a voice for men antifeminism grandiosity hypocrisy I am making a joke I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert misogyny MRA narcissism oppressed men paul elam reactionary bullshit shit that never happened the fucking titanic victimhood

Elam: Take My Male Privilege, Please!

Paul Elam, head ranter at A Voice for Men, has a new video out called “You want privilege? You got it!” The thesis: if women really did have the so-called privileges that men have, they’d hate it and want men to take them all back. Because all of these so-called privileges are really giant burdens. Or, as Elam puts it, somewhat more melodramatically, these privileges have “begun to more resemble an anchor around your neck than the helm of a great ship that everyone tells you that you are captaining.”

Here’s the video.

Well, all right, that’s not really Paul Elam. But that little clip does capture pretty well the tone of his latest post, which is indeed about how male privilege is really a terrible burden.

I mean, this is his opener:

I swear by everything holy that the next time I hear some fembot caterwaul about “male privilege,” I am going to find something to break, turn it into shards, and drag the broken pieces across my chest just to distract me from the pain of their increasing stupidity. Just picture me like Martin Sheen, collapsed in a heap of bloody, tearful insanity on the floor of a cheap hotel in Saigon.

Heck, compared to that, Mr. McDuck’s reaction to the news about his “ice cream” was, if anything, rather restrained.

The rest of Elam’s post is, as is typical for him, a rather trite recitation of a number of standard Men’s Rights talking points about male “disposability” written in some of the most ridiculously overblown prose ever seen outside of an Ayn Rand novel.

Elam complains that he hasn’t seen much benefit from his privileges:

Mind you I still don’t know what that privilege is. One time when I was young and very poor I was late on my light bill. I showed the electric company my balls, but they cut my power off anyway. …

Yeah, as someone who’s also had his power cut off, I’m pretty sure they do that with everyone. I’m also pretty sure that no feminist has ever or will ever argue that male privilege means you won’t get your power cut off for nonpayment.

Here’s Elam addressing women as if they’ve traded place with men:

With your privilege comes the right to work on crab boats, drive trucks, work on electric lines, walk into burning buildings and sink into the bowels of the earth digging out coal and other things people find useful.

Apparently having greater occupational choices is scary and bad.

When a ship goes down, or any other life threatening disaster strikes, you have two choices. Be a real woman and die, or treat your life like it has value and have the world shit on you as a coward who refused to perish on cue. There is also the possibility of third option, either die from the disaster so that men can live, or have another woman blow a fucking hole in your face with a pistol because you tried to save yourself.

Yeah, I believe we may have addressed this earlier. Oh, but there’s more:

Like noticing the emperor has no clothes, it may hit you one day when you decide not to offer your seat to a man; when the stares at you from all around seem to come down people’s noses. …

You must learn not to say a word. Not to anyone else, not even to yourself. You must learn to see flames, coal dust, icy saltwater, death and sacrifice for the trappings of power that the world around you thinks them to be.

Says a dude typing out his manifestos on an expensive laptop he conned nagged his followers into buying for him.

And you must be willing to hang your head in shame over that power, even as the world chews you up, spits you out, and gets ready to take its turn with your daughter.

Elam’s rousing conclusion:

So, that is it, ladies. You want my privilege, it is yours. I will gladly hand it over to you this very minute. I am just waiting for you to meet the pre-requisites of disposibilty and an utter lack of self-value. I am waiting for you to woman up to the job, take off your fucking make up and be ready to bleed, blah blah blah look at me I’m mad!

I paraphrased a little at the end there. But, yes, the world champion at seeing male “disposability” everywhere did in fact misspell the word “disposability.” That was all him. And so, believe it or not, is the following:

I, like a Jew gone weary of being called a chosen one, am completely ready for anyone else, and in particular, you, to be chosen.

Personally, I have had about all the privilege I can stand.

Yep. He went there.

Also, I don’t know if you all knew this, but when women serve in the military these days it’s “like a day care camp for them.”

Also, not to pat myself on the back or anything, but my headline is much better than his. Maybe he should get me to write all the headlines on A Voice for Angry Duck Plutocrats Men.


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12 years ago

MRAL, you know you’re not fooling us, right?

12 years ago

“I guess I have lived an interesting life:

1) At 13 my professional academic feminist mother gave me to her feminist friends as a sex toy.
2) At 28 I attempted to help a 17 year old homeless girl. This happened largely because of (1). My mother used sex, guns, and more to train her children as good little manginas. During the drive home, I realized there was a danger of a false rape accusation.
3) To protect me from (2), I agreed to a sexual relationship with a hot woman who agreed to move in with me on the same day. She then fell obsessively in love with me.
4) The hot woman used many threats, including false domestic violence, to force me to have sex with her.
5) When I finally left her, the hot woman called the police and accused me of domestic violence. She was not believed because I had an audio recording of the whole thing.”

