a voice for men antifeminism disgusting women evil women hypocrisy irony alert misandry misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men reactionary bullshit we hunted the mammoth

Heads, you’re a misandrist. Tails, you’re also a misandrist.

Watch out for the Misandry Bears and their giant Misandry Teeth.

You may recall a post I did the other day about Roger Ebert’s recent claim that women are superior to men. You may also recall that my basic thesis was that Ebert was completely wrong. Heck, you didn’t even have to read my post to see what my stance was; I made it clear in the title itself, which started off with the words “no, women aren’t better than men.”

Well, apparently my saying explicitly that women are not superior to men, and approvingly quoting another feminist saying the same thing, was too much to handle for the proprietor of an exciting new blog chronicling how wrong and bad I and my commetariat are. Mikhael Varpole of the imaginatively named Anti-Man Boobz blog (motto: “Exposing Man Boobz as a vile hate cult”) wrote about Ebert’s claim, and my response, in a recent post.

Here’s what he wrote:

Naturally, Futrelle and the boob gallery had to get in on the action. To his credit, Futrelle doesn’t condone Ebert’s misandry- but then again Dave’s always been a sneaky one that way. He won’t stand in solidarity with Ebert- but note that he’s happy to spin an instance of bold-faced misandry into an opportunity to bash MRAs who are righteously angry, ultimately concluding:

Guys, I hate to have to tell you this, but you’re sort of making it look like Ebert might have a point.

Remember what I said about subtle bigotry? This is a prime example. Misandry and misandric attitudes are dismissed in our culture because the concept itself is seen as illegitimate. And by portraying AVfM’s righteous anger as childish and “proving Ebert’s point”, Futrelle is knowingly and consciously destroying the legitimacy of misandry as a concept. It’s psychological manipulation on a global scale, and it’s downright sinister. And Futrelle, along with his lickspittle toadies, are happily contributing to the anti-male conspiracy.

Yes, explicitly stating that women aren’t superior to men is an exceedingly subtle form of misandry indeed.

Oh, and in case you’ve forgotten what the allegedly “righteous” anger of the AVFM crowd looks like, here’s are a couple of excerpts from the angry screeds I quoted from in my post:

Feminism has provided today’s pampered princesses with the privilege-stuffed, consequence-free Nirvana that they believe they’re entitled to. Do you really think they can be swayed with reason and logic?


[E]verything on this earth from the knickers these women wear on their fat buts, all the way through to just about every single thing they touch in their day, up to and including homes, buildings, cars, trains, rockets, and the food they stuff down their throats, has all been either invented or produced by those useless ‘less than’ human, men.

That doesn’t sound so much like “subtle bigotry” as “just straight-up bigotry.” This is anger of an exceedingly un-righteous kind.

Well, after receiving some gentle mockery at the hands of the Man Boobz commetariat – sorry, at the hands of my “lickspittle toadies” – Varpole posted a comment here trying to clarify his stance.

I disdain commenting here for obvious reasons, but I have to clarify that subtle or “benign” misandry can be as damaging as overt bigotry- moreso, even, because it’s harder to call out. Radfem-level misandry can usually be dismissed (usually). But less overt displays of male-hatred are very difficult, because the concept has no veracity in a misandric, male-hating, anti-man culture. A culture, by the way, that MEN set up, and MEN continue to run, at both the low and high levels.

Well, this is an interesting thesis. Men – sorry, MEN – created the world as we know it, and run things – and yet have decided to set up a culture that is “male-hating [and] anti-man.” How would that even work?

After several commenters – sorry, toadies – asked him to explain this mysterious paradox, Varpole posted a clarification of his clarification on his blog.

First, I admit that “men maintain the culture” is an oversimplification. Obviously, that’s not true- certainly not today, arguably not ever. There are women police officers, women in government, women farmers, women firefighters, etc. Women do contribute to the maintenance of civilization. Not as much as men, but nonetheless.

