antifeminism disgusting women douchebaggery evil fat fatties irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men shaming tactics the spearhead

Spearheader: The existence of fat women “constitutes nothing less than a full-scale loathing of male sexuality.”

W.F. Price, the man behind The Spearhead and a tireless champion of Men’s Rights, has in his latest post taken on one of the gravest injustices facing American men today. I speak, of course, of fat ladies.

Traveling in Europe, Price has noticed that people tend to be skinnier there than in the US, which naturally has led him to think some deep thoughts about fat ladies in America and how disgusting he finds them.

So-called BBWs in the US are not really curvy — they are rotund.

I really can’t stress enough the extent to which obesity has ruined American women’s attractiveness. Feminists blather on and on about how women should be “comfortable” with their bodies, but the truth is that many American women would be viewed as abominations in most of the world.

Those damn feminists, making ladies fat!

If you were to try to come up with a parallel for men, I suppose it would be something like having toothless, homeless alcoholic men say that they should be proud of themselves and feel attractive.

Actually, if you were to find a parallel for men, it would also be, er, fatness. Obesity rates for men and women in the US are roughly the same, with women having only a slight lead: according to a recent CDC survey, 35.5 percent of adult women and 32.2 percent of adult men are “obese,” by current standards. Never mind that these standards are a bit, well, off, in that they classify the overwhelming majority of Americans as overweight or obese. Never mind that more than half of Europeans are also classified as overweight or obese according to these standards. And never mind that the fat shaming shit we hear every day in the media and on the internet is basically a bunch of bull.

Because Price thinks that fat ladies are gross:

Feminists are really that far out there. They are literally delusional by global standards. No normal man in the rest of the world finds obese American women attractive. Sure, they may be able to find some skinny guy from a third world country who will pretend to love them to get a green card, but any self-respecting man will give them a very wide berth.

Ho ho! Wide berth! I get it.

Naturally Price was hailed in the comments for his brave stance. According to dragnet,

The abomination that is the average American woman in flyover country constitutes nothing less than a full-scale loathing of male sexuality.

Andrew S., for his part, admits that

I always had a thing for cute heavy girls.

But he still thinks they’re stuck-up bitches:

Being in the midwest they are a dime a dozen. But since there aren’t a lot of attractive in shape or thin women in this part of the country, and most of the decent looking women have some meat on there bones, well, it was hard to stomach how women who pretty much anywhere else in the world would have been ignored acted like such perfect bitches.

Seriously, the “cute heavy girls” that Andrew prefers need to learn to properly hate themselves for being fat fatties. Maybe that way they’ll be more willing to put up with all this MRA bullshit.

Yes, this post contains



and high fat content. Because I’m fat, get it?

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12 years ago

Pass the brain bleach, please.

12 years ago

The actual content of that comment is too disgusting for me to deal with tonight, so I’ll stick with noting that I find it rather amusing that, based on his capitalization choices, Jeremiah isn’t just opposed to female arousal, but is really against some woman named Gina who is apparently tingling.

12 years ago

Women are smaller and physically much weaker than men; they have been dominated by men for ages.

I thought the idea that women have been oppressed by men was purely a creation of feminazi propaganda?

Jeremiah sounds like quite a pussy-begging mangina.

12 years ago

And what’s this then about feminists using shaming tactics? you know what I notice about MRAs? they embody every negative trait they asign to feminists. Ideological, overly emotional, biased, bigoted haters of the opposite sex.

When I brought up all the horrble behaviors of MRAs in the most recent shouting match, the reaction was’t so much “We don’t do those things!” as “Yeah, we do those things, but that’s what you deserve”, as if to say that the hate and bigotry is a way of giving feminists a taste of their own medicine.

Which just goes to prove that MRAs are more interested in vengeance than actually being protactive, but we all already knew that

Elodie Arryna
Elodie Arryna
12 years ago

1. For an interesting perspective by an American female combat veteran who was injured in Iraq, but has to deal with people constantly telling her “No, you didn’t, because American military women aren’t ALLOWED in combat!” then check out Ginmar’s livejournal and some of her descriptions of her experiences here. Women do serve in combat, in America and many other countries, and erasing their experiences has to stop.

2. I work in a STEM field that has a high percentage of women, and as a result it’s gone from the Noblest Science of Medical Research to “Oh pssssh, ANYONE can do that. Physics, now, physics is REALLY hard.” (Protip: Actually, it isn’t. Physics is really easy, which is why physicists are so insecure.) 😉

3. Polliwog, how do you hair?!?!?!?

12 years ago

There is no bloody consistency in the hate movement that is the MRM.

Women are weak yet they beat their husbands at the same rate as husbands beat their wives and cause severe damage!

