antifeminism I'm totally being sarcastic MRA reddit that's not funny! TROOOLLLL!!

Men’s Rights Redditor: “Wit is one of the greatest aspects of the MRM.”

Prepare to laugh your ass off (not literally, I hope) at this display of hilarity, courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit:

Oscar Wilde would be proud. Wait, not proud. Disgusted, and probably a little embarrassed for you.

I took this screenshot the other day. When I went back to see if there were any developments in the thread, I discovered that both the joke and hardwarequestions’ brilliant reply had picked up some more upvotes, and that crankycloud has apparently been banned. I guess that’s one way to deal with hecklers.

EDITED TO ADD: Hey, Tweeps, come on over to Twitter. I’m trying to get a hashtag started: #OscarWildeQuotesWithLolOnTheEnd

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12 years ago

Paul Elam is truly the Oscar Wilde of our time.

12 years ago

Cloudiah, for a larger version of the turtle picture, see here:

Kinda OT, but tomorrow is World Turtle Day. Celebrate with lovings, not stabbings.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“No disrespect, but your mother’s a whore.”

Lol I wish, then I could go back to thinking the asshole she’s married to isn’t my biological father!

And those turtles look like snapping turtles, they aren’t exactly harmless (though why anyone would be swimming with them to begin with is a mystery to me)

12 years ago

Those turtles are even more glorious when large enough to see the details!

12 years ago

“Chewed to bits by giant turtles” ranks right up there with this Mark Trail panel for best caption ever.

12 years ago

Hey, it killed my HTML! Also I was on the wrong account.

This is the panel.

12 years ago


Kinda OT, but tomorrow is World Turtle Day. Celebrate with lovings, not stabbings.

Can I celebrate by not getting off my back?

12 years ago

Speaking of Oscar Wilde, I’m teaching the Norton Critical edition of THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY next fall (it has two versions, the original novella, the expanded novel; contemporary commentary in the media from the time, and scholarship from later on).


Oh, and the wit of the MRA: I’d put it as below the “wit” of the THREE STOOGES (which reminds me, why the fuck would anybody remake TTS?????)

12 years ago

Yeah, they look like snappers, but not very. It ends up looking like Manly Man there is being menaced by box turtles!

Incidentally, Frank Zappa named one of his albums Weasels Ripped My Flesh after one of them there Man’s Life covers (it’s the one with the weasels).

12 years ago

I believe there’s also some sort of B-movie student film entitled Weasels Rip My Flesh after that same magazine.

12 years ago

fucking weasels. they’re why we can’t have nice things.

12 years ago

to be fair, the idea of mras having any affect on any elections is fucking hilarious. but maybe i’m wrong, maybe come november exit polls will show that for 1% of voters the most important issue was ‘all women are whores’

12 years ago

Sharculese – It’s really not hilarious when you look at what they’re trying to do with VAWA and mail-order brides.

12 years ago

the mra’s have nothing to do with what’s going on with vawa right now. that’s plain old gop misogyny and homophobia crossed with a desire to embarrass the president. don’t let the fact that they’re trying to take credit for it fool you- fidel castro has more pull in congress than they do.

Uncle Elmer
Uncle Elmer
12 years ago

Oh I beg to differ! Upcoming Spearhead features will show just how much an effect MRA trolls are going to have on November’s election. Stay tuned.

And your conflation of “gop” cross-dressing with attempts to embarrass the president in the same breath is laffable.

P.S. The Three Stooges were pure genius. We may have common ground in disdain for any remakes.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Oh I beg to differ! Upcoming Spearhead features will show just how much an effect MRA trolls are going to have on November’s election. Stay tuned.

I wait with bated breath.

12 years ago

Oh I beg to differ! Upcoming Spearhead features will show just how much an effect MRA trolls are going to have on November’s election. Stay tuned.

i’m sure legitimacy is only one of the many things you beg for, but that doesn’t change the fact that your lazy horde of clueless ninnies won’t move more than fifteen votes pretty much ever.

and your conflation of “gop” cross-dressing with attempts to embarrass the president in the same breath is laffable.

okay… this kind of looks like a sentence, but i can’t parse it at all. could you rephrase that in the form of actual english?

12 years ago

Members of the GOP have started cross-dressing? In public?

12 years ago

i think that was his attempt at a joke, because i used the word ‘cross’ or something.

yes, it looks like it was written by someone who once had the idea of a joke described to them but has never actually heard one before, but that is about par for the course with this kid.

12 years ago

I wait with bated breath.

SAVE has already spiked the football (because yes, when you suck at legislation, a procedural house vote that will go nowhere is a huge victory), so expect endless regurgitations of whatever self-congratulatory prolix they can come with.

12 years ago

I guess the part that the person describing the concept “joke” forgot to tell him is that they’re meant to be funny.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Oh I beg to differ! Upcoming Spearhead features will show just how much an effect MRA trolls are going to have on November’s election. Stay tuned.

I bet we already know what it is.