On the other hand, women, feminists, and their assorted mangina lackeys have a disproportionate influence in the media and pop culture. Feminists and their dogs control the messages beamed at us through music, video games, and Hollywood. They have the print news media.  They control primary education (how many teachers are men?) and thus the shaping of our youth. The infamous SOPA was almost certainly backed by feminists, in an attempt to bring the Internet (not coincidentally, the primary holdout of MRAs) under their control. Even when it is a male hand holding the pen, a male voice speaking into the mic, they are generally manginas who kowtow to female demands (see: Roger Ebert; Bill Clinton; H.L. Mencken). Thus, they are mouthpieces for the misandrist NWO, and are not in any way representative of men as a class; it’s just a different mechanism for the female perspective. …

I’m not saying thy’re calling for mass castration or anything like that (such a move would be too obvious). But there is a systematic denigration of men and masculinity in the media, and a subtle promotion of a misandrist, feminist, female supremacist ideology. In the news, in television, movies, literature, comic strips- we see the epidemic with our own eyes.

Huh. MEN created and still run the world, but “women, feminists, and their assorted mangina lackeys” dominate the media and popular culture with their evil anti-man agenda? There’s no getting around it: Varpole seems to be suggesting that MEN are just terrible at running the world.

Wouldn’t such an argument be … misandry?

Not even subtle misandry, at that.

I look forward to more blatant misandry from Anti-Man Boobz in the future.

As well as some critiques of his misandry from a mysterious, even newer blog that sprung up the other day: Anti-Anti-Manboobz, devoted to debunking Anti-Man Boobz and being meta as fuck.

Wheels within wheels.


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12 years ago

He does seem a bit focused on shows that are all about cute girls, doesn’t he? I hope Selena Gomez has a good security team in place.

(I have no idea what most of the programming on the Disney Channel is like, because like Shadow I’ve only seen it when under threat of a child throwing a tantrum if the channel is changed.)

12 years ago

I love me some Phineas and Ferb.

12 years ago

Maybe someday we can find a cure for Anti-anti-anti Manboobzism. Of course, it’s more an ideological stance than a disease, but still.

12 years ago

Anti-anti-anti-anti Manboobzism?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ok, so if I follow (and am particularly pedantic) then anti-anti-anti manboobzism is the opposition to anti-anti manboobz — which could either be in support of anti manboobz, or simply against the idea of anti-anti manboobz (eg y’all aren’t making any sense). Which means anti-anti-anti manboobz is either in support of anti-anti manboobz, or against anti-anti-anti manboobz (eg it’s funny, let it go).

You might need a pro-anti manboobz and pro-anti-anti manboobz to clarify this.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

err, I fucked that up.

“Which means anti-anti-anti-anti manboobz is either in support of anti-anti manboobz, or against anti-anti-anti manboobz (eg it’s funny, let it go).”

There, I think that’s right now.

12 years ago

It’s “against”, what ever the number of “anti”. Anit-Manboobz is not “pro-misogyny” or even “anti mocking misogyny”, certainly not “against misandry” or any other combinaison. He’s just against the blog Manboobz, against David and against Manboobzers. Because fighting such a small number of person, just one tiny blog, is much easier than thinking about real problem, it suits better their martyr and white knight complexes (which is why, btw, you’ll encounter so many good/bad comparisons, like the LOTR one)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Kyrie — while I agree and was just being pedantic, anti-manboobz is defending anti mocking misogyny, you should read his latest, he’s definitely anti mocking misogyny (or at least anti-mocking-Chris). Anti manboobzers via anti mocking Chris? I really don’t care, even if he did call me a spoilsport (I was dubbed Princess Spoilsport McGee the third a long time ago by much better company than him)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

defending? that should say definitely, I have no fucking clue wtf that was >.< (sleep dep probably, I do it often enough I don't bother typing it out)

12 years ago

I don’t want to read the entire comment thread (MISOGYNY!) but I’d like to make a snarky comment on the phrase “. . . .not as much, but nonetheless.” (MISANDRY!)
Has it been done already?

‘Cause if you were doing some kind of Sentence Algebra and you had to cancel out the phrase “not as much” on one side of the equation, adding “nonetheless” to both sides would do the trick.

How are these lady firefighters managing to contribute no less than the gentleman firemen while still not contributing as much?

12 years ago

Regarding our old buddy Slavey, and his obsession with pubescent girls, I actually encountered a number of these lovely creatures over the weekend. On Saturday, I attended a family gathering where a pair of twin girls I had known since infancy were also present. It was clear that these girls had hit adolescence with a vengeance, and were quite cute and attractive, though they were probably only 12 or 13. The next day, in our local swimming pool, I saw another girl of comparable age and development, resplendent in a bikini. Both times, though I tried not to stare, I couldn’t help but notice how drop-dead gorgeous these girls were.