Women have never been oppressed yet the men of ye old days knew how to keep their bitches in line! Everything has gone downhill ever since we let them vote! We must go back to those times or else APOCALYPSE!!!11

Women love to be dominated and controlled, yet somehow feminism and women’s liberation happened and women control everything.

Dirty sluts and their sluttiness there are no respectful and chase girls anymore! welp, I’m off to my pickup seminar to learn how to manipulate women into having sex with me. (protip assholes, if you hate sluts and bemoan the lack of virgins why are you encouraging players? colluder much?)

For all the bleating on they do about logic they seem to completely lack it.

12 years ago


Well by that logic it means Solanas and Dworkin were justified in their misandry. After all they were born in a time when women had less rights and were treated worse than the women are today (in the west) Both also said they’ve been raped so if MRAs are justified in hating and vilifying all women because they had a bad divorce, to be logically consistent they must accept that Solanas and Dworkin are justified in hating men because they were raped.

Or maybe both groups could not tar men and women with the same fucking brush. But at least if they don’t do that they can at least be fucking consistent with their generalizations.

12 years ago

Jeremiah is the MRA who is so awful that even the Reddit MRAs hate him, right?

12 years ago

I believe so

12 years ago

Didn’t he also manage to get banned from that great bastion of moderate thought, AVfM?

12 years ago

Speaking of humiliating and insults, the same phenomena perpetuated against men are used as a justification for the MRM, according to the horrendously watered-down BBC article I saw just now. It’s probably the first time the MRM has garnered some mainstream attention, but the journalism is just… really weak.

12 years ago

@ Pecunium and everyone else talking about military integration: maybe the Army is different. My guy is a Marine, and he is 100% against gender integration in the Corps. Citing the examples you all give of “but but, mens will all die protecting women!” and “You’re all just too weak”, “Women will get raped!”. He wrote a paper on it in college. And yet, complains that women in the military are only ever in support jobs. And this guy recruits people to join. Whenever we first got together, I astounded all the guys in his office who were jokingly trying to get me to join by saying I wouldn’t join an organization where I was barred from combat, because if I were to do it, I’d want to be like any other penis-having service member.

Reconciling being a feminist with my relationship with him (he holds some really backwards ideas) is not easy.

12 years ago

@filetofswedishfish , well, yeah, sexism often uses rationalization to cover up prejudice. The whole “men will die to protect women” is very amusing coming from a Marine, which IIRC is a corps with a particularly strong ethos of comradeship and “we never leave our people behind.”

As for the “weak” argument… well, most men are too weak to be Marines as well. It always puzzled me, this “weakness” claim. If women are too weak – they won’t pass selection, and that’s that. But even on the outer ragged edge of requirements (carrying weights that no infantryman actually carries in the field over long periods of time), SOME women are able to compete neck-and-neck with the men, so why not let them?

12 years ago

I say “it’s almost like, when a man does a job it’s super duper important work, but when a woman does a job, psh! It’s women’s work! I mean, if a woman can do it, how hard can it be, amirite?”

NWO responds “a made up middle management job where the only requirement is that one be a woman”. LOL. Thanks for proving my point, jackass.

Women have jobs = quotas and womanly magic called shaming
Men have jobs = men are qualified, capable go-geters
Women don’t have jobs = women are lazy
Men don’t have jobs = institutionalized misandry keeps men from getting jobs

I’m curious really, how many men you think are actually applying for all these “made up” jobs. Because my experience is these jobs tend to be a lot of very mundane, unglamorous grunt work for very little recognition, low to mediocre pay, and little chance for advancement or pay raises. But silly me, these jobs are made up, so that’s why fewer men apply. It isn’t maybe because some of them might have entitlement complexes, it’s because they know those aren’t “real” jobs. I mean, heck, half of them are so imaginary, they only register on the female Borg hivemind job postings rather than on real job listserves like monster.

I’m curious about this “shame and manipulation” though. I mean, is it akin to how women can have men thrown in prison for making them cry? Cause if that were true, wouldn’t the walmart case have been won?

And really now, your whinge about programs for women. I would think the obvious answer to that would be to make men’s education programs, rather than trying to take away the women’s programs which you claim is impossible. I mean, if you can’t make women’s lives worse, maybe instead you could, I dunno, strive to actually do something positive for men? It’s sad that your “movement” is so focused on tearing women (and often certain men) down that you seem to have little to no time or energy left to devote to lifting men up.

12 years ago

Was this already shared?
Apologies if so — I’m catching up on the comments…

12 years ago

Also, I’ve been mostly lurking around the site since the very beginning (!!!! yes, seriously, since the first few posts), and I really admire how you keep responding to NWOslave rationally and calmly. The dude has no connection to reality whatsoever, doesn’t engage with anyone, and basically has 3 or 4 rants that he pastes based on keyword identification.

