Quiz: Who said the following?
I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should’ve never turned this over to women. … And these women are voting in the wrong people. They’re voting in people who are evil who agrees with them who’re gonna take us down this pathway of destruction.
And this probably was the reason that they didn’t allow women to vote when men were men. Because men in the good old days understood the nature of the woman. They were not afraid to deal with it. And they understood that, you let them take over, this is what would happen. …
Wherever women are taking over, evil reigns.
Was it:
Some dude on The Spearhead?
A regular guest on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News?
Well, yeah, you guessed it: it’s door number three. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a Tea Party activist and founder of the group Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND), said all of the above, and quite a lot of other outrageously misogynistic things, in a talk this March, and which is available on YouTube. Yet Hannity, who serves on the board of Peterson’s group, had him back on his show earlier this month, for an appearance during which Peterson described “liberal Democrat women” as “whores.” Raw Story, which discovered Peterson’s unlisted video on YouTube, offers many more delightful misogyny nuggets from Peterson.
Here’s the video of Peterson’s talk. The stuff about women and voting starts at about 8:30 in. But I suggest you watch the whole thing from the start; it’s a virtual smorgasbord of misogyny, seasoned with a bunch of stuff he simply made up about Sandra Fluke’s famous congressional testimony on birth control.
It would be nice if this sort of stuff was confined to the fringes of the manosphere, but alas, it’s everywhere.
Yeah, and we know how that notion that giving someone ownership and power over another person would ensure that the owned property would be well cared for, because it was in the owner’s best interest, worked out in practice. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/01/in-recently-discovered-le_n_1247288.html
@jessay, “I think feminists don’t like it because it’s a competing narrative backed by evidence.” — I love the attempts to defend ev-psych, my major was psychology, and it’s the laughing stock of the field. And for your MRA, if you’re still debating him, try noting that ev-psych shit can’t pass peer review because it has nothing to do with anything. (You’re right about the rest, I just needed to mock ev-psych a bit)
“Women are not blamed for their own rapes, that’s just a flat out lie. Sure it’s happened in the past, and women have been told to cover up by people who don’t understand why rape happens, but rape is taken very seriously by law enforcement regardless of what feminists say. ”
*dies laughing* oh so that’s why so few reported rapes ever see a courtroom? Because it’s treated as a serious matter?
Your troll on youtube is way more fun than NWO…
Ugh, the whole idea of groups voting in ‘the wrong people’. That only groups who would vote for the ‘right’ people should have the vote. I don’t even. Democracy, you’re doing it wrong.
“Intersectionality is just exploitation.” says a white hetero cis man? I realize that’s a boat load of assumptions, but seems to be the only ones I ever hear that from. (This troll is definitely more amusing than NWO)
Arks, you do realize that working class women and women of color also supported increased rights for women, including suffrage, right? See for example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sojourner_Truth
I tip my hat to that black gentleman andi hope he and his found all their hearts desired. Though I’m sure thsat letter must have given him the greatest satisfaction, a moment to truly savour.
The best revenge is a life well lived, after all…
@ arks
Nice try, but landless males and FREED SLAVES got the vote before women in this country (1920, which wasn’t that long ago).
@ John Thomas
To what videos are you referring? The only MRA I’ve seen who I don’t find to be a blatant woman hater is Bernard Chapin, yet he links to radical MRAs like Barbarossaa without apology. I have yet to meet a single feminist who takes Valerie Solanis seriously.
Wow, jessay, that is quite some troll you’ve found there. Don’t bring him here! Although it might be kind of fun, actually… 🙂
Dani Alexis: @BlackBloc: I just reviewed a 2011 YA novel about a girl forced to carry her rapist’s baby to term, because President Sarah Palin. I’m getting tired of these “speculative fiction” novels being neither speculative nor fiction. D:
That was what Margaret Atwood said when people said The Handmaid’s Tale wasn’t SF.
@arks, have a history lesson
Initially the right to vote was limited to free, land owning, white men. Then in 1870 the 15th Amendment said:
Then the white christian men in charge decided they couldn’t have former slaves voting, and started putting in poll taxes, those weren’t abolished until much later in this history lesson though. Because the feminists looked at the 15th and went “fuck, this doesn’t cover gender” and thus got the 19th Amendment passed in 1919.
A couple of decades of debating over poor people later, the 60s (1964 to be exact) and the poll taxes were abolished under the 24th Amendment
Can you at least base your conspiracies in real history? (Why am I sure I’m about to be told that 1919 solved everything?)
Ah, Slavey. Still waiting on those references.
So Arks: Are you saying women were opposed to universal male suffrage?
Because all men got the vote before any women did.
The world is changing, pretty quickly right now. The sitting President announced he is for gay marriage today. Some people can’t handle change. It frightens them. They need a scapegoat to lash out on.
