disgusting women evil fat fatties evil women hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny whores your time will come

MGTOWers agree: “Most American women have fallen apart or completely without value by 40.”

Future MGTOWer?

For a bunch of guys who love to pretend they don’t care about women, Men Going Their Own Way certainly do love to talk about them. So much so that I’m thinking they may need to update their little acronym to MGTOAW: Men Going Tediously On About Women.

Over on, for example, the regulars are having their tenth billion discussion about how women totally get all ugly as they get older, while men get handsomer and more awesome. Gannicus, himself 40 years YOUNG, starts things off with this:

To me, one of the most obvious things a man should notice is that in the US, most American women have fallen apart or completely without value by 40.

Is it just me, or does that “in the US, most American women” bit remind you of Miss South Carolina and her “US Americans?”

I know some will say it happens earlier, but lets just stick with a round number. And lets forget about virtue, loyalty, honesty, etc for a moment, which we know is not exactly known to be a top export of American women. Just being completely shallow and superficial, based on appearance alone, I find it disgusting and repulsive to view virtually any woman at 40. I just turned 40 and I am proud of my appearance. I expect to continue taking care of my body,etc.

However, I feel that based on looks. weight, hair, facial quality, etc. that 1% or less of Amercian women at 40 are, shall we say,bangable or even tolerable if you had to stare at for 10 minutes. And lets not even mention that wretched term from a bygone era called feminity. That is almost unheard of in the US in any age group. …

Which then leads me to wonder what the hell do young guys think their female partners will look like at 40? I mean, do they think THEIR girl will be different?

I’m just throwing this out as a hypothesis here, but I’m guessing that “most young guys” aren’t angry, bitter, woman-hating assholes who think all women over 40 are hideous hagbeasts.

Back on, Downandout repectfully disagrees with Gannicus thesis. He believes that many women get ugly long before they hit 40.

It’s not so much that American women hit 40, it’s that 40 hits American women. Hard.

Jokes aside, I don’t think you can peg it to one number. A lot of skanks are starting to look awful in their 20s. Take Lindsay Lohan for example. Girls are starting to drink, do drugs, eat shit, and party hard at a very early age. Their small bodies can’t take that kind of abuse, and it’s showing. On top of that, they wear pounds of makeup to cover up the abuse, which only further contributes to the problem.

Deathslayer quotes the expert testimony of a colleague who calls himself RealDealBrotha:

Look at how quickly these chick fall COMPLETELY off, yet they STILL think they can do everything a man does for as long as a man does it…. NOT! …

Look at all the females who whore away their prime years, or go into career mode, or just choose men for silly reasons and NOT try to better themselves enough to be WORTHY of a good man (who is NOT a simp) wifing them up. They have so little regard for men that they think that they can have good men at their beck and call after they’re aged out fat chicks dragging around kids who they had with other men. It REALLY does NOT work that way, yet they don’t ever figure out the obvious until it’s too late.

We see and hear this story all the time. It comes up so often, that it’s really funny to me now. It warms my heart to know how badly these arrogant, misandric, selfish, worthless women are doomed to crash, burn and live the remainder of their wretched lives as bitter old maids whose only value will be as jumpoffs for bottom-feeder men who lack the guts and the nuts to raise the bar.

It’s always nice to see MGTOWers complain about misandry in comments overflowing with angry misogyny.

Toadman, for his part, seems happy to ignore women altogether, celebrating his independence by sitting at home eating canned food that’s way past its expiration date.

I have an unopened can of pork-and-beans in the cupboard that will taste the same as when canned. It’s lasted longer than the 10-15 years of female fertile desireability. Talk about “shelf-life”.

As they say, living well is the best revenge.

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12 years ago

@Gingernaps: Yeah! It’s so different out in the real world. There I see all sorts of positive interactions going on between all permutations and combinations of people-types, It’s not at all like the MGTOWers portray it.

12 years ago

Welcome to the real world where hatred of masculinity is encouraged on a daily basis.

12 years ago

More importantly is there a special shirt, hairstyle or facial expression that will make these deluded realise we really do not care what they think about us?

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago

My wife.

My sister.

My mother when she was 40.

How many more exceptions can this “rule” withstand?

12 years ago

The guy’s 40 and for whatever reason, scared shitless of getting older. He and his brethren have to repeatedly state that men age better than women so they’ll finally believe it — like a mantra. Nevermind women — on average, out live men. But really, this is also about fearing women who don’t take shit or have seen more than one penis in their lifetime. It’s also about keeping women down, so hopefully they won’t be “picky.” I’ve met dudes who take it for granted that women like dating men old enough enough to be their dads — or grandfathers (not that there’s anything wrong with older men, they’re cool. The non-MRA ones, I mean). I don’t know where they learn this, exactly — the movies, maybe? Aging geeks in Hollywood really make some of this bullshit worse. I actually dated a guy who was scared to death of people finding out his real age. At first I didn’t take it seriously, but later I realized there was some honest-to-goodness anxiety behind this quirk. I dunno, if they can date younger women it means they’re never going to die? Pfffft.

