alpha males beta males evil women lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit shit that never happened sluts

“Put that shallow tramp back in her place.” Or, Reddit discovers another woman to hate.

More proof that Reddit will believe pretty much any story, so long as it makes a woman – sorry, “female” – look bad. Even if there is some tiny kernel of truth in this story from AskReddit , there is zero chance that it went down exactly (or even vaguely) as described by Mr. Kickass. Redditors are terrible writers of fiction, especially when their fictions masquerade as fact.

Oh, and there are plenty more comments castigating this probably-imaginary woman.

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Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Oh, and I just want to mention the miracle that happened to me one time. I used to live a backwoods region with really bad cell service, poorly lit roads surrounded by trees and not buildings, and horrible plowing services. So one winter night, on the way to my 3rd shift job, a patch of black ice sent me into a snowy ditch that I couldn’t get out of. I had no service and was kind of stunned because everything happened so suddenly. I sat for a minute trying to figure out what to do when a guy with a tow truck just happened to drive by. I guess this being a rural area, it’s a lot more common, but I was like SERIOUSLY? WHAT ARE THE ODDS? And then I turned him down because he wasn’t hot enough to tow my car out of the ditch.

J/K/J/K, he offered to get me out of the ditch and seriously saved the day. It was awesome.

12 years ago

If this is true, he said something rude to her first, which … you know, is inconCEIVEable. It’s not like he’s some men’s-rights -mr.-yuck. BUT more likely that didn’t happen, because he said he didn’t know what she meant, and referred to his weight. So… unless this was a 80’s cliché movie, I don’t think so. Then again, I grew up around some pretty lackwit and rude social status conscious people. But wait… ok this is meant to be against FEMALES.

So… matters little if it’s true, right?

This dude. Smh.

I doubt she’d be changing a tire in the rain, why not wait a bit? THAT sounds like a woman to me! Sitting on her ass, late to an appointment she’s blowing off because of something so simple as a tire change and too squeamish to do anything resembling work in the slightest bit of weather.

Here’s the problem with the story that proved it never happened. If she did not know how to fix a tire, she would not choose that time, when it’s pouring down rain, to teach herself, what is the point? Why? This.never.happened.

I also reeled a bit at this first part about how he contemplates about his own mother or sister. Really? So that’s the thought process? Is that necessary? Why is he so gender focused?

12 years ago

So he towed my truck out, I took the rottweiller to the vet we work with, and we found him a home, happy ending.

Well, you’re obviously the most savage man-hater who ever hated, you, with your rescuing abandoned dogs and everything.

How do you sleep at night?!!

12 years ago

“Hey you look strong and muscly can you help me?”

This is how people in the real world talk, right? I never leave my computer so I wouldn`t know.

Reddit is officially the dumbest website of all time.

12 years ago

Well it was clearly misandrist. She was probably buying puppy chow and feeding the dog right in front of some poor starving homeless dude.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

@Crumbelievable, I think I’ve used similar lines on established sex partners, but that’s more because the standard reply is usually “wait, you can’t do it yourself *dumbfounded*” — I can’t imagine anyone actually says anything close to that to a stranger, probably more like “You look like you can change a tire, would you mind helping me with one?”

Filter through MRA “logic” and you get “strong and muscly” (muscly totally doesn’t look like a real word anymore)

12 years ago

Some friends and I (at about age 20) were driving on holiday when our fan belt broke. I could have changed a tire, but was baffled by the fan belt. A passing motorist kindly fixed it, using my friend’s spare pantyhose, so that we could get to the next town and get a real belt put on. We thanked her nicely, and we all went about our lives. Yep, SHE was a very helpful passing motorist. There was nothing creepy about her, unlike the fiction-writing OP.

12 years ago

Did ANY of this take place outside of the writer’s head?

12 years ago

Yes. The part where he put it on the internet.

12 years ago

Woman talks about rape, seeking help = What a lying bitch you are!
Man makes up implausible story about woman as an excuse to spout misogyny = Cool story bro!

I don`t care at this point if someone tries to tell me that not all of Reddit is like this. It`s enough of an established trend that I know I want absolutely nothing to do with that shitty site.

12 years ago

“And then she knocked me down with her tire iron, stole my sperm, maniacally cackled ‘mwah hah ha’, and ran off. And then when her attempt at impregnating herself so that she could steal my future earnings failed, she filed a false rape accusation against me. I’m writing this from the county jail. The sherrif is a feminazi, so I’ll probably be shot at dawn.”

12 years ago

I’m going to have to agree that it never happened; or, if it did happen, she declined his offer of help initially, and he got all butt-hurt about it and decided to get back at her in the most petty way imaginable. The dialogue is so stilted and contrived that it probably represents his interpretation of what was said, rather than what was actually said.

So, yeah, Penthouse Forum would have rejected this story due to lack of plausibility, not to mention sex.

John Thomas
John Thomas
12 years ago

Futrell, and how do you know this isn’t some 14 yo frustrated fat kid writing this? He does say he’s fat. Then the good looking guy who just happened to be at the Diner takes the girl away from him lol

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

John, the writer could be a frustrated kid, but the nearly 300 upvotes aren’t all from teenagers. And the point was about Reddit in general, not the author specifically — “More proof that Reddit will believe pretty much any story, so long as it makes a woman – sorry, “female” – look bad”

Also, some other dude doesn’t “take the girl away” the girl (woman) chooses someone else. But like everyone’s been saying, this probably either didn’t happen at all, or went substantially differently, eg “do you need help with that?” “no, I’ve got it covered” and then he rushes off that drivel because she owed him! Her car broke! And we just did how women are not vending machines on the friendzone post, I’m not going to repeat all that again.