To say that all of this is happening at the expense of men is ridiculous. Some men are having a hard time but that doesnt mean we need to take from women to give to men. Helping women does not equal hurting men. I agree that all people deserve to have others advocate for them. There are many ways to volunteer and help people (and yes men are peoe too, duh).
Arks, if you’re not on about hot buttered manatees, I can’t hear you.
NWO mentioned me (giggle).
Too bad nothing he said made sense.
I’m a teacher btw, so you’re saying I shouldn’t beat the male children when they misbehave? Sarcasm.
Actually I’ve found going for walks and having a snack prevents a lot of problems.
@Argenti Aertheri he had actually sought me out because I’d made an anti-mra video and a bunch of dudes were calling me fat and ugly, so he decided to message me to let me know that those comments crossed the line, and that I wasn’t actually fat and ugly. Thanks…
But I decided that maybe he was rational enough to get where I was coming from and I attempted to debate. Obviously a big mistake since he’s hell bent on denying the experiences of women everywhere. It was hilarious to me that in the same reply where he defends the truth of evo-psych he gets angry about feminists perpetuating gender roles… ummm… what? Has he read evo-psych nonsense? It hinges on gender roles and the ideas that people are designed to act a certain way based upon biological characteristics. How? What?
I had explained to him that, when I go to feminist blogs and whatnot, I see feminists making a huge effort to be inclusive and to take a step back and listen to other people’s experiences, and then incorporate their requests for inclusion into the way they discuss things. According to him that’s us appropriating their experiences. What the what? Appropriating their experiences would be like me claiming that I walk into stores and have sales clerks suspect me of shoplifting because it happens to a lot of black women, and as a white woman, I share this problem.
I don’t see that happening in feminist literature. I see white feminists taking a back seat when black feminists want to describe their personal struggles as both a woman and a person of color. Meanwhile, in MRA land, they consider the problems of primarily men of color to be the problems of men as a whole. Futhermore, white men cite it as examples of the oppression of all men, taking ownership over things that they will never experience, when really many of these problems have little to do with gender, but to do with their race, sexuality, class, etc. Maybe I’m missing something here, but I consider THAT to be appropriation.
@fembot — “The world is changing, pretty quickly right now. The sitting President announced he is for gay marriage today. Some people can’t handle change. It frightens them. They need a scapegoat to lash out on.” — lol, I already said this once today in real life, but use a damned goat then (FTR, I’m basically a vegetarian, so it’s not like I just enjoy killing goats or something, but it’s better than oppressing people)
And yeah, Obama has finally “evolved” back into the stance he took before he was POTUS, that’s not exactly how evolution works, much as I want to be excited.
@Pecunium — not to take serious argument with your point, but the poll taxes did exclude poor southerns long after the 19th was passed. (Sadly, I think that that has nothing to do with gender is actually arks “point”)
If you’re missing something, I missed the same memo. It’s like its always about gender with them, except when it might be about women, they it can’t be about gender, unless it “proves” men are better…that sounds vaguely familiar….oh I know!
emphasis mine, and that’s the dictionary.com definition for the curious
Also, BRAIN FACTS! It’s going to be a few days, at least, before I get over that.
I always love the MRA sense of proportion. Women being denied suffrage? No biggie. An op-ed about how men should be nicer to their wives on Mother’s Day? Oppression!
Every thread on Manboobz eventually dissolves into an exegesis of Mel Brooks’ dictum: “Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.”
Wrong. Plenty of countries gave women the vote before blacks could, so it was hardly “all men.”
I’m so sorry women had to wait a few months to a few years before they could get something that had only just been granted to men, though. Such a long history of oppression.
I see NWO is still bitter about not getting a job at Pepsi, and that Youtube videos still don’t constitute arguments.
Anything new happening?
@arks, did you even skim my history lesson? It’s up there
Men got universal suffrage in 1870, women in 1919, that’s not a few months that’s 50 fucking years
As a PoC, I kindly elect this Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson guy to FUCK OFF.
This rev dude is like an abusive parent. Sorry honey, you’re too stupid to do anything. Just don’t worry about learning to take care of yourself, wait for a real man to come save you. And do what you’re told bitch, or Jesus is gonna be mad at you!
How ironic for the obviously uneducated, highly inarticulate and monumentally stoopid Rev. Jesse Shitforbrains that you could probably find 1000 White Nationalist videos on the webz that would make exactly the same argument about black folks being naturally inferior to white folks and the mistake that was ending slavery and giving black people the right to vote.
These MRA’s and MGTOW’s (Men Who Don’t Get Their Own Way) are essentially men who are biologically and intellectually inferior. They have not evolved. They are mentally deficient in that they only have messages of hate, but in reality it is themselves that they hate the most. If it wasn’t women they were railing against, they would find another group to direct their hatred at so they could pretend that they were still relevant. These men are redundant. They’re scared because they’re endeavouring to fight their own extinction. Sorry fellas. The writing is on the wall. Evolve or die.