Quiz: Who said the following?
I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should’ve never turned this over to women. … And these women are voting in the wrong people. They’re voting in people who are evil who agrees with them who’re gonna take us down this pathway of destruction.
And this probably was the reason that they didn’t allow women to vote when men were men. Because men in the good old days understood the nature of the woman. They were not afraid to deal with it. And they understood that, you let them take over, this is what would happen. …
Wherever women are taking over, evil reigns.
Was it:
Some dude on The Spearhead?
A regular guest on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News?
Well, yeah, you guessed it: it’s door number three. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a Tea Party activist and founder of the group Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND), said all of the above, and quite a lot of other outrageously misogynistic things, in a talk this March, and which is available on YouTube. Yet Hannity, who serves on the board of Peterson’s group, had him back on his show earlier this month, for an appearance during which Peterson described “liberal Democrat women” as “whores.” Raw Story, which discovered Peterson’s unlisted video on YouTube, offers many more delightful misogyny nuggets from Peterson.
Here’s the video of Peterson’s talk. The stuff about women and voting starts at about 8:30 in. But I suggest you watch the whole thing from the start; it’s a virtual smorgasbord of misogyny, seasoned with a bunch of stuff he simply made up about Sandra Fluke’s famous congressional testimony on birth control.
It would be nice if this sort of stuff was confined to the fringes of the manosphere, but alas, it’s everywhere.
And I guess I should clarify, I don’t know if Kellogg actually articulated the whole ejaculate-energy-out-your-penis in quite so many words, but he was certainly convinced that masturbating too much and/or having too much sex would make you wan and pale and sickly.
Have I told you lately how much I love the germ theory?
One of the interesting side-effects of what I did for the Army is that I’m a decent profiler of people, mostly because I can see how the stories they tell inter-relate. So, from dealing with a lot of reactionary types, I have a fair map of what things lead to what memes and tropes.
It’s helpful when trying to make someone lose their cool enough to be revelatory; against their actual wishes.
@Pecunium, oh :-/ I thought he had a more recent one! I read that. Silly me!
Pecunium , eek! Is that a skill you can just turn on and off?
I don’t think he’s in his fifties. He ends posts with “lol” and no punctuation.
Falconer, I love the Kellogg story. One of the (many) interesting people I’ve discovered via my weird job is St. Louis Estes. Estes spent time in Los Angeles in the 1930s promoting his version of the healthy lifestyle: a diet consisting of raw foods, milk, and honey, and something called “brain breathing.” You could learn about both by attending his 6-day seminar to learn how “to turn old age into youth, fatigue into health, [and] inefficiency into cash.” (I would LOVE to know how to turn inefficiency into cash!) His seven sons were all also named St. Louis Estes. His five daughters had no first names. True facts.
katz: fair cop: I also forgot to factor the, “shagged 300 women”. I’ll still aver that he’s not as young as all that. Late thirties at least.
He’s not posting from connecticut, BTW.
Morning! Thank you all for your kind words, amazing the regulars could be so nice while the trolls are so vile, excellent little corner of the internet you’ve got here.
@Viscaria — no, I’m not familiar with Pell, looking forward to what those links hold considering how much fun I was having just snapping off citations of how wrong he was.
@MollyRen — regarding the free phone, that one fact he actually managed to get right-ish, mine is through SafeLink — it was actually the one part of my paperwork that wasn’t a total headache though.
@Pecunium — yeah I know about the racism of poll taxes, I’d still thought he might be educable at that point, clearly that was sadly mistaken. I’m not really sure he’s even in CT though, he could be, but I was trying to bait him with that line about pizza and canolis, and kind of question if anyone could live in CT and not have an opinion on the pizza.
@LBT — good luck! And I’m sorry if my playing with the troll was upsetting.
He also managed to get right the time frame on RU-486, but not how it works, which suggests, to me anyways, that he spent all of 2 min on wiki. That he got the time frame right was the only way I was sure he meant RU-486 and not the morning after pill though. (Note, I don’t think he’s anything like an MD, medical receptionist or billing or something maybe, but I do want to note that RU-486 will work even after the first missed period, just not for more than a couple of weeks)
Also, no MD anywhere ever would call it “depression” considering the suicide risk, that’s borderline malpractice levels of stupid (if he was a doctor that is) — I suspect Pell has had a nasty breakup though, and thus thinks depression = heart break and clinical depression is, idk, people being too weak to deal with it? That seems in line with the rest of what he said.
LOL, I’ve started on the Pell rants, and that line about vaginal orgasms is straight out of the Victorian era too, maybe he is as old as he says he is. (It’s part of his “shagged 300 women” rant) — and he’s probably a terrible lover if he thinks women need sperm to orgasm, maybe give some oral once in awhile there Pell, bet it’d do wonders for your sex life.
