One widespread belief of the manosphere crowd is that “Western women” – that is, white women in developed countries – are a bunch of stuck-up, demanding, divorce-initiating feminism-infected harridans. So the proper course of action for the almost-all-white dudes of the manosphere is to seek a woman with darker skin and a (supposedly) more pliable nature. Even better: beleaguered white dudes should move to one of the countries where these feminism-free gals live, because when you bring them to the United States they too have a tendency to become infected with evil feminism and to become as stuck-up and evil as their lighter-skinned sisters.
This belief isn’t universal amongst manospehreians by any stretch of the imagination. White nationalist manosphreians (like those who populate the blog In Mala Fide) get testy when their women are considered inferior to non-whites; others think that all women are equally evil. Still others think that moving to a whole other country is too much of a hassle. Rarely do you find a manospherian willing to state the obvious: that the “white women suck” mantra is as offensive to non-white women as it is to white women.
Over on The Spearhead, one commenter has taken the “white women suck” mantra to its logical extreme, arguing that these evil women need to be quite literally bred out of existence.
Let’s take a look at walking in hell’s argument:
If one thinks about it, the misandry and divorce problem are problems that occur in countries where the women are light-skinned–mostly Northern Hemisphere Western Contries, and where the governments are atheist or were atheist.
Problem countries are Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, United States, France, Britain, Ireland, Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand, etc. In short–the West. Light skinned women are by nature more dominant and controlling. If you combine that with a culture that encourages bad behavior, you as a man are doomed.
So far, this is standard-issue western-women-suck-ism. But then Hell starts talking about genes.
So the misandry problem is problem of genetics and culture. We can see the genetic differences in the United States. Asian Women divorce their husbands at a much lower rate then the other racial groups. The exception in America is the American Black Women (But isn’t she exceptional, after all)? I mean native African Women have very little resemblance to American Black Women).
Ironically, it’s fairly typical for the white-women-suck crowd to hate black women even more; in this case the only non-typical thing about Hell’s screed is that he’s willing to cut African women some slack.
Now Hell sets forth his basic thesis:
My point is this: I maintain the best wife for a white man is someone darker skinned then he is. I maintain that the best culture for the white man and his wife is a man-friendly culture. For example, a white man and Mexican woman living in Mexico; a white man and Thai Woman living in Thailand; a white man and a Morracan Woman, living in Morraco; a white man and Turkish Woman, living in Turkey. This strategy neutralizes the light-skinned genes, and at the same time neutralizes the cultural influences.
Note: If you plan to move to Morocco to escape the tyranny of white women, you should probably learn to spell the name of the country correctly first.
Naturally, Hell can’t bring himself to suggest that white men should marry black women. And he thinks that even black men should give African-American women a pass:
For a black man, possibly the best plan is to emigrate to Africa in order to have a family. I had a friend who did this. Most African divorce laws keep the man firmly in charge with sole custody automatically going to the man.
While some Western-women-hating manospherians have something of a fetish for Eastern European women, Hell warns his fellow men to avoid these sneaky deceitful harridans as well:
Whatever you do, never bring an Eastern European, Russian, or Ukrainian Girl to the Unites States.
But it isn’t only the Eastern European women who are spoiled by the evil feminism of the west.
In fact don’t bring any woman to the United States. Remember: even the healthiest fish becomes sick when the lake is poisoned. Some fish will become sicker than others depending on their genetic makeup. For example, that nice girl you brought over from Asia might not divorce you when she comes to the USA, but she is likely to become a much different (difficult and unpredictable) person.
So who is the best man for the white woman living in the West? Quite simply, no man; or another woman. Very few men in the West will be able to satify Western White Women.
And this, naturally, leads to what what we might call Hell’s Final Solution to the problem:
These women need to be bred out of existence.
We as men can speed the extinction of Western White Women by encouraging them to pursue the single life or to pursue another woman as a spouse (lesbianism). We can do this actively and passively. Actively by outright encouragement, and passively by never giving a Western Woman access to our sperm, money, or time.
Despite its, er, problematic content, Hell’s comment managed to draw 21 upvotes from fellow Spearheaders, more than twice the number of downvotes it received.
I eagerly await A Voice for Men’s campaign to uncover and expose the identities of Hell and his upvoters – as well as against The Spearhead itself for providing a safe harbor for such thinking. I mean, AVfM literally offered a $1000 award for the personal information of a feminist who made similarly troubling remarks about men, and a separate $1000 reward for the identities of those involved in a theatrical production about a feminist who wrote a famous manifesto about the evils of men. Surely the A Voice for Men crowd will be equally offended by these remarks from their comrades on The Spearhead.
Here on Man Boobz we content ourselves with highlighting bad ideas, not harassing or threatening or exposing the personal information of those who promulgate them. The “war of ideas” isn’t an actual war. The bad ideas we highlight here are as silly as they are reprehensible; they will ultimately vanish from the world on their own — though hopefully our mockery of them will help to speed that process a little bit.
EDITED TO ADD: Thanks to scarlettpipistrelle for pointing me to this lovely comment.
