a voice for men antifeminism grandiosity hypocrisy misandry misogyny MRA radfems oh my

Seen one feminist, seen them all.

Feminists are all exactly the same.

So our dear friend Fidelbogen, self-declared Counter-Feminist Agent of Change and the wannabe philosopher-king of the Men’s Rights movement, has written an exceedingly dull and verbose post for A Voice for Men rehashing the whole Agent-Orange-RadFemHub-thing. Now, it’s a lovely, slightly too-hot Sunday afternoon here at Man Boobz headquarters, so naturally I didn’t do much more than lightly skim the whole thing. But I did notice this interesting little “argument” part way through.

Apparently Fidelbogen has concluded that it’s perfectly fine for critics of feminism to completely ignore the ideas of most feminists and focus only on the dogmas of the most radical of RadFems:

We should lay to rest the silly notion that such feminists as these are only “fringe radicals” or “extremists”, and that we mustn’t judge the entire movement by them. My question is, why shouldn’t we judge the entire movement by them? Compared to them, what do the moderate feminists really add up to? Anything much? What does a heap of feathers amount to, compared to a cannon ball? What really fuels feminism, anyway? Is it driven relentlessly forward by mellowness and grooviness — by fun, fluffy, happy feelings? Or does it run, let us say, on pure hate, pure spite, pure malevolence, pure malignancy? Well, you get the idea: darker emotions?

That weird choice of alternatives at the end is pretty much a textbook example of a “false dichotomy.” You would think that someone with a brain as big as Fidelbogen’s would be able to recognize and avoid such an elementary logical fallacy.

Fidelbogen continues:

Say what you will, but I am partial to the old maxim that happy people don’t make history. And which is more, I’ve got some experience with feminists; I have studied them, as chaps like me will do, and I have logged a few years in this trade. And I can attest that feminists are all alike. Monolithic, you might say. They vary in superficialities, but under all those sheathing layers lies the high-conductive cable core on which the feminist message travels. It is the same message every time. Every feminist I have ever personally encountered, or been informed of, differs from the radfems we are now studying only in the strength of the underlying signal. One way or another, let them veil it ever so artfully, the message never skips a beat: “Men are the problem. . . men are the problem . . . men are the problem.”

Dude, “projection” ain’t just a river in Egypt.

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Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

@Effie – “The only thing I have in common with RadFems is our mutual refusal to sleep with an MRA’s miserable ass.”

I’m pretty sure that’s all you need in common, so far as the MRM is concerned.

12 years ago

Sir Bodsworth,

It must chap their asses to know that after I played Tekken with my bf, I went into the kitchen and made him burritos (my night to cook dinner), that I plan on putting out shortly (YAY AWESOME SEX), and that none of these activities involve an MRA, but rather two trans-inclusive, consensual-sex-positive feminists.

Though, come to think of it, the burritos were meatless, so they’d probably attempt to use that to revoke his manly manhood card.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Effie — he’s a feminist man, that’s all they need to hear to start insulting him

Meatless burritos sound delicious though.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Is it driven relentlessly forward by mellowness and grooviness — by fun, fluffy, happy feelings?”

I am really annoyed by this troupe that if feminists (read as women) are not “fun, fluffy, happy” things then they must be hysterical evil bitches…no, feminists are not going to be “sugar and spice and everything nice” that stereotype is wtf we’re against

This is why the reverse wouldn’t work too though — men aren’t expected to be “sugar and spice” but “slugs and snails and puppy-dogs’ tails”. I seem to recall that also being misandry…here MRAs have a snail, they’re kind of adorable.

12 years ago

So a bunch of people who talk about inflicting pain (in Fidelobogen`s case, torturing feminists with medieval devices) and “fucking shit up” are calling other people hateful…

I just wanted to clarify that that`s what`s going on here.

12 years ago

It appears that our well-funded feminist campaign to control all the media has born fruit, at least in one tiny little section of the media: the rationalization hamster meme. After sorting to see the most popular hamsters, it appears that 8 out of 14 on the first page were created by manboobzers — and we have the 2nd most popular hamster of all, Mr. Gleaming Opulent Horse.
I would like to encourage all of David’s lickspittle toadies to head over there and vote for the best hamsters. (I sincerely hope that sentence is never used against me in a court of law.) And create your own! Let’s crowd those misogynistic hamsters into the last place.
To quote Gandhi,

First they ignore you, then they create hate-crush blogs about you, then they accuse you of starting the Beating Women subreddit, then you fucking pwn their meme!

12 years ago
Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

@cloudiah — I think we may’ve just accidentally DoS’ed them…

Service Unavailable
The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.

12 years ago

Nah, it’s back.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

So it is, voting time! Are any of you behind this one? If so, what’s the source of that? Closest to surgery any doctor will let you do without anesthesia is filling a cavity…

-1!! — I haven’t read it, so it could be a terrible book for all I know, but I’m under the impression it’s about consensual BDSM…not that MRAs know the difference or anything >.<

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Holy shit, that “50 Shades of Grey” one is fucking terrible. I think (maybe optimistically) that deep down these assholes know it’s impossible to want to be abused, because come the fuck on, that works out to “want a thing you don’t want” in basic logic. So they’re only accusing women of wanting it because they know that’s a horrible thing to say, and they’re missing the part of an adult conscience that says “don’t always say the worst possible thing to people.”

…I hope this is the reasoning. Fuck if I know. I’m giving them too much credit. They probably do think that “I like to fantasize about being sensually spanked” is the same goddamn thing as “I want to be randomly beaten against my will.”

12 years ago

Yeah, no, just vote for the ones that are not fucked up. Right now, I’m pretty sure that manboobz-created hamsters outnumber the others.
The surgery one was an Antz quote. Vote it up or down depending on if you think it’s funny, I guess.

12 years ago

@Cliff, I created one that was an answer to that 50 shades of gray one.
You could probably do a funnier one in a heartbeat.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Can I have a try?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

@cloudiah — oh, it was an AntZ line, of course it was >.<

And I already gave your 50 Shades reply a +2 before I knew it was your's, that one is actually funny.

@Cliff — unfortunately I think they may really not understand the difference between being asked to spank sometimes, and being told that random hitting is not okay. It's the same physical action!!11!!! (that's sarcasm if that's not obvious, insurance paperwork is still boggling my brain)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

@Sir Bodsworth — She turned me into a newt! …I got better. was an NWO line I assume?

12 years ago

@Sir, that was A W E S O M E, but not in the reddit way, in a real way.
@argenti, yup that was NWO

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Why thankee

12 years ago
12 years ago

Radical feminists get my respect for actually Going Their Own Way and more or less keeping to themselves. Thank you for not crapping up the comments on every online news article with long sexist rants, radical feminists! You ladies have class!

Tonight I enjoyed fish tacos and many tiki drinks. It was a good night. MRAs need to have more nights like this. Then we will have world peace.

12 years ago
12 years ago

@CassandraSays A W E S O M E, for realz

12 years ago

…I hope this is the reasoning. Fuck if I know. I’m giving them too much credit. They probably do think that “I like to fantasize about being sensually spanked” is the same goddamn thing as “I want to be randomly beaten against my will.”

Given the whole “Why don’t women like being raped? Don’t they like sex?” thing the other day, yeah, I think they probably do think just that. Sigh.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

I made like `15 of them last night and posted them to my tumblr too, encouraging others to upvote and add some of their own. was cracking myself up, ngl.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I am having so much fun with Rationalization Hamster.


What OP?