12 years ago

Hey Swankivy, how often do you get called an ice queen?

Yeah I’m almost forty, with quite a bit of grey. Sorry dudes, I aint dying my hair because it wreaks havok with its texture. I happen to like running my fingers through it and not having it feel like straw. If anything, I’m looking for products that will bring out the grey. This inbetween stage is a bit annoying.

12 years ago
Reply to  pillowinhell

“Hey Swankivy, how often do you get called an ice queen?”

They usually don’t choose the phrase “ice queen.” It’s usually something like “frigid bitch.” Or “Asexual isn’t an orientation. That’s just being a normal woman.” (Remember? Women actually put up with sex because they want relationships. They aren’t actually supposed to like sex so being asexual is “not special.” Oh and lesbians who have sex? Not real, except in porn made for men.)

12 years ago

For some reason I get a lot of “ice queen”. Some of it ( I think)is that I’m a rather extreme introvert, so if I don’t know you I’ll come off as cold. The other factor I suspect is word gets around that I have a rather fiery temperment when it comes to idiots, so ice queen is just the polite, sorry safe, way to say bitch.

I have to say though, what bothered me most was telling someone I’m demi and the immediate response was “no you’re not”. WTF? The person was already aware sex really doesn’t do much for me. Then I got told that what I really need is some viagara. Its easier to think I need meds than to believe that I’m perfectly happy as is? So I guess what I’ve been more exposed to is denial that I personally fit into a rare group.

12 years ago
Reply to  pillowinhell

Well, the “you aren’t having sex, therefore you’re a withholding, selfish bitch” is pretty common, yeah. I’m actually a really approachable and friendly person (so most people are surprised to hear I consider myself an introvert, because they usually think “introvert” means “shy”). But I too have no mercy with jerks online, and as soon as I see where they’re going I cut them off and get the funny rejection rage business.

Some examples:

On the “no you’re not” thing . . . yeah. I know all about that. “Oh, you have a different orientation and you’re happy that way? That’s not acceptable. You need to investigate physical, mental, and social reasons WHY you turned out this way, and get it FIXED. Because it’s really important that your sex life, relationships, and attitudes toward such things be as much like mine as possible.”

12 years ago

@Argenti: Descartes needed to bring in God to prove that anything ELSE but his bare soul exists. There’s no way going from “I, a thinking thing, exists”, to “the rest of the world and other people exist” by pure logic. So basically he goes “well, I have a very vivid belief that tells me the rest of the world and other people exists, and God is good, he wouldn’t trick me on this point”. I’ve heard people saying that Descartes brought in God just to please the church, but without God he has NO argument for the existence of anything besides himself.

12 years ago

Welcome to the real world where hatred of masculinity is encouraged on a daily basis.

Nearly 80% of those who drown are male. The only situations in which a man drowns is when he is swimming freely in a body of water at least thirty feet deep. These bodies of water are home to naiads who grab the toes of a swimming man and pull him under the water. They do this because they hate and fear men and boys, as is obvious to any thinking person.

The remaining 20% of drowning victims are all women who are just poor swimmers.


C’mon NWO, too much of anything is bad for you. Too much testosterone hardens your arteries. Too much water makes you drown. Too many sodas make you diabetic. Too much conforming to the gender roles dictated by society leads to young men taking risks because they fear being taunted by their peers. Sometimes their numbers come up and they get hurt or killed doing something like sticking a bottle rocket up their butt or horsing around with guns or cars.

But noooo. You gotta have it your way, don’t you? You’re like Tom Cruise’s character from Magnolia: “Worship the cock! Tame the cunt!”

Go masturbate somewhere else. I have to go see my mom for Mother’s Day. Even if you stick around, I at least won’t have to look at you until tomorrow evening.

12 years ago

NWO, I just read your posted article. I’m not sure how you came to the conclusion you did, though. It has nothing to do with hating men or even masculinity. What its trying to do is show that masculinity concepts taken to the extreme has a negative impact on men, including an early death or severly reduced quality of life.

If you’re a manly man and that’s what makes you happy that’s fine, but many men struggle to maintain the ideals and it affects their lives in negative ways.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

Upon viewing some fine television advertisements, I realized that Gannicus is totally wrong. Women’s faces don’t explode and fall off at age 40. They explode and fall off at age 30.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go buy a case of Oil of Olay in order to paste my melting lady-face back onto my frail, osteopathic lady-skull. Then I need to eat 80 calories of yogurt and pretend it is a Boston cream pie.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

Also, FWIW, I’m still not one bit grey at 30*cough*. But the folks in my family don’t get their first grey hairs until their 50s, as a rule. GENETICS!

We all end up looking far younger than our ages, too. People are still asking me if this is the year I’m graduating from high school, and most servicepeople – clerks, waitstaff, etc. – tend to assume my mother is my older sister. My mother once let slip at a meeting that her daughter was an attorney, and one person flat-out accused her of lying because she could not be old enough (b/c she did not look old enough) to have a daughter who was over 18.

