antifeminism disgusting women evil women lying liars misogyny oppressed men patriarchy sluts whores woman's suffrage

Women’s Suffrage: Still controversial, apparently

The face of evil, apparently.

Quiz: Who said the following?

I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should’ve never turned this over to women. … And these women are voting in the wrong people. They’re voting in people who are evil who agrees with them who’re gonna take us down this pathway of destruction.

And this probably was the reason that they didn’t allow women to vote when men were men. Because men in the good old days understood the nature of the woman. They were not afraid to deal with it. And they understood that, you let them take over, this is what would happen. …

Wherever women are taking over, evil reigns.

Was it:

E. Belfort Bax?

Some dude on The Spearhead?

A regular guest on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News?

Well, yeah, you guessed it: it’s door number three. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a Tea Party activist and founder of the group Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND), said all of the above, and quite a lot of other outrageously misogynistic things, in a talk this March, and which is available on YouTube. Yet Hannity, who serves on the board of Peterson’s group, had him back on his show earlier this month, for an appearance during which Peterson described “liberal Democrat women” as “whores.” Raw Story, which discovered Peterson’s unlisted video on YouTube, offers many more delightful misogyny nuggets from Peterson.

Here’s the video of Peterson’s talk. The stuff about women and voting starts at about 8:30 in. But I suggest you watch the whole thing from the start; it’s a virtual smorgasbord of misogyny, seasoned with a bunch of stuff he simply made up about Sandra Fluke’s famous congressional testimony on birth control.

It would be nice if this sort of stuff was confined to the fringes of the manosphere, but alas, it’s everywhere.

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Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

@Pecunium, if you ever find yourself in CT, I think their pizza is better than NY pizza. In New Haven, the classic places are Pepe’s, Sally’s and Modern. Pepe’s has a classic clam topping; my sister loves the “white clam” (no red sauce), but I don’t like shellfish so I can’t vouch for it. Roseland Apizza out in Derby, CT has an incredible arugula apizza. Mangia!

Pecunium, idk about Roseland Apizza, but with Pepe’s and Sally’s you definitely want to go for not-a-friday and call in your order — the line can be an hour long on Friday nights. The only New Haven-ish style pizza I’ve found since I moved is Pizza Prima, this tiny little shop in Pittsburgh that happens to be between the universities and the grocery store, otherwise I’d have never found it. They do slices at lunchtime too, so no need to get someone help you finish a whole pie. New Haven wise, as my near-vegetarianism does not eat seafood, my vote’s for Sally’s.

@cloudiah — I have a long standing policy that if I’m in CT, someone had better have planned for pizza, because otherwise my mother will have a whole slew of recipes for me to taste test and I will be too full for pizza and my beloved canolis — and those I haven’t found anywhere else.

Now I want pizza too, and given breakfast was a bagel and cream cheese, I don’t think my lactose intolerant self would much like the results of pizza for lunch *sad face* maybe tomorrow…

12 years ago

@Argenti, where do you get the canolis?

Oh also, Wentworth ice cream in Hamden, CT is wonderful when it’s hot.

Climbing East Rock in New Haven and admiring the view is nice.

That seals it, I am visiting my sister and BiL in New Haven this Summer, and apparently all we’ll do is eat and hike, hike and eat.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

@cloudiah — DiSorbo’s on Dixwell in Hamden, they have all sorts of yummy pastries.

I second that eat and hike, hike and eat thing, I haven’t been up Sleeping Giant in nearly a decade and that’s just a travesty! Mmm Wentworth’s, I bet I can talk my mother into that.

Great, now my aunts, FWB, mother and stomach all want to know when I’m next coming to visit (um, how about when I have the $$ for train fare? or the $$$ to put up with the TSA…nope, still taking the train)

12 years ago


Argenti: No way to tell. From my application, to my exam, to the reply was August to November to March.

The exam was the worst, the decision was the most devastating. I was hoping for 30 percent, expecting about 15, and was told I was 80 percent disabled.

I have my fingers crossed for you.

Oof, don’t I know how fucked up this is. My mom was turned down the first time, and it took months to retry. And even then she was still classified as “temporarily disabled” (they inspect her every now and then and in theory she has to go back to work at any time if they find her fit). Only this month did they switch her to “permanently disabled” (she gets a check once a month for the rest of her life). Although, it seems like you found your diagnosis disappointing? My mom was so relieved when hers came through, as it provided outside verification of what she had felt for a long time: that the PTSD was so bad she simply could not go to work again.


VoIP, I’m wary of stating this where NWO, John/Pell, etc can read it, but female or gender neutral pronouns for me (gender neutral would be preferred, but I rarely manage to pass as androgynous in real life, so I won’t get offended at female pronouns) — I’m just wary of wtf the MRAs will say with that info >.<

why the fuck should you care what MRA’s think of the way you choose to address yourself or be addressed? that is some bullshit right there, what they think. I’ll call you whatever you want, don’t feel guilty. besides, they hate us anyway. Except NWO never responds to me.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

VoIP — it’s not so much I care what they think as I prefer not to open myself up to more attacks than needed. Whatever, I’ve said enough to Magpie over on the other current thread they’ve got enough ammo if they feel like going for personal attacks. And I’ve got many years of “yeah I’m going to ignore you now” under my belt.