Still, it never occurred to me that these girls were teasing or tempting me in any way. It never occurred to me to be angry at them for being young, attractive, and out of reach. It also was obvious from listening to their talk and observing their behavior that these girls were just that–girls, as in children. In short any attraction I may have felt for them drained away as soon as they opened their mouths. Again, I never felt anger or resentment, but rather awkwardness and embarrassment for feeling attracted, however fleetingly, to someone who was obviously still mentally and emotionally a child.

So, to recap:

1. Girls hitting adolescence: normal

2. Men noticing that girls are hitting adolescence: also normal.

3. Girls feeling awkward and conflicted about their emerging sexuality (possibly enjoying some of the attention they receive from boys their age, but generally not wanting middle aged men drooling over them): again, normal.

4. Middle-aged milk machine repairmen becoming enraged at little sluts who tease them by being all slutty and attractive, yet out of reach: seriously, what the fuck?

Major Kong
Major Kong
12 years ago

“[E]verything on this earth from the knickers these women wear on their fat buts, all the way through to just about every single thing they touch in their day, up to and including homes, buildings, cars, trains, rockets, and the food they stuff down their throats, has all been either invented or produced by those useless ‘less than’ human, men.'”

Silly women! They never invented barbed wire, the machine gun, mustard gas, the concentration camp, the U-Boat, carpet bombing, the 1.2 megaton free-fall nuclear weapon, the ICBM, weaponized anthrax or any of the other fun little toys we’ve slaughtered millions with over the years.

What a bunch of “ungrateful little sluts”.

12 years ago

Yeah, and they never spun, nor ground the flour, nor baked the bread, nor reared the children, nor…

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Ha ha, I just went over to Varpole’s post again and noticed he had 16 comments. I thought “Wow, he actually got some readers and commenters!”. Then I clicked on the comments and it was just some of us manboobzers. He should be thanking us for giving him attention. Without us, his blog would be deserted.

12 years ago

…the knickers these women wear on their fat buts…produced by those useless ‘less than’ human, men.’

About this; haven’t the vast majority of workers in the textile industry pretty much always been women?

12 years ago

@Dracula Historically yes, at least in the United States. Look at the history of Lowell or Lawrence Mass. for examples of how women transitioned out of doing this kind of work as piecework (or “outwork”) from their homes and into doing it in factories. Or the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, the 3rd deadliest disaster ever experienced in NYC. Not sure about the present. A friend of mine who works with garment workers in Los Angeles sweatshops says it is more mixed, although women still outnumber men slightly in her estimation. They use a lot of minors too, both male and female. And I think in England during the Industrial Revolution they used mainly child labor.

12 years ago

The Luddites were men protesting the shift to more automated weaving. They stopped being seen as skilled labor, actually working the looms, to mere, “shifters” responsible for not much more than keeping the “bobbins” from running out.

But women and children were moved into the workforce in pretty short order.

Historically spinning and weaving have been female. Feltmaking was more traditionally male; I think because it required managing animals.

12 years ago

“Why is a single, childless middle-aged person watching the Disney Channel?”

Well duh, because said person is entertained by it.

“It’s my life and it’s now or never, because I’m not going to live forever. I just want to live while I’m alive.” – Jon Bon Jovi

* That said, I’ve always found the American tween shows on the Disney Channel to be jarringly dissonant, coming from a ridiculudicruously white-breaded first-world WASPy suburban lifestyle …

12 years ago

Well duh, because said person is entertained by it.

Well he certainly doesn’t act very entertained by it, unless if by “entertained” you mean “sputtering with impotent rage”. Also, what is with the Bon Jovi quote? Was that an accident or is it random quote day and no one told me?

Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago

“There is no belief, however foolish, that will not gather its faithful adherents who will defend it to the death.” –Isaac Asimov

I love random quote day!

12 years ago

lol NWO got anything to say about ABNOY claiming you love the Disney channel?

12 years ago

Random quote day rocks!
“Life is a game. Money is how we keep score.” — Ted Turner

12 years ago

“There is crying in Baseball”

Vin Scully

12 years ago

“Muscle may be able to move mountains, but faith can lift an entire civilization.” – Kurt Wagner 😛

12 years ago

I have no problem with people willingly watching Disney channel– Phineas and Ferb is pretty cool. Being a fan of Selena Gomez is possibly a sign of poor taste, but poor taste has never been a crime. I am slightly puzzled about why someone would hate-watch it though.