a voice for men antifeminism disgusting women evil women hypocrisy irony alert misandry misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men reactionary bullshit we hunted the mammoth

Heads, you’re a misandrist. Tails, you’re also a misandrist.

Watch out for the Misandry Bears and their giant Misandry Teeth.

You may recall a post I did the other day about Roger Ebert’s recent claim that women are superior to men. You may also recall that my basic thesis was that Ebert was completely wrong. Heck, you didn’t even have to read my post to see what my stance was; I made it clear in the title itself, which started off with the words “no, women aren’t better than men.”

Well, apparently my saying explicitly that women are not superior to men, and approvingly quoting another feminist saying the same thing, was too much to handle for the proprietor of an exciting new blog chronicling how wrong and bad I and my commetariat are. Mikhael Varpole of the imaginatively named Anti-Man Boobz blog (motto: “Exposing Man Boobz as a vile hate cult”) wrote about Ebert’s claim, and my response, in a recent post.

Here’s what he wrote:

Naturally, Futrelle and the boob gallery had to get in on the action. To his credit, Futrelle doesn’t condone Ebert’s misandry- but then again Dave’s always been a sneaky one that way. He won’t stand in solidarity with Ebert- but note that he’s happy to spin an instance of bold-faced misandry into an opportunity to bash MRAs who are righteously angry, ultimately concluding:

Guys, I hate to have to tell you this, but you’re sort of making it look like Ebert might have a point.

Remember what I said about subtle bigotry? This is a prime example. Misandry and misandric attitudes are dismissed in our culture because the concept itself is seen as illegitimate. And by portraying AVfM’s righteous anger as childish and “proving Ebert’s point”, Futrelle is knowingly and consciously destroying the legitimacy of misandry as a concept. It’s psychological manipulation on a global scale, and it’s downright sinister. And Futrelle, along with his lickspittle toadies, are happily contributing to the anti-male conspiracy.

Yes, explicitly stating that women aren’t superior to men is an exceedingly subtle form of misandry indeed.

Oh, and in case you’ve forgotten what the allegedly “righteous” anger of the AVFM crowd looks like, here’s are a couple of excerpts from the angry screeds I quoted from in my post:

Feminism has provided today’s pampered princesses with the privilege-stuffed, consequence-free Nirvana that they believe they’re entitled to. Do you really think they can be swayed with reason and logic?


[E]verything on this earth from the knickers these women wear on their fat buts, all the way through to just about every single thing they touch in their day, up to and including homes, buildings, cars, trains, rockets, and the food they stuff down their throats, has all been either invented or produced by those useless ‘less than’ human, men.

That doesn’t sound so much like “subtle bigotry” as “just straight-up bigotry.” This is anger of an exceedingly un-righteous kind.

Well, after receiving some gentle mockery at the hands of the Man Boobz commetariat – sorry, at the hands of my “lickspittle toadies” – Varpole posted a comment here trying to clarify his stance.

I disdain commenting here for obvious reasons, but I have to clarify that subtle or “benign” misandry can be as damaging as overt bigotry- moreso, even, because it’s harder to call out. Radfem-level misandry can usually be dismissed (usually). But less overt displays of male-hatred are very difficult, because the concept has no veracity in a misandric, male-hating, anti-man culture. A culture, by the way, that MEN set up, and MEN continue to run, at both the low and high levels.

Well, this is an interesting thesis. Men – sorry, MEN – created the world as we know it, and run things – and yet have decided to set up a culture that is “male-hating [and] anti-man.” How would that even work?

After several commenters – sorry, toadies – asked him to explain this mysterious paradox, Varpole posted a clarification of his clarification on his blog.

First, I admit that “men maintain the culture” is an oversimplification. Obviously, that’s not true- certainly not today, arguably not ever. There are women police officers, women in government, women farmers, women firefighters, etc. Women do contribute to the maintenance of civilization. Not as much as men, but nonetheless.

On the other hand, women, feminists, and their assorted mangina lackeys have a disproportionate influence in the media and pop culture. Feminists and their dogs control the messages beamed at us through music, video games, and Hollywood. They have the print news media.  They control primary education (how many teachers are men?) and thus the shaping of our youth. The infamous SOPA was almost certainly backed by feminists, in an attempt to bring the Internet (not coincidentally, the primary holdout of MRAs) under their control. Even when it is a male hand holding the pen, a male voice speaking into the mic, they are generally manginas who kowtow to female demands (see: Roger Ebert; Bill Clinton; H.L. Mencken). Thus, they are mouthpieces for the misandrist NWO, and are not in any way representative of men as a class; it’s just a different mechanism for the female perspective. …

I’m not saying thy’re calling for mass castration or anything like that (such a move would be too obvious). But there is a systematic denigration of men and masculinity in the media, and a subtle promotion of a misandrist, feminist, female supremacist ideology. In the news, in television, movies, literature, comic strips- we see the epidemic with our own eyes.

Huh. MEN created and still run the world, but “women, feminists, and their assorted mangina lackeys” dominate the media and popular culture with their evil anti-man agenda? There’s no getting around it: Varpole seems to be suggesting that MEN are just terrible at running the world.

Wouldn’t such an argument be … misandry?

Not even subtle misandry, at that.

I look forward to more blatant misandry from Anti-Man Boobz in the future.