You sound like a pathological liar. I dated one for a few months. It was an interesting experience. They always have a bigger and better story to drop.

12 years ago

Last I heard birth wasn’t a disease in need of a cure.

Pregnancy is a preventable medical condition that not everyone wants to, or should, undergo. A diabetic woman should probably not get pregnant if she can avoid it. A woman who has nearly died of pre-eclampsia in previous pregnancies should probably not get pregnant. A woman who does not want to have children shouldn’t be forced to get pregnant, or stay pregnant.

Even wanted pregnancies lead to a GREAT MANY, potentially VERY EXPENSIVE medical interventions. Any sensible insurance company would rather spend $ on contraception than $$$$$$ on unwanted pregnancies.

Blue Jean
Blue Jean
12 years ago


You would need a strong man to carry 134 eggs…”

Not really. You could get 144 eggs in a dozen egg cartons, which would be awkward, but light enough for most grown people to carry.

When feminists have no argument, they question the legitimacy of the opponent, or cry “raaaaaaap …”

Actually, we don’t yell “raaaaap…”, which would be an invitation to restate your arguments in rhythmic verse. We usually yell “Craaaap!” which your arguments usually are.


What the hell is “buglary”? Sounds dirty. Tell me more. 😉

12 years ago

Antz is telling us he has no idea what the laws of his own state are-five years for felony statute of limitations.

12 years ago

Chibigodzilla, that’s why prostate funding is a tiny fraction of the friggin’ trillions and trillions for breast cancer research. Your misandry denialism is showing.

Very few cancers have the PR that breast cancer does. Actually none of them do. And yet in the line of the cancer research funding numbers, prostate is #2 (a distant one to be sure but still number 2) for funding.

Of course save the cock is not as nice as save the tatas, that might have something to do with it.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Last I heard birth wasn’t a disease in need of a cure

Well, in the best case bringing a baby to term is a lot more expensive than birth control, so covering prevention is more sensible for the insurance providers.

Chibigodzilla, that’s why prostate funding is a tiny fraction of the friggin’ trillions and trillions for breast cancer research. Your misandry denialism is showing.

1) Way to completely miss my point. *Slow Clap*

2) “Misandry Denialism” is the name of my Berlin cover band.

3) As I mentioned earlier, men can get breast cancer too.

4) There is a significant amount of money for breast cancer research that comes from private donors, not government.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Strange; the usual line from MRAs is that false rape accusations are so devastating that even if there are precisely zero legal consequences it still destroys the life of the accused.

If that’s the case, why should it matter whether or not the statute of limitations is up?

12 years ago

Chibigodzilla, that’s why prostate funding is a tiny fraction of the friggin’ trillions and trillions for breast cancer research. Your misandry denialism is showing.

Actually, there are a lot of possible reasons why. If you’re looking at federal funding, prostate cancer is funded at the second highest rate per death — only slightly less than breast cancer. And although that’s likely at least partially due to outreach and publicity from breast cancer survivors’ groups, it’s also likely because breast cancer is a faster moving cancer, kills younger people than prostate cancer does, and kills more people than prostate cancer as well.

This topic always grosses me out, though, and leave it to an MRA to bring it up. Frankly, if you really cared about people with cancer and not about trying to make a quick point about gendered body parts, you’d be complaining (or better yet — actually fucking doing something) about the lack of funding for lung cancer. Highly deadly. Very fast moving. Affects about as many people as either breast cancer or prostate cancer. Funded at a little over 10% of what prostate cancer is funded at, on a per-death basis. And yippie! if you’re an MRA, you’ll be overjoyed to know that slightly more men than women are diagnosed with this horrible disease.

Anyway, thanks for bringing it up, fuckwit. Nothing better than turning a very real, horrible disease that kills lots of people and ruins families and lives into a cute little point on your imaginary scorecard that tells you how much society is out to get men because chairs are hard or whatever.

12 years ago

I’m just here to say that all those eggs can be neatly pachaged in a small box and are easily portable even for five years olds. What can I say…I work in restaurants.

Also, Anthony…you are handing out incredibly personal and painful details to people who have no particular love of you. If you’re doing this you must have a driving need to talk to someone. That someone should be a person who truly cares and hopefully also has the training to support you. Please, talk to a doctor or a therapist, your wife a pastor or priest. You don’t have to go it alone and you don’t have to suffer with it so much for the rest of your life.

For everyone else here…how many times have we spat bitter words over the fact that victims and violence and rape are not believed? Yes, I know Antz is not here in good faith, that he’s lied before. But think about it, not one of us can be sure that he isn’t telling the truth. Not all victims of rape or abuse are the kind of people we can all comfortably stand behind. And it seems to me sometimes that those are the very people who make the best victims.

