disgusting women evil fat fatties evil women hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny whores your time will come

MGTOWers agree: “Most American women have fallen apart or completely without value by 40.”

Future MGTOWer?

For a bunch of guys who love to pretend they don’t care about women, Men Going Their Own Way certainly do love to talk about them. So much so that I’m thinking they may need to update their little acronym to MGTOAW: Men Going Tediously On About Women.

Over on, for example, the regulars are having their tenth billion discussion about how women totally get all ugly as they get older, while men get handsomer and more awesome. Gannicus, himself 40 years YOUNG, starts things off with this:

To me, one of the most obvious things a man should notice is that in the US, most American women have fallen apart or completely without value by 40.

Is it just me, or does that “in the US, most American women” bit remind you of Miss South Carolina and her “US Americans?”

I know some will say it happens earlier, but lets just stick with a round number. And lets forget about virtue, loyalty, honesty, etc for a moment, which we know is not exactly known to be a top export of American women. Just being completely shallow and superficial, based on appearance alone, I find it disgusting and repulsive to view virtually any woman at 40. I just turned 40 and I am proud of my appearance. I expect to continue taking care of my body,etc.

However, I feel that based on looks. weight, hair, facial quality, etc. that 1% or less of Amercian women at 40 are, shall we say,bangable or even tolerable if you had to stare at for 10 minutes. And lets not even mention that wretched term from a bygone era called feminity. That is almost unheard of in the US in any age group. …

Which then leads me to wonder what the hell do young guys think their female partners will look like at 40? I mean, do they think THEIR girl will be different?

I’m just throwing this out as a hypothesis here, but I’m guessing that “most young guys” aren’t angry, bitter, woman-hating assholes who think all women over 40 are hideous hagbeasts.

Back on, Downandout repectfully disagrees with Gannicus thesis. He believes that many women get ugly long before they hit 40.

It’s not so much that American women hit 40, it’s that 40 hits American women. Hard.

Jokes aside, I don’t think you can peg it to one number. A lot of skanks are starting to look awful in their 20s. Take Lindsay Lohan for example. Girls are starting to drink, do drugs, eat shit, and party hard at a very early age. Their small bodies can’t take that kind of abuse, and it’s showing. On top of that, they wear pounds of makeup to cover up the abuse, which only further contributes to the problem.

Deathslayer quotes the expert testimony of a colleague who calls himself RealDealBrotha:

Look at how quickly these chick fall COMPLETELY off, yet they STILL think they can do everything a man does for as long as a man does it…. NOT! …

Look at all the females who whore away their prime years, or go into career mode, or just choose men for silly reasons and NOT try to better themselves enough to be WORTHY of a good man (who is NOT a simp) wifing them up. They have so little regard for men that they think that they can have good men at their beck and call after they’re aged out fat chicks dragging around kids who they had with other men. It REALLY does NOT work that way, yet they don’t ever figure out the obvious until it’s too late.

We see and hear this story all the time. It comes up so often, that it’s really funny to me now. It warms my heart to know how badly these arrogant, misandric, selfish, worthless women are doomed to crash, burn and live the remainder of their wretched lives as bitter old maids whose only value will be as jumpoffs for bottom-feeder men who lack the guts and the nuts to raise the bar.

It’s always nice to see MGTOWers complain about misandry in comments overflowing with angry misogyny.

Toadman, for his part, seems happy to ignore women altogether, celebrating his independence by sitting at home eating canned food that’s way past its expiration date.

I have an unopened can of pork-and-beans in the cupboard that will taste the same as when canned. It’s lasted longer than the 10-15 years of female fertile desireability. Talk about “shelf-life”.

As they say, living well is the best revenge.

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12 years ago

What!? Women look like whatever the hell they want to look like? Misandry!

12 years ago

But I bet those “real men” do appreciate all those sweet and feminine women from third-world countries, who obligingly and femininely die before 40, so that their magnanimous male benefactors don’t have to look at them.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Don’t eat pork and beans right out of the can, Toadman. Put a can of it in a casserole dish with a half cup of brown sugar, 2 tablespoons of mustard, and 1/4 c. of ketchup. Top it with some bacon slices, stick an onion in the middle of the dish, cover, and bake at 350 degrees for one hour. If you want to eat it plain, then at least use it as a topping for a deep fried salmon cake made with Ritz cracker breading.