You should probably be glad NWO never responds to you, given he never actually responds to anyone, he just twists things and rants semi-coherently.

Thank you though, ze/zir would be preferred.

12 years ago

You should probably be glad NWO never responds to you, given he never actually responds to anyone, he just twists things and rants semi-coherently.

Actually, he went through a phase where he’d get really fucking obsessed with one or the other female or non-binaried poster here. He’d just go off on Cliff, Ozy, and Holly, all of which also blog about sex, giving details that let them know he had read their blogs assiduously. What a pathetic little fucker.

What I’m saying is, be grateful, i guess.

12 years ago

I still think the reason he doesn’t respond to me is the same reason he doesn’t respond to Pecunium, which is that we both know a lot about the American fringe right wing, and NWO wants to avoid tipping his hand and displaying his secret identity.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Internet stalking, that’s classy of him. My everything is on super-lock down anyways, I wasn’t kidding about that stalker ex, and I’m…uncomfortably close…to his workplace. My refusal to let him scare me into a new SN is why Pell/John decided to just call me paranoid though. Hopefully my anti-scary-ex tactics will be enough to keep NWO out of my shit.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re right that he ignores you and Pecunium because you “might know too much” — he seems actually paranoid, or maybe just too arglebargle! to make coherent sense. I’m not really comfortable internet arm chair diagnosing even the likes of him, but something is certainly off there, and it doesn’t seem to just be a case of the stupids.

12 years ago

He also ignores a poster here called zhinky, who’s a Libertarian of long experience who also knows a lot about alternative political philosophies, and has met many different sorts of people in her travels. Every time he used to go all anti-government wingnut on her, she’d ask him to discuss the topics he raised seriously. It shut him down instantaneously. Good times.

12 years ago

Oof, sorry, her name is ZHINXY. Typo.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Considering the best friend and I can get into long heated debates on anarchism and the different strains thereof, she sounds like an interesting person to actually seriously discuss political philosophy with. (That sentence needs help, but I’m getting too tired to fix it properly.)

Oh and Blood and Politics is sitting under the book I’m reading currently btw, that thing is huge. I think that’s next week’s project though. I’m still debating if I want to finish rereading The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls again or skip to Blood and Politics. The Asylum’s managing to be heart wrenching on my 6th read though, which is a goddamned first. (Bad enough I may actually skip the “this can’t be happening” ending)

And yes, that’s the same artist as the music I gave to John/Pell, but she’s bloody brilliant.

12 years ago

Oh and Blood and Politics is sitting under the book I’m reading currently btw, that thing is huge.

Meh, I know it, but it’s a reasonably quick read. The author has a sense of humor that reminds me of a lot of men of his generation (painfully obvious clunkers that you know he said with a broad wink to make sure you got it) and his style goes down easy, even when he’s got an info-dump to lay on you.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

How much overlap do you think there is between the MRM and the fringe right btw? My parents are NRA members and baptists, so I’m not exactly unfamiliar with the religious fringe >.<

Ironically, my mother bought me Blood and Politics as an early birthday present, I don't think she really read the reviews first. Or maybe she did…she's not nearly as fringe as my father. (The MRM would still love her though, she won't divorce him because "til death do us part")

As you can probably imagine, family dinners are just so much fun! /sarcasm

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Oh, then it should be fairly easy compared to The Asylum’s multiple layers, six reads and I’m still unpeeling that. This is, of course, part of why I love it so much; that, and she’s at least as nuts as I am.

12 years ago

How much overlap do you think there is between the MRM and the fringe right btw? My parents are NRA members and baptists, so I’m not exactly unfamiliar with the religious fringe >.
Frankly, I’m not sure. I know a lot more about the far right than I do about the MRM.

What I do know is threefold.

I’ve noticed that many MRAs tend to be racist, which goes together–each is one example of a privileged group trying to maintain its hold.

Conversely, except for a small minority, in my experience (Pecunium might be able to confirm/deny, since he’s met these people in person, and I quite rarely) most fringe rightists tend to also be misogynists.

The far religious right (and I mean farther right than baptists) is entirely misogynist.

The far racist right is mostly misogynists, with some exceptions. I’ve read literature here and there from the movement claiming that White women make good warriors, etc, and there’s an overlap between Pagans and the fringe racist right, which could be an avenue for non-misogynist memes to propagate. (On the other hand, I have been told many Norse pagans in general tend to be pretty patriarchal. I have no personal experience either way.)

Meanwhile, the more mystical areas of the far racist right, such as Esoteric Nazism or the adherents of Julius Evola’s philosophies are also misogynist, but in a deeply, widely symbolic sense. Those dudes are insidious; what they say can look like Joseph Campbell at first glance if you don’t read carefully.

