antifeminism evil women false accusations hundreds of upvotes misogyny MRA rape reddit

Things Redditors actually think: “If you can read this, and we’re alone, I can be legally convicted of rape.”

This was posted to the Men’s Rights subreddit the other day, with the headline: “Saw this today and I suppose that’s where we’re headed.” It’s gotten 556 upvotes, last I checked. (Those are net upvotes: it got 848 upvotes, 292 downvotes.) This is the world that a lot of MRAs, and Redditors in general, think they live in.

A handful of Redditors, like this one, objected to the hysteria:

Notice the downvotes.

Amazingly, one of the few voices of reason to emerge in the whole discussion (besides that downvoted commenter and serveral others) turned out to be none other than Pierce Harlan of the False Rape Society (now called Community of the Wrongly Accused). While not averse to spreading misinformation about rape and false rape accusations himself, he argued in a comment (and in a similarly worded blog post) that this kind of raving hysteria wasn’t helpful, concluding:

The delicate balance that commands us to punish rapists while not punishing the innocent is extremely serious business. We need more sober, more adult, more serious voices to be part of the public discourse. The last thing we need is more Chicken Little hysteria, no matter which side it’s coming from.

I’m guessing the upvotes he got for his comment must have come from visitors from his blog, because up until he posted that comment the few dissenters were mostly being dismissed.

The Men’s Rights subreddit: Waxing hysterical about imaginary oppressions since March 2008.

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12 years ago

“That’s why the insanity defense exists in criminal law.”

Most mentally ill people would not be able to plead insanity in court because the insanity in a courtroom setting is not the same as mental illness – the former is very narrowly defined as not having the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. All of my clients (I primarily deal with people diagnosed with schizophrenia) can tell right from wrong and many are quite moral.

I know it’s a page late, but this is a fairly important point when it comes to judicial vs. therapeutic use of the term “insanity”.

12 years ago

the sausage is a cunning bird
its tail is long and wavy
it swims about the frying pan
and makes its nest in gravy

12 years ago

The show Toddlers and Tiaras was invented by militant feminists in order to torture middle aged men in a sexual manner, rather than to torture the general TV-watching population with its awfulness.

(And now we’re right back in NWO’s wheelhouse.)

12 years ago

Ooooh, man-eating fish hacking into his computer!

12 years ago

Cassandra, you have a worryingly accurate insight into the NWO-type mind 😉

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Sorry to break the NWO mocking stream, but Toddlers and Tiaras can’t be half as bad on the audience as it is on those kids. That’s basically child abuse, or at least all the bits I’ve suffered though were seriously questionable. (I’m thinking pre-K kids having a tantrum that they don’t want their eyebrows waxed level “questionable”)

/serious moment

12 years ago

Ooh, it could be like Ozy with the PUAs! Except it’s too easy to sound like NWO. His obsessions are rather distinctive, as is his rhetorical style.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

The Bachelorette was created by the feminist overlords to ensure women would get a good ride on the alpha cock carousel before fulfilling their biological duty to the species by reproducing.

12 years ago

Dairy farming is proof of the innate tendency of female creatures to enslave males in order to service their needs. Look at those cows just standing around being milked while men run around doing all the work! And poor hard working MRAs have to maintain the machines too, just to add insult to injury.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Don’t forget the spermjacking from the poor bull just to ensure the cows can even make milk to begin with! He’ll never even know if he’s got a baby cow or baby bull! MISANDRY!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Urinals were invented by a feminist to ensure men would be forced to see each other’s penises and feel inadequate about their own, thus distracting them from more important matters. And also to turn them gay.

12 years ago

Honestly, I feel sorry for bulls. The cows get a social life, with each other and the calves. The bulls live in a paddock with other bulls, keeping as far away from each other as they can, and only get with the cows briefly once a year. And of course, nearly all the male calves are killed young. The cows get a much better deal.

(Yes, I think about this too much)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Magpie, one of my aunt’s lives thisclose to a dairy farm, and I actually agree completely. They had one calf born while I was there, and everyone was thrilled it was a female. So dairy farms might actually be misandrist! Oh no!

