bronies misogyny rape rapey whaaaaa?

A Brony has some truly horrifying questions about rape

I have no words:

Is Mr. Sookdeo trolling here? Over on Bronysay, where I found this, someone claiming to know him says he was serious, just a bit “confused.” The questions seem sincere to me. Ugh.

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Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago

Pseudoscience drives me absolutely batty. It makes a mockery of what my excellent colleagues in biology, chemistry, physics, and geology devote their careers to–rigorous, quantifiable study of empirically observed phenomena.

I have been working in science informatics for about 15 years now, and I no longer have any patience for internet dweebs who claim that their revolutionary new theory that they developed while not actually being any kind of practicing scientist at all somehow upends all the tens of thousands of research studies produced by the people I work alongside and have for my entire career. These theories invariably end up being incoherent gibberish that wouldn’t pass peer review even among other loons. Because the wacky theories never agree with each other, much less reality.

On the other hand, pseudoscience is kind of a rabbit hole of dadaistic absurdism, as disturbing as it is to imagine that, e.g., the timecube guy really believes all the stuff he writes. It’s only when people seriously believe it, and are then duped into investing in perpetual motion machines or bogus medical treatments, that it stops being funny and starts being a serious problem.

12 years ago

but he’s a fucking Dalek

in all fairness, experiencing the time war did lead caan to conclude that the daleks needed to be destroyed, which as daleks go i guess makes him one of the better ones

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

@Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel — shit, my joke failed…I meant that Vindicare’s “science” is about as much science as the pseudoscience of doctor who’s time travel — it’s internally consistent, and looks a bit like real science, but it just isn’t set in our universe.

@Sharculese — <3 Caan! "I fleeeeew!" — so much more awesome than Vindicare; Caan's not really a dalek at that point anymore though, he's…something new, as Yana put it (why did Yana have to be the master! I liked Yana! :'( )

And now I think the laptop is done flipping out and I can actually get back to LoTR without epic lag, w00t!

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago

QuantumSparkle has had it right all along. Much more concisely than me.

12 years ago

You are all beyond reason, there’s no sense to argue with you at all.

How dare you to drag the name of a respectable academic institution into the dirt?

Doesn’t my authority on these subjects matter to you at all? I have two degrees, in chemistry and physics, and my eyes still grow damp to imagine how Salman Khan sent the diplomas as an attachment from his very own mail address to me. I’ve earned better than to be mocked by ignorant defenders of Newton’s rape manual.

@Argenti Aertheri:

And also implying that entropy could ever do anything but increase

I “imply” exactly what the second law says. The entropy of the universe can’t decrease.

Live long and prosper!

12 years ago

How dare you to drag the name of a respectable academic institution into the dirt?

Doesn’t my authority on these subjects matter to you at all? I have two degrees, in chemistry and physics, and my eyes still grow damp to imagine how Salman Khan sent the diplomas as an attachment from his very own mail address to me.

How sure are we that’s not a poe?

I’ve earned better than to be mocked by ignorant defenders of Newton’s rape manual.

wut? Citation, please. (the defenders of a rape manual part, not the part where you’ve earned something from us, since that’s obviously wrong)

12 years ago

Vindicare: I see, you all buy into this kind of nonsense. Have you ever thought, that maybe mainstream science is wrong? Yeah, I hear you “Wrong what is teached in college classes? Impossible! That can’t be!… Fine, ok, it makes no sense to argue with you, I see there’s no common ground here.

If you want to argue that QM is misunderstood/wrong, as the dudes who study it understand it, fine. Argue that. Put up some actual hypotheses, and explanations.

Saying, “It could happen” isn’t an argument, and just telling us we’re wrong isn’t persuasive.

Go back and look at why we think EvPsych is bullshit.

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago

Vindicare, let me make just one thing perfectly clear. I have no problem with the Kahn Academy, and I assume that you neither speak for it nor are representative of its alumni. What I have a problem with is you thinking that having those degrees excuses you from having to support your claims with something other than an appeal to the fact that you have those degrees. That goes for everyone and every institution.

Now, how is what I just wrote above “beyond reason”?

Hey Alpha Asshole, have you ever seen “What the [bleep] do we know?”

I have, and it’s completely horrible. Some of the scientists who appear in that movie were furious that their interview answers were edited to misrepresent their views.

Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago


For the record, enjoyment has fuck all to do with it, it’s still about consent. People have been known to orgasm during their rapes, that doesn’t make it ok or not rape.

And whatever our resident trolls may tell you, if a person consents to sex without enjoying it — even if zie knew at the outset zie wouldn’t enjoy it, even if zie didn’t intend to enjoy it — that’s not rape.


Does anyone else just see jetstreams from this conversation passing over, or is it just me?

Not just you. But at least I haven’t been educated stupid like everyone in the conversation who isn’t Vindicare.

