Quiz: Who said the following?
I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should’ve never turned this over to women. … And these women are voting in the wrong people. They’re voting in people who are evil who agrees with them who’re gonna take us down this pathway of destruction.
And this probably was the reason that they didn’t allow women to vote when men were men. Because men in the good old days understood the nature of the woman. They were not afraid to deal with it. And they understood that, you let them take over, this is what would happen. …
Wherever women are taking over, evil reigns.
Was it:
Some dude on The Spearhead?
A regular guest on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News?
Well, yeah, you guessed it: it’s door number three. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a Tea Party activist and founder of the group Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND), said all of the above, and quite a lot of other outrageously misogynistic things, in a talk this March, and which is available on YouTube. Yet Hannity, who serves on the board of Peterson’s group, had him back on his show earlier this month, for an appearance during which Peterson described “liberal Democrat women” as “whores.” Raw Story, which discovered Peterson’s unlisted video on YouTube, offers many more delightful misogyny nuggets from Peterson.
Here’s the video of Peterson’s talk. The stuff about women and voting starts at about 8:30 in. But I suggest you watch the whole thing from the start; it’s a virtual smorgasbord of misogyny, seasoned with a bunch of stuff he simply made up about Sandra Fluke’s famous congressional testimony on birth control.
It would be nice if this sort of stuff was confined to the fringes of the manosphere, but alas, it’s everywhere.
This needs repeating for how stupid it is.
John, the next time you go out, if you remember and actually care to learn anything, take a look while you’re out, see how much of the route you take is actually wheelchair accessible. Noting that anything over 1/2″ high is impassible by many wheelchair users. The first time you step off a curb that’s lacking curb cuts, take a look at the speed of the traffic a wheelchair user would be forced to be in. And then, for the love of humanity, pull your head out of your ass.
Use a motorized wheelchair as a car >.< More like try not to get hit by a car.
Polliwog, I hope for your sake that wherever you live is better about this shit than all the places I've lived, but I doubt it. You have my sympathies. At least I don't have to plan my routes around which is least likely to get me killed when the sidewalk just disappears.
John, if you are so envious of people on the disabled pension, and it’s so easy to get, just go on it yourself!
Use a motorized wheelchair as a car >.< More like try not to get hit by a car
One of my patients who had a stroke (he wasn't that old either) used to ride his motorised wheelchair to the hospital about 2 miles away and the area is very hilly and few sidewalks. He must have had a powerful battery.
And as I said, some States are not as good as others as far a benefits or availability.I'm in Conn. and NY is close and I have another business in Jersey. All of these States have good benefits but I don't know about Arkansas.
Hey Maggie, is that what you read?
Yeah Magpie he’s not envious, he thinks I’m a leech on society, keep up!
Suffrage, leeches, damned should I be reading my Victorian era book instead. Can we get an argument in favor of corsets next then?
John, I’ll tell you this much regarding where I am — I grew up in CT, and didn’t move nearly as far as Arkansas, but that liberal new england thing doesn’t go south very far. I note this because nowhere in CT is remotely as hilly as where I am now, it’s kinda amusing to me to try and picture the “very hilly” and just coming up with laughter.
CT is *flat* — but definitely has excellent pizza, have a canoli for me John, I miss those things.
I’m against corsets and am a member of the Anti Tight Lacing Society. This was a real group.
You’re against women choosing to tight lace in 2012? Great, another choice women make you don’t approve of we’re back on topic!
nowhere in CT is remotely as hilly as where I am now
Not even Ridgefield?:) And besides, I’m not always in the US but in the country of New York. I’m not even sure this place exists most of the time and may change into something else overnight lol
I did that at prep school 40 years ago.
A 50-something fake doctor? Did your relatives come over on the Mayflower?
Ok maybe Ridgefield at least compares, but we’ve got streets so steep they’re one way downhill here, it’s kind of impressive.
About NY’s a joke about the metro area? I avoid it like it has the plague, so I can’t comment.
Curious wtf your issue with tight lacing in the modern era is though, considering it’s entirely a choice. Just don’t like the aesthetic, don’t date a tight lacer, so what’s the issue you need an anti society for? Or it’s just a society group these days descended from when tight lacing was with whale bone corsets and nearly required?
