Quiz: Who said the following?
I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should’ve never turned this over to women. … And these women are voting in the wrong people. They’re voting in people who are evil who agrees with them who’re gonna take us down this pathway of destruction.
And this probably was the reason that they didn’t allow women to vote when men were men. Because men in the good old days understood the nature of the woman. They were not afraid to deal with it. And they understood that, you let them take over, this is what would happen. …
Wherever women are taking over, evil reigns.
Was it:
Some dude on The Spearhead?
A regular guest on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News?
Well, yeah, you guessed it: it’s door number three. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a Tea Party activist and founder of the group Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND), said all of the above, and quite a lot of other outrageously misogynistic things, in a talk this March, and which is available on YouTube. Yet Hannity, who serves on the board of Peterson’s group, had him back on his show earlier this month, for an appearance during which Peterson described “liberal Democrat women” as “whores.” Raw Story, which discovered Peterson’s unlisted video on YouTube, offers many more delightful misogyny nuggets from Peterson.
Here’s the video of Peterson’s talk. The stuff about women and voting starts at about 8:30 in. But I suggest you watch the whole thing from the start; it’s a virtual smorgasbord of misogyny, seasoned with a bunch of stuff he simply made up about Sandra Fluke’s famous congressional testimony on birth control.
It would be nice if this sort of stuff was confined to the fringes of the manosphere, but alas, it’s everywhere.
@cloudiah: every black mra I’ve come across (which is like 4 or 5 of them) has been uncle tom-y as fuck so this is like the least surprising thing ever
This does seem though like the wave of the future becuse it’s becoming the norm. Yu can find thousands of these videos. Look at this one-
not really sure on why MGTOW are so obsessed with women and never seem to REALLY GO! they seem to reallyw ant women to be like please don’t go! I’ll do anything! which doesn’t really happen and this pisses them off
“Sorry for the rant…I am just really upset about shit like this becoming more and more mainstream”
In the name of equality, shouldn’t all the fine hatred go mainstream? After all, we’ve had a good 40/50 years of women journalists in the mainstream media calling men shit and glorifying women every day. How about a bunch of adverts with strong, handsome, intelligent men belittling fat, stupid, doofus women? I thought ya wanted equality?
@Ruby Hypatia
“Honestly, I’m not saying everything is better because women have voting rights. We should have equal rights because we contribute to humanity every bit as much as men do.”
That’s exactly what you’re saying. Of course when one looks around at the decayed shithole of a world women exclusively have brought into being, one does have to wonder. In order have equal rights as a man women would need to give up trillions of $ in privileges and entitlements.
“I’m pretty sure David’s blog at the very least demonstrates that there are plenty more where this guy came from.”
David’s blog is just an extension of our schools, government and MSM. Just another place where women smugly spew hatred.
“Where are the moderate MRAs denouncing this kind of talk? This is why I call bullshit when I hear MRAs say they only want equality.”
Where is any woman denouncing the minute by minute hatred boys/men endure from our schools, government and MSM? I’ve given ya loads of links from MSM articles. Hell, I gave ya one the other day about men being total shit to their wives on mothers day. Women have all the power of state, schools and the MSM. Yet they only offer more hatred from all those institutions.
@Argenti Aertheri
“Also, women tend to outnumber men so good luck with that 19th amendment thing, pretty sure no one’s going to just give it up because the men folk told them to.”
Tyranny of the majority. Well done.
“Joanna..yes these boys are obsessed with control and power…they only want people exactly like them to have it and expect everone else to obey.”
So sayeth the herd.
“In only somewhat related news, I had a hard time convincing my hetero dude partner that there was a legitimate movement against women’s reproductive rights.”
You have the right to reproduce. You just want the continued right to murder a mans unborn child with the state as your moral authority to clear your concience. The old god with his don’t kill routine apparently wasn’t progressive enough for womens higher morality. Women have decided it’s their right to kill.
I don’t know what the problem is with MGTOW. They should just go their own way if that’s what they want and stop talking about it. Just do it! But you have to remember that the internet attracts a billion people so to find what amounts to a handful of confused people in any area is not surprising or very important.
Yep, Owly, the lady who wrote the article you linked was kind of a douche.
Better get started on that “We Are The 49%” sign!
Today I leaned that refusing to give up the right to vote = tyranny. Thanks NWO! I look forward to learning more about that the fuck ever planet you live on!
Glad this ended up here! As others have said, watching people who are perfectly comfortable saying such blatantly hateful shit is horrifying.
“Where are the moderate MRAs denouncing this kind of talk? This is why I call bullshit when I hear MRAs say they only want equality.”
These videos that you cn find all over are the moderates.
So, just checking NWO, but you do not believe adult women in your country should have the right to vote?
What citizens of the USA do you believe should have suffrage?
Part of me wants to copy and paste the entirety of a youtube exchange I’m having with an MRA through messages. My god. I’m just over here flabbergasted. But here’s his reply to me at least which contains some of my original quotes anyways. But I find it funny that he can only seem to cite radfem hub and a place for misandry, where there are blatant examples of misogyny right before our eyes, like the one mentioned here.
I can’t remember who it was on here, but part of my reply included an excellent quote I got off this blog, “I’ve never been to China. Therefore, China does not exist. The billions of people who have been to China and can testify to its existence can clearly just be ignored, because I’ve never been to China.”
shorter NWO who cares about people trying to overthrough the 19th amendment and trying to kill reproductive rights and trying to force women into gender roles they don’t want some idiot on the Huffington post, a really silly magazine that no one even likes said that husbands were lame! Thats true oppression!!!!eleventy!!!!! yeah fuck you. You are lucky no one is activly trying to take away your right to vote or your bodily autotomy…also for the most part people think men are great..look at movies men get to be superheroes and have their own story told…women get told that they are lost without a man. so yeah cry me fucking river
BTW yes that Huffington Post story was trite and dumb….
