Quiz: Who said the following?
I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should’ve never turned this over to women. … And these women are voting in the wrong people. They’re voting in people who are evil who agrees with them who’re gonna take us down this pathway of destruction.
And this probably was the reason that they didn’t allow women to vote when men were men. Because men in the good old days understood the nature of the woman. They were not afraid to deal with it. And they understood that, you let them take over, this is what would happen. …
Wherever women are taking over, evil reigns.
Was it:
Some dude on The Spearhead?
A regular guest on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News?
Well, yeah, you guessed it: it’s door number three. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a Tea Party activist and founder of the group Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND), said all of the above, and quite a lot of other outrageously misogynistic things, in a talk this March, and which is available on YouTube. Yet Hannity, who serves on the board of Peterson’s group, had him back on his show earlier this month, for an appearance during which Peterson described “liberal Democrat women” as “whores.” Raw Story, which discovered Peterson’s unlisted video on YouTube, offers many more delightful misogyny nuggets from Peterson.
Here’s the video of Peterson’s talk. The stuff about women and voting starts at about 8:30 in. But I suggest you watch the whole thing from the start; it’s a virtual smorgasbord of misogyny, seasoned with a bunch of stuff he simply made up about Sandra Fluke’s famous congressional testimony on birth control.
It would be nice if this sort of stuff was confined to the fringes of the manosphere, but alas, it’s everywhere.
And as John continues to show his ignorance as well as his arrogance.
John you came here, to our meeting place. We determine what language gets used and in what ways.
He doesn’t know what traditional gender roles are….lemme guess, you’re a martian astronaut too.
Sorry, be on every street in poor neighborhoods?
John, I am going to try not to swear at you while picking apart your lasted round of shit, wish me luck everyone? And I don’t buy you’re an MD either, particularly if you think current substance abuse qualifies for SSDI/SSI.
“Depressed” eh? Come back with those scare quotes when brushing your teeth sounds about as simple as climbing Everest. Not that that’s enough to qualify for SSDI/SSI, you also have to prove it’s a recurring condition and unlikely to improve. Being in substance abuse treatment programs can get one temporary disablity benefits so one can focus on, you know, not being an addict anymore. Or you’d prefer they be forced to work and not able to engage in treatment programs? If you’re anything remotely like an MD you know how many hours a day for how many weeks those run. (And since you aren’t, it’s a lot of hours every day for many weeks, I’d be more specific but it varies widely)
Seriously though, scare quotes on depression from an MD? You just picked one of the leading causes of suicide, and thus one of the deadly mental illnesses, and claimed it’s made up *slow clap*
Food stamps, and medical insurance, both work based solely on income and need. But in your world the poor should starve and die of treatable health problems, because they’re poor and a drain on society. See above about growing some humanity.
I live in one of America’s “most affordable cities” and the wait list for section 8 is 2 years because yep, not public housing, which means you wait until something’s available. And I *love* “move to the boondocks” do they have public transport out there? Grocery stores? No? Those aren’t optional if you’re too poor to afford a car (or too disabled to drive)
Because it will be tidier clean up than sending in the military firing squads?
@John Thomas, Why should abortion clinics be only in poor neighborhoods?
Because that’s where most of the unwanted pregnancies are and where the people least able to afford a kid are.
@John, my comment about gender roles was replying to not-you. Also, I’ve taken 4 years of Latin, I can read Cicero, pretty sure I already knew language had gender (Latin’s even got gender neutral words!)
So I’ll use sex when taking about biology, and gender when referring to presentation or roles or related things — you don’t know what traditional sex roles are because they’re gender roles (and seriously, you don’t know wtf that generally means? what sort of rock do you live under?)
@everyone who isn’t John — oh it’s because those poor people are a drain on society, who else saw that coming?
I can’t believe he had to spell that out.
I live in one of America’s “most affordable cities” and the wait list for section 8 is 2 years because yep, not public housing, which means you wait until something’s available. And I *love* “move to the boondocks” do they have public transport out there? Grocery stores? No? Those aren’t optional if you’re too poor to afford a car (or too disabled to drive)
If you’re “disabled” you don’t have to worry about going anywhere and besides medicaid will transport you to medical appointments.
You know, I was talking to the social worker at my hospital so I know how the whole thing works. That Sec 8 waiting list is for normal people who need rent assistance but once you’re disabled you go right to the top of the list. And no, once you’re eligible you just find your own place and tell them which is why I mentioned discrimination.
And let me also add this,in the US most hospitals are designated Community Hospitals even if there’s no mention of this in the hospital’s name. This means that even if you have no health insurance of medicaid they must treat you on a sliding scale of payments (it’s usually means 0) so stop with this BS about not getting treatment because you’re either lying or have some ulterior motive. Can’t get treatment?Tell me where you live and I’ll tell you where to go in 5 min.
Ah so, if you’re going to be born poor, better not to be born at all! MRA ideology in action. (vomits in mouth slightly)
So first off, about the poor being a drain on society:
(if you have access to jstor, this should work).
