Quiz: Who said the following?
I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should’ve never turned this over to women. … And these women are voting in the wrong people. They’re voting in people who are evil who agrees with them who’re gonna take us down this pathway of destruction.
And this probably was the reason that they didn’t allow women to vote when men were men. Because men in the good old days understood the nature of the woman. They were not afraid to deal with it. And they understood that, you let them take over, this is what would happen. …
Wherever women are taking over, evil reigns.
Was it:
Some dude on The Spearhead?
A regular guest on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News?
Well, yeah, you guessed it: it’s door number three. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a Tea Party activist and founder of the group Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND), said all of the above, and quite a lot of other outrageously misogynistic things, in a talk this March, and which is available on YouTube. Yet Hannity, who serves on the board of Peterson’s group, had him back on his show earlier this month, for an appearance during which Peterson described “liberal Democrat women” as “whores.” Raw Story, which discovered Peterson’s unlisted video on YouTube, offers many more delightful misogyny nuggets from Peterson.
Here’s the video of Peterson’s talk. The stuff about women and voting starts at about 8:30 in. But I suggest you watch the whole thing from the start; it’s a virtual smorgasbord of misogyny, seasoned with a bunch of stuff he simply made up about Sandra Fluke’s famous congressional testimony on birth control.
It would be nice if this sort of stuff was confined to the fringes of the manosphere, but alas, it’s everywhere.
Yeah, but you don’t go “right to the top of the waitlist.”
I know right? That must be why I’m debating wtf I want for my insomniac dinner…(though, we shall see if I’m *disabled* I’m in limbo currently, which suuuucks)
@VoIP, good point, but he’s so very wrong I’d figured that was simply mishearing/misunderstanding wtf priority means in practice. And yeah I know he’s just trying to piss me off, but “depressed” hit a fucking nerve.
@pillowinhell — WordSpinner gave basically the same answer I got from the near-lawyer friend regarding the source of property owning men can vote
@JT There are a number of Civil Rights Acts, you dolt. You only need Wikipedia to find that out.
John, nice fucking try but no way am I telling you where I live, how stupid do you think I am?
Do you need treatment? I wasn’t asking for your street address if you’re that paranoid lol And if those so called people are getting bills then they must have money.There are plenty of free clinics.
How is it that disabled people only need to go to medical appts? Do their doctors shop for them too? Can I pick up groceries at the hospital now then? Do they sell sneakers too? I need a new pair. Fuck, I can’t even pick up my prescriptions at the doctor’s office, forget everything else I actually need
If you need assistance in transportation it is available.And if you need some clothes thn call the Salvation Army or other people who help. They’ll give you some money or buy it for you.
Prescriptions are $4 at Walmarts.Or you can get them free when you go to the hospital.Tell the doctor you have no money and he’ll get the drugs from the hospital pharmacy or look around for some samples. I’ve done it for people myself.
“And disabled people, believe it or not, might like to, idk, take the kids to a movie for example”
I haven’t been to a film since the 1970’s lol Do I have to pay for your kid’s entertainment too? Don’t they go to school? That’s enough entertainment. Go take a walk with them so they don’t become lardarses.
You’re the type who just wants other people to pay for your poor judgement and planning in life and you want it on a silver platter. Sory but that’s not how the world works.
Indeed! It was pushed through by a Congress composed largely of two-million-year-old Neanderthals, who were from Africa, and was signed by President Montgomery Clift, a time-traveler from the future whose other accomplishments included being photographed decades after he died. #trustmeimanexpert
cloudy-Wiki is biased and unreliable.They also have an axe to grind like the females on here.
John, your fake concern is touching, really. Free clinics are available yes, they also tend to be understaffed with long waiting periods and an utter lack of free samples (I’ll grant that they’ll help with medicare/medicaid applications though) — you do get that that $4 at walmart means being able to get to a walmart and medicare/medicaid only cover transport to the doctor’s though? No, no you don’t.
And “look around for samples” doesn’t work so well when everything you try goes SIDE EFFECTS AAAHH on you, you’ve just oversimplified medicine to the point I suspect you’re more like an intake receptionist than an MD.
Also, I say “do disabled people stop getting to enjoy things they enjoy when they become disabled” and you say “take the kids for a walk so they don’t become lardasses” — I’m going to take that as you saying that yes, becoming disabled means you must now live in utter poverty where all clothing is second hand, all drugs either samples or generic, and all entertainment free.
And I’m just so very sure that my probably genetic condition is because of my poor choices, that must be it!
@not-John — Does anyone think it’s worth the pixels to tackle wtf is wrong with his lardass statement?