12 years ago

2) “Misandry Denialism” is the name of my Berlin cover band.

I should have gone with “Dixie Chicks cover band”…

Not really. You could get 144 eggs in a dozen egg cartons, which would be awkward, but light enough for most grown people to carry.

That one was weird for me too, I mean 144 eggs (jumbo per the USDA: would be about 22.5 pounds, which (I think) is not generally considered to be “very heavy”.

12 years ago

Ummm, why do MRA’s conveniently forget that men also have breast tissue as well, and can get breast cancer as well?

Also, there’s a big difference between the amount of research and money going towards research on cancer and “organizations” that spend a BUTTLOAD OF MONEY ON “awareness” and making money off of pink ribbons and crap.

Also, cancer research is NOT a linear, easy thing. See below:

12 years ago


I read a comment on youtube the other day, a guy complained to his school that there was no prostate cancer merchandise in his bookstore. He said the next time he went in it was all gone. He considered this a win. So basically if prostate cancer doesn’t get funding, neither should breast cancer. Nothing but zero sum bullshit that makes everyone suffer.

Here’s the thing about all this pink ribbon shit you keep seeing that I’m surprised no one has even mentioned before because it’s so damn obvious. IT’S TO MAKE A PROFIT FOR GREEDY CORPORATIONS! they know many women spend a lot of money and they use this as a way of tricking them into thinking they’re donating to a good cause when they are actually just buying pink ribbon junk. Feminists generally are critical about the pink ribbon stuff because it doesn’t do much to prevent cancer and it could be selling products with carcinogenic materials. Its nothing but advertising targeted at women and consumers in general. Don’t be fooled by it thinking they care soooo much more about women. I also have a hunch that if they plastered prostate cancer ribbons on all the stuff as they do for breast cancer, many men won’t buy it.

Cancer funds should be spread out equally and used to actually find a cure, not pedal useless merchandise (I still regret buying those pink pens dammit)

But I will mention the death rates for breast cancer are also slightly higher for women, just sayin’.

And yeah, I’m not comfortable calling AntZ a liar either, no matter how he’s behaved here. Victims should always be believed regardless until evidence says otherwise. And you know Toysoldier is just going to be using it to make us look bad too.

AntZ, I’m sincerely sorry that you had to face such horrible things and I suggest you seek professional help as well to aid you.

12 years ago

Helping her was supposed to be a badge of honor that I would have worn my whole life.

Barf. Disgusting.

Indeed! Using real people as living props for your ego is pretty barf-worthy. I’m glad I don’t believe a word of your story.

But of course, as others have said, if it is true you should see a counsellor instead of divulging your painful past to a group of people who a) you’ve already said you have no problem lying to if you feel it would further your cause and b) don’t like you at all.

12 years ago

oh Nanasha mentioned the pink ribbons…my bad

12 years ago

Here’s my very cynical, jaded, not terribly nuanced opinion regarding, breast cancer charities and breast cancer research (note:not the actual disease itself; that’s srs bisnz):

Who likes boobs? ~50% of the general population (Assuming there are some ladies who quite like boobs, and some gents who don’t)

Who really, really likes boobs? Like, enough to donate money? I don’t know, but those who don’t [donate money] don’t matter.

12 years ago

Sometimes I just wish women would stay away from me entirely

I’m guessing that happens a lot already.

12 years ago

@chibigodzilla: I just read my comment- total satire fail. Point being that men (allegedly) like boobs, and there is a cultural definition of what a boob should look like, and donations tend to go towards causes that make all boobs look like that.

12 years ago

Using my psychic powers…I now predict that there will be outrage–outrage I tell you!–in the manosphere that Antz, a self-professed rape victim, was ridiculed on Manboobz. Our MRA chums will obsess about it until the next outrage. Yawn.

12 years ago

And, jeez, NWO? So 2011. All the cool kids are into other trolls now.

12 years ago


I agree that we shouldn’t assume that Antz is lying about being raped. What baffles me is the notion that he had to allow a crazy woman to move in with him in order to squelch totally hypothetical false rape accusations from a17 year-old alcoholic–as if having said crazy woman in residence would grant immunity from false rape accusations from all other sources. Logic, how does it work?

Still, who goes out of their way to describe their rapist/abuser as being totally hot? I mean, really? Are we supposed to be jealous, sympathetic, and ashamed of ourselves–all at the same time?

12 years ago

“Are we supposed to be jealous, sympathetic, and ashamed of ourselves–all at the same time?”

My guess is yes, since Antz is as transparent as a freshly washed window.

12 years ago

Dear God, that was one of the most hilarious cartoon tantrums I’ve ever seen!

The video was funny too. 😀

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