For the rest of you, basically this is an essay about the important things that poor people do both socially and economically. But the thing is–most jobs that people in the working poor have are useful. Somebody needs to clean the toilets and take care of the children and elderly (among other things). I think it is a tragedy when these jobs don’t pay enough to live on, but they need to be done.
And on voting–the reason it isn’t in the constitution is because it was a state’s issue. New Jersey, for example, didn’t originally specify that women couldn’t vote, so rich enough women voted up until 1807. Suffrage for non-property-owning men was similarly patchwork, but was in place in most places in the US by 1850. (Source: wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacksonian_democracy).
I totally believe you’re a doctor.
But let’s ask the US legal code!
Good luck with that, dudebr0.
Okay then, use the word “woman” when talking about human beings, because “female” is an adjective. Also, separating two independent clauses with a comma is a comma splice. Use a semicolon.
(He’s a doctor: is it Pelljane?)
I should say that obviously that’s suffrage for poor white men–black people of all genders couldn’t consistently vote (esp. in the South) until after the civil rights act.
@John, my comment about gender roles was replying to not-you. Also, I’ve taken 4 years of Latin, I can read Cicero, pretty sure I already knew language had gender (Latin’s even got gender neutral words!)
I did that at prep school 40 years ago. Cicero? Is he related to the Cis co kid?
I am laughing my ass off at the fact that Mr. Internet Doctor here cannot come up with any reason why someone could possibly not know they were pregnant less than two months into their pregnancy AND thinks “depressed” is a thing that goes in scare-quotes. I hate to break it to you, Mr. Internet Doctor, but people who have actually been to medical school pretty consistently know extremely basic medical facts like “how pregnancy works.” It’s one of those little tell-tale signs, kind of like how actual lawyers have some idea how Supreme Court cases typically work.
But hey, you’re at least one step up from another Internet Doctor I encountered a while back, who was almost pulling off his “totally a doctor” schtick until he mentioned his Educated Doctor Opinion that women pee out of their vaginas. I bet you two would get along. Maybe you could open a practice together!
This isn’t true either. Now, I know this for a fact because I don’t remember my mother’s disability having any effect on her position in the waitlist, but according to HUD’s website,
John, nice fucking try but no way am I telling you where I live, how stupid do you think I am?
And yeah, hospitals have to treat you, they also tend to bill you for that. So to MRAs I have an ulterior motive — I’m goddamned sick and tired of seeing people I know and care about going without health care because they’re still paying the bill from last time. Sick and tired of seeing people go without preventative health care because they can only afford to be seen on an emergency basis at one of those hospitals. And utterly, completely, fucking sick and tired of seeing mental health being treated as a damned joke that people should just get over already.
“Disabled” gets scare quotes now too, so Christopher Reeves should’ve just taken up horse back riding again? Fuck, I can almost understand how people make light of clinical depression, we’ve all had a nasty break up or the like, but you just lumped all disabilities under “nope, made up” >.<
How is it that disabled people only need to go to medical appts? Do their doctors shop for them too? Can I pick up groceries at the hospital now then? Do they sell sneakers too? I need a new pair. Fuck, I can't even pick up my prescriptions at the doctor's office, forget everything else I actually need
And disabled people, believe it or not, might like to, idk, take the kids to a movie for example. Or is that some sort of luxury they ceased having any right to when they became disabled and needed what I’m sure you’ll call “a handout”?
Ulterior motives? Yeah I don’t like seeing people suffer needlessly, you’ll have to pardon me for giving a shit, I certainly don’t intend to stop just cuz some idiot on the internet who thinks he’s an expert in everything told me to.
How much do you want to bet that if our Lawyerdoctor here replies to my post, he calls me “Golliwog”?
Be chill, my droog. He wants to make us mad, but he’s just really stupid.
I should say that obviously that’s suffrage for poor white men–black people of all genders couldn’t consistently vote (esp. in the South) until after the civil rights act
Actually the Civil Rights Act was in 1866.It took Supreme Court decisions under a Republican President in the 50’s to enforce certain rights.I guess that you never saw those videos of the National Guard camped out on college campuses.
epic fail
Aw, man, Katz beat me to it.
In other things that appeared while I was posting, I’m laughing again at this:
Maybe this doesn’t apply to me, seeing as I’m disabled and not “disabled,” but I really had no idea that needing a cane or wheelchair to get around meant I no longer needed to buy food and basic necessities in order to live. That’s pretty cool! I mean, I thought being unable to walk unassisted sucked, but apparently it means I’m a superhuman entity who survives on air alone, and I’ve got to admit, that’s kinda badass.
“I did that at prep school 40 years ago. Cicero? Is he related to the Cis co kid?”
Only if they both like making sex jokes involving fish.
@polliwag, that’s hilarious, I think most of the boys in my high school sex ed class knew better than that!
@VoIP — and here I thought he’d managed to get one tiny fact right, as the local Sec 8 program does give priority to the disabled (and to families with children)
oops polliwog, you’re not a polliwag, sorry about that!