antifeminism evil women false accusations MRA oppressed men

Justin Bieber, MRA?

Over on The Counter-Feminist, the self-proclaimed Counter-Feminist Agent of Change (CFAC) known as Fidelbogen has written a very strange fan letter to Justin Bieber. The teen heartthrob and lesbian-doppleganger, you see, has written a song about the woman who falsely accused him of fathering a child, which makes Bieber practically an MRA.

Poor Fidelbogen is clearly having a hard time dealing with his conflicted feelings about Bieber. He’s overjoyed that Bieber is taking on an evil paternity fraudress, but he’s clearly afraid that expressing too much enthusiasm about the Beebs will make him look, I don’t know, sort of girly? What else could explain all the hemming and hawing in his account of the Beebs’ new song?

Mind you, not that I give two spits about the young pop singer Justin Bieber, but the significance of certain events does not escape me. The lad is quite popular among people of a certain generational subculture, and he was recently the target of attempted paternity fraud. The attempt failed, and Justin memorialized the experience in a song … .

The Fides goes on to deliver a standard-issue anti-feminist minirant:

What’s this got to do with feminism, you ask? Well, feminism has empowered women to do many, many things — especially things that would hurt or exploit males. Likewise, feminist propaganda and legal activism has generated a cultural climate in which the “deadbeat dad” trope has risen to special prominence — aye, to a point of moral hysteria! Finally, feminist complicity with the paternity fraud industry is written in blazing letters by anybody who cares to look.

And then it’s back to the glory of Bieber:

Justin Bieber’s song might just hammer home, in the minds of certain male youngsters, some of the cruel facts of male existence in today’s world. And that can only be to the political benefit of the non-feminist revolution. So, on with it!

I don’t know. When I feel the urge to listen to music about paternity fraud, I tend to go with the classics:

Try this one, too, if you like Ukes:

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12 years ago

IDK, the song might hammer home that tween girls can be, um, overly enthusiastic. Then they grow up, at least most of them. Like many problems, more feminism would help here.

12 years ago

“paternity fraud industry”

Do they have a website? How can I apply for employment?

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

The line from Billie Jean “She showed me a photo of a baby crying, his eyes looked like mine” made me believe the song was about a guy that really did have a son he didn’t want to claim. I just looked it up, though, and Michael Jackson himself said the guy wasn’t a father, and the woman represented the women he met backstage after concerts.

Fidelbogen is doing an excellent job on his celebrity gossip posts, oops I mean important men’s rights activism. Now he needs to write about how Ryan Reynolds was rude to someone at a restaurant in Bedford, New York. If he adds a feature on who dressed best on the red carpet last week, then he will truly be a champion for the rights of men everywhere.

12 years ago

I totally misread the first line of this entry as “Over the Counter Feminist.” Which I thought was an interesting turn of phrase. (As opposed to a prescription feminist? Which you get assigned if you’re “not feminist enough”? Is there a Big PharmaFemi?)

Also, uh. Isn’t Justin Bieber a freaking minor? Seeing as I don’t know many teenagers who know how paternity fraud works, I’m having creepy imaginings here. He wasn’t abused by an older woman was he? D:

12 years ago

Also, uh. Isn’t Justin Bieber a freaking minor? Seeing as I don’t know many teenagers who know how paternity fraud works, I’m having creepy imaginings here. He wasn’t abused by an older woman was he? D:

It appears not – he’s maintained that he never met or had sex with the woman who claimed he fathered her child. (Also, IIRC, she’s like two years older than him. And I think he might be a legal adult now – which is terrifying – although he would have been about 16 then.)

12 years ago

Sounds a bit more like a stalker hoping that by accusing him of something like that she could perhaps see the Beebs in the flesh. This kind of behavior happens with erotomaniacs, but oh no! This is an example of the tyranny of us wimminz!

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

The girl who accused him of fathering her baby was probably emotionally disturbed and most definitely does not represent all women. Again, MRA’s don’t want to give women credit for being individuals. They see a woman acting in a very negative way, then talk about her as if her behavior is a female norm.

12 years ago

Oh thank goodness. I mean, I don’t know much about Beiber, but I wouldn’t want him to have horrible things happen to him. (Not that having a crank fan is fun.)

And MRAs claim women can’t be creepy. Behold! Creepy woman! Uber-creepy woman!

(As a side note, in the unlikelihood I will ever become famous, I am extremely relieved to think that it would be in a field that WOULDN’T attract that kind of batshit creepy fan. Writers for the win!)

12 years ago

Again, MRA’s don’t want to give women credit for being individuals.

Nor do you.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

What a jackass. Here’s the thing about celebrities of both genders – they all tend to have obsessive fans who will sometimes go to great lengths to get their celebrity of choice’s attention.

But oh no, it’s because of the feminist agenda to spermjack hapless men. Triple points if it’s a teeny bopper popstar! That’s right, girls. You get to fuck a man’s life up and collect bazillions in child support! WooHoo!

