$MONEY$ antifeminism antifeminst women evil women marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men

First comes feminism, then comes marriage

Every feminist girl’s fondest dream.

What do feminists want? Equal work for equal pay? An end to sexual violence? A new album from Le Tigre? Nope. According to the dude behind the still-awkwardly named Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog, what they really want is to GET THE RING and get hitched up to some nice man they can happily exploit. Yep, feminists love marriage more than almost anything. Why? Because getting married is the necessary first step towards getting a nice, profitable divorce. Mr. PMAFT explains:

Anyone who tells you that getting married and having children fights feminism is wrong.  Feminism is dependent on marriage and family.  Without it, feminism would collapse.  When socons and tradcons push for marriage, they are working to create more feminism.

But …

Some of you are thinking, “what about all those feminists who want to ‘destroy marriage’?”  … [T]his represents a misunderstanding of what feminism is and how pervasive it is.  A few lesbians who want to destroy marriage don’t really represent the totality of feminism.  The most prominent strain of feminism currently in existence is hybrid feminism or cafeteria feminism, which combines anything from what is traditionally thought of as “feminism” to conservatism and traditionalism that benefits women. 

Um, I’m pretty sure that the traditionalists are not eating in the same cafeteria as the “cafeteria feminists.” But PMAFT is on a roll:

The hybrid or cafeteria feminist does not want to “destroy marriage” as such.  They have no interest in living in lesbian communes. They want to be able to cash out and destroy THEIR marriages via divorce whenever they feel like it, but they still want to get married when they want.  If marriage was completely destroyed, then they wouldn’t be able to fleece men of their children and financial assets because they wouldn’t be able to get married in the first place to have a divorce.  Without the use of marriage and divorce, it becomes nearly impossible for feminism to steal the wealth of men.  …  Feminism is now completely dependent on marriage and family.

Huh, because most of the feminists I know, oh, never mind.

This is the reason why the marriage strike is such a large threat to feminism.  Without men getting married, the engine of feminism doesn’t have the fuel it needs to keep going, and it stalls.

I’m pretty sure most feminist women will get along just fine even if they can’t marry you.


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Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago

I wrote “cars don’t have rights” totally without having seen Argenti writing the same words. If someone else says it, will it sink in?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Maybe Hershele? You’re clearly male, and I like to keep the internet guessing on my gender.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

I was just wondering, David, are you aware of Onision, a youtube partner, who is infamous for misogynistic, ignorant comments? Here’s a mirror of a recent video where he compares alimony to slavery.

12 years ago

Inspired by that video, a little thing I wrote a while back:

So You Want to Compare Something to Slavery
A Helpful Guide for Stupid People on the Internet

So, you’re upset about something and want to make it clear just how terrible you think that thing is by comparing it to slavery. But wait! Did you know slavery was actually really bad? Before you compare something to slavery, please answer the following questions about the thing that upsets you:

1. Does it involve you having to engage in brutally hard labor for hours on end for no pay? (Note: “not as much pay as you would ideally like” is very different from “no pay.”)

2. Does it mean you literally and explicitly are legally considered subhuman? (Note: the word “literally” is important. And it means “literally.” If you are the sort of person who says things like, “My head literally exploded!” you may punch yourself in the face now.)

3. Does it involve people literally owning you as property? (See above re: “literally.”)

4. Does it cause you to be denied basic rights guaranteed under the US Constitution or your country’s equivalent, e.g. the right to vote?

5. Does it present a serious risk of you dying of preventable causes? (Note: metaphorical “dying” does not count. We are not talking about dying of embarrassment, or dying of frustration, but rather your heart actually stopping and blood flow to your brain ceasing.)

6. Does it involve one or more of the following: being starved, being beaten, being raped, being kept in chains, being forced to strip naked and allow strangers to inspect you like a farm animal, being denied access to basic education, being kidnapped and taken on an incredibly grueling voyage to a foreign country?

If you answered “yes” to all of the above, congratulations! Your comparison to slavery is entirely reasonable. If you answered “yes” to at least one or two of the above, congratulations! Your comparison to slavery is at least not entirely stupid. If you answered “no” to all of the above, congratulations! You are a fucking moron.

If this lesson has been helpful to you, be sure to come back next week, when we’ll be learning why we do not compare things to the Holocaust unless they actually involve horrifically murdering lots of people.

12 years ago

The other day I fought with a friend with fake swords and we fell on the grass. It was literally like WWI.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Yeah, this is the same guy who said it was “funny” that his ex claimed she felt pressured into having sex with him due to her having 20 previous sex partners. This jackass has said some incredibly vile shit and maintains partnership status and the adoration of impressionable teens everywhere. It’s frightening.