Some college girls comment
Viscaria, I’m pretty sure NWO wants only white men to have the vote. I’d hate to put words in his mouth or thoughts in his head (like that could happen), but women and miniorites are fucked in NWOland.
John Thomas, got anything to say that isn’t some youtube video?
Ruby’s post is stupid because it presumes there was a significant period of time where men could vote and women couldn’t, when in most countries that period was a few months to a few years tops. It’s not oppression to have to wait a couple months longer to get rights that weren’t available to men either until earlier in that same year.
It’s also stupid because apparently war and slavery aren’t big problems now? Even though slavery is more widespread now than it has ever been.
“We should have equal rights because we contribute to humanity every bit as much as men do.”
Is particularly laughable. In what field, honey? I don’t even know how you can say that with a straight face.
(Psst, hellkell, I know but shh! I want to see if he’ll flat out admit it!)
That video of the man insulting that woman is sickening. He must feel like a big man using a microphone to degrade someone who can’t possibly match the volume with which his microphone is allowing him to speak. Because men see women speaking out for themselves and gaining voices, and they can’t have that. They must speak even louder. Damn the women and their suffering, the male voice is the only voice that counts in their eyes. They have to speak over every woman and her lived experiences to avoid facing the truths about how their actions contribute to those experiences. As long as the male voice is the loudest, the women will not be heard, and she will always be to blame.
Yeah, I’ve been seeing this. I’ve gone and harvested some comments from The Spearhead. Weird, weird thinking going on over there. But we knew that.
LastCrucible May 4, 2012 at 10:05
I feel compelled to emphasize our “shepherd status” as men. If we acknowledge that women are profoundly deficient in the logic/rational thinking department, then we must accept that they have a profoundly limited capacity to rectify their poor behavior. Accountability is born of rational thought. Rational thought is largely the province of men. We are responsible. We are shepherds. We must stop appealing to a capacity in women that is nonexistent: accountability. The issue we “little guys” face is an issue of power; specifically, a lack of it. We lack the power of reward and punishment over our women. We needn’t appeal to the conscience of women. We should pursue the power to enforce the morals we wish to see exhibited in our women and children. Presently, that power is being held my a nefarious state apparatus. That, my friend, is our target.
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Old Guy May 5, 2012 at 11:34
The changes came after we changed the rules for voting. The US & UK became the richest most prosperous and most family friendly cultures ever when the only people who could vote were property owners, and only men could own property. Wives and children were the property of their men, which gave the men good reason to care for them and invest in their well being and future.
Jimbo May 5, 2012 at 04:51
Up above Carnivore made note that women shouldn’t have the vote. Recently another poster stated that “If you repealed the 19th Amendment tomorrow, everything would self-correct in forty years.”
It’s time to stand up and say that the 19th has been akin to the opening of Pandora’s box of evils. First, it sanctifies the belief that the sexes are equal instead of different. Attempting to build a society or relationships on a delusion is one definition of insanity and is a reason insanity is the result. Second, the 19th sanctifies the belief that authority must be equally shared between the sexes. There is no such thing as equally shared authority. What the goal actually brings is anarchy and a destructive fight fight by women for authority over men because she sure as hell isn’t going to let “him” have it over her. And, as women’s input increases into every avenue of life, their cumulative illogic has ever higher costs. What you get are very dysgenic trends, as women become knowitall sluts and bitches, and men who tire of knowitall sluts and bitches become dropouts of society or bastards and sons of bitches. The 19th… The the belief in the hypotheses that the sexes are equal… That is the beginning of a spiral that leads to misery, degeneration and death.
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[But then there was this one surprise]
Paul Murray May 6, 2012 at 03:33
“If we went back to a standard that limited voting to males who owned property or paid income tax and allowed franchised males to carry and use arms for their own protection and the defense of the innocent and not be prosecuted for chivalrous behavior or self defense it would be a whole new world in a generation.”
I see this same problem with people who read Rand an Nietzsche. They always imagine that they personally are ubermenschen. None of them entertain the idea that in such a society, they would wind up as one of the poor, caddish louts who get the death penalty for laying eyes on a woman they don’t deserve at the hands of whichever rich fuck decides that he’s been offended.
Like or Dislike: 11 1
[I might like to go back and see the reaction to that last paragraph of Paul’s]
You’re blaming me for genetics? Because the ratio is most skewed at birth and evens out for most of the lifespan….maybe do some research before claiming tyranny (I knew I should’ve footnoted that something about this being the case the world over and seemingly genetic) — you’re having a TYRANNY moment about 49/51% versus 50/50%, just so you know, it’s kinda moot until you think you can outvote women voters…
Wow… the lack of critical thinking in the comment about how when the UK and US didn’t let women have the vote they were all powerful and stuff ignores that… after the vote was extended to women… the cultures that didn’t (and still don’t) let women vote didn’t suddenly get all powerful.
Nope, the US, and Europe still had control over most of the worlds resources.
How ever could that be?
It couldn’t possibly be that the basic premise is nonsense, could it?
Feminism is not a movement that seeks equality between women and men. It’s a movement that seeks equality between women and RICH men. The whole topic of women’s suffrage is proof of this.
In the ‘old days,’ neither men nor women could vote. Only the wealthy elite could.
A normal, reasonable person would look at this situation and realize that the elite were oppressing the poor, but there was no sexism going on.
A feminist would look at this situation and then erase the experiences of all but the top percentage of men, in order to fit her narrative that men had it better than women. Sure, the average woman had it bad… compared to a wealthy landowner. But you were on the same level as men as a whole.
Tough pill to swallow. And it’s a pattern repeated in countless feminist arguments.