I have one aunt who likes to play “guess my age” with people just to mess with them. Even people she’s known for years don’t put her over age 35. She’s 52. Lolz.

Manjaw the Mighty
12 years ago

Welcome to the real world where hatred of masculinity is encouraged on a daily basis.

I usually refrain from feeding the trolls, but that is just kind of adorable. A mediocrely-written op-ed piece in a random student newspaper? Really?

12 years ago
Reply to  Dani Alexis

Happens to me too Dani! I’m 34 and as far as I know I don’t have gray hair, but considering my hair is very blonde I probably won’t be able to see it until it’s really obvious.

Looking young runs in my family too. A while back, while working at a bookstore helping a man find travel books, he told me I should be sure to travel the world “after you graduate, of course.” I told him I had already graduated, and he said, “And you didn’t think about going to college?” I told him I had graduated from college six years ago. He shut up.

Also, when my mom was sick I had to do her grocery shopping. She’s a smoker so I had to get her cigarettes too. I got stopped at the register and the woman out-and-out refused to sell them to me and she was really super nasty to me even though I showed her my ID. (She said, “This isn’t really your ID,” and when I sort of laughed, she said “I’m not joking, honey.”) She made me wait until her manager could get there, repeatedly going on about how she’s not going to be the one to “take the fall” for selling cigarettes to a minor. Luckily the manager was more reasonable and had no problem with my ID, and I got to go on my way. That happened to me when I was 32. o_O

12 years ago

“Completely without value”, eh? Even if they don’t care for the looks of older women, they are SOL if they think one can get good in-hospital care without a woman over 40 being involved. Not to say that younger nurses are not good, but there simply aren’t enough of them, and nursing schools can only graduate so many per year due to the shortage of places they can put student nurses to practice while they are in school.

But that’s the problem — they have so much hatred that they DON’T think.

I love my 55-year-old face — it reflects my character. Funny thing is, I get lots of compliments, even at this “advanced” age.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

@Dvärghundspossen — I realize the point Descartes was trying to make in the 3rd meditation was using the existence of god to prove everyone else/the world does actually exist…I just don’t think he actually managed to prove as much. Blaming the church is my way of giving him a pass on having had such excellent formal logic collapse into “because god” — the problem with that is the problem of “well ok, but what if there isn’t a god?” If there isn’t, then the 3rd one falls flat on its face.

In other words, I agree, but think he should’ve left whether anyone else exists an open question if he had to resort to “because god” to prove his point, as it all falls apart if there is no god. (Something he simply couldn’t debate safely in that era)

@pillowinhell — idk how long your hair is, but if it’s long enough you can dye it really infrequently and disguise the greys some without turning your hair to straw — mine only gets dyed about once a year, but I’ve still just got a few rouge greys. (And will likely give up trying to hide them now that I’m getting old enough to be going grey)

And regarding grey hair in general — ok, so genetics apparently hate me, no wonder my first grey at 16~ was such a big fuss. But whatever, I really won’t mind much if I go grey the way my mother has, she’s got a lovely salt and pepper thing going on.

@NWO — “A mediocrely-written op-ed piece in a random student newspaper? Really?” — seriously, try to at least find something with an actual editor >.< (and hint here NWO, students can have things published in real journals, peer reviewed studies even, if the article/paper isn’t complete bullshit)….or should I start citing my own research? I could, but given it was just classwork, I doubt anyone would care much. And I do mean real research with a control group and research methods and statistics and everything which is a hell of a lot more than a student newspaper’s got going for it.

12 years ago

Which then leads me to wonder what the hell do young guys think their female partners will look like at 40? I mean, do they think THEIR girl will be different?

I’m no young guy (although most people see me as such; not my fault — or is it? I dunno. Anyhoo…) but I would have to say that if I met the right girl/boy/trans girl or boy/androgyne/etc., they’d probably strike me as being as beautiful as they were when we met and fell in love — but then again, by MRA standards, I’m very much a wimp/mangina/whatever (I daresay they would not respect my transgender identity).

And as for “skanks”, it’s just a beat — no really, it is: (a little drum geekery for you; although if we derailed into a discussion of the etymology of that particular beat’s name, I’m sure it was born out of the derogatory term, rather than vice versa, which would be cooler)

Brian Connors
12 years ago

As a general rule I’d say “slut good, skank bad”, except for that small problem that there really doesn’t seem to be a meaningful definition for “skank” when you put it like that. Personal habits and sexuality aren’t that closely related.

12 years ago

Owly said

Welcome to the real world

Lollll. Adorable.

12 years ago

Boobz, would you have anything to write about if you were not lurking on MRA sites?

12 years ago

crella, there’s plenty of misogyny all over the place. It gets a bit repetitive after a bit. MRA sites have the distilled essence of WTF.

12 years ago

I was getting that impression … 🙂