Quiz: Who said the following?
I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should’ve never turned this over to women. … And these women are voting in the wrong people. They’re voting in people who are evil who agrees with them who’re gonna take us down this pathway of destruction.
And this probably was the reason that they didn’t allow women to vote when men were men. Because men in the good old days understood the nature of the woman. They were not afraid to deal with it. And they understood that, you let them take over, this is what would happen. …
Wherever women are taking over, evil reigns.
Was it:
Some dude on The Spearhead?
A regular guest on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News?
Well, yeah, you guessed it: it’s door number three. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a Tea Party activist and founder of the group Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND), said all of the above, and quite a lot of other outrageously misogynistic things, in a talk this March, and which is available on YouTube. Yet Hannity, who serves on the board of Peterson’s group, had him back on his show earlier this month, for an appearance during which Peterson described “liberal Democrat women” as “whores.” Raw Story, which discovered Peterson’s unlisted video on YouTube, offers many more delightful misogyny nuggets from Peterson.
Here’s the video of Peterson’s talk. The stuff about women and voting starts at about 8:30 in. But I suggest you watch the whole thing from the start; it’s a virtual smorgasbord of misogyny, seasoned with a bunch of stuff he simply made up about Sandra Fluke’s famous congressional testimony on birth control.
It would be nice if this sort of stuff was confined to the fringes of the manosphere, but alas, it’s everywhere.
Thank you for banning him, he’s really terrible, and trying to argue with someone who’s ignoring me is boring anyways.
Also, dare I say, I think Ruby might have an actual point on the Mother’s Day thread.
Oh something tells me the abusive sonof fatherless goat will be back.
I love the sound of the banhammer in the evening. It sounds like… hmmmm, what would a banhammer sound like? Maybe a Mjolnir sound effect? Or that Hammer guy getting pwned by Iron Man?
And you know,I might consider it if she’d respond to peoples much pointier points about her shitty views.
A judge’s gavel? CONTEMPT OF COURT!
@shadow — k, just didn’t want it reading like I thought some people didn’t deserve to eat!
The banhammer sounds more like Thors hammer hitting the Cap’ns sheild.
@pillowinhell, yeah I’m just going to ignore Ruby I think, if I was going to dig up cases of abusive fathers I’d have done it for VAWA already anyways. Also, I prefer the judge’s gavel image, because it comes with the “this is a dictatorship, I am in charge” of blogs — sound effect wise, Thor’s hammer is definitely a better sound. Maybe judge’s gavels should make better sound effects?
Ok, it’s 1am, wtf is the yelling outside about? (“perks” of living in the city probably)
Argenti Aertheri: In our neighborhood, the yelling is probably coming from next door – they like to yell. A lot. At volumes high enough to scare our cats. And when I ask them politely to stop, I get yelled at for ‘being in our private business.’ Because nothing says ‘private business’ like yelling at the top of your lungs about… whatever the fuck you’re fighting about, amirite?
KathleenB — my upstairs neighbors either have a child or very stompy small adult, so I tend to just ignore it (there’s no point asking them to make their kid stop having a tantrum after all) — this is randomness outside though. Was just randomness though.
Yelling at each other loud enough to scare the kitties would have me tempted to call the cops though, especially at this hour where that’s a violation of the noise ordinance if nothing else.
Also, sorry I kept dropping the B in KathleenB, that was partly typing fast to try keeping up with the troll, and partly just plain idiocy. My apologizes though.
I should clarify — I’m not that annoying neighbor who calls the cops about everything by any means (prefer not to deal with if avoidable), but if I were regularly listening to loud screaming matches, the “is that domestic violence” question would come up eventually. At which point I’d like to think I’d not just continue listening to them fight.
Oh, no worries about the name. I really only objected to the adding bitch to the end – like I said, I only play a bitch on alternate Sundays, and her name is not Kathleen.
I’d kind of figured that annoy you more, but still, I’ll try to get it right in the future. And you mean RP then? Which sort? (I’m a white wolf fan myself)
Re: The cops… They’re never violent, thank god, and if I’m gonna get dragged into an ongoing court case (gods, this has happened to MrB TWICE – both times the person never showed up. come to think of it, i think the city still owes him a check for showing up last time…), I want it to be for more than yelling. They’re just annoying and rude – we found a zillion cigarette butts in our backyard when the snow melted, but when we complained, they got cleaned up and it had better not happen again.