12 years ago

How sure are we that’s not a poe?

i say actual cretin who thinks doing some sort of weird obtusity troll makes him look clever instead of just boring

12 years ago

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel (and others):
It seems correcting Vindicare’s use of bad physics in the service of a really stupid, unfunny rape joke released a bit of pseudoscience as well.

Thanks for dealing with all that while I wasn’t here answer Vindicare’s multiple, agitated responses. I made 1 blog comment and apparently it’s enough to “really try” his patience! Hm, I guess it’s unsurprising someone with so little patience also lacks the patience needed to become an expert before declaring himself one. 🙂

If this Khan Academy is actually legit (I haven’t investigated it), and broadcasting decent information and lectures, and has some way to evaluate student’s understanding and knowledge, then that’s a pretty cool way of disseminating knowledge. However, this statement:

Have you ever thought, that maybe mainstream science is wrong?

is not what I’d expect from an expert in any scientific field, and represents profoundly pseudoscientific thinking.

Also, wtf is all this gibberish about Principia Mathematica being a rape manual? Acutally, you know what? Nevermind – Newton was way into all sorts of non-physics stuff too, (he devoted years of his life to alchemy, for example), and it’s not important either.

12 years ago

Vindicare: So sensitive. And stop trying to read thing into what I said. Macroscopic systems are too complicated to be treated using full quantum field theory, and for an actual solution, classical mechanics is almost always sufficiently accurate for human-sized problems. Don’t be obtuse.

Anyways, here are more corrections for you-

Take the wave function of a free particle and measure it’s position… is that discrete?

Position is a continuous variable- mathematically. But the measurement of the position is necessarily discrete because of Heisenberg uncertainty. Since physics is an empirical science, talking about whether position is actually a discrete or continuous variable is irrelevant, because that cannot be observationally determined. The position of a particle is discrete because the only measurements that can be made are whether an electron is located within a discrete region.

QuantumSparkle who thinks that in quantum mechanics every physical quantity can only attain discrete values, total expert.

Um, yeah? Quantum mechanics is fundamentally about the quantization of measureable phenomena. That’s what quantum mechanics is about. Continuous variables are useful mathematically, but are not physical observables in quantum mechanics.

Whether position (or momentum, etc) is fundamentally discrete or continuous in our universe without reference to how measurements are taken is a philosophical question, not a physics question, because there is no way to distinguish the two possibilities experimentally.

PS: Everyone else- sorry about initiating the massive physics derail! Definitely not everybody’s cup-o-tea, and that’s cool.

12 years ago

Oh hey Quantum Sparkles, I’ve been waiting with baited breath for you to come back. So no worries.
And I thought heisenburgs uncertainty principle fit in there! But I didn’t take physics, so I won’t speak to what I have almost no background in.

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago

The Kahn Academy seems to be the real deal. Open access education rocks.

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago

Since physics is an emlpirical science, talking about whether position is actually a discrete or continuous variable is irrelevant, because that cannot be observationally determined.

Ontology WIN

12 years ago

Wait, the legendary Bolllywood hunk and star of Hum Aapke Hain Koun teaches physics on the internet?

Oh, different Salman Khan.

Well played. That would explain his fucked up views on relationships and women though.

12 years ago

I’ve got a crush on both Khans, perfect brain and perfect body, too bad it’s not combined in one person.

i say actual cretin who thinks doing some sort of weird obtusity troll makes him look clever instead of just boring

Oh, Sharculese, I understand that you’re angry, but still… if the best you can is to resort to ableist slurs, you’re out.

But the measurement of the position is necessarily discrete because of Heisenberg uncertainty.

“Discrete” means that there are only certain special values which the measurement can give you. For example, a measurement of the energy of the harmonic oscillator will only give you something like (integer + 0.5)*h-bar*omega, so 1.5001*h-bar*omega or 2*h-bar*omega can never measured.

Question for you: What are the possible results of a measurement of the position in the harmonic oscillator?

And I’m really curious to learn what the Heisenberg uncertainty has to do with discreteness.

12 years ago

Uh oh, the sentient bong hit has returned to tell us all how it is.

12 years ago

Oh, Sharculese, I understand that you’re angry, but still… if the best you can is to resort to ableist slurs, you’re out.

lol. called it.

12 years ago

vindicare, at some point you’re going to find out that being obsequious and pretentious is in fact not a substitute for a personality, but until then i guess keep fucking that chicken

12 years ago

Sharculese: you’re a very optimistic man. Some people can go through their whole life without having this kind of revelation.
What is it that you called?

12 years ago


what slur did i use? cretin originated in french as a slang term for the mentally challenged. but yeah, nobody uses it that way and vindicare’s being his traditional dissembling self trying to turn it back on me.

12 years ago

what slur did i use?

*you mean what slur did i use?