@Nanasha — “I just have to keep asking myself, what will it take to finally get to a point where people will realize that these misogynistic attitudes lead to VERY dangerous thoughts and behaviors that dehumanize women?” — sadly, I’m afraid the answer to that might be “it happening to someone they care about”

And in stupid car stories, my favorite was the day a friend and I were setting off for college break, 500+ miles, and I decided to check his oil first. Good call that was, as it turned out he not only didn’t know how to check that, but the dipstick came out dry on my first pull. So yeah, men can be just as dumb about cars. And then there was the time he was sure he had a spare, and I was still shaking from the whole blow-out in a blizzard thing. He didn’t have a spare, and had told AAA he did, so goddamned was I pleased that AAA had a donut of the right size. Which we then drove about 300 miles on before he tried to replace just that tire and leave the other 3 on (until they blew out too? idfk) — I veto’ed that plan. I am amazed that car lasted as long as it did though.

12 years ago

Futrell, and how do you know this isn’t some 14 yo frustrated fat kid writing this?

Well first, hurr hurr fat kid hurr. Congrats, you have all the wit of a seventh grader.

He does say he’s fat.

He also said he was driving home from work. Know a lot fourteen year olds with cars? If the writer was fourteen, then all of it is made up instead of most of it.

12 years ago

Here is a Thing That Actually Happened:

About 18 months ago, I’d gone halfway down the UK to visit a friend. While I was there, the country was covered in snow. I got about 2/3 of the way back, using public transport, when we were told there was too much snow to continue. I was stranded with no money in a bus station. My cousin was the closest to me, and when I spoke to his fiance she assured me the walk would only take about an hour, but couldn’t give me directions. So I walked through knee deep snow to get to the motorway, then walked along the hard shoulder with the flow of traffic through a blizzard for two hours in their direction, until a grit truck with two highway maintenance men stopped and asked me what the fuck I was doing. After hearing that I had no other choice, they offered me a lift and because they were working, I texted 3 people to let them know what I was doing then got in the truck. I was very glad I did because as soon as I got in I saw a sign that said my cousin’s was 9 miles away. My cousin works in a pub just off the slip road so they dropped me off just outside his place. I thanked them profusely and was safe and warm and nobody was an arsehole* because that is actually how people work. I have stll never forgiven my cousin’s fiance though.

*LOL JK, totes stole their sperm and their truck because, vaginas – amirite?

12 years ago

OH OH AND they were *gasp* average looking and too old for me to consider fucking.

12 years ago

is it just me or does the headline for this article make one think of this? (please embed please embed)

12 years ago

Futrell, and how do you know this isn’t some 14 yo frustrated fat kid writing this? He does say he’s fat. Then the good looking guy who just happened to be at the Diner takes the girl away from him lol

He could be a 5 year old gorilla for all I care and I’d still mock him for the misogyny he was spewing. There is no proof either way so I am not sure how its suppose to matter.

I am not sure why mras think saying they are all just sexual frustrated teens is suppose to matter or why they purposefully lie about how old most of their member are. Is that like the new coverup method for overly misogynist members or something? I keep hearing mras claim that x poster is just an angry teens whenever david finds a questionable post.

12 years ago


Thankyou, that was just what I needed to go with my hot milk and honey.

12 years ago

All of this has just made me very glad I no longer drive. As fun as being trapped underground in a busted subway car for an hour is, at least I don’t have to worry about FIXING the damned thing. (And I know JACK about auto repair. I can change a tire, add/check the oil, fill the tires, and that’s pretty much it.) Also, it’s never my fault! 😀 Wins all around.

12 years ago

JT (clever nom de net dude… such wit, such penetrating humor): Futrell, and how do you know this isn’t some 14 yo frustrated fat kid writing this?

Doesn’t matter. It’s the net. People are what they present. If you act like a troll, you are a troll. If you act like a decent person, you are.

The people who upvoted it didn’t say, “This 14 year old fat kid wrote a really cool piece of fiction,” they said, “This is such an accurate depiction of women I need to publicly agree with it.”.

Which is mockworthy, only slightly more mockworthy than someone who names himself after a eupehemism for a euphimism, and makes excuses for some other lackwit’s misogyny,

12 years ago

“I mean I am in my late 20s, a white male who is a little overweight”

Yeah, because if he was a Black male (otherwise known as a Black man) it would be pretty understandable. You have to watch out for those Black men, you know? All being Black and not White ‘n stuff. But to turn away a stranger at night on the side of the road who’s a WHITE guy? Well, that’s just wrong. She was obviously chubby-guy-hating bitch, and totally not fictitious.

12 years ago

Okay, that is the fakest, dumbest story of all time. It’s just as ludicrous as the “I’m gonna get the baby I deserve” tale about the evil female desperate for a condom full of her boyfriend’s old sperm, except that one, of course, was an intentional fake.

Even though it’s the middle of May, I like to think that “Joseph_Kickass” will come forward and admit that his little fantasy tale was another ruse to reveal the blind stupidity of MRAs and their desperation to believe anything, no matter how unrealistic, that makes women look evil…but I don’t have high hopes.

12 years ago

It’s just as ludicrous as the “I’m gonna get the baby I deserve” tale about the evil female desperate for a condom full of her boyfriend’s old sperm

One time I laid out a spike strip on the road and punctured the tires of an HB10. When she crashed her car into the guard rail, I ran up and asked her if she needed help changing her tires. When she told me she was calling 911, I told her she’d never get my sperm, dosed her with tabasco sauce and ran away, laughing. I really showed her!