D and D
Seventh Sea
Vampire: Medieval, Vampire: the Masquerade, Hunter: the Reckoning (haven’t played the new White Wolf stuff yet)
A Star Trek RPG I homebrewed out of the d20 system
Werewolf. She’s switching tribes because she’s got enough to be mad about right now, what with the Eye of the Wyrm and the prophesied Destroyer talking in her head wanting to be bffs* and the whole ‘Pack of Destiny’ thing that, per usual, ends in DOOM – with all of that, Wendigo STILL expects her to be all ragey at white people who had nothing to do with either the Wyrmcomers OR what happened to her human tribe on the Trail of Tears.
*We have an amazing ST, and every time the Destroyer calls us friends, a collective shudder goes around the table. But he really wants to be friends if we dance the Spiral, and we have decided, as a pack, that if we can’t do the Safety Dance or the Time Warp (we’ll settle for the charleston, but we won’t be happy about it), we’re just not that into it.
And MrB runs Mutants & Masterminds. I’d love to get back into Deadlands and WitchCraft, but there’s only so much RP a human can do in a week.
KathleenB — as long as they’re just annoying and rude, it really probably isn’t worth dealing with the police over. You got snow though, that I’m kind of jealous of, sort of…I don’t exactly miss nor’easters.
VoIP — I’ve never actually played D&D, though some of my friends have and insist I’m chaotic good (ish). Also, oWoD, screw nWoD, there are no Malkavians! I’ve got most of a plot written up for Masquerade though, if I can manage to finagle grad student schedules into actually playing. You’ve homebrewed a system though? That’s impressive, I’m still doing the “omgs first time STing” freak out myself.
d20 White Wolf is due at GenCon next year (I think – one of our fellow players did some art for the Werewolf book, and he was told GenCon, but it’s gotta be next year, I don’t think they’re even out of playtests yet).
And 5th ed D&D should be playtesting soon – we’re on the list and kinda looking forward to it.
That entire Werewolf plot just makes me laugh (well, except the Trail of Tears part) — have fun bringing about the end of the world though. And of course white people have everything to do with the Wyrm, hello cities, you aren’t natural!
I have *got* to finagle people into actually playing and not just going “that sounds good” >.<
Then again, the Tremere pretending to be a Malkavian who thinks he's a Tremere…yeah this is going to be fun (I'm letting him play that because he was asking for things like True Brujah and now I can hold a blood hunt over his idiocy at least)
Well, the prophecy is vague and incomplete. Someone within the pack is supposed to betray us (and I think I know who…), and maybe we’ll save everything, but we’ll definitely die. And honestly, our pack totem is Bacchus, and… well, let’s just say his patronage comes with a slight impulse control problem, and Selene might welcome heroic death over getting her ass handed to her by the Caern Alpha for not being able to bite back the ‘In Soviet Russia’ jokes. (he’s Russian, and she’s already on his shit list) Or, you know, her general smartass-ness, because that shit will get her in trouble one day.
And really, anyone who tries to tell a student of history that pre-Columbian America was some sort of pastoral wonderland full of rainbows and glitter and happy people singing around campfires is SO gonna get called for that – and that’s pretty much what Wendigo told her, that everything was fine and shiny and happy until the pale eyes came along. She managed not to argue with the spirit of frozen cannibalism, but just barely.
Holy crap, I need sleep. Good night all, good troll hunting on the morrow!
Bacchus! Four years of Latin did teach me a little 🙂 Just a *little* impulse control problem, just a little one… Your plot sounds very interesting, good luck!
From a werewolf view though, wouldn’t pre-Columbian America kind of be paradise though? I realize the humans had plenty of issues, but not the sort of war machines that Columbus brought. I only sort of know the Garou system, but I thought they basically considered technology and machines bad, but that war is a part of life? I which case I can see the argument that America was lovely until Columbus showed up.
“Or, you know, her general smartass-ness, because that shit will get her in trouble one day.” — my best friend intends to play a Malkavian woman in 1860s London who’s derangement is an obsession with Queen and Country, he’s going to end up in the same boat far quicker than he realizes I think. To the point I’ve created a Salubri dues ex machina for myself to play if I need god powers, except your 5th gen city monitor isn’t getting involved unless it’s important.
You know…I’m not sure even my Salubri could take down a werewolf though, she’s far more built for RUN AWAY! *heal* and the like.
Yeah for the ban! I don’t like trolls who don’t even tries to defend their ideas and are unfunny.