Quiz: Who said the following?
I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should’ve never turned this over to women. … And these women are voting in the wrong people. They’re voting in people who are evil who agrees with them who’re gonna take us down this pathway of destruction.
And this probably was the reason that they didn’t allow women to vote when men were men. Because men in the good old days understood the nature of the woman. They were not afraid to deal with it. And they understood that, you let them take over, this is what would happen. …
Wherever women are taking over, evil reigns.
Was it:
Some dude on The Spearhead?
A regular guest on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News?
Well, yeah, you guessed it: it’s door number three. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a Tea Party activist and founder of the group Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND), said all of the above, and quite a lot of other outrageously misogynistic things, in a talk this March, and which is available on YouTube. Yet Hannity, who serves on the board of Peterson’s group, had him back on his show earlier this month, for an appearance during which Peterson described “liberal Democrat women” as “whores.” Raw Story, which discovered Peterson’s unlisted video on YouTube, offers many more delightful misogyny nuggets from Peterson.
Here’s the video of Peterson’s talk. The stuff about women and voting starts at about 8:30 in. But I suggest you watch the whole thing from the start; it’s a virtual smorgasbord of misogyny, seasoned with a bunch of stuff he simply made up about Sandra Fluke’s famous congressional testimony on birth control.
It would be nice if this sort of stuff was confined to the fringes of the manosphere, but alas, it’s everywhere.
‘night VoIP thank you for the advice
Catch 22 – if you can fill out the forms properly, you ain’t disabled enough 🙁
Manboobz is the weirdest blog I know. Each time you go, you can randomly find people screaming “look at me, I’m a terrible human being!”, serious life discussion, dating advices or pictures of cute animals, or a mix of the previous.
Good luck Argenti for your application.
I’m late to the party, but I just want to drop off a hale and hearty FUCK YOU to John Thomas.
Let’s double down on that FUCK YOU. I’ll be sure to tell my mother who’s going through the same rigmarole that Argenti’s going through right now. She has MS, that’s not going to get better.
So fuck you gain, John Thomas, you internet doctor wannabe all-around awful fucking person. Slang for a dick is such a fitting screen name for someone like you.
and i am late to the party too, but it’s a pain being in the wrong time zone. i have lived in two countries that are waaaaay more ‘socialist’ in their approach to their provision of benefits to vulnerable people. i have worked since 1997 in providing support to vulnerable people. And in my say-so more left wing gynocratic states, i can guarantee you that people with disabilities don’t suddenly find themselves housed into mansions with on-call chauffeurs. Housing lists locally mean even those with priority status will wait at least a year to be offered a house in a truly awful area. we have NO public transport to speak of and community transport for those who need has to be booked well in advance. i am not aware of free utilities, phones or food. and it’s my job to know of it.
john thomas, i spotted that you tried to pass yourself off as law expert, then you slithered over to medical expert. you reek of old, decaying troll.
I like that he says he has no idea really why his thing is linked to cloudiah’s profile then it proceeds to mysteriously vanish afterwards…..
that cloudiah thing was really weird
Oh so John was busy showing his ass some more?
On section 8 housing. I’m not American, but renting apartments is pretty much the same in both countries. Do you know why the wait list is so long? Part of it stems from the application process. Just because you looked at an apartment and said you’d like to take it doesn’t mean you get it. Landlords have the final say on who moves in. So, if you look poor or at least poorer than the kind of tenants wanted, a landlord will simply tell you they’ve rented to someone else. Also, many landlords require a deposit put down with the application. That deposit can range anywhere from a few bucks to an entire months rent. So long as everyone who applies is made to pay the rental deposit, its not discrimination. However, poor people more often than not do not have the extra cash to pay the deposit. Social agencies won’t give you any money towards an apartment until the landlord has agreed to rent to you. Ergo, people on assistence need not apply. Also, so long as the landlord doesn’t explicitly say they won’t rent to the poor there’s really no way to prove discrimination. I’m a superintendant, and have been one for a while, there are very few people on welfare here and anyone who ends up on it is forced to move because they can’t afford the rent. And this building rents primarily to the working poor.
Transportation? Yes, we have transportation for the disabled and they will take you anywhere you want to go for the price of busfare. The problem is that you must book three days in advance and be prepared to wait up to three hours past the time you arranged for them to show up. Which means doctors appointments are a real pain in the ass.
In larger towns and cities, some grocery stores and pharmacies will deliver. But you pay for delivery fees which cuts into an often meager food budget. Meals on wheels? They provide one hot meal per day in the areas they serve. And you’re stuck as a shut in because there are no set delivery times. Its entirely done by volunteers, if there aren’t enough people…your food will get there when it gets there.
