Quiz: Who said the following?
I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should’ve never turned this over to women. … And these women are voting in the wrong people. They’re voting in people who are evil who agrees with them who’re gonna take us down this pathway of destruction.
And this probably was the reason that they didn’t allow women to vote when men were men. Because men in the good old days understood the nature of the woman. They were not afraid to deal with it. And they understood that, you let them take over, this is what would happen. …
Wherever women are taking over, evil reigns.
Was it:
Some dude on The Spearhead?
A regular guest on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News?
Well, yeah, you guessed it: it’s door number three. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a Tea Party activist and founder of the group Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND), said all of the above, and quite a lot of other outrageously misogynistic things, in a talk this March, and which is available on YouTube. Yet Hannity, who serves on the board of Peterson’s group, had him back on his show earlier this month, for an appearance during which Peterson described “liberal Democrat women” as “whores.” Raw Story, which discovered Peterson’s unlisted video on YouTube, offers many more delightful misogyny nuggets from Peterson.
Here’s the video of Peterson’s talk. The stuff about women and voting starts at about 8:30 in. But I suggest you watch the whole thing from the start; it’s a virtual smorgasbord of misogyny, seasoned with a bunch of stuff he simply made up about Sandra Fluke’s famous congressional testimony on birth control.
It would be nice if this sort of stuff was confined to the fringes of the manosphere, but alas, it’s everywhere.
re Kellog: He was fairly typical of a certain stripe of moralist for his time. The treatments he advocated weren’t the worst of which I’ve read.
There is a greasemonkey script for Firefox, (leetkey, IIRC), which allows for all sorts of enciphering/deciphering. I recommend it.
VoIP, cloudiah, Pecunium, thank you all, I’ll look into that link, and prod the near-lawyer friend if it comes to that, with luck he’ll know someone who graduated a year or two before him. Worst case I’ll get his near-lawyer-self to go to the hearing with me, which he’s probably going to have to do anyways since he’s the only roommate I’ve had who could testify. Yeah, I do have the tiny perk that my best witness, should I end up needing witnesses, is also taking the bar in a matter of months.
“re Kellog: He was fairly typical of a certain stripe of moralist for his time. The treatments he advocated weren’t the worst of which I’ve read.” — seconding that, some of the Victorian era “treatments” were just brutal
Oh, also, their 10 days for reconsideration was up last monday, so I’m a little amazed I haven’t heard anything yet. Fingers crosses that means they aren’t just rubber stamping “denied”, not getting my hopes up, but you’d think if they were just going to deny me they’d have done it quickly right?
Argenti: No way to tell. From my application, to my exam, to the reply was August to November to March.
The exam was the worst, the decision was the most devastating. I was hoping for 30 percent, expecting about 15, and was told I was 80 percent disabled.
I have my fingers crossed for you.
That was, of course not the SSA, but the VA. Different systems, though both often require advocates after an initial denial. I was a bit dumbfounded when I got the award; I didn’t get any denial (well, apart from no consideration of the possibility of any PTSD.
Argenti, social security lawyers generally do NOT get paid by the hour; they are paid out of your check, up to a certain amount (in other words, they get a percentage if they are successful for you). I can get some names of people if you are in California.
Mythago, wrong coast, but I appreciate the thought. I’m in a holding pattern with them currently anyways, so idk if I’ll need a lawyer or how soon (or more likely not soon).
Pecunium, “well, apart from no consideration of the possibility of any PTSD” might worry me the most, I have a new psych and thus my diagnosis is up in the air yet again. Just to make matters more fun, they somehow missed that possibility completely in the intake interviews and my psych is way more “I’m going to type while you talk and then ask a question I’d have the answer to if I were listening” *head desk*
VoIP, I’m wary of stating this where NWO, John/Pell, etc can read it, but female or gender neutral pronouns for me (gender neutral would be preferred, but I rarely manage to pass as androgynous in real life, so I won’t get offended at female pronouns) — I’m just wary of wtf the MRAs will say with that info >.<
Also, thank you for the link to that Pell thread, the animal videos alone are making my day. Who knew capybaras like scratches as much as dogs do?
Argenti: The VA has a more vested interest than the SSA in minimizing PTSD claims.
Pecunium, riiiight, it’s not their fault, that BS. My sympathies that you had to jump through those hoops.
cloudiah: Argh — no comparably great pizza in L.A. that I’ve found yet, although 800 Degrees is pretty good.
This is a cultural thing, because I’ve not found any decent pizza on the East Coast. I know lots of decent pizza on the West Coast, though I am a few years out of date in LA. I’d say Carmines in Arcadia, and Joe Peeps (if they are still around) in Studio City.
Howie’s, in Palo Alto has a decent crust, but the sauce is too sweet. Decent pepperoni, and good cheese.
Argenti, I know this wasn’t directed at me but if you prefer neutral pronouns that’s no problem I’ll keep it in mind.