No one’s saying that aside from MRAs. What we’re saying is that it’s mainly MRAs and PUAs, who are overwhelmingly White men, that have this hatred for White women that have no interest in hopping on their dicks. And as someone who has a British aunt and cousins, who are adored by our whole family, I’ll thank you not to try and speak for us. Just because you happen to know some ignorant non-Western women (like attracts like after all) doesn’t mean you’re in any position to speak for non-Westerners, anymore than you’re in a position to speak for White men.
I am sure your ambiguous foreign women also don’t talk back, and are very passive unlike those nasty western women!! Where did you order yours from?
I got mine from here:
You know, I’m sure that there are a lot of peopler in the world with good reason to dislike WESTERNERS, and that includes men. The fact that some women hate western women based on fake tits and other appearence items? Something smells a little off.
I laughed.
UK weather is cold?
*wipes tears of laughter*
Hate to see what you think of the swat and shovel provinces then!!
As opposed to all the elitist, racist and sexist vents from the MRM. They’re ALREADY figures of ridicule on the web.
Oh and mike, I don’t think that many women have had boob jobs. It might be in all the ladies magazines, but most women don’t get breast implants. Too expensive.
That non western women might find us immodest or shallow because our culture (that means you too bub) places too much emphasis on appearance…yeah I’ve heard some non western women say that.
These women I speak to are not ignorant, they just came to this country and seen how bad the women are here compared to home. I didn’t find them on “wehatewhitewomen.com” Their observations are very accurate.
@Mike The women you’re speaking to may not be ignorant, but you sure are. Sweeping generalizations, the total erasure of women who do not fit your stereotypes, nothing to back up your argument. In other words, straight out of the MRA playbook!
Yes, the women that don’t exist have a very low opinion of women that do exist indeed.
Oh Meller: Are you unhappy that no one cares what you say? If I (a feminist) were to disappear there are people who would grieve. If you were to disappear how saddened would your dolls be?
Then again, I don’t have an, “owner”. I am a free person. Something a “Libertarian” ought to understand. People are independent actors. They can do what they like.
I know that it bothers you so many people (of both sexes) like to do things you don’t agree with. Sucks to be you.
Then again, you are the sort of “Libertarian” who thinks other peoples rights can be taken away from them.
In other words, no libertarian at all; but an authoritarian statist.
Whatever makes you feel better, Jumbofish. Oh wait, what do we have here? http://www.leykisonline.com/recordings/2004/11_November/Leykis-2004-11-16_Hr2-ForeignChicksRateUSChicks.mp3 Foreign women also talking about how they think Western white women suck..
Cloud, I am not an MRA, I think MRAs are retards and no better than the feminists. I consider myself an advocate for men though.
Mike: These women I speak to are not ignorant, they just came to this country and seen how bad the women are here compared to home. I didn’t find them on “wehatewhitewomen.com” Their observations are very accurate.
Accurate? Not so much. Confirmation bias reinforcing, yeppers.
I lived in the San Fernando Valley (the home of video porn after New York and San Francisco were displaced). I worked in Hollywood. There may be more breast implants there, per capita, than anywhere else in the world, and they still aren’t that common. I didn’t see more than a couple of women a day with them.
In the UK, I don’t think I saw any. Not that they aren’t there, but they aren’t a dime a dozen.
It’s very convenient that this, “women you speak to” all agree with you. They, of course, aren’t here to speak for themselves, and what you think they said is perfectly in accord with your prejudice.
How nice.
What bollocks.
Leykis? That’s your proof? HA HA HA HA, sigh, facepalm.
Nope sorry I don’t want you advocating for me. Also I take “advocate for men” as you are really a mra. XD
And the self-selecting (and anonymous) refutation.
How do we know that’s not more, “non-MRAs” such as yourself talking out their asses?
We don’t.
So it’s as useful as the shit you pulled out of your ass before.
Oh, I don’t doubt that there are people who are convinced that their culture is superior, or that their surface level understanding of other cultures (usually through a couple of movies/shows) is enough to dismiss them (or fetishize them). And naturally Mike “All Western, White Women Suck” Troll is going to consider them representative of their whole culture, and knowledgeable enough to pronounce judgements.
I never said I doubted people have a sense of superiority about their country over others. I am doubting that said “ambiguously foreign women who have told him how much foreign women suck” actually exist.
Mike, why don’t you ask some non western men as to what they think of white men?
It won’t aLways be so flattering either.
Because non-white women never color their hair other colors than their natural one. And they never use cosmetics to alter or enhance their natural features. Never ever ever ever! That’s just the domain of horrible western white women.
Oh wait.
I may be letting my own experiences colour things, but the people I know who hold these views (both women and men) are usually just bursting to express them at the earliest possible convenience, so I don’t find it that hard to believe. At the end of the day though, for his point to stand we’d have to ignore the hundreds of millions of people that have absolutely no problem with White, Western women as a group.
I was just about to suggest that he ask these women what they think of White men. I can count on my fingers the number of people that have only had a problem with White women, rather than White culture as a whole (or atleast their mistaken/superficial perception of it).
Weird. I’ve tried to post a comment twice now but it doesn’t show up.
Why does this sound so familiar…
*hundreds of millions should actually be billions
Yet he never mentions how they are “foreign” (like from where) just that they are “foreign”. Which smells like to me, I pulls these imaginary people out of my ass who just so happen to agree with me. I am not going to take a troll for anything more than they are.