Their cows don’t even actually mate with the bulls either, they’re inseminated, hence my spermjacking comment.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Shit, no wonder NWO thinks spermjacking actually happens if his job involves working parallel to the bull-sperm people…I’m pretty sure there is actually a bull-sperm market >.<

12 years ago

I forgot about AI – I think you’re onto something. This could be the key to all the conspiracies?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

That combined with him being a bitter bitter person? Possibly? I’d hope it would take more than that to make anyone as hateful as he is.

12 years ago

Goodnight , all!

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

In a way, T-shirts like this do a public service. When assholes wear these shirts, they’re letting everyone around them know they’re assholes. They don’t even have to open their mouth. The shirt says it all.

This. Please. All MRAs in my area buy this shirt and wear it every day so I know who to avoid.

“dead girls don’t say no”

ooh, I ran into a guy in a bar wearing that shirt, while one of his friends was hitting on my friend (badly). I was drunk enough to go on the offensive, so I just yelled really loudly, “oh, oh, I get it, he’s a necrophiliac! Dude, that’s gross!”

I wish I could’ve seen this.


12 years ago

Honestly, I had a young man turn up for a job interview wearing a tshirt with a topless woman on it and a caption somewhat like “may all good times cum in pairs”. wTF, how does anyone think wearing crap like that is a positive?

12 years ago

Shaenon, me thinks me lurves you!

12 years ago

wTF, how does anyone think wearing crap like that is a positive?

If he regularly wears that shirt to job interviews, I bet he complains about how he can’t get a job. I mean, how many places of employment would hire someone who would wear that shirt to an interview? I can’t imagine that there would be that many.

I’m also sure the “dead girls” guy complains about not meeting women. I can just imagine him bitching about all those “stuck up bitches who won’t speak to me” and getting mad that women have no sense of humor.

And the above shirt, had I just seen it on a guy without the context of this post, would baffle me. I’d have to sit and try to make sense of it, because it just doesn’t really make sense. I really didn’t get “I could get falsely accused” from it – more along the lines of “if we’re alone, you better get away from me, because I will rape you”, which is actually a PSA to avoid the guy who wears it.

People who wear shirts like that always think they’re being “edgy”, when really they’re advertising the fact that they are giant flaming assholes.

12 years ago

argenti: The thing about NWOs claims of invention is the details aren’t quite credible. He claims to have designed, from scratch, several different sorts of automation equipment.

Once he said he had designed a machine to make it possible for an automaker to assay the alloy purities (of some sort) in their steel.

I’ve been a machinist. Yes, a large scale manufacturer would want to know if it’s supplier were failing to deliver, but that’s not something which gets done routinely, and checking alloy composition is something which gets done by an assay shop, or in smelting.

It was figured out a long time ago. It’s possible he did some process improvement, but it’s not likely he “invented” it, nor that, all by himself, he designed something all that radical.

12 years ago

And in the eyes of the law, being able to discern between right and wrong is part of intent?

So, someone who is schizophrenic would need to show they were experiencing a major break, right? I’ve had a few schizophrenic friends, some of whom experienced auditory hallucinations on a regular basis. Generally, it didn’t seem to impair their ability to distinguish right from wrong so long as it was a relatively mild day. One friend would sometimes withdraw for a few days because his family, as he refered to the voices, were louder than usual and he didn’t want to be seen like that.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

If he regularly wears that shirt to job interviews, I bet he complains about how he can’t get a job. I mean, how many places of employment would hire someone who would wear that shirt to an interview? I can’t imagine that there would be that many.

Right? I wouldn’t be surprised if he blames his lack of a job on affirmative action. I’ve seen so many men wander into job interviews in street clothes and I’m thinking, “Do you know what you’re here to accomplish today?” Do they really feel that entitled to whatever they ask for that they think they don’t need to do anything but show up as a man to get it?

So anyways, I’m gonna start selling tshirts that say “sperm jacker” on them so that we can avoid MRAs in public. Anyone want one?

Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago


I was thinking of Platypus electrolocation

IRTA “electrolactation”. Turn up the juice to get more milk!


Honestly, I feel sorry for bulls. The cows get a social life, with each other and the calves. The bulls live in a paddock with other bulls, keeping as far away from each other as they can, and only get with the cows briefly once a year

Sound’s like AntZ’s idea of paradise.