Oh I know John, they don’t even go out to museums and libraries? Or do you have issue with free public libraries now too? (I note you ignored how education is a universal right btw)
@polliwog, thank you, I needed that spot of humor, and am now laughing about “being photographed after he died” like that wasn’t common at one point (it was the only sort of human photograph for awhile, the shutter time was waaaay too long to photograph living people)
Victorian era is kinda preferable to this, not that this isn’t….*sigh* 2012 is reminding me an awful lot of 1912, which I’ve said about 4 times in the last 24 hours thanks to this BS about suffrage.
For some reason, when I click on John Thomas`s name it mentions cloudiah…is anyone else getting that?
Also John, I’m not paranoid, I have a stalker ex who doesn’t know which state I moved to, it’s not paranoia if it’s founded in legitimate concerns.
Vop-I mentioned one thing,disabled. There are others that will put you at the top in priority like being homeless, paying over a certain % of income in rent etc
@argenti-“Maybe this doesn’t apply to me, seeing as I’m disabled and not “disabled,” but I really had no idea that needing a cane or wheelchair to get around meant I no longer needed to buy food and basic necessities in order to live.
So you’re disabled in your own mind then? You made this diagnosis on your own? Why do you need a wheelchair? If you can’t walk do to obesity then you’d be disabled.In fact, you could get a motorised version and use it as an RV then you don’t even need a car.
argenti-as I said I don’t care where you live but knowing the general area I can find hospitals and clinics and look up benefits for that State. Some States are better than others.I suggest that you talk to some social worker in the county.
Oh. My. Gods. John.
You really want to know? I’m disabled by medicare standards, and awaiting whether SSDI/SSI agrees or wants me to jump through more hoops. If you remotely work in medicine this state of applying shouldn’t shock you at all.
Also, if you could read, I already gave you a neon sign as to what sort of condition we’re talking about here, but I’m going to continue to ignore your weight shaming. Disabled =/= uses wheelchair.
If you were directing that at polliwog and not me, ze said ze’s disabled, not “disabled” as in actually really disabled, not made up disabled in scare quotes. And it’s none of your fucking business wtf ze needs a wheelchair for, if you went to prep school 40 years ago then I’m sure you’re familiar with MYOB, so do it.
@crumbelievable What?!!?!??
@John Thomas There weren’t other years when Civil Rights Acts were passed? Do tell…
Yeah John, if you’d actually read, you’d see I have that covered. (Fuck you want to find me a hospital, it’s about 2 miles that way, pretty sure I can find it myself thanks)
@cloudiah — idk, but I’m getting the same thing. My only guess is that John entered that link as his website, that’s likely how the back end on this works. (Yeah it’s running on WP, that’s almost certainly how the back end works)
@John — if so, knock that shit off.
OMG @crumbelievable I am getting that too with his 1:30 am post. WTF?
@john I would really appreciate you NOT Impersonating me. Please explain.
You really want to know? I’m disabled by medicare standards, and awaiting whether SSDI/SSI agrees
Well, I can tell you right now that you won’t get the SSD but may get the SSI. To qualify for SSD you have to be permanently and totally disabled which means that you are unable to do any job.According to the SS admin. even people in wheelchairs can do some sort of work but as I said you may get SSI (it’s means tested) So my advise is to try for that then the other benefits will be easy to get.
@John Thomas Why does your name link to my ID? If that is a joke, cut it out.
…you can tell I don’t qualify as totally disabled by the fact I’m typing online? You should apply for some sort of grant to prove your psychic powers or something…
People in wheelchairs often can do some sort of work, depending why they need the wheelchair, but that’s because so many jobs can be done whilst seated, whether able bodied or not. It’s also irrelevant to me personally, unless you think the only disabled people are the ones in wheelchairs, which really wouldn’t surprise me any at this point.
And I neither asked for, nor need, your advice. While we’re giving unasked for advice though, please learn to space your sentences and capitalize new ones, it’ll improve readability (only a bit in your case, but it’s a start)
Care to address why your name is linking to cloudiah’s gravatar page though?
Don’t know why
you can tell I don’t qualify as totally disabled by the fact I’m typing online
No, because I know how they operate. I’ve know a couple of doctors who had cancer and they did not get SSD. That’s why I said SSI which is about the same amount anyway. People with assets will not get it.
And I’m well aware that mental disabilities are better for the disability because even if you’re physically healthy you may still not be able to work.
Aaaaand we’ve now got the obligatory “you’re totally fat, aren’t you?” If you’re not Pell, I’m going to be genuinely surprised.
And no, for the record, the reason I can’t walk has nothing to do with what I weigh, and while I do indeed make the diagnosis of “yup, still can’t walk” every day all by myself, my condition was diagnosed and is managed by several physicians and a physical therapist. But the mental image of me trying to travel down the highway the roughly 15 miles from my (very rural) home to the nearest grocery store in a power-chair is truly hilarious, so thank you for that.