comedic mind, I wouldn’t want to be part of any group that would have me as a member.

Being banned from that sewer only compliments you.

12 years ago

I wonder if they’ll ever have the self-awareness to realize they’ve turned into what they used to claim to hate (circlejerks).

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