Powered wheelchair? You do realize that they run on batteries right? Depending on how far you have to go and under what terrain, I don’t think people in wheel chairs want to be stranded. Also, I’ve worked with disabled people and the batteries often do not last as long as they should. And most places are not wheelchair friendly at all.
Big momma, my blog is supposed to be smartphone compatible. Its not. So I’ll post those recipies probably this weekend when I have access to a tabletop computer.
Sorry about the wait =(
@pillowinhell, in my ‘socialised’ countries, it’s exactly the same. my job is to assist people into housing and maintain housing (but it’s inevitably a wide ranging kinda job). i recently took part in a rental snapshot of the entire country in which i reside (i logged available rental properties and used a formula to calculate affordability and appropriateness). there were NO properties available NATIONALLY to single people on benefits and few opportunities to those on even the higher rates of benefits.
and all of this is before we address issues of prejudice.
@pillowinhell, re recipes i am still keen but couldn’t figure out where i was going wrong. i have a feeling that i haz the stoopid when it comes to blogger though
@Argenti, you weren’t around for Pell and his “friend” and “totally not the same person” Jane,were you? I mean, the first time, since this is obviously the same dude. I went and found his first appearance. But that thread is hella long, so I recommend Katz’ A Biography of Christopher Pell.
No, its my blog account.
The blog is [email protected]
You should be able to just google the name as long as you add blog. The byline is “also known as pillowinhell and beloved emporium of nonsensical rants”.
There’s a few recipies up on what can be done with milk. Beans is next, though I have to get to a proper computer or my work won’t post.
Single people really get the shaft here on welfare. A cheap bachalor goes for 510 plus hydro (about 30 bucks per month). Welfare gives 495 per month total in benefits to a single person. Its better for families, the benefits are higher, but I have a family of nine people (seven kids) living in a very tiny three bedroom unit. And without food banks those kids wouldn’t be eating right.
And just before anyone starts chiming in about bad choices…they are mennonite. They have religious prohibitions against BC. Also, they used to have a farm, but they couldn’t afford to keep it. Lots of children were wanted because more hands are always a blessing when you work a farm.
@pillowinhell…family of 9…wow.
yay,i’m on on your blog, pillowinhell, finally!
Yay! Let me know specifically what you need. As isaid, I ran a program for people on really tight budgets serious poverty. The info I have on how to purchase foods so there’s variety, how to prepare meals in advance so you have something quick after a long day with minimum fuss. Stuff that could be done in a slow cooker or just a hot plate. You wouldn’t believe the number of people forced to cook with one hot plate and a three cubit fridge. Hard to economise when you can’t buy in bulk.
i am doing a fair amount of work at the moment with people who have no cooking skills and limited opportunity to shop,store and cook food. i have a couple of slow cookers myself that i think i shall take in to demonstrate to my clients. my big problem is that i have been learning to cook for 20years and i love cooking and i have more resources to cook now than ever. but my client group is largely not skilled and trying to feed themselves without having to cook. the tight budget, serious poverty program seems really interesting.
and also, i like cooking on a budget for me and will steal any and all ideas!
This. I don’t believe it’s as fringe-y as people say. I think there are lots of men and even other fucked up women who believe women truly are inferior and shouldn’t have rights. It’s not PC to say it so they take to the internet and group together. But this is evidence that they are moving into the mainstream. I mean, NWOs example of male oppression is a woman telling husbands to appreciate their wives on Mother’s day. Women’s example? our rights and our friggen humanity always coming into question. A religious leader saying we shouldn’t vote. Do they really believe that if we lived in a matriarchy the Rev here would even be allowed on TV? Would the rev be allowed to say what he said if instead of questioning women voting he questioned black people or other minorities voting? why are only women’s rights questioned hmm? What about all the articles in the MSM debating whether women truly want to submit to men because of some badly written book which is trending, or always “warning” women that they better settle down instead of working and be good little incubators before their eggs dry up. What if I don’t care if my eggs dry up? what if the thought of pregnancy fills me with such disgust I could vomit? what if what I want to do is work and support myself and not be married and live alone? What if finding a man is not my goal in life? what of all the other women like me? or is the thought of women who just don’t care about this too preposterous for these pundits and writers to even fathom?
Our rights and our humanity are always coming up for debate in politics and news articles and I’m supposed to care about some poor “oppressed” guy who can’t get laid by an 8 or who was not talked to in the right tone of voice by a random woman? to those guys…fuck you. Really. You don’t care about my rights, you don’t speak out against the rev here, in fact you probably snicker and think to yourself “preach on brother!” you have indepth online discussions about revoking women’s rights to have a life outside of the home and any political say because it no longer guarantees you an obedient housewife. This is why I’m still a feminist. And believe me I don’t even WANT to be. I’d love to just embrace humanism because I think in 2012 we should be past all this shit and thought the notion that women’s role as intellectually inferior braindead incubator was a thing of the past. But we’re clearly not there yet. And its getting worse.