Fuck off, Fartbogen. Your guys’ schtick is getting real damn old.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Yay, another MRA story about a victimized man that ends in “yeah, so he’s still rich and famous and she’s a national laughingstock who got no money, but he was VERY NEARLY INCONVENIENCED.”

Anthony Zarat
12 years ago

Nice going, you have turned into a pack of rape apologists. Bieber was 16, Yeater was 19. According to HER version, she BARELY avoids felony assault, but still commits misdemeanor assault. Why was she not charged or even questioned for her admitted crime? Why did the law go after BIeber for being her victim? Why are all of you OK with this? Victim blaming feel good when you defend one of the girls?

Feminism at its best. When a female is assaulted, blame the male. When a male is assaulted, still blame the male. It does not matter that the whole thing was false. What matters is, authorities should have arrested Yeater on the spot when she admited misdemeanor assault of a minor.


For the purposes of this section, a “minor” is a person under the age of 18 years and an “adult” is a person who is at least 18 years of age.

(b) Any person who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is not more than three years older or three years younger than the perpetrator, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

(B) An adult who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor at least two years younger than the adult is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000).

12 years ago

Nice going, you have turned into a pack of rape apologists. Bieber was 16, Yeater was 19. According to HER version, she BARELY avoids felony assault, but still commits misdemeanor assault. Why was she not charged or even questioned for her admitted crime?

How do you know she wasn’t?

Why did the law go after BIeber for being her victim?

It did? When?

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

AntZ, Bieber and Yeater never actually had sex. Yeater falsely accused herself of rape in order to get media attention. There never was any type of contact between her and Bieber. Her ex got her pregnant. Thanks a lot for making me read to find that out for you.

12 years ago

Antz, have you found a therapist yet? I’m concerned.

Did you see the part about how Bieber says he’d had no contact at all with her? It’s hard for the law to go after a woman for an assault that never happened. Her paternity lawsuit has now been dropped. BTW, no one in this thread has defended Yeater or blamed Bieber. But rant away, it’s what you seem to enjoy most in the world.

Anthony Zarat
12 years ago

Where is Toy Soldier when you need him? The man boobz brigade is:

1) Beating up on a rape victim:
“Triple points if it’s a teeny bopper popstar!”

2) Blaming him for his victimization:
“Here’s the thing about celebrities of both genders – they all tend to have obsessive fans who will sometimes go to great lengths to get their celebrity of choice’s attention.”

2) Excusing the assailant:
“The girl who accused him of fathering her baby was probably emotionally disturbed.”

3) Glorifying the assault:
“Do they have a website? How can I apply for employment?”
“He wasn’t abused by an older woman was he? D:”

4) And trivializing his experience:
“Yeah, so he’s still rich and famous and she’s a national laughingstock who got no money, but he was VERY NEARLY INCONVENIENCED.”

Congratulations, good work. Going to re-post on Toy Soldier’s web site, hopefully he will run a full story about this outrage.

12 years ago

Bieber says he wasn’t raped, Antz. Does what Bieber say not even matter? Do facts not matter to you at all? Oh, never mind. Forgot who I was asking…

Anthony Zarat
12 years ago

Listen up boob brigade, WHAT DID YOU THINK HE WOULD SAY?!? If he says the truth, feminist double standards mean that his assailant will not be prosecuted, and he as the victim will be liable for 26 years of indentured servitude and heartbreak at the loss of his child. So he MUST say he had nothing to do with her … because of YOUR FEMINIST DOUBLE STANDARDS!

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

TS probably will, he is almost as bad at reading comprehension as you are, Antsy.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

AntZ, the ex-boyfriend got Yeater pregnant. Her mom sent her text messages saying how Robbie(the ex) was the baby’s dad. Yeater wanted to delete those messages to keep up the lie that Bieber was the dad, but those messages got released to the media instead. Not only did Yeater not rape Bieber, she never even met him. Bieber himself offered to do a DNA test to prove he wasn’t the father, but that won’t happen now that Yeater dropped her paternity suit.

12 years ago

Oh FFS, Antz. His lawyers say he is going to sue her because the paternity tests show he was not the father of the child. She is a bad (or possibly sick) person, but not apparently a rapist.
As David’s post says in the 2nd sentence, what happened here is that a woman falsely accused him of being the baby’s father. Do you not believe in the paternity tests either? Can NO facts get through to you at all? Oh, never mind. Forgot who I was asking.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago



Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago



12 years ago

Sorry, should have said “Would you not believe in the paternity tests either?” since apparently she dropped the suit.

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

The MRA Cycle of Life:

1. MRA makes dumb, bullshit arguments and assumptions about the behavior of women.
2. Feminists mock arguments using sarcasm.
3. MRA makes dumb, bullshit arguments using the assumption that sarcasm is sincerity.
4. MRAs get to marvel at how evil feminists are, yet again.
5. GO TO: 1.

1 2 3 4