12 years ago

This actually makes me a bit sad, because my husband is significantly older than me and he periodically has his down days where he worries that I’ll suddenly become uninterested in him. Impossible. He’s the most gorgeous man on the planet and I can’t fathom more years of life would HARM his awesomeness.

I myself look forward to being old and cantankerous. Not so much the higher likelihood of health problems, but looks alone? Psh. Old people are AWESOME.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Also, why are the pork and beans 15 years old? The can is probably bulging and full of bacteria by now.

12 years ago

A man who, at 40, uses the word, “bangable,” is not to be taken seriously by anyone with a brain.

12 years ago

Don’t eat pork and beans right out of the can, Toadman. Put a can of it in a casserole dish with a half cup of brown sugar, 2 tablespoons of mustard, and 1/4 c. of ketchup. Top it with some bacon slices, stick an onion in the middle of the dish, cover, and bake at 350 degrees for one hour. If you want to eat it plain, then at least use it as a topping for a deep fried salmon cake made with Ritz cracker breading.

Look at this deranged feminist, ordering a man to cook, as if he were her servant or something. Misandry!!

12 years ago

A man who, at 40, uses the word, “bangable,” is not to be taken seriously by anyone with a brain.

Wanna bet he has a dating profile with an obnoxious summary and pictures that are at least 15 years-old?

12 years ago

What I find so freakishly scary in these gems that Mr. Furtrelle digs up are how all of the arguments made by MGTOWers are layed on a foundation of toxic societal norms.

Why do men look better as they age?
Because society and culture says so!

Why do women depreciate as they age?
Because society and culture says so!

It’s not bioligical, natural, or destiny. This perceived “uglification” of women is a rank by-product of a sexist society. The whole “shallow women wearing make-up” complaint is such a flippant approach to dealing with a much, much larger social issue and any man, or person in general, who can look at Western consumption of cosmetics in such a grossly over-simplified light is, frankly, a complete idiot. Or someone that hates women. Or both.

I’d be really curious as to how these men have bettered society or proved in anyway to be “of value” in their 40’s, 30’s, 20’s, ever.

And being a spokesperson for “oppressed” white men doesn’t count.

12 years ago

Ah, yes, that classic argument that a woman worth lies solely in her looks.

Which then leads me to wonder what the hell do young guys think their female partners will look like at 40? I mean, do they think THEIR girl will be different?

Pretty sure my SO isn’t staking our entire future together on my physical appearance through the years. He, ya know, likes me for who I am as a person, not just what I look like.

Don’t these people have mothers? Maybe my mom would not be considered “bangable” (eww…) to these guys, seeing as she’s over 40 and looks it, but does that really mean that she is “doomed to crash, burn and live the remainder of [her wretched life as a bitter old maid] whose only value will be as jumpoffs for bottom-feeder men who lack the guts and the nuts to raise the bar”?

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Look at this deranged feminist, ordering a man to cook, as if he were her servant or something. Misandry!!

I know, but I can’t help it. It’s like he has no respect for the amazing potential that is in a can of Van Camp’s Pork and Beans. I’ll eat straight out of a can on a float trip or something, but at home, I will fix them up much better.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

Oh for Chrissake. Has this guy ever MET a woman in her 40s? I’m not hauling out photos of my mother because privacy, but I pray every day that I ended up with my mom’s good genes.

Now granted, she does not look like she is 20, because she is in her 50s and that would be creepy. But she’s had an interesting life, she takes good care of herself, she dresses well, and she has people who love and support her. And all of that shows on her face and the way that she carries herself. In my experience, people who have been fortunate enough to love their loves and live with joy, that tends to show on their faces as they age. Which really doesn’t bode well for most MRAs over the age of 40.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@Kendra- That recipe made me wish I still ate pig for a second there. It sounds nummy.

12 years ago

Also, why are the pork and beans 15 years old? The can is probably bulging and full of bacteria by now.