As well as some critiques of his misandry from a mysterious, even newer blog that sprung up the other day: Anti-Anti-Manboobz, devoted to debunking Anti-Man Boobz and being meta as fuck.

Wheels within wheels.


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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

But returns their not found page! o.O?

“Sarcasm is misandry.” well of course, saying anything they don’t understand is MISANDRY!!!

12 years ago

@Tulgey, are you creating more new hamster memes? I was wondering who else was playing in there with me. 🙂

12 years ago

Actually I’m pretty sure that “you, a woman, being smarter than me is misandry” is an actual argument that’s been made in various forms many times. Being smarter than some men is also mean, and bullying.

12 years ago
Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

It is so difficult to reason with some of these conspiracy theorists. They start with their conclusion and then they force any evidence to the contrary to fit into their conclusion, rather than reconsider their beliefs. He has already decided that feminists rule the world, and that the world is misandric. He doesn’t have good examples of misandry in our society, so he says that’s because it’s too subtle for most people to notice. If it’s that subtle, and nobody notices it but him, that’s a clue he might overreacting. When shaenon pointed out that it’s not consistent for men to be in charge and create everything and yet let women rule the world, he says that’s because men in power are figure heads, and women are the puppet masters pulling the strings. This is also inconsistent with the MRA belief that women are inferior with rationalization hamsters instead of brains. How did we become sinister puppet masters if we’re so incompetent? If you want to sell a conspiracy theory, it at least needs some consistency.

12 years ago

i also grabbed

i’m not gonna do anything with it because effort, but i have it

12 years ago

I turn on the Science channel to watch shows by men, about men, and for men ostensibly about science but really about being men.

It’d be really funny to see a SCIENCE! show with nothing but female scientists, only not have it marketed as ‘lady science’.

Did that make sense?

Leeloo Dallas Multipass

Of course feminists control the video game industry! Haven’t you ever played “Grand Theft Sperm”?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Sure am, Cloudiah. Here’s another tribute to Tom “Tough Cheeks” Martin.

The Anti-Boobzosphere is filling up really fast. It’s a veritable Boobz rush!

12 years ago

It’d be really funny to see a SCIENCE! show with nothing but female scientists, only not have it marketed as ‘lady science’.

it could be all about cutting edge kitchen gadgetry and hosted by megan mccardle.

12 years ago

I kind of love Tom, he’s a perfect manifestation of the term “butthurt”.

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago

I know, right, it’s not used!! Use it, anti-anti-anti-manboobzer! We yearn for your wisdom

12 years ago


did you mean that metaphorically or because ‘my butt hurts’ is literally on his list of grievances?

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

Feminists control gaming? Okay, that gave me a laugh.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Duke Nukem – feminist propaganda.

12 years ago

Duke Nukem – feminist propaganda.

um duh, the man is risking his life to save the world while the gender-raunch feminists parade around him in skimpy outfits, much like waving a sandwich in front of a starving man.

Jayem Griffin
12 years ago

The infamous SOPA was almost certainly backed by feminists, in an attempt to bring the Internet (not coincidentally, the primary holdout of MRAs) under their control.

This was my favorite part. Attack on the Internet = attack on the MR movement! Because gods know they don’t do anything in meatspace. That would involve actually giving a shit about their purported causes instead of using them as excuses to whine about how the meanie wimminz actually said no to sex and it’s not faaaaaair.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Haven’t read the post yet but I just stumbled across this on youtube and was wondering if any of you saw this.

So I have this ongoing anti-Onision campaign so I pay attention to the drama he creates (he’s a youtube partner with a lot of pull who often makes misogynistic videos) and so I watch this one guy who tends to criticize Onision pretty well. Unfortunately though, this guy has fallen for a very obvious troll and made a video about it where he kinda spouts some MRA style ranting which is shocking to me. He’s normally pretty progressive when it comes to discussing rape and abuse, so his anti-feminism stance leads me to believe that he’s exclusively seen feminism from the lens of MRA literature and trolling.

So anyways, here’s his video

Here’s her blog

Her youtube channel

and even John the Other knows she’s trolling

There was also a comment saying someone thinks they’ve come across a channel by the same girl stating MRA beliefs but didn’t post the username. I’ll let you know if I find out what it is. But wow.

This troll is seriously regurgitating the way MRAs view feminism and is just kind of telling them exactly what they think we believe. As a troll, it could be very damaging. I can see a bunch of MRAs citing this as what actual feminism is about in the future and that is really frustrating.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Feminism is all-powerful.

SOPA targets the Internet.

The MRM is mostly on the Internet because we’re too lazy to get off our asses.



Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

It’s the internet, I could say manboobz is backed by the nazguls and I dare you to prove me wrong! /snark (yes more LoTR references, I finally finished the trilogy though)

12 years ago

David is actually Sauron. Can you prove that he isn’t? Sauron is backed by feminists, after all, as illustrated by how evil he is. Can’t disprove it, can you?

Sweden is Mordor.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Cassandra, I just watched the entire trilogy with either Swedish or Finnish subtitles, definitely evil.

And David’s not Sauron as evidenced by his having hands with which to type. Maybe Saruman though.

Jayem Griffin
12 years ago

Ooooh! Oooooh! Can we be Nazgul, then?