antifeminism I'm totally being sarcastic MRA reddit that's not funny! TROOOLLLL!!

Men’s Rights Redditor: “Wit is one of the greatest aspects of the MRM.”

Prepare to laugh your ass off (not literally, I hope) at this display of hilarity, courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit:

Oscar Wilde would be proud. Wait, not proud. Disgusted, and probably a little embarrassed for you.

I took this screenshot the other day. When I went back to see if there were any developments in the thread, I discovered that both the joke and hardwarequestions’ brilliant reply had picked up some more upvotes, and that crankycloud has apparently been banned. I guess that’s one way to deal with hecklers.

EDITED TO ADD: Hey, Tweeps, come on over to Twitter. I’m trying to get a hashtag started: #OscarWildeQuotesWithLolOnTheEnd

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Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

“Wit is one of the greatest aspects of the MRM”
“quack, quack, quack”

12 years ago

He meant “lack of wit,” I’m sure. Missing words happen.

12 years ago

[–]OThomson 0 point 1 jour de ça

We don’t build bridges with our declared enemies, we burn their bridges.

Well, the MRM surely has burnt bridge from any kind of activism.

12 years ago

Feminists aren’t funny! Shush, Kate Beaton, shush!

12 years ago

The Is This Feminist? Tumblr proves that feminists have humor (self-deprecating humor, even!). If you’re too thick to get it that’s just too bad.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. roflcopter.

12 years ago

If you’re too thick to get it that’s just too bad.

omg where’s your trigger warning for fat shaming, huh, stupid hypocritical feminist


12 years ago

fwiw it’s worth i appreciate is this feminist but i think it gilds the lily a bit. like most of those posts could be helped by being made shorter and punchier.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

But seriously, the MRM is practically a synonym for biting, acerbic wit…

Woops, sorry—I was holding my thesaurus upside down. The only listing is “douchebag.”

12 years ago

Hey, Tweeps, come on over to Twitter.

Our Lord commands; it shall be done. Now I have to go set up a friggin’ Twitter account? David is soooo demanding. 🙂

12 years ago

Speaking of real humor, here’s a hilarious Onion editorial on Aristophanes.

Just because it’s Friday.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

MRA’s don’t seem like a witty bunch to me. I think of them as hateful, humorless people.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

To be fair, MRA’s make me laugh all the time. It’s not because they’re witty, but because most of what they say is absurd.

Arielle Shander
12 years ago

I think they meant “shit,” not “wit.”

12 years ago


12 years ago

I posted this in another thread, but it bears repeating. Largely because it’s actually funny.

12 years ago

How can that be? Brevity is the soul of wit, and if there’s anything the standard bearers of the MRM don’t have, it’s brevity.

12 years ago

it also bears repeating (for the benefit of lurkers/newer commenters) that there are actual fighting the tyranny of ladies nights and that that article accurately reflects the views of repeat troll the buttman

mras: they will NOT be satirized, thankyouverymuch

12 years ago

the loss of humor is really one of the major turning points, for the worse, in the feminist movement

Damnit, I KNEW when we decided to ban jokes, humor, smiling, and laughter of any kind, we were making a bad call.

12 years ago

I get where the “loss of humor” meme comes from, having been a privileged asshole myself (still privileged, hopefully not an asshole anymore). When I started examining my privilege and informing myself on the ways people are discriminated against, there are plenty of things I used to find really funny that now just make me cringe in how bigoted they are. From an outside perspective that looks like loss of humor, when really there wasn’t any humor there to begin with, just cheap shots at discriminated groups. I’m guessing the “you’re just trying to get offended” meme also comes from that.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

So I guess I’m on track with my anti-laughter shock collar that I’ve been working on?

12 years ago

Yes, feminists view the sound of laughter as a public nuisance, like dogs barking.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Myoo – I think it’s partly that (and props to you for having the courage to admit it). But I’ve also seen “no sense of humor” used an attack after insults that were clearly not meant as jokes, just as an attempt to order the person you just insulted to laugh it off rather than taking your insult as an insult. This happens inside and outside of social-justice situations and it’s shitty regardless.

Apparently while some of us were learning a joke is “a humorous story or remark,” others were learning a joke is “a thing no one is allowed to be angry about because it doesn’t really count as a thing you said.”

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