To the non-feminist men out there who don’t understand why there are still women who dare get all uppity regarding these issues and why we can’t just relax? this is your answer.
*wipes away tears of laughter* Sorry, dude, I’m female and I was on food stamps for almost two years. And this is *not* how it works, at least in Maryland. I never qualified for “free” utilities (they only give you money for utilities in an emergency, like having documentation that your heat is being shut off), there were no free bus passes, and omg where on earth was this free phone? I applied for everything I could and they sure as hell weren’t giving out free phones with the food stamps!
Late to the party here, but anyone who thinks that poor people don’t often need things you’ll find in more densely populated areas is misguided. Anyone who thinks that it’s totes ok to shunt poorer folks off to “the boondocks” because disabled folks will get everything delivered to them (yeah right) needs his Degree of Smartology rescinded. This might be earth shattering I know, but it’s my experience that poor people generally want to try to get un-poor. It’s pretty hard to do that if you’re shunted off to “the boondocks” where there are less jobs and you have to drive longer to get to them. Again, a problem if you’re too disabled to drive, but also a burden on folks who CAN drive in terms of time and money (gas money, car upkeep, etc). This might be hard for people to understand if they’ve never lived in poor rural areas, or haven’t had to drive through two counties (one way) to get to work everyday, but this is pretty basic logic here. You can’t even get a job as a toilet scrubber if there are no toilets to scrub.
Argenti: @Pecunium — not to take serious argument with your point, but the poll taxes did exclude poor southerns long after the 19th was passed. (Sadly, I think that that has nothing to do with gender is actually arks “point”)
I don’t think it is a serious exception.
Yes, the poll taxes did exist. Yes, they could deprive poor men the vote (though as with literacy tests and “grandfather clauses” they were usually applied selectively against blacks), but the difference is that the men had the vote, and were being constrained.
This is an appeal to complete repeal. It’s not creating a way to limit the vote to the “right sort of women,” it’s a blanket removal.
Arks: Wrong. Plenty of countries gave women the vote before blacks could, so it was hardly “all men.”
How stupid are you?
We are talking about the US/UK; as the idiot in the post did.
But go ahead… tell me which white countries gave blacks the vote before the women. I am expecting a long list, it being, “plenty of countries”.
I’m so sorry women had to wait a few months to a few years before they could get something that had only just been granted to men, though. Such a long history of oppression.
Were all men given the vote at the same time? Nope. Was it, in theory, possible for any man to get franchise? Yes. All he had to do was get money; eveni in class-ridden England a man who had money could move into a riding where he could vote.
Didn’t matter how much money a woman had, there was no way for her to get the vote.
So even in your mistaken underdstanding women were denied the vote for a lot longer than men were.
And this, “distant past” you like to imply… after all they have the vote now… my grandmother was born before women had the vote. She wasn’t old enough to vote when the 29th amendment was passed, so (just barely) she didn’t have a chance to vote denied her.
Her sister… was old enough to be denied the vote. So I knew someone who was denied the vote. It’s not ancient history. It’s recent, and modern.
Urgh. All this discussion of food stamps and poorness is just making me anxious. (I’m extremely lucky; the boss has been good with me, but I’m going to need to take a couple weeks off to deal with an eating disorder. Choosing between income and being able to feed myself is so not good.)
So good news! Awesome news! I am moving to a new home in a few months! The rent will be higher, but I will be with friends who actually know what’s going on with me and can lend support. Also, one of them has a car so there can be the buying of bulk groceries and saving of teh moniez that I get through food stamps! I will be free of the closet! 😀
Shut up, John Thomas, ya cockbite.
JT: What does it run on? Pennies from heaven? And btw, I’d have to disagree on the everyone contributes something thing. 1/2 of the bottom peoplein the US don’t even pay a penny in income tax and take a lot more out than they put in.
It runs on labor. Really. If no one worked, and so produced nothing there wouldn’t be a thing to collect taxes on.
That labor is a cascade. They buy things (which are taxed), which creates wages (taxed) and profits (taxed). It requires businesses to invest in infrastructure (goods and properties) which are taxed.
Labor drives the economy.
I see you make the distinction of, “income taxes”. You ignore transaction taxes and payroll taxes.
Have you got a citation for the assertion that what those who pay no income tax take out is less than they put in?
Remember those payroll taxes (at the federal level) and the sales taxes: at the federal and state levels.
scarlett: She was talking with the other characters about history, and explaining with great glee and gusto about how America LOST the war of 1812.
Well, we did. We won the peace, but we lost the battles; some naval victories notwithstanding.