bronies misogyny rape rapey whaaaaa?

A Brony has some truly horrifying questions about rape

I have no words:

Is Mr. Sookdeo trolling here? Over on Bronysay, where I found this, someone claiming to know him says he was serious, just a bit “confused.” The questions seem sincere to me. Ugh.

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Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I like Fluttershy! Because she’s sweet, but also because her shyness is (mostly) treated as a character trait to be respected, not as a weakness she always has to overcome.

I suppose from another point of view it means she’s a good girl who doesn’t cause the menfolk any trouble or something. Ugh.

Brian Connors
12 years ago

I’m going to go ahead and guess this guy is genuinely stupid.

12 years ago

That question and most of the comments that follow it is why I’m a man-hating misandrist. It’s a perfectly sound position based on real life observation.

12 years ago

I honestly wouldn’t bother with metaphors or other attempts to try to explain the logic of basic social interaction to this guy. The only way this would not be a monumentally stupid question is if the person asking it is not actually a human, but rather a hyper advanced spambot that has somehow spontaneously developed sentience and is trying to piece together an understanding of human social interaction with its only context being the millions of advertisements for hardcore fetish pornography and penis enlargement pills programed into its electronic brain.

If that is in fact the case then I think it’s a valid question and deserves an honest answer. But I strongly suspect that the person who posted this is really one of us squishy flesh and blood organics, and should probably not be allowed to handle sharp objects unsupervised least he accidentally disembowel himself with it. He is exhibiting a level of willful ignorance that borders on parody. We should start him off with something a little more basic, such as episodes of Sesame Street or Barney.

12 years ago

Oh, why do fandoms have to be full of fucks like them?

12 years ago

And people wonder why so many feminists talk so often about rape, rape culture or consent.

12 years ago


I need to pet a cat. :((


12 years ago

Gawker just published a piece yesterday about how rape jokes are funny and if you’re the sensitive type you should just be careful about what media you personally consume, because the effects of making light of rape stops as soon as the joke is over, apparently.
Of course they were talking about jokes about raping women.
If someone were to joke about raping men in prison or altar boys, those hypocritical fucks would have a shit fit.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I’d have more mixed opinions about rape jokes if I ran into any that were joke jokes. Instead they all just seem to involve saying “rape is awesome I totally want to rape someone” and demanding people laugh.

12 years ago

I find an extra helping of creepy in the fact that he is asking about why girls don’t like to be raped. Not women. Girls.

12 years ago

There has been one rape joke that I have come across in my life that didn’t make me want to vomit, and that was because the punchline wasn’t “hahahah RAPE, you guys!” but rather “hahahah nobody takes rape seriously but we’re actually laughing because we’re uncomfortable because this is too horrible to face without joking, and isn’t that just fucked up?”

12 years ago

Man, what in the living fuck is wrong with people?

I’ve actually started watching MLP recently. It’s a pretty good show, and it saddens me that creepy, clueless fucks like this fella have latched onto it.

12 years ago

The only thing worse than that question is the answers (except maybe Caroline Pinkie Pie’s and Reba’s)

12 years ago

As a pegasister, I just want to say… no. Just no.

It pains me to no end to see that people so fucking clueless about other people are connected with something I really love.

Even when it’s not connected to something I love, I really hate that people can be so dumb.

12 years ago

Proving once again that they really, truly, fundamentally DO NOT comprehend what rape is. Gag.

12 years ago

*Blinks* Well, I’ve seen a lot of world class stupid this week and this is right up there with the best (or worst, depending on your point of view).

12 years ago

Re: good rape analogy

I think it might be useful to remove the element of enjoyment and focus just on consent. I think a good analogy is a dentist. My dentist is one of the only people in the whole wife world that is allowed to put his fingers in my mouth. I may or may not enjoy it but that’s irrelevant here, I’ve given him permission to put his fingers in my mouth. And, even though I’ve had this done dozens of times in mt life (with different dentists no less!) I would still feel profoundly violated it some random stranger forced his fingers into my mouth. Hell, even the dentists permission to do this is conditional. If he came into the lobby and tried to do that I’d flip right out. In fact, I can be in his office, IN THE CHAIR, with prior consent and everything, and if I suddenly don’t want his hands in my mouth he has to stop.

12 years ago

There are two possibilities here:

One, He may be pulling a Daniel Tosh routine. You know, that intensely mediorce comedian who hosts Tosh.0? He’s always saying sexist/racist things under the guise of, “I’m pretending not to know how offensive this is — that’s why it’s so hilarious!!!” For example, Tosh once remarked on a woman’s A-cup bra size with, “A cups? You don’t even qualify as a woman!” He said it with a straight face, then the audience groaned and then a shit-eating grin spread across his pasty face.

Or two, he’s a dumbass who actually doesn’t understand how consent changes the entire ballgame……though I bet he could. If he suddenly found himself spending a signifigant time in prison for example, I’d bet he’d see the light.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

We don’t like rape because society tells us to… I’m sure he has the same opinions on assault, murder, theft, etc. He wouldn’t mind being murdered if this backwards society and the ridiculous norms we impose didn’t tell him he should!

12 years ago

Ugh…this reminds me of a thread that broke out on a link I posted, where the male friend of my best friend ended up telling her she was partly responsible for her rape by a male ex-friend. I then witnessed a twelve-year friendship end there and then. Seems like something similar might happen with Sookdeo and his female friends.

12 years ago

For the post-4chan generation, rape is “surprise sex” or “sex by surprise”. It’s even on

12 years ago

Then there’s the whole “Princess Molestia” meme which involves Princess Celestia as a raping molesting douchebag. *sigh*

This is why we can’t have nice things, Internet.

I thought that this show was supposed to teach you how to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes and be more understanding of differences. I guess I was wrong.

12 years ago

@ABONY: I don’t have words to express my hatred for the “surprise sex” thing. And it pops up in places where it really, really shouldn’t, like fandom spaces dominated by women. Of course, I’m uptight when I point out that it’s really offensive.

Sometimes I hate the internet.

12 years ago

I posted the link on my local Brony group and all the people on it (mostly guys, mind you) denounced the guy and his nasty thoughts. Most of them were “Uh, it’s rape, THAT is why they wouldn’t like it” or something similar.

I figured it was a fucking elementary school concept that forcing people to do things that they don’t want to do and violating their right to bodily integrity is a DEEPLY WRONG THING.


12 years ago


I mean, why do guys hate receiving forced anal sex? I mean, it’s SEX, right? And sex is fun! And I’ll reach around, I promise.

I think they should just relax and enjoy it, and stop worrying about how society tells them it’s wrong.

Pegging or what? Not a good analogy… what straight guy likes pegging, that’s gay.