Argenti: The hoops weren’t that bad. The exam was tough because I had to spend a couple of hours detailing exactly what no longer works the way it “ought” to. All the adjustments I’d made over the course of years were brought home to me all at once.
The doctor was quite sympathetic.
lol, Pecunium, you’ve just reminded me that if I don’t input my next appt into my computer, I’m not going to show up >.< Thank you! (random brain is random, but sometimes this is good) — I'm glad you got a sympathetic doctor though.
Snowy, thank you, I tend to use ze/zir as I have a thing for z, poor neglected letter of the alphabet that it is.
(and now I need to go find my appt card before I forget, again)
Not a sentence I ever thought I would read.
Hershele: Pizza is really regional. Chicago is different to NYC, which is different to New Haven, which is different to LA, which is different to SF, all of which are different to Naples, which is different to Rome and none of it is like Ukraine, or Germany (which is, pizza like. If I don’t think of it as, “Pizza”, it’s not too bad)..
I’ve had lots of pizza; though I’ve not yet managed Italy.
I used to work in a pizza place, when I was college. I know what I want. I want a crust that’s crisp on the bottom, has a decent corniche, and not too heavily topped. The sauce should taste of oregano, there shouldn’t be a taste of can in the tomatoes.
The stuff in NY is flabby, the crust is gummy, the cheese too salty. It’s not inedible, but it’s nothing to write home about, and I’ve yet to find anyplace I’m willing to go back to; in the hopes that I’ll find the mythic pies people rave about I will keep looking.
I’ve got a list of places I want to try; Peter Rhinehart lists a number, in his book, “American Pie”, and I’ve found some walking around New York (Arturo’s, on Houston looks promising, coal-fired, whole pies only), and my not having anyone to eat with has slowed me up.
But the fact is, I like a different style of pie than seems to the sort you find here.
Carp! I used the MRA double period.
I’m sorry. It was an accident.
Pecunium: Have you tried Grimaldi’s?
Can someone tell me about the whole men have better spatial reasoning?
Psh. Only that I wish I had it. I am so rotten at rotating three dimensional shapes in my head, you have no idea. Teaching me to drive a car in reverse using the mirror was impossible till I learned by rote. Playing Portal, I more often use my understanding of level design than any ability to make spatial reasoning.
But then, I’m trans, so OBVIOUSLY I don’t count. *rolls eyes*
RE: the pizza
I stand by Conan’s Pizza as the best pizza ever. But I love my big thick deep dish with thick not-crunchy crust. OM NOM NOM
There’s a place in Rolla, Missouri called Alex’s Pizza Palace. It has the most amazing pizza. You can actually see the grease drip off the slice when you pick it up to take a bite. They make their dough and sauce from scratch, and cook it in a real stone hearth oven. It’s perfection. There used to be a wonderful pizza place here in Joplin named Pizza by Stout. Not only did they have pizza made from scratch, but they also had over 200 types of beer. Sadly, they didn’t rebuild after the tornado, and the owners retired. Someday I’d love to try real Chicago or New York pizza, too.
/hungry for pizza now
Can someone tell me about the whole men have better spatial reasoning?
No, but there might be something to the idea that women are better at differentiating colors than men. It’s not so much derived from evolutionary pressure (and this theory does not follow from evopsych) as it is simply a quirk of sex-linked characteristics. It’s possible that some humans are functional tetrachromats, and the most likely people to have this unusual talent have two X chromosomes. In other words, a person with this enhanced color sense will likely be XX, and usually, but not always, XX people are women.
It’s related to the fact that red-green color-blindness is linked to the X-chromosome. An XX person might have a different copy of one of the cone-pigment genes on each X chromosome. That person would possibly have four different types of color sensing cones, rather than the more usual three, and as a result would possibly have an enhanced color distinguishing ability.
@Pecunium, if you ever find yourself in CT, I think their pizza is better than NY pizza. In New Haven, the classic places are Pepe’s, Sally’s and Modern. Pepe’s has a classic clam topping; my sister loves the “white clam” (no red sauce), but I don’t like shellfish so I can’t vouch for it. Roseland Apizza out in Derby, CT has an incredible arugula apizza. Mangia!
[cloudiah starts making plans to visit her sister in New Haven this summer.]
I’ve mustered up the patience to brave the crowd at Di Fara’s a couple of times (as an adult, surprisingly, close as it is to where I grew up). That’s a very thin crust.
It also costs twice the going rate for a slice, so there’s that.
Back when I lived in Washington State, Tony Maroni’s in Redmond was pretty awesome.
Here in Boston I’m pretty spoiled for good pizza, so I don’t think I can pick just one. (Plus the place I’d most recommend is like a block away from my house and I don’t want MRAs somehow tracing my location from my pizza choices.)
Crazy Dough’s in Harvard Square is pretty nice though. Not amazing pizza quality, but quite adequate and I just like the place.
Being in the San Francisco Bay Area, I have always been fond of Zachery’s pizza.
Cliff: I also liked Tony Maroni’s; we always got it when I was a kid. Then they went out of business 🙁