It’s not even a question of “don’t let his claims stand unopposed for posterity” – his words have so little to do with the real world that anybody living on this planet with a functioning brain won’t take him seriously (women can get men thrown in jail whenever they want? women get jobs and money from Teh Government? women don’t work? really?), and anyone who does has probably already experienced their own little break with reality, and a few words won’t change that…

…but kudos, really. You’re better and more patient people than I.

12 years ago

….”better people than me”? “better people than I am”? meh.

12 years ago

Didn’t he also manage to get banned from that great bastion of moderate thought, AVfM?

That’s gotta be some kind of accomplishment there, posting something so awful that even Paul Elam doesn’t want you.

12 years ago

In Mala Fide also has a fairly new post by Matt Forney that manages to be against in a totally disgusting way.

Back to that BBC article I posted above, it’s Tom “Female penguins are whores” Martin:

Tom Martin gained attention last year after suing the London School of Economics’ gender studies department for sexism. [No, seriously, what about the chairz?]

He says he was radicalised while working as a barman in a club in Soho. “I could see that male customers were being abused at every point,” he says.

Men had to queue and often pay while women got in free. They were goaded by bouncers to leave, while women were treated with respect. But worst of all, he believes they were used by women to buy drinks.

But Martin says it is all about sex.

“Since the pill, women have been told they can and should be having orgasms. And because they haven’t been, they categorise that as men’s fault.”

He concludes that “it’s women’s job to make themselves sexually happy, it’s not a man’s burden.”

The pill just ruined everything, didn’t it?

12 years ago

Gillian: Better people than I.

You did it right, add the implicit verb and see what the declensional requirement is.

For the indefinite subject/object question I use the rule, “If it’s him, it’s whom.” I use “him” because it has an M at the end. Well, actually I don’t think about it, that’s just my teaching aid.

12 years ago

That’s gotta be some kind of accomplishment there, posting something so awful that even Paul Elam doesn’t want you.

it wasn’t what he said, it was how he said it. tab made the mistake of openly calling for mras to get violent, which is a no-no on avfm. you’re only supposed to speculate about how violence could happen if mras dont get everything they want because elam thinks people are fooled by that.

12 years ago

FOS: The Marines aren’t the best when it come to dealing with women. They still have completely segregated Boot Camps. Not only do male recruits not have women in their training units (which was the case when I was in Basic Training, ca. 1993: it was changed to integrated platoons ca 1998), but they have no female DIs, which wasn’t the case for the Army.*

Not only that the female recruits are all sent to Parris Island, and (so I understand it) not trained in the same area, so male recruits never see them.

I think the females are also not given the second phase of recruit training; which is an infantry school.

It makes it easier to keep the ideas that women can’t cut it, the moreseo since the rate of women in the Marines is the lowest of all the services.

But it’s not universal. My father was a Marine, and he’s just fine with the idea of women in combat roles. If they can cut it, and they want it, let them. Add the sense they have (not completely without merit) that they are the red-headed stepchildren of the DoD (which, they are. Not quite to the degree of the Nat. Guard, but they are), and the need they feel to be “distinct” and the complex they have about needing to be, “better” than the Army (which is why they did 13 month tours in Vietnam, to the Army’s 12) and they tend to be a bit more reactionary.

You might want to read, “Making the Corps” by Thomas E. Ricks, for some insights to both the strengths and weakness of the way they do things. There is a bit of a positive feedback
loop in the services; with more conservative sorts joining them, and so making it less harder for liberals who do join. Economic downturns tend to counter it, as do things like Reagan’s expansion. When the money, on the outside is good, and the “army” is small, it’s the philosophically militaristic, and the more jingoistic patriots, who tend to join.

Wars, and poor economies, tend to reverse this; because even the philosophically jingoistic types don’t like the idea of getting shot, so much as they like the idea of being able to say, “I was a soldier” (yes, being in the army for eight years before 9/11, and eight years after, has made me a little bitter on the people who are gung-ho for war, but seem to not be so gung-ho for enlisting. I also saw a lot of guys who had been uber-patriots, let their contracts run out before they got deployed. I am sure there are several interesting sociology/anthropology studies in there, but they aren’t likely to be done).

*protip for racist/sexist idiots: don’t join the Army. If you aren’t able to have a black/hispanic giving you orders, you’re screwed. If you aren’t in a combat MOS you will also have women telling you what to do. If you so much as think about saying no you’ll be in world of hurt. The women are meaner than you are, completely used to being obeyed, and the entire machinery of military justice will be willing to grind you dust.

12 years ago

elodie: Ginmar is an acquaintance of mine. I recall when her story came out, and the number of people who, immediately, said it was questionable.

Liberals. Feminists. I believed it, straightaway, because it had all the hallmarks of truth; but those hallmarks were the sort of thing one has to have “been there” to spot. It smelled right.

I don’t what it says that it only took me saying, “I believe her” to make most of them accept it.