@David — yeah I’m not particularly surprised, CT people have an opinion on the pizza! *totally wants pizza now*
@Argenti Aertheri- Sorry, just been catching up on all the comments, but is evo-psych really some sort of joke within psychology? I have a few psych major friends who seem to think it’s relevant, or something like that.
I have opinions about pizza. I need someone to help me explore some of the local pies. I can’t eat an entire one by myself, and neither of my partners can eat it at all.
BlueBee: EvPsych is a nice idea, and absolute junk as presented. There is some interesting research going on about how evolution shaped our psychology. There is some interesting theorising about how our psychology may have been/may be shaping our evolution.
That’s not what the people who tout EvPsych are using. They are trotting out, “just so stories” to support every crackpot stereotype of women… with large doses of cultural chauvinism; when they being outright racists.
Things like, “Blonde women who are thin are the ideal woman; genetics proves it.” Never mind that blonde-haired women are the vast minority of women in the world.
That, or “women want men of means”, and other crap like that.
Yes, we gotta love cultural biases. Especially when people are pretending to know what the conditions were like ten thousand years ago. I think we’d have a better idea of EvPsych if we could get better info on all the groups of people that didn’t make it to today and didn’t leave descendants.
Yeah, I’m no psychologist, but my understanding of evo-psych as practiced at least on the Internets is that it’s used to back up the presentation of how things should be* as how things are.
*Or at least how jerkass MRAs think things should be.
I’ve done a little bit of reading on Dr. Kellogg on Wikipedia just now. He favored more direct approaches to stemming masturbation, such as circumcision and TW TW TW cvrepvat gur sberfxva jvgu n fvyire jver, xabggvat obgu raqf gb culfvpnyyl znxr rerpgvbaf cnvashy, naq nyfb oheavat pyvgbevfrf jvgu pneobyvp npvqf. END TRIGGER WARNING
And if you really want to read what I’ve put between the trigger warnings, copy it and go to http://www.rot13.com and paste it in the box, then press the “cypher” button.
If you don’t want to know, here’s some lovely otters or we could talk about Dr. Kellogg’s enthusiasm for frequent, high-volume intestinal irrigation.
@Argenti CT/New Haven apizza* is the best! My sister lives there, and I am looking forward to my next visit to scarf some down. Argh — no comparably great pizza in L.A. that I’ve found yet, although 800 Degrees is pretty good.
*This is not a typo.
Falconer, why didn’t I head your trigger warning?
Pecunium- Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. I can’t think of anything else to say. All I’ve pretty much gathered from evo-psych is that it sounds like reasoned sexism.
Can someone tell me about the whole men have better spatial reasoning and women are better at whatever the scientific term for berry picking is? It has something to do with vision.
@BlueBee — Pecunium basically nailed it, it’s not that the concept is a joke, but that in practice it’s just laughable. (Also, I’ve been out of academia about 5 years now, so maybe things have changed some)
@cloudiah — frikken’ excellent choice, you’re going to make me wish I wasn’t 500 miles from New Haven though, and that’s quite a challenge considering New Haven county holds my um, “father” (grah do I hate calling the asshole that)
@cloudiah: I’m sorry. Maybe I got too clever by half.
Show someone a cypher and I think their curiosity doubles, at least.
Maybe I should have stated what he advocated in general terms in plain language, and left it at that, after the trigger warning.
No need to apologize; at least I now know about that rot.13. And otters, otters are always nice.
[goes back to looking at otters]
Pecunium, since Argenti Aertheri can’t afford a lawyer and is trying to apply for SSD, do you have any pointers for him or her? Your brain is stuffed with knowledges.
Argenti, this blog post talks about a resource (disabilitysecrets.com) started by a former disability examiner. I don’t have enough knowledge to really evaluate it, but it doesn’t look like an obvious scam at least. Forwarding just in case it might prove useful.
It sounds quite similar to how both the unemployment insurance and workers’ comp systems work in California: deny everything, and make people jump through hoops to overturn the denial. Over the years, I’ve helped a bunch of people successfully appeal unemployment insurance denials, but always had to tell people to get a lawyer for workers’ comp because it was just too complicated for me to navigate without either legal or medical training.
VoIP: No, sadly I don’t. I’ve not had to deal with SSD, and the only person I knew who might help is in Los Angeles, and the person I could ask about getting in touch with him (he’s a disability lawyer) has died.
I will say that a good disability lawyer ought to be findable, and should be, relatively, affordable because they know their clients are of limited means.
Don’t talk to Binder and Binder.