Quiz: Who said the following?
I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should’ve never turned this over to women. … And these women are voting in the wrong people. They’re voting in people who are evil who agrees with them who’re gonna take us down this pathway of destruction.
And this probably was the reason that they didn’t allow women to vote when men were men. Because men in the good old days understood the nature of the woman. They were not afraid to deal with it. And they understood that, you let them take over, this is what would happen. …
Wherever women are taking over, evil reigns.
Was it:
Some dude on The Spearhead?
A regular guest on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News?
Well, yeah, you guessed it: it’s door number three. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a Tea Party activist and founder of the group Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND), said all of the above, and quite a lot of other outrageously misogynistic things, in a talk this March, and which is available on YouTube. Yet Hannity, who serves on the board of Peterson’s group, had him back on his show earlier this month, for an appearance during which Peterson described “liberal Democrat women” as “whores.” Raw Story, which discovered Peterson’s unlisted video on YouTube, offers many more delightful misogyny nuggets from Peterson.
Here’s the video of Peterson’s talk. The stuff about women and voting starts at about 8:30 in. But I suggest you watch the whole thing from the start; it’s a virtual smorgasbord of misogyny, seasoned with a bunch of stuff he simply made up about Sandra Fluke’s famous congressional testimony on birth control.
It would be nice if this sort of stuff was confined to the fringes of the manosphere, but alas, it’s everywhere.
Oh, poor al VAWA, you’re still pissed at number one, aren’t you?
From the Norse Pagans I’ve talked to, it’s less a case of the same people being “at best” one thing and “at worse” the other, and more a case of two different, sometimes opposed, groups. This Pagan told me about trying very hard to keep the racists out of her group, and I don’t know how often there’s crossover.
Ahem, “from the Norse Pagan I talked to.” She is only one person, not a collective.
Re: Norse paganism/history. It turns out that a bunch of Norse warrior graves in England were women. No one fucking bothered to look, just assumed they were all dudes. Women traditionally took up arms to protect their homes while the warriors went a’viking, but it turns out some of them went along!
And seriously, how fucking difficult is it to look at a skeleton and know it’s female? As long as you have even just a knee joint, it’s obvious. More proof, if it’s needed, that assumptions about gender roles abound…
VoIP — Sorry, I wasn’t trying to imply they were the same group, just that the same traditions are used to mean a variety of things.
KathleenB — “No one fucking bothered to look, just assumed they were all dudes.” — the people who then believe that that means women weren’t warriors seem to be the sort I run into >.<
I was just trying to note that all the Norse Pagans I've run into seem to hold at least gender roles levels of misogyny, benign misogyny I guess, but still annoying (to me at least).
Argenti Aertheri: I actually know a bunch of women who do some form of sword and armor fighting. And most of my archaeology/anthropology professors were either feminists or at least willing to acknowledge that women sometimes took up arms – I honestly find the bafflement that some people have when confronted with the idea of women fighting… odd, I guess. It obviously happened – Katherine of Aragon lead the English army against a Scottish uprising while Henry was busy on the continent, Jeanne d’Arc fought on the ground, Boudicca lead an uprising among the Iceni that fucking burned Londinium to the ground, countless women disguised themselves as men to go to war, but… girls can’t fight.
KathleenB — yeah idk what their mental block is, even one of your examples makes it clear these women sometimes had little choice in the matter — “Katherine of Aragon lead the English army against a Scottish uprising while Henry was busy on the continent” — sometimes she literally needed to “hold down the fort” while he was busy, it happened, deal with it. I’m going to have to go google Boudicca, that’s an interesting bit of history I hadn’t heard before.
Feminism has brought a lot of Negativity – and a Trail of Destruction !
Feminism = Anti-Marriage = Anti-Family = Slutty Women = Divorce = Abortions = “Men are Rapists” = Misandry = Domestic Violence Industry Propaganda of Lies = False Accusations = Same-Sex Marriages = Zero Moral Values = Destroyed Fathers/Men = Destroyed Families = Destroyed Civilized Society
I’m getting my doctorate in early modern military history, and women traveled with armies very often in the period I’m studying. John Lynn’s newest book makes the case that they were essential to the pillaging and foraging that sustained armies–without them, nobody could find food to eat or booty to use/sell for cash (the soldiers were supposed to be payed, but that rarely happened on time or to the amount that was agreed on).
Tubas have brought a lot of Negativity – and a Trail of Destruction !
Tubas = Carbon = Cow = Epoxy = Format = Minute = Night = Tadpole = Trombone = Walrus = Religion = Odometer = Destroy Civilized Society.
I Hate to Break it to You, Al WTFhorrors, but Capital Letters don’t Make Things True! Not even Exclamation Points can do That!
It’s Kind of Fun to Write like This! I can See why People do It!
It Is! This Will Make me Popular At work! Also! Please note That sometimes You Should Introduce additional Spaces For emphasis !
Who cares? The important thing is that they make things legally binding.
Damn, He’s Got Us There!
VoIP: Don’t forget the laundresses. They were usually among the first to be ransomed after a battle. Because, seriously, I know what fighting gear smells like in an era of washing machines and febreeze. Gym doors have been propped open in the middle of February in Michigan at a major fighting event to disperse the fumes. You could not pay me enough to get me to touch that shit after some sweaty dude had been wearing it for a week or two.
Also: Katherine had the regency, iirc. She could have just told the generals to go fix things, maybe give a little speech. But she went out with the army, and I think a lot of that was her mother’s influence – Isabella of Castille rode into battle herself.
OMG, has the entire board been possessed by William Shatner?
More Like Dr. Bronner!
I think I want this line on a shirt “Domestic Violence Industry Propaganda of Lies” — and then when people inevitably ask have like a red flag list ready to hand out or something. “If your partner doesn’t hit you it can’t be abuse LIES!” etc
VoIP and KathleenB — the history lesson is way more interesting than that rant.
When I consider the extent of these Lies (by women/feminists) and the results of these lies – an epidemic of false accusations destroying men, fathers, boys, families… I cannot but reach an obvious conclusion.
The conclusion that we, Men, cannot ever leave any important matters such as in this case: Intimate Partner Violence, in the hands of Women.
Now, if you are a Woman you will immediately say: “You hate women”. But I am merely examining facts… analyzing the facts… drawing a conlusion…
How’s about showing your work then? I know it’s easier and more fun to make Exclamatory Pronouncements!, but still.
Al VAWAhorrors: You might want dig up your copy of the style manual and actually read it instead of using it for a coloring book.
Al VAWAhorrors — please stop butchering the English language at least. That’s not how a colon works, nor are ellipses a suitable replacement for a comma. Do you think you could at least form a proper sentence?
KathleenBitch : One way to defeat the Feminist Domestic Violence Industry Lies and Indoctrination is to Educate every Man/Boy in the world that Women Lies, Deceive, Prostitute, Manipulate, Use, Abuse. That Women are incapable of Rational Thinking. That a Woman will eventually get every Man and All Men into trouble. That Women are Destructive Psychopathic Parasites. What’s your opinion on this approach?