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“Put that shallow tramp back in her place.” Or, Reddit discovers another woman to hate.

More proof that Reddit will believe pretty much any story, so long as it makes a woman – sorry, “female” – look bad. Even if there is some tiny kernel of truth in this story from AskReddit , there is zero chance that it went down exactly (or even vaguely) as described by Mr. Kickass. Redditors are terrible writers of fiction, especially when their fictions masquerade as fact.

Oh, and there are plenty more comments castigating this probably-imaginary woman.

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12 years ago

What a strange coincidence! Exactly the same thing didn’t happen to me. Except that in my case, the shallow tramp said “Why thank you! While you do that mendy thing on my broken car whatsit, I will go to that coffee shop, where it is warm and dry, and sexually proposition that handsome man I can see through the window.” Bitch didn’t even offer to bring me back a latte.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

But when did she steal your sperm?

12 years ago

Clearly she was an assassin, trying to lure her target, or as a setup for a good firing position. When the target presented itself, she silently executed him, and then figured shed end the night with some random dude she met in a coffee shop, and some pie.

The guy was lucky, she totally would have killed him if he had kept insisting, thats why I never offer to help strange women alone, too risky.

12 years ago

A better writer would have at least specified why she was having trouble changing the tire. Could she not get the car jacked up? Not turn the lug wrench? Not pull the tire off the bolts? Not get her spare tire out of the trunk?

This. Since Sr. Kickass has “helped many men and women change their tire[s]” he should be well versed in the tire changing process and would know exactly what step this “young female” was having trouble with.

12 years ago

Well see, clearly the problem she was having trouble with was being a female driver, amiright?

Blue Jean
Blue Jean
12 years ago

That’s nothing. I remember the last time there was a firestorm, and I offered to start this guy’s hover car for him while I shielded his fragile self from the fire with my amazing Inviso powers. He sneered at me and said “I wouldn’t let someone like you touch the dirt I walk on, never mind my hover car.”

So I sat down and watched him for the next three hours (nothing creepy or anything like that) while he struggled with the hover car and he got third degree burns. He batted his eyes flirtatiously and asked Beyonce, Angelina Jolie, and the current Miss Universe for help, but they all turned him down, then they killed him and danced around on his grave singing “Halleluah!”

For realz!

12 years ago

Actually, this was in Ask Reddit.


In that case… I don’t know whether to raise or lower my standards for made-up Tales of Them Bitches.

Medium Dave
12 years ago

Whenever this topic comes up, I never tire (haha) of pointing out that the one time in my life that a stranger (who wasn’t a police officer) stopped to help me when I had a flat, it was a woman. 😀

12 years ago

The original story would have been much better with a picture of that shallow tramp.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

The appearance thing can go either way. If she’s good-looking it proves she’s stuck-up and used to men fawning over her. If she’s ugly it proves she doesn’t know how lucky she is to have a man pay her any attention at all.

If she’s average-looking it’s [DOES NOT COMPUTE, women are either boner-makers or non-boner-makers, DOES NOT COMPUTE]

12 years ago

He forgot the part where the woman stole his sperm to punish him for not changing his tire. However, he got the last laugh because the sperm didn’t get her pregnant, so now she is ALONE WITH HER CATS!

This made me laugh out loud.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

My father taught me the basic when I was young, like how to change your oil, how to change a tire, etc. If I got a flat, I could change it myself but I’m not opposed to help. However if I broke down on the side of a road, alone, and at night, I’d be wary of men who would approach to help. I’d probably say something like “Hey thanks but don’t trouble yourself. I can get this. My dad was a mechanic.” I find that I always have to stipulate the last part because if I don’t, they assume I don’t know how to do anything. If he moved on, no problem. If he kept insisting or started to get too close, I’d probably make sure I had a good grip on the tire iron and be scanning for the best escape route.

The unfortunate part is that while most men who would approach have the best intentions, as women we have to go on guard in situations like that.

As for the OP, I call bullshit on the whole thing. The story isn’t credible in the least.

12 years ago

My dad didn’t teach me or my sister how to change tires. I’m not sure why, because my sister drives.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Driver’s Ed really ought to cover basic repair. They could use the time block they currently all use to show pointlessly scaremongering “Death On Wheels!!!” videos from 1973.

12 years ago

Aww but Cliff, watching those melodramatic PSA videos is one of my fondest memories of drivers ed!

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

The PSA video about train safety worked for me, though. I still have a very healthy respect for the dangers of railroad crossings.

12 years ago

Why dont they look, tell me why dont they look.

12 years ago

Wait, so he was driving home from work and when someone declined his assistance in tire changing, he elected to, rather than continue home, WATCH the person who was trying to change the tire?

What kind of strange person is this?

She Wolf of the Midwest
She Wolf of the Midwest
12 years ago

The men’s rights reddit thread has now appeared on SRS, no one there buys it either:

12 years ago

Wait, so he was driving home from work and when someone declined his assistance in tire changing, he elected to, rather than continue home, WATCH the person who was trying to change the tire?

That’s the creepiest part IMO. Although, it’s probably not real. I could well imagine the story going like that:
Guy sees woman (probably conventionally pretty) working on her car, offers help. Woman refuses, saying something like “I don’t need your help”.
Guy hears “I don’t need your help”, gets offended, go away. He changes the sentence so that internet people understand better how mean she was, and who cares about the precises words? Then adds the coffee part, because of course dumb female probably didn’t manage alone! But if he writes that, little sympathy for him. So why not say that it did happens, since it probably did anyway?

She Wolf of the Midwest
She Wolf of the Midwest
12 years ago

Oops! I forgot; it’s from ask reddit, not men’s rights reddit. My bad!

The OP from ask reddit is now on the SRS thread,t explaining why he refers to women as “females”.

12 years ago
Reply to  Kyrie

I suppose I really meant “What kind of stranger person thinks describing his own behaviour (whether or not he actually did this) thus would be plausible and not totally strange?”

Doesn’t he realize it makes him look like a horror film mouthbreather?

12 years ago

“A female what?”

Female giraffe. Duh!

12 years ago

Right- in this day and age she 1) didn’t have AAA, 2) didn’t have a cell phone to call AAA or some other garage or a friend, 3) didn’t go to coffee shop to use the phone there if she was in fact without a cell, 4) actually told someone creepy that they were creepy (because you know how well that would go over) instead of just saying “no thanks, I think I got this”.