Katz, I’d go with 60-something, unless they were teaching Latin to the under 10 crowd using Wheelock’s Latin. Considering I spent 3 years with that book, I highly doubt it. (I also highly doubt most of what he’s saying)
That society did exist and Bernard Shaw was a member and yes it was from an era when women did wear lacing that was unhealthy. Really unhealthy. Shaw himself wore Dr Jaeger’s hygienic wool clothes. I think the co. is still around. Jaeger believed that wool was the best thing to wear for health and to regulate body temperature. I guess he was like Dr Kellogg.
They used to teach Latin at a young age and besides I didn’t say I was an expert.
Futrelle, you need some music for this site. How about this 🙂
Hygienic wool? That’s nearly an oxymoron in an era that still had to worry about the plague…
And yeah I know they used to teach Latin to children, I just didn’t think any of them actually understood Wheelock, though I blame him for that. Rote memorization is no way to learn a language. *click, click, click, shudder* Probably didn’t help any that my Latin teacher had an issue with us stupid public school kids (said to a class made up mostly of the top 10 students in my graduating class no less)
Well if we’re sharing videos and I’m already on the plague…might as well make like a good little plague rat and spread it.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smbyxlBlds0&w=420&h=315%5D
Classical on the off chance John is as old as he says, though she’s done everything from that to celtic to whatever the most recent would be called, I keep calling it “yes, the scary Germans did influence her, and it’s good”
Lol, is promoting a female artist misandry to the MRAs? Only men can play instruments? Idiots, I’ve never heard anyone else make a violin sing like she can.
I’m depressed too; I’m doing better now than I used to be, but I know it’s bad news. John Thomas is dumb by troll standards and tomorrow he’ll have moved on. Be cool.
Lol nope; you just have to not be able to do the job you trained to do. My mother is on disability, and no doubt she could check out groceries at Whole Foods, but since she can’t work as an ESL teacher any more she receives aid.
Mm hmm, mm hmm, and what caused the CVA in question? If you’re a doctor I’ll eat my own hands.
VoIP, I’ve moved on to the artist I link above, and *nothing* gets into my brain past her violin, it’s why I love her music so much. Thank you for this part though
Things actually bothering me would include that they’re going to do that to me — decide I could bag groceries or something min wage like that — then again I think they’ve decided that since I’m a few credits shy of actually having my degree, I just have a HS diploma, and that means I’m only qualified to bag groceries? Idk, I’m trying not to think about it until I hear back from them. (Fuck, I’m not sure I could even bag groceries full time, and anything less than full time doesn’t pay goddamned rent)
….oh look, my upstairs neighbor’s alarm just went off, great, I give it half an hour before my day resembles this song:
please embed right this time!
complete embed fail! I was going for The Man Upstairs by Voltaire
Anyone want to explain how to embed video?
(1) They are going to dick you around. You probably won’t get approved on the first try.
(2) DO NOT PANIC. Almost nobody gets approved on the first application. You will almost certainly have to repeat the process, BUT THAT IS OK.
(3) Get a lawyer. In case you didn’t know, there are people who specialize in SSD, because of (1). They are a tremendous help.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtuOzQXJYME *sigh* and now I give up
OK, it’s 2 in the morning here so I’m going to try to do some homework or something. Good night everyone.
VoIP, thank you, but there’s no way I can afford a lawyer, and I’m waiting to hear back on appeal round 1 already. So I guess that just leaves the Hitchhiker’s Guide “DON’T PANIC” then. And I should have the insurance paperwork for cheap-o scripts soon, and then we’ll be trying another round of don’t-panic-pills (the last round made me suicidal, that was fun!)
My psych is through a charity clinic though, and I think it was implied they’d assist if the appeal process requires more than me filling out forms (not that those aren’t themselves panic inducing or anything, it’s a rather ironic process)
I’ll run the lawyer question by the near-lawyer friend if they deny me again though, maybe I’ll get lucky and he knows someone. Worth picking his brain as to what my options there are though. Idk, I’m hoping after the 20 pages of forms they’ll not continue the hoop-jumping, but I await their decision on my forms. At the moment I think waiting without panicking is my only option though, and hopefully I won’t need to do appeal round 2 (though, call me into court, please, that’ll make it obvious! Please, let me try to stop shaking long enough to answer a question coherently, it’ll be fun!)
Oh and the MRAs are going to flip that you said “dick you around” cuz male genitals! Whatever, though I’m preferring “make me act like a trained poodle” personally.