Whatever I say about individual philosophies or individual belief systems, the MRM’s status as a subculture will mean that it will draw closer to other subcultural groups and learn from them. The skeptic movement calls this “crank magnetism;” the British social scientist Colin Campbell called it a result of the cultic milieu. Basically, these groups, whatever each one believes, has more in common with other countercultural groups simply by virtue of the fact that they all are opposed to the mainstream together. Members of groups in the cultic milieu may switch from group to group, or (and here is the relevant part for my discussion) borrow ideas from one group and introduce them to another. NWO, for instance, is also convinced that fluoride causes cognitive disabilities, while David Mellar, another recurrent troll, believes in UFOs and auras. Are any of these things inherent to being an MRA? No; the ideas have no logical connection. But the MRM and the flouride people are both opposed to the mainstream, and they almost certainly meet in common discussion areas.

Oh, then it should be fairly easy compared to The Asylum’s multiple layers, six reads and I’m still unpeeling that.

Oh no; this is history / journalism. The point is the facts, not the prose style, so the author lifts his hand.

This is, of course, part of why I love it so much; that, and she’s at least as nuts as I am.

Crazy’s not all bad, I guess. ;)(I’m depressed and have Asperger’s. It’s OK; makes me smart.)

12 years ago

bad eyesight is not good for typing!

12 years ago

Members of groups in the cultic milieu may switch from group to group, or (and here is the relevant part for my discussion) borrow ideas from one group and introduce them to another.

Or membership may overlap, which is something that is borne out repeatedly in historical studies.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

VoIP, thank you, again, for the info. I went to church with a couple families who I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d gone quiverfull, and yeah, they’re scary misogynistic. I don’t know that much about the Norse Pagans who are basically reviving the cult of Thor, but that’s because the misogyny was apparent enough there too that I got one whiff and ran. At best Norse Paganism has a quiet underpinning that men are warriors and women are caregivers, but is generally benign, at worst it’s flat out Ayranist.

I’ve seen some of Meller’s back when he won troll of the year or whatever it was, and he seems like quiet a piece of work himself. So I kind of can’t believe I’m saying anything in his defense, but I’ve known a fair number of eclectic pagans who believed in auras without a trace of bigotry. I’m sure he could twist anything to suit his desires though.

He believes that Hitler was in Shambhala, an underground centre in Antarctica (formerly at the North Pole and Tibet), where he was in contact with the Hyperborean gods and from whence he would someday emerge with a fleet of UFOs to lead the forces of light (the Hyperboreans, sometimes associated with Vril) over the forces of darkness (inevitably including, for Serrano, the Jews who follow Jehovah) in a last battle and thus inaugurating a Fourth Reich.

I’m sorry but WHAT?! Sounds like something white wolf would have a damned Malkavian saying. That makes about as much sense as Scientology, meaning I need to sleep before I can make heads or tails of it. I’ll read through your links more fully once I’ve slept, and then maybe a round of BloodRayne so I can work out my annoyance at neonazis by killing some 1940s Nazis.

An entire paragraph of game references? Yeah it’s time I go to bed, goodnight.

12 years ago

VoIP: It wasn’t disappointing. It was shocking. I got an 80 percent disability rating. I don’t feel as if I am that impaired.

It has made my life a lot easier; though I am one of the “invisibly” disabled, and so lots of people abuse me for “faking”, or “sponging”, because I can (and do) work; as well as get my compensation.

Conversely, except for a small minority, in my experience (Pecunium might be able to confirm/deny, since he’s met these people in person, and I quite rarely) most fringe rightists tend to also be misogynists.

Yes. Some of it is more a case of essentialism/”traditional roles”, but the ways they want to “correct” the degeneration of society involve women being second class people; if not functionally the property of men.

Since they are both opposed to feminism, it doesn’t really matter what the inner motives are, when all is said and done, they believe in results that would harm women.

Al VAWAhorrors
12 years ago

Read 1 thru 10 first…

1. Give Women Voting Rights

2. Give Women Equal Rights

3. Give Women Extra Rights

4. Give Women Extra Protection… from Men

5. Hear only Women and Ignore Men

6. Believe Women only and Treat men as Perpetrators

7. Let Women Falsely Accuse Men without Consequences

8. Encourage Women to be Helpless Victims and to think of All Men as Rapists

9. Encourage False Accusations by Women (VAWA) and Punish Innocent Men

10. …Watch Women Destroy Men, the Family and Society !!!

12 years ago

11. Use Even More Exclamation Points!!!!!!!11

12 years ago

All I heard was blah blah blah, something about being pissed women have rights mumble jumble. Interesting that it always starts with women getting the right to vote eh?

Dude, it helps when you start with a specific issue, not just the fact that women exist.

12 years ago

@Snowy, “These go to 11.”

12 years ago

didn’t your mama ever teach you that slippery slope arguments are for weak minded fools, son?

12 years ago

LOL Cloudiah! That was a great movie XD

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