antifeminism disgusting women evil women lying liars misogyny oppressed men patriarchy sluts whores woman's suffrage

Women’s Suffrage: Still controversial, apparently

The face of evil, apparently.

Quiz: Who said the following?

I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should’ve never turned this over to women. … And these women are voting in the wrong people. They’re voting in people who are evil who agrees with them who’re gonna take us down this pathway of destruction.

And this probably was the reason that they didn’t allow women to vote when men were men. Because men in the good old days understood the nature of the woman. They were not afraid to deal with it. And they understood that, you let them take over, this is what would happen. …

Wherever women are taking over, evil reigns.

Was it:

E. Belfort Bax?

Some dude on The Spearhead?

A regular guest on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News?

Well, yeah, you guessed it: it’s door number three. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a Tea Party activist and founder of the group Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND), said all of the above, and quite a lot of other outrageously misogynistic things, in a talk this March, and which is available on YouTube. Yet Hannity, who serves on the board of Peterson’s group, had him back on his show earlier this month, for an appearance during which Peterson described “liberal Democrat women” as “whores.” Raw Story, which discovered Peterson’s unlisted video on YouTube, offers many more delightful misogyny nuggets from Peterson.

Here’s the video of Peterson’s talk. The stuff about women and voting starts at about 8:30 in. But I suggest you watch the whole thing from the start; it’s a virtual smorgasbord of misogyny, seasoned with a bunch of stuff he simply made up about Sandra Fluke’s famous congressional testimony on birth control.

It would be nice if this sort of stuff was confined to the fringes of the manosphere, but alas, it’s everywhere.

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12 years ago

I really need to find some people to game with. Some more, anyway. My friends are interested, but they don’t seem all that motivated to set anything up. Speaking of, has anybody tried Pathfinder? It intrigues me.

12 years ago

Speaking of, has anybody tried Pathfinder? It intrigues me

My sister and I have. We like it, but I mostly play fighters so it has things in it that appeal to me.

12 years ago

“2. If you believe, trust and give women control, they will eventually destory you men,”

I like this particular case of terrible spelling. If given control, women will destory men – by taking over Hollywood and not allowing any movies about men to be made?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Wait I thought the feminist overlords had already done that?

Now that he’s banned and I’m not trying to keep up with the influx of stupidity, I think I’m going to actually watch those videos. (What can I say, I’m bored.)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Those videos!

The first one I’m curious the details of the case, it is a *bit* weird for a teacher sleeping with a student to only get a 45 day sentence, but she’ll be a registered sex offender for a decade and never teach again. So it’s really hilarious when the video flashes WARNING and yells “pussy pass” at the 1:30 mark.

The second one is Fox News and just….wow! “within the last decade or two you’ve really seen a difference where women are converging with men in the types of violence they’re committing” — except the rest of the clip is about one case. (And yes, that quote is triple checked, Fox has really gotten that bad about it’s experts apparently)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Whoops, make that the second and third video — the only interesting part of the first one is that men may be victims of domestic violence at the same rates as women. Which, um, doesn’t prove that women are more violent than men >.<

And I love how they say that 600 men are killed by their wives each year and "we all know the statistics on female domestic violence victims" *head desk* Since I don't off the top of my head, let me google!

Each day …..4 women die as a result of abuse.
31,260 women were murdered by an intimate form 1976-1996 – Violence by Intimates; Analysis of Data on Crimes by Current or Former Spouses, Boyfriends, and Girlfriends, U.S. Department of Justice, March 1998

That works out to 1,460 and 1,563 respectively. Which is ~2.5x as many as the 600 men given in the clip.

12 years ago

If 1-9 (and where is the stuff we are supposed to read after number 10?), were true, there would be problems.

10 doesn’t follow, but yes, there would be problems.

However, 1-9 aren’t true, so 10 is just stupid.

12 years ago

AL HORORS: Dude… get a fucking grip. It’s not that you are opposed to VAWA that makes me (a man) certain that you hate women.

It’s that you hate women which makes you opposed to VAWA (and to them having the rights to which they are entitled).

It must suck to have the object of your loathing treated as a human being, as people considered to be fully-fledged people, able to do what they want. People whose trials and tribulations are considered.

It must really suck that the law recognises that people like you would be glad to abuse them, and harm them, and that you have; still, a lot of social power which makes that easier, and that things like VAWA make it harder for you.

Good. Suffer. Wallow in your delusional self-pity. Complain like a whiny titty-baby that women have screwed you over, and that manginas, and White Knights, and brainwashed idiots (such as myself, I am sure) won’t stand up to the horrors of women being people and insist (along with you, and the rest of your ignorant, and benighted ilk) that women need to be stripped of humanity and reduced to (at best) the status of legal children.

Pray that the revolution you are so eager to have come to pass never happens.

Because if your lot get violent, you will get hurt. Rise up in arms and people like me, or Merkava; and I know not whom else, will resist you; with arms, and skill, and the furies of hell unleashed.

Laugh at my language think it hyperbolic if that comforts you, but remember. Because I am deadly serious. Unlike you I don’t hate women, and I’ll be damned if I let people who do take over.

12 years ago

Sorry, I see he’s gone; and long enough gone that he’s probably not reading anymore.

He got a little bit up my nose.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Yeah, he got banned quickly, and wasn’t any fun anyways. I still kind of want to clap for this bit of your rant though:

“Because if your lot get violent, you will get hurt. Rise up in arms and people like me, or Merkava; and I know not whom else, will resist you; with arms, and skill, and the furies of hell unleashed.”

I don’t think it remotely hyperbolic, but then again, I tend to surprise people with just how strongly I’ll defend myself, I don’t look capable of it.

12 years ago

He got up everyones nose Pecunium. I like how these guys think that women will just sit and cry when they come to fuck our shit up. I may not be a trained soldier like yourself, but I aint gonna be sitting around crying when its. My daughters future at stake either.

12 years ago

KathleenB: VoIP: Don’t forget the laundresses. They were usually among the first to be ransomed after a battle. Because, seriously, I know what fighting gear smells like in an era of washing machines and febreeze. Gym doors have been propped open in the middle of February in Michigan at a major fighting event to disperse the fumes. You could not pay me enough to get me to touch that shit after some sweaty dude had been wearing it for a week or two.

Having been one of those “sweaty dudes”, being indoors makes a huge difference. Having spent time in the field, humping through the Missouri woods for days, in August, we didn’t notice the stench until we were back in barracks.

At which point we wanted to know who had fouled the place up… and realised it wasn’t the barracks, it was us.

The subject of women and armies (setting aside the question of women and fighting) is complicated, and really variable. Some armies (Henry at Agincourt, Nelson in the Peninsula) had very few camp followers. Some had huge numbers. Campaign length had a lot to do with it, though not always in the directions one might suppose.

12 years ago

Pecunium: Yeah, I don’t want to think of how horribly an arming doublet would have stunk after a journey to the Holy Land – my references to laundresses was from the Crusades. Freezing in a gym is preferable to the duffle bags and armor of a hundred or so heavy fighters and fencers.

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