12 years ago

Dudes, if you’re really really concerned about this, make sure to only marry women whose income is higher than yours. Problem solved. She’ll pay alimony to you when you divorce!

No can do. You’re forgetting that feminists are the ones who go to college so they can steal mens’ jobs and keep them down. How do you expect them to have a relationship with their oppressors? Besides, Hooters waitresses are more in touch with their feminine side, unlike those lesbian feminazis.

12 years ago


The other day I fought with a friend with fake swords and we fell on the grass. It was literally like WWI.

I am sad that I no longer do this. This is literally like clinical depression

12 years ago

Shadow: to be honest, “the other day” is more “six months ago”, which it has literally been forever, but it wouldn’t have sounded as good if I said that. I might do it tomorrow again though, and I’m literally having a hard attack over the excitement.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

nice typo Kyrie (I assume you meant heart attack? lol)

12 years ago

@polliwog That’s brilliant. I like it even better today because I just came from the memorial service for a 103-year-old African American man who I met a few years ago through my work. He was a kindhearted gentleman, but as a lifetime fighter for civil rights he would have had some choice words to say about idiots comparing ___ to slavery on the internet. (I’m kind of glad he never mastered the internet; the sheer volume of idiots to be found there would have astonished him.)

12 years ago

Is that guy even out of his teens yet? How much experience paying alimony can he possibly have? Or am I being agist? Age-ist?

12 years ago

I did, ArgentI.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

LOL he’s like 26 and I believe he’s been paying it FOR A WHOLE YEAR!! HE DOESN’T EVEN LOVE HER ANYMORE! AHH!

Note: he makes all his money from making unfunny youtube videos and he’s complaining about his ex being lazy.

12 years ago

This guy’s rant was very…strange. Most women I know who identify themselves as either feminists or pro-women’s rights get married later in life and want to get married because they love their partner, not because they are part of a conspiracy to undermine men. And obviously this man doesn’t actually know any real women. I am a heterosexual woman, and I actually would like to have marriage taken off the table as a government institution altogether. I also don’t want any children, and want an awesome and fulfilling career so I do not have to depend on anyone else for my income. How does he explain that? This guy is just seriously delusional.

12 years ago

I would also like to add, in light of the conversation on alimony and child support, is that the MR side of it is not even close to how women actually experience it. They think their money is not needed, and their exes are just using it for their own selfish needs and laughing in their faces. No. That is not how it works. I can say this because my mother was a recipient of alimony and I and my siblings were recipients of child support from my birth father. My mom tried to make their marriage work, but he was an alcoholic, a drug addict, and emotionally abusive (starting to become physical shortly before the divorce). I was witness to these events, and though I didn’t realize what was happening at the time, I look back and am so glad that my mom got out with us. She gave my dad the option of sticking around, fixing himself up, and having partial custody, but he bailed instead. So she got custody and he was ordered to pay alimony and then child support for his three children. We were so poor for a long time. We were on welfare and had to collect food stamps, my siblings and I all slept in one small room, and we were given most of our clothes through donations from friends and family. My dad just ran around the country and neglected to pay most of his child support (claimed he didn’t make enough money and such). Life was really hard. I’m in my early 20’s now and he still isn’t finished paying back child support that was desperately needed at the time. Then he recently “got his act together” and friended me on facebook. I looked through his profile and he had quite a few posts about how my mother cheated him out of his children and how he has suffered so much financially and emotionally because of it; he sounds exactly like the posters on the MR sights. And I call bullshit. Everything he said is completely twisted lies. It makes me so angry.

12 years ago

*Meant to say sites, not sights. Sorry!

12 years ago

I love (for values of “love” that mean “find incredibly stupid and confusing”) the way the guy in the video is all “Slavery is actually better than alimony, because slaves got food, water, and medical care!” That’s when I had to stop.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

Funny how feminism, despite all of its promises to women of a better world, has actually NOT made most(read >>50%) of women happy(er). Even in countries like Finland where women have even more social & economic power than men do, the women in those countries still whine and complain about how “oppressed” they are are how the eevil patriarchy is conspiring against them to reinstate sexist oppreshun. As to what makes women happy, I honestly don’t know. But even though biology doesn’t determine destiny, it imposes constraints that EVERY SOCIETY AND EVERY CULTURE must find a way to accommodate rather than circumvent. 😉

12 years ago

Gosh, it’s almost as though social change takes time, and is often met with ongoing resistance. But don’t let that stay you from your self-congratulatory prattle. This place is mainly about comedy after all.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Finland isn’t a feminist paradise, it’s just closer to equality. You’re just reading a situation where women are less obviously oppressed as one in which women possess all power. Pretty common.

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