Yeah, seriously, someone needs to stage an intervention and tell this guy that even for commercially canned low-acid foods like pork and beans, the standard recommended maximum shelf life is 5 years. (Although apparently the U.S. Army has done tests and found foods that were well preserved for as long as 46 years!)

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

If you’re going your own way, why the fuck do you care how women look? Or are you just offended that women are walking around past the age of 25 or whatever fucking number you’ve decided the cut off is?

Toadman, your precious can of pork n’ beans is probably bulging with botulism. Bon Appetit!

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

These MGTOAWs are such enlightened men. Clearly, denying women the privilege of marrying them will destroy feminism.

12 years ago

For some reason, I now have in my head a mental image of Gannicus as Robin William’s 40+ y-o Peter Pan from ‘Hook’ shouting “Bang-able!” as he fights pirates, and I had to dump it onto you to free myself of it.

Bangarang Peter. It’s *Bangarang*.

12 years ago

I have an unopened can of pork-and-beans in the cupboard

Finally a statement from an MRA that I absolutely believe.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

Which then leads me to wonder what the hell do young guys think their female partners will look like at 40? I mean, do they think THEIR girl will be different?

I haven’t asked my (almost-40) partner what he thinks I’m going to look like at 40. But I would bet he expects me to look about like I do now. At the very least, he probably expects me to look more or less like the other women in my family who are 40+.

I also assume he’s okay with this, or he wouldn’t have presented me with the Big Shiny Rock of Marital Intentions(TM). (Expecting basic honesty from my partner? MISANDRY!)

12 years ago

RealDealBrotha seems to have accounted for all of a woman’s possible life choices, and condemned them all. Career? Lots of men? Marriage? Kids? No kids? The greatest crime is being over 40, as far as I can see. Yes, better we drop dead at 39 years, 364 days. Or, heck, at the first wrinkle.

And lol at men “wifing up” a woman. What does that even mean?

12 years ago

“Their small bodies can’t take that kind of abuse, and it’s showing.”

I hate this, and all the other variations on “women’s [body/mind] can’t handle X” paternalism so much. If you’re not a physiologist or a biological anthropologist or someone else who actually studies this stuff, I kindly suggest you fuck right off regarding the differences between what men’s and women’s bodies or minds are built for.

Reminds me of when I was in Russia, on a walk with a friend, and we saw a homeless woman, apparently drunk. My friend started lamenting how it’s so much worse for women to become alcoholics, because men are designed to consume alcohol and women aren’t, so alcoholism is inescapable for a woman (but not for a man), plus she’s ruined her ability to have children, a woman’s highest calling. That’s crap pseudo-science, and so is this.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

@Kendra- That recipe made me wish I still ate pig for a second there. It sounds nummy.

It is a delicious side dish. I wish I had a pork free version to share.

My late grandma taught me how to make the baked beans, how to grill BBQ pork steaks, how to make pie crust with real lard, and how to fry almost any vegetable in bacon grease. Basically, every recipe she taught me involves some kind of pork or pig fat. It’s probably not too healthy, but it tastes great.

Which then leads me to wonder what the hell do young guys think their female partners will look like at 40? I mean, do they think THEIR girl will be different?

I think it’s sweet when elderly couples are still happy together after 40+ years. They’re still in love even after their partners get wrinkles and gray hair. It’s too bad the MGTOW are too shallow to see the beauty of these relationships.

12 years ago

Also, talk about a straw man argument.

Let’s use Lindsey Lohan as a symbolic representative of the entirety of womandom, shall we? Ladies? That’s fair, right (he asked sarcastically)?

12 years ago

I’ve seen women still looking good in their 60s and 70s. I wouldn’t have sex with them, but you don’t judge a person based on whether you’d fuck them or not.

Preaching to the choir and the devil isn’t listening, eh?

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

This is like the “fat chicks” post. Hey, dudes, you have every right to not be attracted to women for any silly reason you want. No one’s gonna force you to date a fat lady and no one’s gonna force you to date a lady over 40.

But you don’t get to be a roaring douchebag about the fact that people you don’t want to date exist.

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